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study foreign languages

scholarship with schools

register to language schools
home stays family Five easy steps to do it by yourself  


  English Power is a professional Cyber Counseling Service for Education. You can get information and register to outstanding language schools, study abroad centers and similar learning institutes. We offer various types of courses, intensive crash courses or longer studies with campus residences or home stays. Students, travelers and businessmen will find the adequate teaching or immersion programs they are looking for. The guidance service is exclusively available on the Internet .

Get information in the large EnglishPower language schools database. Search under various criteria to find a selection of suitable education center. Visit the recommended homepages or send Emails to language schools for additional information ... make up your mind and chose your institution.


If necessary, consult our information about visa application for various countries of studies.


Refer to our database of information and partners for hints related to your travel organization. You might also find bargains and interesting additional services.


Go back to the EnglishPower database and select "scholarship" with a sponsor. Then click the "APPLY" option for the school of your choice (the amount of scholarship granted can be checked in the EnglishPower database, it represents a percentage of the tuition fees).

Important! You have to register through the EnglishPower database to qualify for the sponsor scholarship.


Just wait for a quick (usually one day) grant confirmation through EnglishPower. The acceptance letter and the invoice will be send to you directly by the school within 7-14 days. The granted scholarship will automatically be deduced from your tuition bill. All fees are to be paid directly to the chosen school. There is nothing else to pay!

If you have to change your registration after receiving our documents, just let us know by Email. There is no charge for cancellation on our side (this does not cover other specific agreements made between individual schools and registered students).

Now you can organize your trip abroad and (if required) apply for your visa (with the acceptance letter of the language school).

... and study your
foreign language

Great savings,
because you do it
by yourself
  Do you need more information? Just Email us.    
top register to language schools           
 Where are  your savings?
  • No agency fees for counseling
  • No additional charges on visa application
  • No pressure to register to a particular school
  • No obligation to buy travel packages
  • No agency registration fees to the schools
  • No agency cancellation fees
  • ... and in addition, a partial scholarship offered by our
    partner sponsors


  Is there any  catch?

All EnglishPower services are absolutely free. "Scholarship sponsors" might even give additional benefits, without commitments on your side. We provide a database with basic information for your selection. You make your own choice with absolute independence.

 This is who we are 

English Power, is a professional Cyber Agency for language schools and related centers and institutions. Our website is offering information about language schools worldwide. This service is exclusively available through the Internet. EnglishPower is different from study/travel agencies in that we offer only basic information though give a partial scholarship through our sponsors.
As an Internet based organisation, EnglishPower is unfortunately not in a position to receive telephone enquiries or personal visit.

  Here is how it works

English Power provides basic information about English, Japanese, French, German, Italian and Spanish language schools and study center. A database can be consulted to locate suitable institutions. Each language school gives additional information on their own website or by Email.

Cooperation with sponsors, such as currency exchange banks, insurance companies and travel agencies makes it possible to offer students a partial scholarship. These partners might also give additional benefits (like preferential exchange rates, discounts on airfares, and so on).

It is compulsory to select a sponsor in order to be eligible for a scholarship to study in a language school. There is no other commitment for the student.

We have agreements with language schools and sponsors around the World. Many languages, various countries and hundreds of schools are available for studies with a sponsored scholarship.

EnglishPower provides an easy registration procedure which will save you time and money. You can easily do it by yourself and make great savings.

          study languages abroad
chose a language and a country top register to a school home language schools home directory of languages  
  "Because you do it by yourself"
learn second languages
top learn languages in schoolshome language schools
EnglishPower provides links to outstanding languages schools, study abroad centers and similar learning institutes. Several languages are available such as English, Japanese, French, German, Italian and Spanish in hundred's of language schools and study centers.
  Cooperation with partners, such as currency exchange banks, insurance companies travel agencies and others entities, makes it possible to offer students a partial scholarship to study languages abroad. The scholarship is granted on tuition fees after selection of a participating sponsor.
EnglishPower gives access to an easy registration procedure which will save you time and money. You can easily do it by yourself and make great savings when you enroll in a language school.
languages for travelersenglish as a second languageInformation and registration are completely free
August 2000
Email: EnglishPower
#763-30 Bangbae-dong
Seoul Korea 137-060
toefl tests