WRAMTAS is one of the regional student branches of the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA). The purpose of this student organization is the advancement of the purpose and objectives of AMTA within the framework of the students and interns of the western region. AMTA strives towards the progressive development of the therapeutic use of music in rehabilitation, special education, and community settings. WRAMTAS includes the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.

What is music therapy?

Music therapy is a systematic process of intervention wherein the therapist helps the client to achieve health, using musical experiences and the relationships that develop through them as dynamic forces of change (Kenneth E. Bruscia in Defining Music Therapy).

2001 Student Song Contest

Entry Form (Microsoft Word format)

WRAMTAS 2001-2002 Officer Elections

It is highly recommended that those running for office attend this year's Regional Conference in Reno, Nevada! The dates for the conference are March 28th through April 3rd. Concurrent sessions begin on Friday. The closing session is on Sunday, April 1st. Hope to see you there!!

*** Because we only have one business meeting, nominations will not be opened to the floor at the meeting (due to time constraints). Those who do not submit a form will not be accepted.

Karen Sanchez
WRAMTAS President 2000-2001

Self Nomination Form (PDF)

Home Notes from
the President
Officers Constitution
& Bylaws
Links Activiites
& Ideas
