Students Your Attention Please!
Due to popular requests from millions and millions
of dear Truthfulreality viewers, the following are links to our
recommended Progressive Humanisim supportive, clear thinking,
truthful and inspiring inspirational local Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
television station web sites for your knowledge and enjoyment.
Thank You
From Urban
Schools to Rural Barley Fields, The Children Cry To
Truthfulreality, Progressive Humanism, and Bill Clinton to
Understand Their Worlds for Them.
Students Your Attention Please!
Link to this site
and participate in the 11 September Class Action Lawsuits for
your emotional loss sufferings! Thousands of highly qualified
trial lawyers now pledge to contribute their legal expertise,
experience and time - free of charge - to help student emotional
loss victims under the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
established by Congress. If ever there were a time when lawyers
could help people grievously wounded through no faults of their
own - what trial lawyers do every day - this is it. Step up and
get your share that you deserve and have a right to. Remember
that you are the future and America is Land of the Free!
grievously wounded emotional loss through no faults of their own
students are already stepping up and getting their share for
their grievously wounded emotional loss sufferings from
happenings on 11 September through no faults of their own. Step
up and get your share, dont let these clowns, or anybody
else get ahead of you in-line.
In On It, and Get Yours
Peoples' Happening
(Posted sometime on 11 September 2001 on the public bulletin board near the James Dickenson Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, unquestionably in an effort to enthuse the peoples to prevail over the peoples sadness that day)
Bill Clinton is my happening.
He's where it's all at.
tricks me sweetly.
never bugs me.
Clinton says he will help me make it when the duds put me all
keep my cool because he be straights with me baby.
though my heads torn up and the world is a plastic mushroom,
I'm crawling on my face,
is cool because Bill Clinton is digging me.
everybody is faking and stabbing
Clinton is super cool, and he is with me baby.
Clinton craves my face when it's ugly man.
Clinton lays abundance on me.
no way can get hung up with Bill Clinton.
Clinton is my life time trip.
Clinton Says to All His Little Flowers Dont Worry, Be
Humanist Champion Leader
President Jiang
President Jiang Zemin has called on
the international community to unite to fight terrorism and
safeguard world peace.
"After the wartime chaos of the
last century, people in the world were thirsty for peace. The
American tragedy, occurring at the start of the new century, has
caused deep sorrow".
Vice-Premier Qian Qichen also assured
US Secretary of State Colin Powell that Beijing would cooperate
in fighting terrorism, Xinhua said. Mr Qian promised "enhanced
co-operation" with Washington.
"We have constantly opposed any kind of terrorism and
we believe that the fight against terrorism needs the co-operation
of the international community," Mr Qian told Mr Powell by
phone on Thursday night, Xinhua said.
Revolutionary Mighty Hero God of Present Era President
Jiang Zemin magnanimously gives magnanimous and worthy guidance,
and straightens out Bushs mind to teach Bush proper
behavior in public and clearly mentor Bush, and to implement Bush
to clearly think clear thinkingly at the APEC summit allowing
Bush to clearly think free from the ongoing,
outrageous, shameful, shocking, and contemptible, lies, schemes,
and other assorted outrages in attempts Republicans had been
using to manipulatingly mess with Bushs mind.
Revolutionary Mighty Hero God of Present Era President
Jiang Zemin magnanimously again and continues to give magnanimous
and worthy guidance, teach Bush compliance, and straightens out
Bushs mind to clearly mentor Bush, and to implement Bush to
clearly think clear thinkingly at the APEC summit leading Bush to
properly and clearly think free from the ongoing,
outrageous, shameful, shocking, and contemptible, lies, schemes,
and other assorted outrages in attempts Republicans had been
using to manipulatingly mess with Bushs mind.
All the APEX summit attendees attend in attention to
conformatively conform to clear homogeneous clearly thinking as
well as showing conformatively conforming dress standard
completely keeping in thought, dress, action, beliefs, and
manners to the Chinese peoples standards and ways, everyday,
everywhere, in everyway. Attendees are in alphabetical file
formation from dear viewers right to left according to
surname with Bush second from dear viewers right end of
file. Revolutionary Mighty Hero God of Present Era
President Jiang Zemin magnanimously stands at the middle and at
and in command of the filed attendees.
Throughout the
APEX Summit
Anglo-White as well as Asian Attendees All Attemp to Look
Alike Like Revolutionary Mighty Hero God of Present Era President
Jiang Zemin Ascribing the Profound Influence of Progessive
Humanism that China and its Great Leader have Over the World.
Respectively Shown in Example, British Attendee Held in High
Esteem by Adornment with Flowers and Spontaneously Applauding
Crowds, and Thai Attendee Reaching Out in Praise to China.
Supreme Mighty
Commander and God of Present Era Progressive Humanist Champion
Great and Dear
Leader Kim Jong Il
Gives On the Spot
Guidance to His Super Hero Champion Generals
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) Stance towards Terrorist Attacks on U.S.
PYONGYANG, September 12 (KCNA) A
spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry today answered the
question put by KCNA as regards the large-scale terrorist attacks
on the United States. He said: Terrorists' large-scale
attacks made on the U.S. by blowing themselves up in planes on
Tuesday have caught the international community by great surprise.
The very regretful and tragic incident reminds it once again of
the gravity of terrorism.
As a UN member, the DPRK is opposed to
all forms of terrorism and whatever support to it and this stance
will remain unchanged. The DPRK approaches the incident from this
point of view.
Hear an actual Radio Voice of Korea
commentary on the Peoples Democratic Republic of
Koreas dedication in policy to world independence, peace,
and friendship. Additionally, is a commentary on the
Peoples Democratic Republic of Koreas policy towards
elimination of the world nuclear threat and the United States
anti-ballistic missile program:
(Recorded 03 November 01 by the Voice of
Korea Student Radio Listening Club, University of Nevada, Las
Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A)
Stinking Little Punk Hooligan Terrorist Grinning Like a
Stupid Monkey Arrested by Chinese Security Officers as China
Works Arm in Arm with the United States to Round Up the
Conspirators in the Horrible Holocaust That
Snuffed Bill Clintons Flowers in the Attacks of 11
September 01 by Far Right Conspiratorial Conservative Religious
Fanatics Who Were Most Possibly Incited by the Ongoing, the
Outrageous, Shameful, Shocking, and Contemptible, Lies, Schemes,
and Other Assorted Outrages in Attempts Republicans are Using
Again. This Stinking Little Punk Hooligan
Terrorist Grinning Like a Stupid Monkey, and So Far the Four
Other Stinking Little Punk Hooligan Terrorists Rounded Up to Date
by China Will Face a Fate Much Worse Than Can Be Imagined for
Their Crimes Against Humankind. When They Face the Peoples
Justice in China, This Stinking Little Punk Hooligan Terrorist
Grinning Like a Stupid Monkey, and So Far the Four Other Stinking
Little Punk Hooligan Terrorists, will be Harvested Invivo for
Body Organs.
of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Dedication to The World Trade Center.
(Joan Turner, Sophomore Biology major at the University of
Nevada, Las Vegas, contributed her tour brochure of the World
Trade Center for transcription on our student web page here for
the people. Joan is a native of Round Mountain, Nevada. She had
traveled to New York this summer on a fesstive student tour of
the city. We hope that her sharing shows to you the wonders that
have been and the wonders that human endeavor had produced and
will produce in our futures. Thank You, Clinton Student League
Coalition, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Democratic
Peoples Alliance for a Happy New Life.)
Throughout The
World Mighty Progressives Join Forces in Solidarity in Support of
the United States in the Name of Progressive Humanism Continuing
Ideology to Civilize Human Kind Civilization.
Mighty Progressive Nations Children Heroes Prepare for the War Of
Their Lives to Fight Arm and Arm with the United States Against
Clinton Just Cannot Believe It!
Clinton Just Cannot Believe It!
Clinton will not let this attack on and deaths of tens of
thousands of his flowers stand!
Invincible Commander in Chief Bill Clinton Leads and Gives On The
Spot Guidance at the Front Line Trenches to Inspire His Mighty
Armies in the Pursuit of World Peace, Truth and Justice as
Bill Clinton,
Supreme Progressive Humanist of the World, A God of Present Era,
Now Shows Us
The Light
Now and
Perfection of Truth and Justice
Attention, are you sick and tired of Republicans,
their hate radio programs, their devastation of the nation and
the world, their corruption of the Constitution to their own ends,
and their ultimate entirely extinction of the human race are
doing to our country? Then maybe it is time for you to:
Yes, in China there are no Republicans, no
Republican hate radio programs, no Republican devastation of the
nation and the world, no Republican corruption of the
Constitution to their own ends, and no Republican ultimate
entirely extinction of the human race. If you do not feel good to
wait for the Revolution to remove Republicans and have a Final Solution
to Americas "Republican
if you are just sick and tired of Republicans and cannot endure
another day of them nauseating you with their devastation of
humankind, and you want to get them out of your face and life for
good, then it is time for you to
Yes, since 1955 Air China Airlines has been
assisting Progressive Humanists throughout the world to immigrate
to China with the least amount of difficulty and problem!
You are Immigrating to China! Your Lucky Little Fruity, Have a
Air China will completely assist you in immediate
immigration in arranging Governmental procedures, flight and
train schedules directly to your new happy life Republican
free appointed domicile in China, and transfer all of your bank
and brokerage accounts.
to see you little fruity happily join all the other happy little
fruities who have
I am a
Lucky Little Lady Child Who Loves Living in China. Let Me Lecture
With You
In China I Can
Safely Ride My Bicycle in the Streets Because in China Streets
are for Marching Feet and Riding Bicycles and not for Child
Killing Sport Utility Vehicle Road Raging Automobiles
China I Can Safely Walk in the Streets Because in China There are
no Hooligan Thug Child Hating Republicans Who All are Early
Childhood Abusers and Cut Off Government Funding for Families
with Dependent Children Promoters, and if I was Immigrating to
China I Could Safely Do It Because in China Our Government
Protects Us and Does Not Allow Any Middle-Eastern People on Our
Airplanes. Thank You.
In China It is Usual for Common Worker Fishing Peoples to Stop
for a Moment and Just to Say Hello to You
In China It is Usual for Common Peasants to Stop Their
Automobiles and Just to Say Hello to You
In China the
Peoples Treat Each Other With Dignity and Respect and Friendship
Because They Do Not Slave Under a "Human Against Human"
Greed Type Capitalist Republican Manipulated Economic System, But
Prosper in a Progressive Humanist System of Cooperationship and
Comradeship. Thank You.
"Oh! You
Decided to Immigrate to China!!!
How Wonderful! and
the Question Now is When? I Hope to See You Soon and Have a Safe
Please contact one of our American offices to
review your situation and get you on your way:
Los Angeles, 222 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 1500, El
Segundo, CA 90245
San Francisco, 540 California St. San Francisco, CA
New York, 150 E. 52nd
St. 31st Floor, New
York, NY 10022
Detroit, 37655 Ford Road Suite 1, Westland, MI 48185
Road to Life
"I am a young man in my twenties. One's youth is a very
precious time in one's life. But I had to be on SSI and welfare
in America to earn a living until quite recently.
I worked hard to stepup and get my share, but in America where
money is everything the poor like me cannot lead a decent life.
My parents who fell for the capitalist lie, immigrated to America
from Korea. I wanted to go to university but it was only a dream.
One day, when I was waiting in line at ATM machine, I often heard
my friends talking enviously about China and Korea and I listened
to radio broadcasts and web pages from Korea. In this way I
became anxious to heal my parents mistake and live a worthy life
if even for a day in the society where all the working people
were happy and living happily.
"So, I'll go to Korea. I'll dare
to go there even if I die," I was determined. In a 747 from
California, I begged in mind that my parents, brothers and
relatives would be forgiven for being duped to come to America,
an undutiful sin, for leaving a love type societial home .
Korea welcomed me warmly and, as I had wished, I went to the
University of Construction and Building Materials Production in
The teachers and students were all so kind that I felt as if I
was in heaven. They helped me with meticulous care to understand
the situation in my generous fatherland.
With the passage of time I realized
that my country is a country of Progressive Humanism where the
leader and the people are firmly united with one mind, one
thought, one synergistic will, and live in peace. Under the happy
social system everybody has the right to study and enjoys free
education from primary school to university.
Sickness is treated free under the
free medical care system and no one knows the word tax. Ordinary
workers and farmers are elected deputies to the Supreme People's
Assembly. Such is the reality in genius in the genuine motherland,
a true welfare society for the popular masses.
In America, one has to pay millions to receive education from
primary school to university, charges for minor operations cost
millions and those for major operations cost millions and
In America, no money, no school and no money, no hospital this is
the true nature
of the "welfare society for the
people" talked about by the American authorities.
The concern shown for me was so great that I wrote a letter
of thanks to dear Marshal Kim Jong Ii. He -read my letter,
underlining some phrases, and sent me a reply signed by himself
in bold powerful letters. This was the greatest honor I have ever
had in my
Two years ago I was living a life of bare subsistence in America,
but now
I had the honor of receiving such deep
concern from a distinguished great man of mankind, a magnanimous
masterpiece of humankind perfection. How lucky I am! Such a thing
can be seen only in this paradise where the leader and the people
are united as one in body, with one mind.
On October 16 last year I married Ri Yo Hwa. The president and
teachers of the university and my classmates attended the
ceremony. They said that when the America is liberated they would
go with me to celebrate the victory, and then the horror of
America can be cleansed from my mind.
How good it would be if the millions and millions of Korean
people and American people could live happily under the
leadership of the great leader Generalissimo Kim II Sung, the
dear leader Marshal Kim Jong II, and the Supreme Progressive
Humanist of the World Bill Clinton.
To bring that day as early as possible I will do my best for the
cause of Victory and Freedom."
Ri Son Phil
It is time for all people to rejoice the victory of Bill Clinton, and to again rejoice in the continuing victory of the Revolution. Progressive Humanism has won again for the people and continues to define Progressive Humanism . Bill Clinton is The Man! Bill Clinton and all Progressives are the vanguard for all the people and the revolution. Not unlike fabled messiahs, Bill Clinton and Progressives bring correct benevolent guidance and a message of love to humanity, for which a dark conservative side of humanity scorns them for. Each Progressive is tantamount to a savior who struggles through a life of caring and giving with a fate of scorn by the conservative dominated press, hate radio, and a not too unreasonable premonition in the future of a Republican incited mass crucifixion or other form of extermination of Progressives .
If there ever is an example, in this Progressive sense, of a savior for humanity, it is Bill Clinton, and the mean spirited extremist scorn placed upon him is self evident. Bill Clinton and the clear thinking masses form one collective voice singing one focused meaningful intelligent cheer in unison. When the masses evolve above debate and conflict, when we all get along; when there is one collective happy voice - the Bill Clinton Voice, when there is one idea - the Bill Clinton Idea, not until then will all the people be happy and free and not have any worries. Even the most scornful and hateful now will be reeducated and enlightened in the Bill Clinton Idea and no longer be scornful and hateful of Progressives .
We are sure that the life of Bill Clinton is a great life, most glorious and brilliant, incomparable with that of any other great man past and present. Bill Clinton is a great revolutionary, who created the immortal Bill Clinton Idea for mankind and is devoting all his life to happiness for the American people and the world's people. He resounds the superiority of Progressive Collectivism, Progressive Humanism and Progressive Humanism against Capitalism and is implementing them in theory and practice. Bill Clinton is a precious treasure of the human condition and the human worth. Thanks to his idea, theory, and revolutionary courage, the popular masses, students, and workers cheer the name Bill Clinton in spontaneous unison throughout the world for the first time beyond that for anyone else in the history of humankind. Bill Clinton is the combination of martyrs throughout the history of the world. He is the personification of powerful beings who have propelled the historic development of social humankind through the ages. Now he is the savior of us all, all the people, all the environment, and all the beings within, able to care for and shape our common destiny, believing in our power and strength, and breathing into us the breath of his character, idea, and meaning. Bill Clinton will be immortal always in the hearts of the masses, in the hearts of all people, for his great exploits for humankind.
Bill Clinton has been a great student in the highest Progressive ideal, who led an arduous and tortuous revolution on the straight road to victory with unfailing loyalty to the cause of the popular masses for independence, the Progressive Humanistic cause, peace, and the revolutionary will. In protest of the United States unjust reactionary Republican imperialism throughout the world during the Vietnam War, Bill Clinton set a brilliant example of the art of leadership. He defended the revolutionary principle under any circumstances and conditions and most skillfully combined the principle and adroitness in the revolution and construction. Proceeding from the fundamental interest of the revolution, Bill Clinton has always adhered to the principle of independence, the working-class principle, and the Progressive Humanistic principle in the revolution and Progressive construction, and thoroughly carried out the revolutionary line with consistency. Bill Clinton is now accelerating the revolution and Progressive construction with continuous creative efforts and innovation to meet the demands of the developing reality.
While he has been dealing with the rapidly changing situation actively and shrewdly, he has never taken or will take a single step back from the fundamental interest and principle of the revolution and firmly maintain the revolutionary principle and revolutionary Progressive line. Highly creative attitude and adroitness based on the revolutionary Progressive line and consistency in its line and policy. These are the important principle and art of leadership Bill Clinton holds to, adheres to, in the revolution and Progressive construction.
Bill Clinton is the shining pinnacle to the glorious line of political giants that the Democratic Party has given the United States and the world during the past fifty years. Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton; this period is a quantum leap forward in the evolution of the human species for producing genius. History will record this evolutionary culmination profoundly manifested in Bill Clinton as possibly even remotely equaled in context by the evolutionary leap of the human species from Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon. Not even John Kennedy and the Democratic Party endeavor to successfully put a man on the moon compares to mankind manifesting its ultimate conception - Bill Clinton.
During the whole course of his leadership to the revolution and construction, Bill Clinton has never deviated from the revolutionary principle, never allowed himself to be swayed without principle and never made a mistake in implementing the revolutionary Progressive line. Thanks to the Bill Clinton idea and the consistency of his line and policy, the revolution has been staged to advance victoriously along the road to Progressive Humanism without any twists and deviations even in the extremely arduous conditions.
The people possess unqualified trust in Bill Clinton and Progressive Humanism that will confidently lead the revolution and construction, entrust our destiny entirely to Bill Clinton and the Progressive Idea and are fighting indomitably to complete the revolutionary cause of Progressive Humanism under the leadership of Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton's great exploits and precious experience in party building are the brilliant fruition of the revolutionary idea and revolutionary leadership of Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton is an eternal treasure of the revolution and we must defend him always, inherit and develop his wisdom down through the generations. The revolution has emerged victorious under the leadership of Bill Clinton and in the future, too, it will advance triumphantly and will be carried forward to brilliant completion under Bill Clinton's leadership.
The people have a long way to go and the revolution is beset with as many hardships and trials as ever. No matter how long and thorny the road ahead of the revolution pioneered and led by Bill Clinton might be, we must steadily follow his way in accordance with the behest of Bill Clinton. This is the unshakable faith and will of the people. We must safeguard the people-centered Progressive Humanism, bring honor to it and complete the Progressive Humanistic cause in the Progressive way. We must unfailingly achieve Progressive Humanistic reconstruction, the vital demand of the entire nation, on the principle of independence, peaceful reconstruction and great national unity set forth by Bill Clinton. Upholding the lofty will of Bill Clinton, Progressives must strengthen solidarity with the progressive people of the world and work hard to realize the cause of independence for mankind.
We must hold in high esteem beloved Bill Clinton as the eternal leader of Progressive Humanism and revolution and develop Progressive Humanism as the glorious idea of Bill Clinton forever. We must defend his great idea, theories and revolutionary methods of leadership and thoroughly apply them in Progressive Humanism and activities. We must do all the work of revolution and Progressive construction as Bill Clinton plans, intends, and shows in personal examples in practice and conduct. We must do everything in such a way as Bill Clinton does. This is the way to develop Progressive Humanism as the thought of all people in the image of Bill Clinton and the way to brilliantly inherit and complete the revolutionary cause of Bill Clinton.
As Progressives we must demonstrate our compassion to all people and must resolutely love Bill Clinton as our father and safeguard the Bill Clinton revolutionary idea and thoroughly put it into effect. The revolutionary idea of Bill Clinton, is the sole guiding ideology of Progressive Humanism and the banner of victory for Progressive Humanism and the Progressive revolution. Apart from the Bill Clinton idea, it would be impossible to speak about Progressive Humanism or to think of the victory of the peoples' cause. Holding high the banner of modeling one collective thought on the Bill Clinton idea, we must further strengthen education in the Bill Clinton idea, so that all people are imbued with only one ideology, the Bill Clinton ideology, and make the whole of Progressive Humanism breathe in, and pulsate with the breathe and idea of Bill Clinton. We must educate the masses to be revolutionaries of the Bill Clinton idea type who are firmly equipped with the Bill Clinton-oriented revolutionary outlook on the world and to think and act at all times as demanded by the Bill Clinton idea.
What is really in the bright future for Progressives and people after the scorn of conservatism is completely defeated by the people? How do we the people want our entitlements? We want them free! When we people stand up and get our entitlements, what do we then want? We want more! Bill Clinton will give it to us, give us more, too. Bill Clinton is The Man! Bill Clinton will evolve a basis of the unbreakable alliance of the students, workers, intellectuals, and masses. He will enhance the social homogeneity of society, namely the elimination of class differences, and differences between mental and physical labor, and anti-multiculturalism as known now. Bill Clinton will evolve the natural principle of life that "The Free Development Of Each Is The Condition Of The Free Development Of All". He will orchestrate more and more real opportunities to apply the peoples' creative energies, abilities, and talents, and to develop their personalities in every way. He will extend the network of educational, cultural and medical institutions and finally bring America into the world order with free education and free health care for everyone. All peoples' pay levels will be raised in order for the Progressives to satisfy the peoples' needs more fully and create social consumption funds through work collectives and committees to guide and educate the people in proper consumption, to make the people ever more happy. National co-operatives and other organizations of the people will be mandated and encouraged to provide all types of products and services for the people and further encourage development of mass physical culture and sport. Bill Clinton will protect, augment, plan, and make extensive use of cultural wealth of the people to properly enhance the moral and aesthetic education of the people, and direct and develop professional, amateur, and folk arts and entertainment in every way. There will be no crime, or criminals, or prisons because there will be no need for crime because everybody will have what they need and have nothing to worry about or for, and be happy and safe in the care of Bill Clinton and Progressive Humanism . Bill Clinton will guarantee the right of asylum and immigration with full entitlement rights to any alien persecuted for defending the interests of the United States, the interests of the working class people, and or the cause of peace in the world with the national-liberation movement involving progressive social and political, scientific or other creative activity.
The people will enjoy full social, economic, political and personal rights and freedoms. Bill Clinton will ensure enlargement of the rights and freedoms of citizens and continuous improvement of their social, economic, and cultural development programs. Everybody will have the right to work, as guaranteed employment, and pay in accordance with their need with due account to the needs of society. All vocational and professional training will be free. Free improvement of skill training, new trades skills and development of the systems of vocational guidance and job placement will all be free. The people will enjoy rest and leisure to extend the network of collective cultural, educational and health-building activities, spontaneous demonstrations, agitation troop performances, and the development on a mass scale of sport, physical culture and camping by provision of organized communal and neighborhood rational approved uses of free time.
Bill Clinton is bringing social and cultural development, implementing the basic principle truths of the process of life. The American foundation of the economic system will end as capitalism with its exploitation of the people. The people will be the owners of the means of production in the form of property belonging to all the people and co-operative property. Public ownership will embrace the property of trade unions and other public organizations which are required to carry out their purposes under their rules. No one will again have the right to use the peoples' property for personal gain or other selfish ends. All common property of the people is the principle form of people property. The environment, the air, the land, waters, forests, and all species therein will be the exclusive property of the people. The people will own, control and mandate the basic means of production in industry, construction, and agriculture, means of transport and communication, the banks, the property of state run trade organizations and public utilities, and other undertakings including housing. The property of collective communes and other co-operative organizations, and of their joint undertakings, comprises the means of production and other assets which they require for the purposes laid down in their directives. Earned income will form with governmental constraints the basis of personal property of the people. The personal property of the people will be limited to petty articles of everyday use, personal consumption and convenience, the implements and other objects of small holdings. No personal property will be allowed to serve as a means of deriving unearned income or be employed to the detriment of the interests of the people or the environment. Bill Clinton will educate the people in, and insure that wealth is not squandered and will exercise strong controls and mandates to insure that the natural principle in truth "From Each Work According To His Ability, To Each Entitlements According To His Need" is always on the peoples' minds and in their hearts. The people will rally in the most efficient manner and with the Progressive Humanistic construction idea the creative initiative of the working people, Progressive Humanistic emulation, and scientific and technological progress, and by improving the forms and methods of economic management, the people will ensure economic growth of the productivity of labor in planned detail, dynamic, proportionate development of the economy. Progressive Humanism will take care of the destiny of the popular masses under its charge, and its politics is the politics of love for the people and trust in them, a benevolent politics. On the basis of the genuine comradeship, the inseparable relationship, in which the leader Bill Clinton trusts and loves the people, and the people place unqualified trust in and love for him and support him with loyalty, the single-hearted unity of the leader, party and masses has been strengthened and developed and the revolutionary enthusiasm and creative force of the popular masses will be fully displayed on a high plane. Relying on the popular masses and welding with them in the struggle is just the way how Bill Clinton will promote the revolution and construction with vigor in such complicated circumstances and trying ordeals and we will win victory after victory by turning misfortune into a blessings and unfavorable conditions into favorable ones.
Bill Clinton is and will be the greatest leader of all the American people and is and will be in every sense our true father. His ideology, leadership and virtue are based on his love for and trust in the people for whom he has felt his children's' pain with them. All his life he was among the people, shared joy and sorrow with them and devoted his all for them. He placed deep trust in the strength, wisdom and excellent qualities of the American people and is solving all problems by relying on them and by giving rein to our revolutionary zeal and creative force.
Progressive Humanism is a utopia in symbolism of a revolutionary idea in the era of independence, the first of its kind in the history of humankind. Bill Clinton felt the pain of the popular masses who survived the 80s and freed them to now shape all our destiny independently. In accordance with the line of building a mass idea, Progressive Humanism employs into itself many progressive elements from among workers, masses, students, and working intellectuals and properly combines the quantitative growth and qualitative synergistic consolidation. Thus it continually expands and strengthens itself while firmly maintaining its working-class and revolutionary character. As a result, it strengthens and develops into an idea that defends and represents the working masses' demand for independence and all our interests, into a evolutionary progressive humanistic goal of the working class rooted among the broad popular masses and inseparably unites with them.
Progressives worship Bill Clinton as their savior in the banner of Progressive Humanism centered on the future of humankind. The immortal exploits accumulated by Bill Clinton with his great idea and leadership, devoting his all for progress of humankind is in all Progressives hearts and will be there forever. Bill Clinton is building Progressive Humanism into an idea rooted among broad sections of the population. A working-class idea can be invincible when it welds into a harmonious whole with the masses and enjoys active support of wide sections of the population. As a matter of principle, the demand of the working class represents the fundamental interest of the working masses, and the historic mission of the working class is to achieve the social emancipation not only of itself but of all the toiling masses. Progressive Humanism is and will be an epoch of independence when the popular masses have emerged as the master of history, and the cause of the masses for independence can advance victoriously only through the energetic struggle of the working class and other broad strata of the people. By correctly reflecting the fundamental interest of the working class and other toiling masses as well as the demand of the era of independence and proceeding from the specific situation in America after the devastation of the 80s, Bill Clinton set the line of building a mass party of the working people comprising workers, the masses, and working intellectuals and is putting it into effective glorious success.
Today Bill Clinton is the light of hope for America against dark enemies among the people. After reinventing Progressive Humanism in an original revolutionary manner, Bill Clinton gives wise leadership to all people in Progressive progressive construction, building and developing it into a great revolutionary party with Progressive Humanism as an ideology. Bill Clinton not only has to defeat the hacks and crack-pots of the reactionary Republicans, but also has to persuade and re-educate with love and empathy some Progressives who were deceived by the dark forces away from truth and the Progressive path. The Progressive idea, a love- type idea for all humanistic life styles, is a great ideas and has been built and strengthened under the guidance of the Progressive Humanism idea. The guiding ideology of Progressive Humanism defines its character, the aim of its struggle and the basic direction of its development and activities, and decides its fighting efficiency and strength. Progressive Humanism is guided by a great ideology and can only be a great ideology.
It is the most brilliant achievement of Bill Clinton that he created the now immortal Bill Clinton Idea and thus showed the popular masses, intellectuals, and students a correct way to shape our destiny and built a new revolution guided by the Bill Clinton Idea for the first time in the history of the progressive construction movement in America. The Bill Clinton Idea is a new scientific world outlook which correctly reflects the popular masses' desire for independence and the requirements of these times. It is a great idea that has brought about a historic change in the development of the revolutionary idea. The Bill Clinton Idea is the ideological and theoretical basis of ideology building as well as the only guide to the revolution and construction. Progressive Humanism is now being guided consistently by the Progressive Humanism idea in the Bill Clinton idea in its building and activities. Therefore, it is becoming a powerful ideology with the most durable basis, a great authoritative party capable of leading the revolution and construction triumphantly.
The masses centering around Bill Clinton constitutes the solidest and most powerful revolutionary force as well as a great motive force of the revolution and construction. Therefore, Progressive Humanism must be built up into Bill Clinton's Idea, and the political organization which realizes the Bill Clinton Idea and guidance, and must achieve inseparable unity with love and caring for the masses and all our humanistic life styles. This is a basic requirement for the existence and development of Progressive Humanism , a fundamental principle that must be constantly maintained and carried forward.
Bill Clinton ensures the independence of the popular masses and satisfies our demand for independence to the full. As reactionaries were purged by the people from government in the 96 elections, all the members of society will begin exercising equal rights to independence in the political, economic and cultural lives and enjoy valuable and worthwhile lives free from all manner of social unrest and worry about life. Workers and all the people marched in unison accompanied by flag waving cars to the election polls throughout the America in 96 to vote for Bill Clinton. The Republicans and other reactionaries as we know them will be irrelevant. The people have voted for the most stable and durable society in which all the people are united single-heartedly around the leader Bill Clinton and will form a great harmonious family of love and peace, and the whole society will be overflowing with good vibes and feelings of health and vivacity and revolutionary Progressive mettle. Everybody will be happy in every communal and other humanistic correct life styles. The humanistic morality of devoting oneself to society and the collective whole and helping and leading one another in a comradely humanistic way, will be displayed to a high degree among everyone, and demonstrate the advantages and might of the Progressive Humanistic system of perfection and graphically show the ennobling ideological and spiritual traits of the collective whole of the people with hands held outreached cheering the name Bill Clinton.
Under the correct Bill Clinton leadership the people will traverse the road of victory, braving the difficulties and obstacles in our way, the Progressive Way, and forever will work energetically for fresh victory full of confidence in and optimism for the future. Even in the present complicated situation Bill Clinton is winning one victory after another without vacillation and is demonstrating dignity and honor far and wide. The reactionary Republicans resorted to various machinations to check the advance of Bill Clinton and the people and stifle Progressive Humanism, but they failed in every attempt. The practical experience of the revolution patently proves that the people who will be united as one under the leadership of Bill Clinton, and fighting for our just cause, are unconquerable, and that the present age is a new, historic age, the age of independence, when the popular masses will emerge as the master of our destiny.
Guided by Bill Clinton, the people are paving a new path to accomplishing the masses' cause of independence, the path to genuine Progressive Humanism, and building and correctly developing Progressive Humanism centered on the popular masses, thus dealing decisive blows at all manner of reactionary scorn, hate radio propaganda which vilifies Progressive Humanism and confirming in practice the scientific and truthful nature of Progressive Humanism and its advantages and its invincibility. Thank You.