Saturday May 4, 2002 6:34 P.M. (American Time)

We are on the flight to Amsterdam now. We are assured arrival in 2 and a half hours. The flights have been uneventful, except for the fact that we were the last people to Board the planes even though we were the first to arrive.

We watched the movie “Behind Enemy Lines” on the laptop. We are soon going to watch Fight Club.

We have been sleeping quite a bit. We needed to sleep since all Friday night we didn’t. We left home at 2:00 a.m. ; I packing till the very last minute. We stopped at Walgreen’s so I could buy a hair curler since I forgot mine at work. It doesn’t work well. So much for my plans for curly hair (Danielle, you know how I felt about that).

We arrived outside our friend Jan Goodman’s house in San Jose at 3:30 a.m. where we  parked our car. Kjetil had made  a reservation for  a cab to pick us up and they had no record of that !!!! So, it was a good thing that Kjetil called around 3:10 to confirm and they could send another cab at 3:30 as we had planned earlier.

There was nobody at the airport. Just Kjetil, our luggage and I. We just hung out and I tried on my curling iron. They wanted to X- Ray our luggage and insisted on opening them also. They opened three items out of four and it was cleared. They were very thorough. They searched us and everybody else very thoroughly when we passes through the security. They were very polite though asking if it was okay to touch, pat etc. They make you take your shoes off and check your shoes and under your feet. That was strange, I thought. Everybody was very nice about it.

So, we left at 6:20 from San Jose and reached Minneapolis at 12:20 p.m. and left from there at 3:20 p.m.


San Jose International airport at 4:00 am

Jaspreet reading at Minneapolis

On the plane to Amsterdam

Kjetil reading? on the plane to Bergen

Jaspreet finally and for the first time in Bergen; at Bergen airport.