Are you the type of person that carries others even when you barely have the strength to walk yourself?  Or are you the one that leaves others standing with their hands outstretched awaiting help?  We have all been both of those people at one point in our lives.

We can take comfort in knowing that the same sun that rose on our God will rise on us.  Comfort because things don't change, it is people who do.  Over the many generations we as a human race are more sinful than the descendants of Adam and Eve.  The world was perfect.  God sent the flood, in an attempt to purify it, afterwards he created the rainbow as an eternal covenant that he will never destroy living creatures again.  Then again, time reveals truths, and those truths are greater than any of us.

When you see yourself in someone's eyes you see something they have that you admire. They have something that you long to possess.  Whether it be deep character or humbleness or faith...we long to learn and understand. We are all here for a thread in time, the idea that we can't do anything is silly. If you can do something to make someone smile, then it is worth it. Wether you know it or not, that kind act will stick in their mind and one day they will do something for someone else. We are each other's angels.

We find ourselves caught up in the trivialities of everyday life.  With our constant strive upwards we sometimes lose hope, and the poetry of our spirits are smothered by our daily affairs.  When you can weep both the tears of joy and tears of sorrow with someone, then you know that you have found someone to trust in.  Love is, in my opinion, a strong bond of friendship and that is all, and friendship is built on trust.  Love is a mystery, it makes you do the strangest things.  I once said, not so long ago that I would never fall in love.  That was only because I was hurt, and now I know that to truly live is to experience everything you can.  Good and bad.  So, until I find my Romeo, I will enjoy everything I can along the way. I have heard that you always should take time to stop and smell the roses.

~I would rather do nothing with you than something without you.~

NOW for the quote I read."The human spirit is stronger than anything that happens to it."
~C. C. Scott~

Think about that for a moment.  I read that "God will not allow us to be tempted beyond our endurance." (1 Corinthians 10:13)  Then in Job it says, "But I do not have the strength to endure.  I do not have the goal that encourages me to carry on." (Job 6:11)  If we look towards God and trust him to carry us and give both strength and endurance, everything seems so easy.  We then know that whatever happens is truly meant to be.

We always need to look at our problems and ask, what is to be learned?  We all suffer.  It is a fact of life.  We live we die, and somewhere in there we go through some sort of suffering.  You either sink or float.  We need to learn to turn to the Lord for endurance and deliverance, for he is the only one that can truly help us.

I don't care what you non-believers may say about me, you may think I am following blindly, well I am ready to do that.  Christianity allows me to meet wonderful people who know they are bad.  We know that we are sinners, and that we do bad things.  We admit to them and so we are forgiven.  I do admit that some Christians can be very judgmental, but who can't?  All you Christian's need to remember that healthy people don't need a doctor, sick people share the light to the world.

"The real test of value is how well something holds up under the wear, tear, and abuse of everyday life.  Those who stand up for Christ in spite of their troubles truly have lasting value and will receive great rewards."  (Matthew 5:11-12)

This verse gives me courage and I know that nothing comes without a great cost.
"Don't be afraid of those who want to kill you.  They can only kill your body; they cannot touch your soul.  Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.  (Matthew 10:28)

We all need to be reached out to every now and then, so just remember to try and be that person who doesn't pass those by who need a hand to grab on to if you can help it.  It is always nice to know that you have made a difference to someone.  Always.


I find it so intriguing that even Jesus himself felt alone and lonely. Wow, the man we look to for our answers? He felt like this? This is so bewildering and so exciting. It gives me hope, because I realize that even someone who was completely pure felt this powerful emotion. He went through so much to save us, can’t we look to Him when we feel like this? He himself did feel like this at one point in his life.

Speaking for myself, I have really been trying to look to Him for the answers…but sometimes I don’t see Him respond and then I turn somewhere else for answers. Instead of listening and waiting for His answer, I turn elsewhere. But then again, who can say that they have never done the same?

Many times when I feel that way, it is because I have not had enough time to myself. I haven't fit my time in where I can sit down and clear my head. I have not put the lord first, and I truly believe it is the lord calling us back to him. He wants to be first in our life. Just because you are with someone doesn’t mean that you are keeping them company. I would like my friends to all know that no matter how busy I may seem….no matter what, if you EVER need me, I always have a shoulder. Because sometimes things don’t turn out how you expect them to.

I would rather do nothing with you than something without you.

Loneliness is a horrible thing, but no matter how bad things may seem…there is always someone there for you. God. The door to prayer is always there if you don’t feel like you can vent to anyone else. I truly hope that each of you had that one person that you can go to and cry to, and then you need that one person that you can go to and laugh with. Sometimes I choose to write poetry when I feel lonely, your hormones are so out of whack and yea. Makes a good time to do that. But my personal favorite, I work on my quote book. I will find cool sayings that capture my feelings and put them into my book. I can look back and see how I was feeling…loving, humorous, or lonely.

A reminder

Life is one crazy situation after another. God is so amazing. He is always surprising me with all the things that he springs upon a person. I take comfort in the verse of 1 Corinthians 10:13. It says, “But we will not boast of authority we do not have. Out goal is to stay within the boundaries of God’s plan for us, and this plan includes our working there with you.” Basically it is saying that God will not allow us to have to deal with more than he thinks we can handle. The things we are confronted with when things seem to be running smoothly have been put there by God himself.

It is ironic to me how it seems that we are the strongest when we are the weakest. When we think we are not able to go on, we find strength we never knew we had. That strength is provided to by the Lord almighty. Think about it, if God gives us problems, it is because he knows we have the strength to deal with it. In a strange sort of way it is also him drawing us closer to him.

I just pray that in those sort of times when a friend is in need, people with faith will not turn from God, but take the chance to draw near him.

I have a friend named Cristin, she came back home from college for the holidays. Some guys were being stupid and running from the cops on mortorcycles. One lost control and Cristin was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She is amazing me so much by the strength she has. The chatacter, the faith, everything. I admire her so much. Cristin takes it one day at a time, and she is looking to God for the answers.

With all of these new happenings, I myself am learning lessons that I need to learn. I am sad that such a good person, who has lived her life by all the rules, has been faced with a situation like this. If anything I wish it were me instead. Nothing I can say can never console you or fill the whole you are now faced with. You are doing just what God wants and looking towards him.

God bless all of you and hasta pasta!