Besvara först enkäten Learning styles questionnaire och studera sedan det resultat du får om din egen studiestil. Läs därefter mera i Learning styles and strategies om hur du kan anpassa dig till olika undervisningssituationer.
"Active learners tend to retain and understand information best by doing something active with it—discussing or applying it or explaining it to others. Reflective learners prefer to think about it quietly first.
Sitting through lectures without getting to do anything physical but take notes is hard for both learning types, but particularly hard for active learners.
Everybody is active sometimes and reflective sometimes. A balance of the two is desirable. If you always act before reflecting you can jump into things prematurely and get into trouble, while if you spend too much time reflecting you may never get anything done. How can active learners help themselves? How can reflective learners help themselves?
Everybody is sensing sometimes and intuitive sometimes. How can sensing learners help themselves? How can intuitive learners help themselves?
Unfortunately, most people are visual learners. How can visual learners help themselves? How can verbal learners help themselves? Sequential learners may not fully understand the material but they can nevertheless do something with it, like solve the homework problems or pass the test. How can sequential learners help themselves? How can global learners help themselves?"
Learning styles questionnaire och Learning styles and strategies by Richard M.
Felder & Barbara A. Soloman, North Carolina State University
Resources in science and engineering education
by Richard M. Felder, Professor of Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State University
"Många tror att man gör vetenskapliga undersökningar när man iakttar, mäter och samlar in data. Men i en vetenskaplig undersökning är detta bara en del av arbetet. Fler delar måste ingå, och de måste hänga ihop logiskt. Man kan inte bara samla in och sammanställa en massa data, och sedan gissa vad de betyder."
Att nå kunskap om havet
Scientific inquiry from National Science Teachers Association, October 2004
"Det dunkelt sagda är det dunkelt tänkta.
Oftast beror dunklet hos dig själv på brist på kunskap. Tänd ett ljus: fråga. Fråga en gång till.
Den enda dumma frågan är den du inte ställer."
Erik Rudvall, 2001
"The best way to learn to think logically is to … write frequently. Reading, writing, and math are the traditional methods that young people learned to think logically (i.e. correctly), but today science is a fourth method. Perhaps the best way is to do a lot of writing …"
Professor Timoty Patterson, Ottawa
Rapporter — så här skall de skrivas
Rapport är en typ av dokument
Vetenskaplig presentation
Skriva uppsats med akribi
Teaching technical writing by Jean Lummis, The Science Teacher, October 2001, p. 28-31, NSTA
Håll ordning på dina internet-länkar
Lexivisuell presentation
by Mikael Kindborg, Linköping University, 2000.
Presentation på internet, HTML
Undervisning och pedagogik
Educational philosophy by Associate Professor David A. Krupp, Ph.D, Windward Community College.
The art of knowledge sharing by Professor Joan Marques, Burbank, California, June 2004.
IT i skolan och skrivträning av docent Nelly Lindgren, Stockholms universitet, 2002.
Läsinlärning kan inte datoriseras av docent Svenolov Lindgren, tidskriften Skolvärlden, 1996.