Ethiopia is one of the oldest Kingdoms on Earth . According to tradition, the Queen of Sheba, who visisted King Soloman, was an Ethiopian princess. From their union was born a son, Menelik, who is an ancestor of the Ethiopian Kings. This is why Selassie is called "Lion of Judah." If the Queens visit to Soloman took place, she came from a country in Southern Arabia which recent archaeological findings have proved to be the Sheba of the Bible.
Ethiopian(Burnt Face) was the name given by the Greeks to the people of the southernmost part of the known world.

Amharic, is the official language of Ethiopia, it is spoken between 10 and 12 million people as a first language, and by many as a second language. Despite it's long history, Amharic really only became the written language of Ethiopia from the second half of the nineteenth century onwards, when Emperor Theodore [Tewodros] II actively encouraged its use in the government bureaucracy. The language of literacy in Ethiopia was classical Ethiopic -also called Ge'ez- which remains the language of the Ethiopian Orthodox liturgy. Amharic belongs to the Semitic family of languages, the most well-known members of which Arabic and Hebrew.
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