"313!"- Russ Elrod
"9 out of 10 dentists recommend oral sex" - Tshirt worn by Daniel Gonzalez
I remember walking into the last door on the left on THE hall one day to find two sloths hunched over a tray. The smell of dirty underwear encompassed the room, but then again it was Cox's and Funder's room. I walked in and Cox and Mayfield were chopping up thins. It looked good, but the two of them looked terrible. Next thing I remember I'm laying on my loft staring at the ceiling thinking, This was a bad idea. And my heart raced. And raced. And raced.
Bruce and Kyle's room was always the hang out spot. You could walk into that room at ANY time of the day, or night, and find an S. If someone wasnt watching SOAPs, they were playing Sega, or it was Counselor Troy on Star Trek. And you could walk in at any given time and find someone asleep on the "cobbler couch". Watching Top Gun with Bruce's surround sound, arguing over who was playing the Sega next, and you could always hear Bruce or Kyle playing a guitar. Damn, there are times when I just down right miss college.
One question..."do you remember The Cunt?"
Puking bright red after having everclear and hawaiian punch.
(does not pertain to all members) Going from door to door on THE FLOOR trying to bum some herb.
Cramming a semesters worth of information in 6 hours..while high, on 8 mini-thins, and drunk...how we passed I have NO idea.
A particular evening when three of my pledge brothers got trampled by flaming homosexuals.
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