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Updated: January 16, 2003
Gómez G.J., Peterson W.T., De Robertis A., Brodeur R.D. (2003) Mass mortality of krill caused by parasitoid ciliates.  Science301, 18 July, 2003, 339 (Brevia). (23.5 Impact factor)
Gómez G.J., (2003) Hatching mechanisms and accelerate hatching of a sac-spawning euphausiid Nematoscelis difficilisJ. Plankt. Res. 25(11): 1397-1411 Abstract (Impact factor 1.300)
Gómez G.J., Peterson W.T., Miller C.B.  (submitted) Cross-shelf life-stage segregation and community structure of the euphausiids off central Oregon (1970-1972) .
Gómez G.J., (submitted by invitation) Parasitoides del krill en la Corriente de California. Investigacion y Ciencia (Spanish version of Scientific American, Barcelona Spain) (Outreach journal)
Peterson WT, Gómez G.J., Morgan C. 2002.  Cross-shelf variation in calanoid copepod production during summer 1996 along Oregon coast, USA.  Mar. Biol. 141:353-365 abstract (Impact factor 1.335)
Gómez G.J., (2002) Hatching mechanisms and delayed hatching of the eggs of three broadcast-spawning euphausiid species  under laboratory conditions.  J. Plankt. Res. 24(12):165-1276. Abstract (Impact factor 1.300)
Gómez G.J., Palomares-García  R., Hernandez-Trujillo S. Carballido-Carranza M.A. 2001.  Community structure of the zooplankton throught the main entrance of Bahía Magdalena, Mexico. Rev. Biol. Trop. 49(2): 545-558. Abstract and complete manuscript, click on  volume  49(2)  and look at  the microbiology and coastal ecology section (unknown impact factor)
Robinson C.J., Gómez G.J., Felix-Uraga R, Arenas-Fuentes V. 2000. Seasonal hydroacoustical observations of small pelagic fish behaviour in Magdalena Bay, Mexico. Aquatic Living Resources. 13(1):11-18. Abstract (unknown impact factor)
Gómez G.J., Dominguez-Hernandez E., Robinson C.J. 2000. Hydroacoustical evidence of autumn inshore residence of the pelagic crab Pleuroncodes planipes at Punta Eugenia, Baja California, Mexico. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 208: 283-291. Abstract (Impact factor 1.923)
Gómez G.J., González-Chávez G., Robinson C.J., Arenas F.V. 1999. Latitudinal changes of euphausiid assemblages related to dynamics of the scattering layer along Baja California, October 1994. Scientia Marina. 63(1): 79-91. Abstract (Impact factor 0.187)
Gómez G.J., Palomares-García R., De Silva-Dávila R., Carballido-Carranza M.A., Martínez-López A. 1999. Copepod daily egg production and growth rates in Bahía Magdalena, Mexico. J. Plankt. Res. 21(12):2227-2244. Abstract. Full document (Impact factor 1.300)
Gómez G.J., Peterson W.T. 1999. Egg production rates of eight calanoid copepod species during the summer 1997 at Newport Oregon, USA. J. Plankt. Res. 21(4): 637-657. Abstract (Impact factor 1.300)
Gómez G.J., Shields J. 1998. Range extension for Oculophryxus bicaulis Shields & Gómez (Isopoda, Dajidae) in the South China Sea. Crustaceana. 71(2): 167-170. Abstract (Impact factor 0.259)
Lavaniegos E.B., Gómez G.J., Lara-Lara R., Hernández-Vázquez S. 1998. Long-term changes of zooplankton volumes in the California Current System.- The Baja California region. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 169: 55-64. Abstract (Impact factor 1.923)
Robinson C.J., Gómez G.J. 1998. Daily vertical migration of dense scattering layers related to shelf-break area in the northwest coast of Baja California, México. J. Plankt. Res. 20(9): 1679-1697. Abstract (Impact factor 1.300)
Robinson C.J., Gómez G.J. 1998. The red-crab bloom of the west coast of Baja California, México. J. Plankt. Res. 20(10): 2009-2016. Abstract (Impact factor 1.300)
Gómez G.J., Robinson M.C. 1997. Circadian biomass and abundance changes of five euphausiids along the west coast of Baja California Mexico, December 1993. Scientia Marina 61: 27-35. Abstract (Impact factor 0.187)
Gómez G.J., Sánchez O.C. 1997. Larval drift and population structure of the pelagic phase of Pleuroncodes planipes (Simpson) (Crustacea: Galatheidae) off the southwest coast of Baja California, México. Bull. mar. Sci. 61(2): 305-326. Abstract (Impact factor 0.512)
Shields  D.J., Gómez G.J. 1996. Oculophryxus bicaulis a new genus and species of Dajid isopod parasitic on the euphausiid Stylocheiron affine. Hansen. International Journal of Parasitology. 26(3): 261-268. Abstract (unknown Impact factor)
Gómez  G.J. 1996. Ecology of early larval development of Nyctiphanes simplex Hansen (Euphausiacea) off the southwest coast of Baja California, México. Bull. mar. Sci. 58(1): 131-146. Abstract (Impact factor 0.512)
Palomares G.R., Gómez G.J. 1996. Copepod community structure at Bahia Magdalena, Mexico during El Niño 1983-1984. Estuar. coast. and Shelf. Sci. 43: 583-595. (Impact factor 1.011)
Gómez G.J., De Silva-Dávila R, Lavaniegos E.B. 1996. Growth production of the euphausiid Nyctiphanes simplex at the coastal shelf off Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, México. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 138: 309-314. Abstract (Impact factor 1.923)
Gómez  G.J. 1995. Distribution patterns, abundance and population dynamics of the euphausiids Nyctiphanes simplex and Euphausia eximia in the west coast of Baja California, México. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 119: 63-76. Abstract (Impact factor 1.923)
Gómez  G.J., Palomares-García R., Gendron D. 1995. Community structure of the euphausiids populations along the west coast of Baja California, México during the weak ENSO 1986-87. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 120: 41-51. Abstract (Impact factor 1.923)
Gómez G.J., Hernández-Trujillo S., Esqueda  E.G.M. 1995. Community structure of the euphausiids and copepods in distribution areas of pelagic fish larvae off west coast off Baja California, México. In: International Symposium on middle-sized pelagic fish. (eds). C. Bas, J. J. Castro, J. M. Lorenzo. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Scientia Marina. 59(3-4): 381-390. Abstract (Impact factor 0.187)
Robinson C.M.,  Gómez G.J., Arenas F.V. 1995. Diel vertical and offshore-inshore movements of anchovies off central Baja California coast. J. Fish. Biol. 47: 877-892. Abstract (Impact factor 0.918)
Gómez  G.J., Hernández-Trujillo S. 1994. Euphausiacea and Copepoda of the oceanic front off Cabo San Lucas B.C.S., México in August of 1988. Rev. Biol. Trop. 42(1/2): 155-164. Abstract (unknown impact factor)
Publications in Mexican Journals
Palomares-Garcia R, De Silva-Davila R, Martinez-Lopez A, Carballido-Carranza A, Gómez GJ. 2000.  Crecimiento somatico y produccion de huevos de copepodos en Bahia Magdalena. p. 29-30. En: Estudios sobre el plancton en Mexico y el Caribe. Rios-Jara R, Juarez-Carrillo E., Perez-Pena M, Lopez-Uriarte E., Robles-Jarero EG, Hernandez-Becerril DU y Silva-Briano M. (eds.).  Sociedad  Mexicana de Planctologia y  Universidad de Guadalajara, 147 p.
Gómez G.J., 1998. En busca de los escurridizos y poco frecuentes isopodos (Epicaridae: Dajidae), parasitos de crustaceos eufausiaceos y decapodos. Planctologia Mexicana. Boletin informativo de la Sociedad Mexicana de Planctologia A.C. 9:27-31
Gómez G.J., Robinson C.M., Arenas-Fuentes V. 1998. La hidroacústica, una moderna herramienta para el estudio de la biología y ecología del ecosistema pelágico marino. Ciencia. Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencia 49(2): 11-22.
Robinson C.M., Gómez G.J., Arenas F.V. 1997. On the structure of a deep scattering layer on the coastal shelf off Bahia Magdalena, Baja California, Mexico. Ciencias Marinas 23(1): 141-154. Abstract (Impact factor 0.167)
Gómez G.J., Sánchez O.C. 1995. Centros de eclosión y deriva larval y postlarval de la langostilla, Pleuroncodes planipes (Crustácea: Galatheidae), en la costa occidental de Baja California Sur. In: La langostilla, biología, ecología y aprovechamiento. Aurioles D. y Eduardo F. Balart (eds.). Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas de Noroeste S.C. pp. 35-57. Abstract (Spanish)
Hernández R.M., Gómez G.J., Sánchez O.C., Saldierna M.R., Vera R.A. 1993. Atlas de temperatura superficial en el complejo lagunar de Bahía Magdalena-Bahía Almejas, Baja California Sur, México. 1980-1989. Secretaria de Marina. Centro Nacional de Datos Oceanográficos de la Secretaría de Marina. Sección Físico-Químico. Vol. II, pp. 87
Sánchez O.C., Gómez G.J. 1992. Distribución y abundancia de los estadios planctónicos de la jaiba Callinectes bellicosus (Decapoda: Portunidae) en el complejo lagunar de Bahía Magdalena, B.C.S., México. Rev. Inv. Cient. UABCS. 3(1): 47-60. Abstract
Outreach publications "Publicaciones de divulgacion" (in Spanish)
The impact factor calculation is a formula to calculate the average citation rate of a journal's articles in the preceding 2 years.