Penguindo, literally translated "way of the super penguin man", developed at the North Pole between the 1st and 2nd coming of the great Pimpenguin, your lord and master of all he surveys.  Including your pet goldfish.  Simply put.  You do not want to f*ck with him.  Look out he's right behind you!  Made you look.  Oh wait a minute...he really was right behind you and now your just a pile of squishy girly goo.  Oh well.  You look better that way.  Like poo poo.  What was I talking about?  Oh yeah.  Penguindo was developed to fight off ice pirates.  Ice pirates take jello pudding and they stick it in the mmm ohhh uhhuhuhu.  Aaauuuuuuggggaaaa!!!  Honk! Honk!  Meep meep.  Beeeeooooooow.  Plop.  Plop.  Whew.  Now I just have to get through two more lines and I will be at the end of this section and here I am.
Other Hells:
Martha Stewart
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Where's Pengo????
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