Ringo Wing Kwan LAM

Year entered WYK: 1983
Class: 1A2
Number: ?

Year left WYK: 1990
Class: 7S
Number: ?

Notables during WYK days: a smart scout who always beats Patrick Lai playing bridge

Current situation:
- After BSc at HKU, and MPhil at CUHK, this electrical engineer was employed by CUHK as a Project Manager at ENMPC.
- Starting up Wisers, a new high tech company; Jackal Chan, also of WYK'88, is involved, too.
- interviewed by Next Magazine for his successes in the I.T. industry in Hong Kong.
- drives a brand new Rover, i.e. private bus for his 2 kids.

Image stolen from 'Next' Magazine.  Hope they don't mind...
Click the pic to read about Ringo Lam's award-winning technological developments and his very promising enterprise, as described by Next Magazine.

WebPage: Ringo's old WebPage at CUHK. Need password (ask him!) to view nice pictures.
ICQ: ??????
E-mail: later

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