Statistics All Scales are one to ten
Drinking Frequency 10
General Beer Tolerance 9
General Hard Alcohol Tolerance 9
Black Cat Malt Liquour Tolerance 7
Black Cat Malt Liquour Drinking Speed 5
12 oz. Beer Slamming Ability 6
Pitcher Slamming Ability (32 oz) 3
Hard Liquor Slamming Ability 9.9
Drinking During Conan Soundtrack 9
Stupid Drunkenness Level 7 (by far the most normal acting drunk D.A.)
Black Out Percentage--15%
Highlights of 21st Birthday-- Don is one of the under 21 D.A.'s. However he has logged more hours at the bar then any other D.A. besides benson. He will be the most prepared for his 21st birthday which will only entice the other D.A.'s to invent more destructive shots and achieve states of absent mercy and low morality. Sorry Don.
Personal Profile:
Don was the first of the late arrivals into the drunk ass club. He was the first initated under the present ritual of forced binge drinking in a dimly lit room while blind folded listening to the conan soundtrack. Don is known for his ability to drink large amounts and still retain some social composure BUT EVERYONE HAS THEIR LIMIT. At a certain point don truly becomes D.A. #5. He has been known to disappear for hours on spring break only to reappear muddy and drunk with a press pass around his neck. Don is at the hard liquor level of D.A.#2 and together they form the speed rum drinking crew of the drunk ass club. A true alcoholic, Don always attends barcrawl's and drinking ski trips in full force. D.A. #5 takes the most pride in the quality of his alcohol buy always buying the best. He avoids the monkey piss that some of the other D.A.'s drink on a regular basis. |