Throughout the United States, Heroes Began Rebuilding the People's Industrial Infrastructure After the Peoples' Revolutionary Landslide Mandate Defining Election Victory for Progressive Humanism and Bill Clinton in the 92 Elections, and the End to the Republican Conspired Devastation of the 80s.
We Must Not Let This Devastation Insanity Happen Again!
We Cannot Let the Republicans Destroy our Country Again !!!
We Must Confront the
“Republican Problem”
and Seek
“Final Solution”
to Our Nations
“Republican Problem”!!!
“The Greatest Threat in the World to the Environment is Now in the White House”

(Wilderness Foundation, Earth Day 01, Address to the Masses)


Let the Peoples Rejoice!

Mighty Leader of the World's Peoples, Supreme Progressive Humanist of the World, A Victory, A Majestic Savior, An Ultimate Incredibley Invincible Leader Of The Revolution And Of The Masses, An Immaculate Perfection Bestowed Upon and a Savior of Human Kind, A Great And Wise Leader, A Great Epoch Expousing Quantum Leap In Humanistic Evolutionary Victory and Perfection In The Course Of Human Life Of And For The Human Condition. We are sure that the life of Bill Clinton is a great life, most glorious and brilliant, incomparable with that of any other great man past and present. Bill Clinton is a great revolutionary, who created the immortal Bill Clinton Idea for mankind and is devoting all his life to happiness for the American people and the world's people. He resounds the superiority of Progressive Collectivism, Progressive Humanism and Progressive Humanism against Capitalism and is implementing them in theory and practice. Bill Clinton is a precious treasure of the human condition and the human worth.

  Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton


Mighty Leader of the World's Peoples, Supreme Progressive Humanist of the World, A Victory, A Majestic Savior, An Ultimate Incredibley Invincible Leader Of The Revolution And Of The Masses, An Immaculate Perfection Bestowed Upon and a Savior of Human Kind, A Great And Wise Leader, A Great Epoch Expousing Quantum Leap In Humanistic Evolutionary Victory and Perfection In The Course Of Human Life Of And For The Human Condition. We are sure that the life of Bill Clinton is a great life, most glorious and brilliant, incomparable with that of any other great man past and present. Bill Clinton is a great revolutionary, who created the immortal Bill Clinton Idea for mankind and is devoting all his life to happiness for the American people and the world's people. He resounds the superiority of Progressive Collectivism, Progressive Humanism and Progressive Humanism against Capitalism and is implementing them in theory and practice. Bill Clinton is a precious treasure of the human condition and the human worth.

  Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton


Is Moving On Up into the Mighty Progressive

  New York City, U.S.A.

A Beautiful East Side Appointed High Rise Progressive Communal Habitation Village Where Everyone has Everything They Need
Read This Actual On-The-Spot Personal Account of the Magnanimously Marvelous Masterpiece of Dialectic Wonders of Progressive Humanism Implemented in New York City, U.S.A.>>>

A Great Man and a Great Party Produce a Great Reality

(Peoples Platter Coop, University of California, Davis)

I left Davis, California and arrived in an airport in New York City on 7 December 98. I returned to Davis, California on the evening of 21 December 98. It was my second visit to New York City. My first visit was in 92 to witness the devastation of the 80s, and with other care giver heroes form collective ideas for a rebirth from the ashes. During the past six years the American people have celebrated the greatest victory in the Progressive Humanist Revolution, and recently the people sing songs of rejoice and testimony with the sweeping reelection of Bill Clinton to the presidency of the United States. The odds of faith and even the frantic moves of the conservative fanatics to stifle the nation and even create natural calamities have all failed with Bill Clinton at our helm.

Today Progressive Humanists are breeding wildly in all parts of the United States, in all tunes of social life, and melding deeply into the hearts and lives of all Americans. Progressive Humanism is the great humanism and is the correct path for all the people. But, as a student activist in a rural California university, I have missed witnessing first hand the benevolent cohesion and true bliss and happiness that progressive social heroes are bringing to the people in progressive centers where multicultural humanistic construction has and is in progress delivering the fruits of the Revolution to the people. This time I witnessed it with my own eyes in New York City East Side projects. Then how does Progressive Humanism stand firm and shine all over the earth? I found my answer during my short visit to New York City and the east side of the Manhattan Island.

The powerful and benevolent state with single hearted unity in the name of Bill Clinton and the federal administration shine benevolent love in the Progressive Humanist way and with mandated direction wholly accepted by the New York City government totally care for the people in the east side. I know that the conservatives are making threats and blackmail against the people to take away their benevolent care and entitlements that they step up for with hands outreached and mouths open. But I saw first hand a shining example of the people in bliss and benevolent care with all their needs fulfilled. A standard of care and living exemplified for all the people of the world to see in awe is in the East Side communal living establishments that Bill Clinton, the New Democratic Party, and all progressive heroes are giving the people.

My first inspiring experience with seeing an actual implementation of Progressive Humanism was my walk through Lillian Wald Housing. I saw children glowing with happiness freely rejoicing and singing songs in gratitude for the care of a constructive progressive government giving them free housing, free education, free food, and free health care. All the things to meet their needs so they don't have to worry about anything. All children are planned children because family planning clinics in Lillian Wald Housing are not faced with the reactionary conservative moral inhibitions. Adults were free of worry and financial cares, and with the children, spend their days rejoicing in the brightness provided by our benevolent leader of the people Bill Clinton and the New Democratic Party. Adults and children both free of the burdens of capitalistic life are free to pursue cultural activities and group education activities. They are strong and brave to be on the leading edge of cultural evolution, to reach out, step up and get their share. A progressive comrade care giver hero who joined me in my visit told me that "If Lillian Wald Housing is what Progressive Humanism gives the people then Progressive Humanism is a great humanism and a great ideology that should continue to spread with the Revolution throughout the land". What an enlightening statement that conservatives would never allow to be spoken if they had their iron grip control at the moment. Even in the benevolent cradle of Lillian Wald Housing, the care giver hero was brave to express his happiness to me, for conservative Republican reactionary congressional inspectors could be anywhere. After meeting the people of Lillian Wald Housing I realized the strength of Progressive Humanism, The Revolution, and that Lillian Wald Housing is truly "The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave"!

I visited four other enclaves of implemented Progressive Humanism at Campos Plasa, Thomas Jefferson Housing, Lower East Side II Consolidation and Metro North Consolidation. I also spent one entire day at John S. Roberts Junior High School. My experiences at Lillian Wald Housing recurred in all visits and thoroughly confirmed the strength and power of our Revolution that will ultimately defeat the Republican conservatives. As an important part of the conservative movement to stifle the benevolent care of the people I experienced first hand, that conservatives are resorting to the pounding propaganda to distort the realities of the benevolent care by all possible means. Pounding slanders at Bill Clinton they made even immoral acts of using starvation, even natural calamities such as floods which have nothing to do with man's intention and can be seen in any country of the world.

But during my visit I saw many things. I cannot tell all of what I saw heard and felt in New York City but I can say that Progressive Humanism in New York City is making a powerful advance along its orbit and demonstrating great superiority and vitality foiling the despicable slanders of the Republican conservatives and the reactionaries. I saw three large red flags that the children of John S. Roberts Junior High School made and flew to symbolize the ideological, technical, and cultural Progressive Humanist Revolutions. The flags fluttered gracefully high in the blue December sky. I was brought to tears.

Under red flags of Progressive Humanism the people I visited in the New York City Projects are holding fast to independence and sustaining the benevolent gifts of the government. They have a high degree of science and technology and are a leading force in cultural life. During December the progressive people celebrate the significant Multicultural Holiday Season of the December season. On one evening of the celebration I also enjoyed myself at the cultural center at Lower East Side II Consolidation where songs of joy and happiness of the happy people rang out and dances were cheerful. The faces of the people who took part in the celebration were full of honor and pride in living under the most superior collective humanistic custom enjoyed by those alive. Their faces showed the feelings of infinite gratitude and reverence for the New Democratic Party and the leader of the Party and people Bill Clinton who embraces all of them in the bosom of Progressive Humanism and collective care, protects them from the cold wind sweeping the earth and provides them with a happy life.

Then how can Progressive Humanism continue to advance victoriously without ending and a prevailing of a cold world? How does Progressive Humanism become implemented to stand for all the masses which they say proudly shines brightly. I recall what someone had said to me while I visited New York City. He had praised that the area and people I saw first hand are the power of success of Progressive Humanism based on the basis of a single party - single idea unity. That's right. The secret lies in the unique intrinsic structure of Progressive Humanism. In Progressive Humanism and where it is successfully implemented the leader Bill Clinton, the New Democratic Party and the masses are single heartedly united and form one social political organism based on a revolutionary sense of obligation and comradeship. Like the law of gravitation supporting the solar system the single hearted unity is the total vitality of Progressive Humanism centered on the masses, led by the leader Bill Clinton. As shown in its successful implementation in New York City, the real look of Progressive Humanism where the leader Bill Clinton, the New Democratic Party and the masses are united as one finds its expression in the fact that the New Democratic Party and the leader Bill Clinton believe in and boundlessly love the people and the people place absolute trust in the New Democratic Party and the leader Bill Clinton and firmly support them. A long time has passed since humankind thought evolved and appeared in the world, but such a society of single hearted unity as the benevolent government projects in New York City East Side where the leader Bill Clinton, the New Democratic Party and the people are so closely linked that the leader Bill Clinton believes in the people and shows benevolence to them and all the people think speak and walk as intended and as designed by the leader Bill Clinton. The leader Bill Clinton, the New Democratic Party led by him, and the care giver social worker heroes begun and brought such great a successful reality.

The greatest of the exploits of the Progressive Humanism in New York City is that it places the people ideological and mental work on the highest plane ever know in history. The projects in New York City East Side might be a small society relatively in their territory, population, and district output value but it is the biggest and strongest society in the United States incomparable to any other metropolitan area in ideology and mental unity and the richest human treasure in the ideological and mental domain. With ideology and implementation of Progressive Humanism, the people are defeating conservative Republicans wielding starvation and pollution and breaking through all difficulties with full faith in the Progressive Humanist cause. With a powerful ideological and mental idea that signifies collective unity the enlightened progressive people are vigorously running for the highest peak of humankind. The New Democratic Party and the leader Bill Clinton is exalting all followers of Progressive Humanism and the Revolution as a powerful state of ideology and a single collective unity which does not waiver in any antihumankind vortex and thus defends thoroughly Progressive Humanism. Bill Clinton is really a veteran in great causes.

Now the western mass media is making distorted accounts of propaganda on the Revolution. The Republicans subsidized burglars who are crazy in counter propaganda against the Revolution and Progressive Humanism. It is because the successful implementation of Progressive Humanism and the collective people are leading the United States peoples' struggle in the Revolution and are united as one around the leader Bill Clinton and everything in the United States is being shown to be correct for the future under the implementation of Progressive Humanism. Generally the "problem" is that Progressive Humanist enclaves where Progressive Humanism ideology has been implemented are advancing ahead of other areas in the United States which have achieved so called prosperity by exploiting the people. This clearly shows the vitality of Progressive Humanism economic and cultural ease. Progressive Humanism which is defended and exalted by the single collective unity of the leader Bill Clinton, the New Democratic Party, and the masses.

The John S. Roberts Junior High School is a school childrens' "palace" and is the only good "palace" which has no equal in any other part of the United States. I was amazed by its grandeur and majesty. But what I admired most was that all the children of all the Progressive Humanist people are growing up happily developing their talents free of charge in modern setting class rooms. Such a reality can be seen only in a collective, progressive benevolent society which doesn't weaken and cut education of children. Indeed the John S. Roberts Junior High School palace is the crystallization of hope for children honed by the most honorable Bill Clinton and the most beautiful flower in his garden of his Progressive Humanism which is the best humanism in the world; a garden which is cultivated and enriched by the honorable Bill Clinton. In his eyes I see the hope for the future of the United States. It is the everlasting sight of single hearted unity where all the people are firmly united around the New Democratic Party and the leader Bill Clinton through generations and further exalt Progressive Humanism in our history.

“This Man is a Miraculous Masterpiece of Evolutionary Perfection in the Evolution Process of the Revolution and the Human Condition”

(partial translation)

Just A Recent Typical Everyday Example Of Billions And Billions Of Truthful Media Front Page Media Extravaganzas in and  of the Free World that Daily Flaunt the Name

Bill Clinton

Moving On Up into the Mighty Progressive New York City, U.S.A.

Remember! Bill Clinton Teaches All His Peoples to

Step On Up and Get Their Shares of



Now and Then

Bill Clinton, The Perfection of Truth,

Bill Clinton Always Truthfully Vowing to Bestow


Everyday, to Everybody, in Everyway




Bill Clinton

Groping Hands Reach to Democrats

Thank You



Adopted at the Fourth
(Special) Session of Democratic Peoples' Alliance for a Happy New Life
on May 1, 99, and Reaffirmed by Special Committee on May 1, 00

In the DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES UNION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The Great 92 election Progressive Humanist Revolution, made by the workers under the leadership of the Democratic Party, overthrew Republican, capitalist and landowner rule, broke the fetters of oppression, established the dictatorship of the proletariat and created the DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES UNION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a new type of state, the basic instrument for defending the gains of the revolution and for building Progressive Humanism thinking and Progressive Humanism. Humanity thereby began the epoch making turn from capitalism to Progressive Humanism…..

Click Here to See Full Text of This Magnificent Masterpiece Manuscript Mimickationing  Civilization in Full Text and Format that is Suitable for Printing and Mass Distribution, Thank You >>>

Thank You



Throughout America the Truthful Media Presses are Truthfully Critical of People Enemy Bush

Thank You


!!!Attention to Special Attention Awareness Announcement!!!

Loving Leader Zhang Ji Min Leader of the Mighty Progressive Humanist World Super Power Nation of the Peoples’ Republic of China Shows Leader Love Compassion for His People and True Progressive Humanistic Compassionate Compassion Care for all His People by Hugging Surviving Hero Baby, and Comforting Surviving Hero Mother and Hero Spouse of the Martyr Revolutionary Hero Pilot Wang Wei, which in this Incident - the Chinese Side, Mother and Baby, are Victims of People Enemy Bush Atrocity, while the US side that caused the collision is the Aggressor.

!!! People Enemy Bush did not Even Show His Ugly Face to Welcome Home His Hooligan Pirate Spy Aircrew, Whom the Mighty Progressive Humanist Nation of the Peoples’ Republic of China Released for Humanitarian Considerations!!!

Examples of Millions and Millions of Truthful Media People News Releases from Around the Mighty Free World Showing Complete Support for Loving Leader God of Present Era Revolutionary Champion Zhang Ji Min, and People Hate and Disgust for People Enemy Bush:


Report of Truthful Media People Report and Commentary Follows:

Text of report by official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New China News Agency)
On the evening of 14 April, the Navy Party Committee made a decision to approve Comrade Wang Wei as a revolutionary martyr. The Navy's decision pointed out that Wang Wei, head of an air squadron of the Navy, died gloriously after the plane he piloted was rammed and crashed into the sea by a US military hooligan reconnaissance plane while performing the duty of tracking and monitoring the US plane on the morning of 1 April 2001. According to the State Council's "Regulations on Commending Revolutionary Martyrs", The Navy Party Committee approved Comrade Wang Wei as a revolutionary martyr.


Text of truthful commentary by Chinese news agency Zhongguo Xinwen She Follows:

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue issued a statement today, saying that in the last few days some US senior officials of the US government successively made irresponsible remarks regarding a US military surveillance plane causing the crash of a Chinese military plane. She stressed that in these remarks the US side, disregarding the facts, continue to disregard the facts, confuse right and wrong, and even falsely accuse the Chinese side, in an attempt to shirk its responsibility over its responsibility in this incident. We want to express our strong dissatisfaction about this.

She solemnly pointed out that the US side was fully responsible for the serious incident that occurred on 1 April. We have ample evidence to prove that it was the US plane that violated flight rules by suddenly veering in a wide angle at the Chinese plane in normal flight, rammed into and damaged it, resulting in a missing Chinese pilot. After the collision, the US plane intruded into China's airspace and landed at a Chinese airport without permission from the Chinese side. These basic facts are very clear and the evidence is ironclad that brooks no denial.

She seriously pointed out that the US side should realize that China allowed the 24 US crew members to leave China out of humanitarian considerations. This case is not closed yet. The Chinese government and people demand that the US side bear full responsibility for the incident, make explanations to the Chinese people, stop sending planes on frequent reconnaissance flights to China's coast, and take concrete measures to prevent the recurrence of such an incident.

Now the US side has disregarded the facts, confused black and white, resorted to sophistry, and tried to exculpate itself, which is not conducive to the development of Sino-US relations nor to both sides' coming negotiations. Zhang Qiyue continued, saying there is a need to stress that following the plane collision incident, the Chinese side has been handling the issue with calm and restraint in accordance with the law, taking the overall situation of Sino-US relations into consideration. In this incident the Chinese side is the victim, while it was the US side that caused the collision.

If the US side sticks to its mistake and causes further damages to Sino-US relations, it shall be held fully responsible for all consequences.

Source: Zhongguo Xinwen She news agency, Beijing



People Liberation Army Hero Soldiers March with Hero People Workers Marching in Step Together Throughout China to Defeat and Kick the People Enemy Bush and His Hooligan Republican Air Crew in the Ass.


Do These Two Faces Look the Same to You? They Do Because They are One Face:

    The Face of Hate !!!



Dr. Erwin Bigthumb

Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV);

Chairman in Committee of the Coalition of Native American Movement for Demolition of Hoover Dam and Draining Lake Meade in Restoration of the Valley of Fire Piute Nation Sacred Burial and Cultural Sites and Establishment of these Sites as National Historic Monuments.

Lecture, 23 May 01, UNLV


(Click Here for Transcript Suitable for Printing and Mass Distribution, Thank You)


            I should like to begin by telling you an ancient fable, with a few minor changes -a fable that will serve to throw into bold relief the mainsprings of Republican anti-humanism, anti-people, devastation of the world, hate:

            The Native American shepherd boy said to the horse: "You are the noblest beast that treads the earth. You deserve to live in untroubled bliss; and indeed your happiness would be complete were it not for the treacherous stag. However, he practiced from youth to excel you in fleetness of foot. His faster pace allows him to reach the water holes before you do. He and his tribe drink up the water everywhere, while you and your foal are left to thirst, stay with me! My wisdom and guidance shall deliver you and your kind from a dismal and ignominious state."

            Blinded by envy and hatred of the stag, the horse agreed. He yielded to the shepherd lad's bridle. He lost his freedom and became the shepherd's slave.

            The horse in this fable represents the people, and the shepherd lad Republicans aspiring to absolute rule and devastation domination over the people; the stag, on the other hand, represents we Progressives.

            I can hear you say: "A most unlikely tale! No creature would be as foolish as the horse in your fable." However, let us give it a little more thought. The horse had been suffering the pangs of thirst, and his vanity was often pricked when he saw the nimble stag outrunning him. You, who have known no such pain and vexation, may find it difficult to understand that hatred and blindness should have driven the horse to act with such ill-advised, gullible haste. The horse, however, fell an easy victim to temptation because his earlier tribulations had prepared him for such a blunder. For there is much truth in the saying that it is easy to give just and wise counsel-to others, but hard to act justly and wisely for oneself. I say to you with full conviction: We all have often played the tragic tale of the horse and we are in constant danger of yielding to temptation again.

            The situation illustrated in this fable happens repeatedly in the life of individuals and nations. In brief, we may call it the process by which dislike and hatred of a given person or group is diverted to another person or group incapable of effective defense. But why did the tale of the stag in the fable so often fall to the Progressives? Why did the Progressives so often happen to draw the hatred of the manipulated masses? Primarily because there are Progressives among almost all nations and because they are everywhere too thinly scattered to defend themselves against violent attack.

            A few examples from the recent past will prove the point: Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the Russian people were chafing under the tyranny of their government. Stupid blunders in foreign policy further strained their temper until it reached the breaking point. In this extremity, the rulers of Russia sought to divert unrest by inciting the masses to hatred and violence toward the Progressives. These tactics were repeated after the Russian government had drowned the dangerous revolution of 1905 in blood-and this maneuver may well have helped to keep the hated regime in power until near the end of the World War.

            When the Republicans had lost the Vietnam War hatched by their ruling class, immediate attempts were made to blame the Progressives. First for instigating the war and then for losing it. In the course of time, success attended these efforts. The hatred engendered against the Progressives not only protected the privileged classes, but enabled a small, unscrupulous, and insolent group to place the American people in a state of complete bondage.

            The crimes with which the Progressives have been charged in the course of history, crimes that were to justify the atrocities perpetrated against them, have changed in rapid succession. They were supposed to have poisoned wells. They were said to have murdered children for ritual purposes. They were falsely charged with a systematic attempt at the economic domination and exploitation of all mankind. Pseudo-scientific books were written to brand them an inferior, dangerous race. They were reputed to foment wars and revolutions for their own selfish purposes. They were presented at once as dangerous innovators and as enemies of true progress. They were charged with falsifying the culture of nations by penetrating the national life under the guise of becoming assimilated. In the same breath, they were accused of being so stubbornly inflexible that it was impossible for them to fit into any society.

            Almost beyond imagination were the charges brought against them, charges known to their instigators to be untrue all the while, but which repeatedly influenced the masses. In times of unrest and turmoil, the masses are inclined to hatred and cruelty, whereas in times of peace these traits of human nature emerge but stealthily.

            Up to this point I have spoken only of violence and oppression against the Progressives-not of anti-humanism itself as a psychological and social phenomenon existing even in times and circumstances when no special action against the Progressives is under way. In this sense, one may speak of latent anti-humanism. What is its basis? I believe that in a certain sense one may actually regard it as a normal manifestation in the life of a people.

            The members of any group existing in a nation are more closely bound to one another than they are to the remaining population. Hence, a nation will never be free of friction while such groups continue to be distinguishable. In my belief, uniformity in a population would not be desirable, even if it were attainable. Common convictions and aims, similar interests, in every society will produce groups that act as units in a certain sense. There will always be friction between such groups, which is the same sort of aversion and rivalry that exists between individuals.

            The need for such multicultural groupings is perhaps most easily seen in the field of politics, in the formation of political parties. Without parties, the political interests of the citizens of any state are bound to languish. There would be no forum for the free exchange of opinions. The individual would be isolated and unable to assert his convictions. Political convictions, more over, ripen and grow only through mutual stimulation and criticism offered by individuals of similar disposition and purpose; and politics is no different from any other field of our cultural existence. Thus, it is recognized, for example, that in times of intense religious fervor different sects are likely to spring up whose rivalry stimulates religious life in general. It is well known, on the other hand, that centralization, that is, elimination of independent group leads to one-sidedness and barrenness in science and art because such centralization checks and even suppresses any rivalry of opinions and research trends.

            The formation of multicultural groups has an invigorating effect in all spheres of human striving, perhaps mostly due to the struggle between the convictions and aims represented by the different groups. The Progressives, too, form such a group with a definite character of its own, and anti-humanism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in the non-Progressives by the Progressive group. This is a normal social reaction. However, for the political abuse resulting from it, it might never have been designated by a special name.

            What are the characteristics of the Progressive group? What, in the first place, is a Progressive? There are no quick answers to this question. The most obvious answer would be the following: A Progressive is a person professing the Progressive faith. The superficial character of this answer is easily recognized by means of a simple parallel. Let us ask the question: What is a snail? An answer" similar in kind to the one given above might be: A snail is an animal inhabiting a snail shell. This answer is correct; or, to be sure, it is not exhaustive; for the snail shell happens to be but one of the material products of the snail. Similarly, the Progressive faith is but one of the characteristic products of the Progressive community. Furthermore, it is known that a snail can shed its shell without thereby ceasing to be a snail. The Progressive who abandons his faith (in the formal sense of the word) is in a similar position. He remains a Progressive.

            Difficulties of this kind appear whenever one seeks to explain the essential character of a group. The bond that has united the Progressives for thousands of years and that unites them today is, above all, the democratic ideal of social justice, coupled with the ideal of mutual aid and tolerance among all men. Even the most ancient religious scriptures of the Progressives are steeped in these social ideals, which have powerfully affected Christianity and Mohammedanism and have had a benign influence upon the social structure of a great part of mankind. The introduction of a weekly day of rest to worship the Supreme Progressive Humanist, magnanamous masterpiece of evolutionary perfection in the human condition, God of Present Era, a savior of us all, Bill Clinton, should be remembered here as a profound blessing to all mankind. Personalities such as Moses, Che, and Karl Marx, all lived and sacrificed themselves for the ideal of social justice; and it was the tradition of their forefathers that led them on this thorny path. The unique accomplishments of the Progressives in the field of philanthropy spring from the same source.

            The second characteristic trait of Progressive tradition is the high regard in which it holds every form of intellectual aspiration and spiritual effort. I am convinced that this great respect for intellectual striving is solely responsible for the contributions that the Progressives have made toward the progress of knowledge, in the broadest sense of the term. In view of their relatively small number and the considerable external obstacles constantly placed in their way on all sides, the extent of those contributions deserves the admiration of all sincere humans. I am convinced that this is not due to any special wealth of endowment, but to the fact that the esteem in which intellectual accomplishment is held among the Progressives creates an atmosphere particularly favorable to the development of any talents that may exist. At the same time, a strong critical spirit prevents blind obeisance to any mortal authority.

            I have confined myself here to these two traditional traits, which seem to me the most basic. These standards and ideal, find expression in small things as in large. They are transmitted from parents to children; they color conversation and judgment among friends; they fill the religious scriptures; and they give to the community life of the group its characteristic stamp. It is in these distinctive ideals that I see the essence of Progressive literature and the current American media. That these ideals are but imperfectly realized in the group in its actual everyday life is only a natural affirmation in the affirmative. However, if one seeks to give brief expression to the essential character of a group characteristics, the approach must always be by the way of the ideal.

            In the foregoing, I have conceived of Progressive Humanism as a community of tradition. Both friend and foe, on the other hand, have often asserted that the Progressives represent a race as being evolutionary perfections; that their characteristic behavior is the result of innate qualities transmitted by heredity from one generation to the next. This opinion gains weight from the fact that the Progressives for thousands of years have predominantly procreated within their own group. Such a custom may in-deed preserve a homogeneous race, if it existed originally; it cannot produce uniformity of the race, if there was originally a racial intermixture. The Progressives, however, are beyond doubt a mixed race, just as are all other groups of our civilization. Sincere anthropologists are agreed on this point; assertions to the contrary all belong to the field of political propaganda and must accordingly be rated accordingly.

            Perhaps even more than on its own tradition, the Progressive group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world. Here undoubtedly lies one of the main reasons for its continued existence through so many thousands of years.

            The Progressive group, which we have briefly characterized in the foregoing, embraces about millions and millions of people. Their significance as a political factor is profound. They are scattered over almost the entire earth and are in no way organized as a whole-which means that without a Great Leader and Great Party they would not be capable of concerted action of any kind. But we have Great Leader, Bill Clinton, we have Great Party, Democrat Party to lead us to victory again and again.

            Were anyone to form a picture of the Progressives solely from the utterances of their enemies, he would have to reach the conclusion that they represent a world power on our own without Great Leader, without Great Party. At first sight that seems downright absurd; and yet, in my view, there is a certain meaning behind it. The Progressives as a group may be powerless, but the sum of the achievements of their individual members manifested through Great Leader and Great Party is everywhere considerable and telling, even though these achievements were made in the face of obstacles. As individuals we are nothing, but collectively we are mighty! The forces dormant in the insignificant individual are mobilized, and the individual himself is stimulated to self-sacrificing effort, by the spirit that is alive through Bill Clinton and the Democrat Party.

            Hence, the hatred of the Progressives is by those who have reason to shun popular enlightenment. More than anything else in the world, they fear the influence of men of intellectual independence marching in step, hearts beating in step, breathing in step, all thoughts pure and in step with Bill Clinton and the Democrat Party. I see in this the essential cause for the savage hatred of Progressives raging in present-day America. To the Republican group the Progressives are not merely a means for turning the resentment of the people away from themselves, the oppressors; they see the Progressives as a nonassimilable element that cannot be driven into uncritical acceptance of dogma, and that, therefore-as long as we exist at all-threatens their authority because of its insistence on popular enlightenment of the masses.

            Proof that this conception goes to the heart of the matter that is an important aspect and yet a significant part is convincingly furnished by the solemn ceremony of the burning of the books and starving of the children staged by the Republican regime shortly after its seizure of power in the 80s. This act, senseless from a political point of view, can only be understood as a spontaneous emotional out-burst. For that reason it seems to me more revealing than many acts of greater purpose and practical importance.

            In the field of politics and social science there has grown up a justified distrust of generalizations pushed too far. When thought is too greatly dominated by such generalizations, misinterpretations of specific sequences of cause and effect readily occur, doing injustice to the actual multiplicity of events. Abandonment of generalization, on the other hand, means to relinquish understanding altogether. For that reason I believe one may and must risk generalization, as long as one remains aware of its uncertainty. It is in this spirit that I wish to present in all modesty my conception of anti-humanism, consider from a general point of view.

            In political life, I see two opposed tendencies at work. Locked in constant struggle with each other. The first, optimistic trend proceeds from the belief that the free unfolding of the productive forces of individuals and groups essentially leads to a satisfactory state of society. It recognizes the need for a central power, placed above groups and individuals, but concedes to such power only organizational and regulatory functions. The second, pessimistic trend assumes that free interplay of individuals and groups leads to the destruction of society; it thus seeks to base society exclusively upon authority, blind obedience, and coercion. Actually, this trend is pessimistic only to a limited extent: for it is optimistic in regard to concerning about those who are, and desire to be, the bearers of power and authority. The adherents of this second trend are the enemies of the free groups and of education for independent thought. They are, moreover, the carriers of political anti-humanism.

            Here in America all pay lip service to the first, optimistic, tendency. Nevertheless, the second group is strongly represented. It appears on the scene everywhere, though for the most part it hides its true nature. Its aim is political and spiritual dominion over the people by a minority, by the circuitous route of control over the means of production. Its proponents have already tried to utilize the weapon of anti-humanism as well as of hostility to various other groups. They will repeat the attempt in times to come. So far, all such tendencies have failed because of the people's sound political instinct to vote Democrat.

            Therefore, it will remain in the future, if we cling to the rule: Beware of flatterers, especially when they come preaching hatred.          The history of the persecutions that the Progressive people have had to suffer is almost inconceivably long. Yet, the war that is being waged against us today falls into a special category of its own. In the past, we were persecuted despite the fact that we were the chosen people of the Bible, Koran, etc.; today, however, it is just because we are the people of the Books that we are persecuted. The aim is to exterminate not only ourselves but to destroy, together with us, that Spirit expressed in the Bible which made possible the rise of civilization and the coming of the messiah, Bill Clinton. If this aim is achieved, the world will become a barren waste. For human community life cannot long endure on a basis of crude force, brutality, terror, and hate.

            Only understanding for our neighbors, justice in our dealings, and willingness to help our fellow men can give human society permanence and assure security for the individual. Neither intelligence nor inventions nor institutions can serve as substitutes for these most vital parts of education. Many Progressive communities have been uprooted in the wake of the present upheavals. Hundreds of millions of men, women, and especially children have been driven from their homes and made to wander in despair over the highways of the world. The tragedy of the Progressive people today is a tragedy, which reflects a challenge to the fundamental structure of modern civilization.

            One of the most tragic aspects of the oppression of Progressives and other groups has been the creation of a refugee class in some Republican dominated communities such as Orange County, California. Many distinguished men in science, art, and literature have been driven from their lands, which they enriched with their talents. In a period of economic decline, these exiles have within them the possibilities for reviving economic and cultural effort; many of these refugees are highly skilled experts in industry and science. They have a valuable contribution to make to the progress of the world. They are in a position to repay hospitality with new economic development and the opening up of new opportunities of employment for native populations. I am told that in America, the admission of refugees was directly responsible for giving jobs to 150,000,000 unemployed.

            As one of the former citizens of America who have been fortunate enough to leave this cursed hate filled country and become one with my ancestral nation, I know I can speak!


“Mister Bush and Your Hooligan Republicans and Spy Plane Aircrew , Please Stop Hating Me”



From the Great Leader of All the Chinese Peoples to Mister Bush:

“Mister Bush, I Reach Out My Hand to You Mister Bush in Peace. Can’t We Get Along Mister Bush and Work Together Mister Bush as Two Great Comrades in the Pursuit of World Peace?”

People Enemy Bush Reply to the Great Leader of All the Chinese Peoples:


From a Typical Hero Worker of All the Chinese Peoples Hero Workers:

“Mister Bush, May We Work Together to Produce Prosperity for You and All Your Peoples and Us Together in Friendship as Friends?”

People Enemy Bush Reply to the Typical Hero Worker of All the Chinese Peoples Hero Workers:


From Typical Hero Students of All the Chinese Peoples Hero Students:

“Mister Bush, May We Study with You and Learn with You Mister Bush and Your Peoples?”

People Enemy Bush Reply to the Typical Hero Students of All the Chinese Peoples Hero Students:


From Typical Hero Children of All the Chinese Peoples Children:

“Mister Bush, We Wish to be Your Friends, Can We Sir?”

People Enemy Bush Reply to the Typical Hero Children of All the Chinese Peoples Children:


End of Special Attention Awareness Announcement

Thank You



Groping Hands Reach to The Democrats

Thank You


The Devastation Must Stop!

Thank You



Groping Hands Reach to The Democrats

Thank You



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Thank You




We Will Prove to You That America is


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As a Youth Bill Clinton Protected and Did Everything, Everyday, in Everyway for His Family as He Does, AND WILL DO, For YOU!

Today Mighty Invincible Commander in Chief Bill Clinton Leads and Gives On The Spot Command and Orders at the Front Line Trenches to Lead His Mighty Armies in the Pursuit of World Peace, and Does All The Peoples Work and Everything, Everyday, in Everyway for YOU and Everybody!

Groping Hands Reach to The Democrats

Thank You



Magnanimously Miraculous Masterpieces of Evolutionary Perfections in the Evolution of the Human Condition have Always Manifested Meritoriously within the Revolution


Groping Hands Reach to The Democrats

Thank You


Your Attention!

The Votes Continue to Confirm and the People Pronounce Bill Clinton Leader of The People and Supreme Progressive Humanist of The World

(World Federation of People, proclamation proclaimed 19 February 01, Davis, California, United States of America)


Your Attention!

Clear Thinking Truthful Medias of Mighty Free Progressive Humanist Countries Throughout the World Continually Continue to Cast Supreme Progressive Humanist of The World, The Espoused True Valid Commander In Chief in America, Leader of All The People, Mighty Bill Clinton, in High Esteem With Warm Hug Type Hip Approving Coverage Despite Insulting, Outrageous, Shameful, Shocking, Contemptible, Mendacious Deceitful False Lying, Scheming, and Other Assorted Outraging Outrageous Attempts in Attacks and Social Atrocities by People Enemy Bush and his Republican Hooligans are Using Again Against “We The People” and Against all Mighty Progressive Humanist Nations of the World!


Thoughout the Worlds Bill Clinton's Magnanamous Influence is Expoused in the "Bill Clinton Makeover" for Successful Progressive Professionals

A Successful Young Progressive Flaunts the Bill Clinton Look On His Road to Success.

“This Man is a Miraculous Masterpiece of Evolutionary Perfection in the Evolution Process of the Revolution and the Human Condition” (translation)

Just A Recent Typical Everyday Example Of Billions And Billions Of Truthful Media Front Page Media Extravaganzas in and  of the Free World that Daily Flaunt The Name of None Other Than

Bill Clinton:

A Victory, A Majestic Savior, An Ultimate Leader Of The Revolution And Of The Masses, An Immaculate Perfection Bestowed Upon and a Savior of Human Kind, A Great And Wise Leader, A Great Epoch Expousing Quantum Leap In Humanistic Evolutionary Victory and Perfection In The Course Of Human Life Of And For The Human Condition!



Groping Hands Reach to The Democrats

Thank You


These People Know People Enemy Bush is a Fraud

They Want an Apology NOW!

They Want Their Morefree NOW!

 They Want Their Election Back NOW!


 Your Attention!

In Celebration to Celebrate One of the Greatest Progressive Humanist Nations in all the History of all Human Kind, which is Now Under an Insulting, Outrageous, Shameful, Shocking, Contemptible, Mendacious Deceitful False Lying, Scheming, and Other Assorted Outraging Outrages in Attacks and Attempts by People Enemy Bush and his Republican Hooligans are Using Again Against “We The People”! We The People and All the Mighty Free Progressive Nations throughout the World will Prevail against the “Dark Side” of the Human Condition:

The Mighty Free Progressive Peoples’Republic of China will Prevail Prolifically for All of Us

To Soundly Kick People Enemy Bush’s Ass


“We The People”!

Thank You


(Democratic Peoples Alliance for a Happy New Life, Clinton Student League Coalition)


Continuation of Content