Lynée Burleigh - 11/30/00 01:19:33
School: LSU
Favorite Drumcorps: Cadets and Santa Clara
Hey guys! I finally looked at the site. It's pretty cool. It's a shame that ya'll don't have any more pictures than of just a few snares (no offense). Good luck next year. I'll talk to you later. Lynée

Melissa Feagin - 11/10/00 12:18:10
School: University of South Carolina
PBr chapter: UUAD
Favorite Drumcorps: Blue Devils
I'm a member of the pledge class of the "WAD Squad" at USC, and we successfully got the root three nights ago (after a percussion ensemble concert, ironically enough). I would love to get an email back from a brother at some other school! And remember: "Today, eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we drum."

Barry Lincoln - 11/06/00 20:09:26
School: No
PBr chapter: Chapter 3
Favorite Drumcorps: LSU
I went to the LSU/ALAMBAMA game this weekend and saw another stellar performance by the LSU gold band. Your patriotic show really touched my heart. I cried the whole time. In fact I've been crying all week. But that is because my ferret died. His nam was Rondell. I was going on a trip for two weeks so i put him outside and tied him to a big tree. I put the food and water on top of a chair so the ants couldnt get to it; but it looks like Rondell couldnt get to it either so he starved to death. When I came home his head was all shriveled up like a piece of sun dried fruit and ants were crawling out of his eyes. I liked how you put the drumline in the front of the field. They deserved to be there since they are the best in the world. I flew over ba d practice every day last week in my airplane. I saw the upside down ASU you were making. I couldn't figure out what it meant though. Friday night I was driving by the gold band practice field when i noticed something unusual sitting on it. I got out o my station wagon and noticed that a bass drum with a lion head on it was laying in the grass. There were uncooked hamburger patties over the lions eyes and someone had drawn a mustache on him with some ketchup. There were empty bottles of alcohol all o er the field. I could hardly walk there was so many. I picked up the drum and took it to my home where i thoroughly cleaned it. I then brought to your band hall and left it outside the door. I can not believe that people would commit such a horrid cri e. At the game the drumline played perfect despite the men who ran out and shot streamers all over them. And the police just stood there like nothing was happening. I dont understand how something like this could be overlooked. I dont know if you noti ed this, but there was a group of four jets who flew over the stadium during the end of halftime. I think it is terrible that military pilots are allowed to play around and fly wherever they want. They ruined the last note of the show. I am glad to anno nce that i am getting married soon to a beautiful woman named Kathryne. I wanted to know if I could hire the drumline to play at my wedding reception. It is on January 6,2001. I will pay whatever price is needed to make this happen. I want you to play the cadence and "Party All the Time". THis song makes me happy. My finance Kathryne has announced that she would like the Golden Dancers to be her bridesmaids. Is there an email adress where i can reach them? She has already decided on one to be her ma d of honor but i know not her name. I think God Bless the USA was the best song you played at halftime cause it is good. I like it a lot. It made me happy. I was thinking you could play that at the wedding too. The snares looked excellent at the game -- I like how you tell them to look like they are lost but they really aren't. I have seen this technique in all your shows. The snares all step off at different times but they all end up in the right place. That is an amazing technique that may only be executed by the mostest exemplary marching percussionists in the world, the LSU drumline. LSU is going to a bowl game and i am going too. I will buy tickets and go. I still have never heard from any of the drummers. I asked you nicely to give them my mail adress, Mr. King, but i dont think you did. Please read them this letter or at least give them my adress. They can also talk to me on AOL instant messanger. My name is PsychoKillerClownLSUdrumline. I must go to bed now but i will write again soon. I would appreciate if you would take the time to write to me. Thank you, Barry Lincoln

Jason Aholtz - 10/31/00 03:16:54
School: James Madison University
PBr chapter: Gamma Sigma
Favorite Drumcorps: Cadets
Wounderful page.. Check ours out and let me know what you think

Scott Courtright - 10/30/00 14:46:30
My Email:scott
School: LSU
PBr chapter: IAO
Favorite Drumcorps: LSU '91
Great site! Keep up the good work!

Barry Lincoln - 10/27/00 05:32:02
School: No
PBr chapter: Chapter 3
Favorite Drumcorps: LSU
Hello. I am writing once again to congratulate the Golden Tigerland Band for their spectacular performance at the LSU/Kentucky game. The band put on a very exciting Latin show. It made me want to get up and dance like they do on Soul Train. You put the Madison Scouts to shame as you clearly outdid their foolish attempt at performing this feature in 1995. I found that along with all the dirty notes, the scouts also played it at such a slow tempo that it no longer sounded spanish and had more of a Russia /Australian feel to it. You, however, showed the real intepretation of the song as you played at an extremely high tempo. You also had a much more difficult drill to march -- and you did it so well -- it looked like you could have marched it backwards i you wanted to! The drumline put on an even better show than they did last week -- and the new drumline uniforms look excellent. It is good that you seperate them from the band in this way since they deserve to be recognized as a hard working group. Once again - the nare drums played all their beats together. They must really pinch the sticks and hold on as they drop down to lower dynamic levels in order to exhibit such precision. They play with so much power on the before game show. THe tenors also performed super ly. I found them having much more talent and cleanliness than all drum corps tenor lines. I think they looked much better than the Cadets when the tenors played that elementary school - level solo on the sidelines that everyone thought was so great. Th bass drums were awesome too. They keep the band right on tempo as they complete difficult runs up and down the line. The cymbals were the greatest though. They are the only thing that holds the band together in the before game show you do. They are s iny and gold. They make a loud noise that makes my ears hurt. The cymbal players look very nice in the new uniforms too. I laugh when they act like airplanes and fly around the field. I laugh when they do backflips on the field -- that looks very difficul . I was very scared when they fell on the ground at the show!!! Luckily, they arose a few moments later. I am sorry that i must end this letter after having written so little, but I shall attend the New Orleans saints game tomorrow and watch what I am sure will be another spectacular performance. It is such an honor speaking to what is clearly the best gr up of drummers in the world. Please give them my email adress so they can write to me if they wish. Sincerely, Mr. Barry Lincoln P.S. -- The beautiful women who dance in the golden uniforms are truly exhilirating. They are the goodest dancers I have ever seen. I was watching them dance at the halftime show and had an asthma attack. I began to choke violently as i gasped for ait. I then got better and resumed watching the show. I am very proud of their accomplishments and wish them luck with all their endavors in the future.

Brett - 10/26/00 19:28:55
School: LSU
PBr chapter: IAO
Favorite Drumcorps: Madison Scouts/Santa Clara/Cavaliers
Hey! great site! you need more pics. though especially more of the cymbal line :)

Jeff Dunaway - 10/18/00 05:50:53
Favorite Drumcorps: Madison Scouts
i think you guys are the best!

Deon Wills - 10/13/00 00:44:32
School: LSU
PBr chapter: IAO 1991
Favorite Drumcorps: Phantom
Great Site! Brings back goooooood memories. Drinks for everyone!

Hydro - 10/03/00 20:20:22
School: University of Tennessee
PBr chapter: STX
Favorite Drumcorps: Cadets/Phantom Regiment
hey guys it was cool talking to you, albeit briefly, last weekend at the LSU vs UT game...happy drumming and all

Steve Thorne - 10/03/00 00:12:24
School: James Madison University
PBr chapter: Gamma Sigma
The site has not been updated since last year, but it's a good idea of what we're about. We branched outta the Cadets in '92. So I guess Cadet's would be our favorite although we have quite a few alumni of Crossmen. I'll tell ya more later -Steve

Kevin - 09/17/00 04:03:47
School: St. Stanislaus
Favorite Drumcorps: Cavaliers
I think that a Drumline fraternity is one of the best ideas ever. It is a great way to promote unity and have gret parties. Hopefully I will make the LSU Drumline when I go there and will be able to join the fraternity.

Mike Hooke - 09/15/00 01:15:47
School: LSU
PBr chapter: IAO
Favorite Drumcorps: Yo Mama's Corps
Great site everyone!!! It brings back a lot of great memories. I'll be watching this season!!! -dorkus borkus, disco ernie

David West - 09/15/00 00:01:09
School: LSU
PBr chapter: IAO
Favorite Drumcorps: Madison
LSU IAO Pledge Class '93. Also Pledge Master '94 Its good to see a great PBr site, especially from IAO. Keep up the great work!

Lance Woods - 09/10/00 17:28:20
School: Stephen F. Austin State University
Favorite Drumcorps: Cavaliers, Madison
Whats up! Just surfin the web for other PBr schools. Its cool to hear about brothers nationwide. I was just initiated last night. Well, I guess that's all I have to say. Yall take it easy.

Lance Woods - 09/10/00 17:27:48
School: Stephen F. Austin State University
Favorite Drumcorps: Cavaliers, Madison
Whats up! Just surfin the web for other PBr schools. Its cool to hear about brothers nationwide. I was just initiated last night. Well, I guess that's all I have to say. Schlee on, my brothers.

Mike Wilson - 09/05/00 17:43:06
School: west high
Favorite Drumcorps: phantom
cool page

Blake Arcuri - 08/24/00 02:03:45
School: LSU
Favorite Drumcorps: Madison
Great work on the site Helmers, good luck with drum corps.

Connie Sprinkell - 07/26/00 15:08:47
My URL:Gulfport High School
Instrument: Drums (What Else!)
Great to hear from my Children! ( Have I ever met your mother?)

Joe Evans - 08/22/00 17:50:42
School: USM graduate '78
Dear fellow brother phi butts, Connie Sprinkell and have just finished our summer band camp when a friend of our that teaches at Jones Community College found your web site. Needless to say I was excited to hear about all of the different colleges that had start Phi Boota Roota. Two i ems on your history page that you perhaps may want to correct. Connie start Phi Boota Roota along with me in 1974. My name is not John Evans but is Joe Evans. This has brought back a lot of fond memories of our years in the drumline at USM. Thank you or keeping the fraternity alive. Connie and I teach in the same school district in Gulfport, Mississippi. I hope one day we could ride over to see the LSU drumline and meet a few of the fellow Rooters. Fraternally Yours, Joe Evans