Carlo's Web page

Welcome to my page! I will try to update as much as possible whenever I have the time. The purpose of this page is just to have fun with friends and family. Most of it will be true, but with some added bonuses. I think you'll like this page if you know me, but if you don't, please feel free to contact me in how to make it better.

What's going on with Carlo??

            Ok, a little bit more than a month since my last update. I just haven’t found the time or the effort to update it. So what’s new? Nothing much….other than that I’ve been keeping my grades really high this semester.  My brother Kurt had to do a family tree complete with pictures, and had me help with some of the scanning. So, for the next couple of days, I’ll be going through, scanning, and posting some pictures that are way overdue for this site. Anyone going out for Halloween this year? If you are, be safe and collect lots of candy!! One year, my friends and I managed to collect 4 garbage bags FULL of candy!!!! So you probably would guess that I’m going out this year!


·        Nothing, yet…..


            It’s been awhile since I’ve updated, but there have been big things going on around and I just thought it’d be nice to update. For one, we’ve all heard the news of the terrorist incidents. In fact, it’s everywhere. Ever since the attacks, I’ve been glued to channels like CNN and MSNBC to hear updates. What do you all think about it? Email me on how you feel about the situation and the steps taken by the Bush Administration to counter-act it. I’ll post them up when I get your remarks in another section to be added later. For me it was a very scary time. During the time of the attack, I had 4 relatives around the vicinity of the WTC and I desperately tried calling them. For the entire day the circuits were busy so I couldn’t get through. Thank god when they actually called/emailed me about their situation and safety. Trying to show support, I tried buying flags, but they’re sold out everywhere around here. You couldn’t believe the lines to give blood! At one point, the Red Cross had to take their operations to the RCA Dome to accommodate all the people who wanted to help out.

            In other events this past month, my birthday came around! On September 3, yours truly turned the big 22. I feel like an old man already! We threw a party (only for relatives though) here at our new house. It felt more like a house warming party more than anything, but hey, it’s better than nothing. I don’t remember when the last time I had a party for my birthday, heck, even one year I forgot my own birthday. So it’s nice to have a party once in awhile. Life here in Indiana is getting better, I’m still not used to driving 30 mins to get anywhere, but what can you do? School is going great! Right now, I’m maintaining a 4.0 avg!!! Speaking of which, my friends at MSU (Matt and Mike) don’t believe me of my academic performance! How dare they!! So, in light of the skepticism, I created a web page dedicated to monitoring my grades for this semester! To reach it you can click HERE. On it, you can find charts of grades, test dates, and even syllabuses. So eat that Matt and Mike!!! Also, I signed up for a Fantasy Football League on Yahoo. To see how my team is doing, click HERE. Right now, I’m trying to learn flash, so don’t be surprised to see some of that here when I start learning it. Well, that’s about all I can think of for now. See ya later!


·        Added Road to 4.0 Section

·        Added Fantasy Football Page

·        Changed Colors Around

    Hey everyone, what's up? Sorry for the lack of update, but I'll try to pick it up once school starts (meaning I actually have things to talk about, because I'm a loser like that). This past weekend, my family and I went to Chicago for my brother Kurt's belated birthday gift. We went to Disney Quest located in the middle of the city. If you guys want to go, you'd better hurry up because they're closing down on September 4th. There were alot of things to do there, everything from acrades, to midway games, to virtual reality. The sad thing was, we did everything that was worth going to in 2 hours. So, the rest of the time, we just stayed at the arcade. The place did have a DDR machine, but it was only the 1.5 mix. After asking some of the regulars how to do the code for maniac, I was able to enjoy AM-3P the way it was meant to be enjoyed, on maniac! After Disney Quest, we had dinner at Medieval Times!! This would mark the 2nd time I've been there. For those of you who don't know what Medieval Times is, it's basically watching knights duke it out while you eat. The knight that represented us was the red knight, who ended up winning it all at the end:) yay for us!  Well, that's about all that's happened to me recently, except that school is starting soon!! I can't wait to get back! 

- Added new and fixed links.


    Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing great. As for me, it's ok, I guess. A few days ago, I went ahead to sign up for classes. I think the schedule is not too bad. The one thing I failed to realize after it was completed was that I really screwed myself over on Tuesdays. I'm in school from 9:30am - 4:50 pm for 2, yes 2 classes!! It only meets once a week, but I think I'll have mental breakdowns on a weekly basis! As for life in Indiana, it's going well. I'm also kind of excited to go to school. Yes, yes, some of you are probably gasping at this remark Carlo has made. Being in a new place does funny things to a person. One thing good about being in a new place is that you get a feeling of being able to start over. This is my chance to turn over a new leaf, as the popular phrase is stated. I'm eager to meet new people, and make new friends.  I found this place called Dogs N Suds which I now think is one of my favorite places to go. It's cheap and it tastes good, you can't beat that combination. Of course, the number 1 thing here is the Chinese Buffet. I love Chinese food, and what's not better than all you can eat chinese? There isn't!! Finally, I was able to get my Phantasy Star Online back online. This is also good to keep me busy when I'm bored. Well, that's about it for me. I'll see you next time, maybe with some pictures. The camera hasn't been used in awhile, but worry not, it will come to use very soon. 


    Almost a month since the last update, sorry about that folks. I've been busy getting all settled in our new house in Indiana. The move out went pretty smoothly as the moving company handled everything very smoothly. I guess you get that good when you have moving as your business. They packed, loaded, and unloaded for us, all in the matter of 2 days. When they got done with the unloading, we had to unpack. Almost 2 weeks later, we're almost done! The garage is full of boxes and some parts of the house are still being reorganized. As of now, we have no lawn, just dirt. However, this made it easy for the people who install the sprinkler system to do their job much faster. The neighborhood here is nice, lots of space, and lots of big houses. I'm kind of disappointed for the lack of young people such as myself around the area. Everyone here are either executives or retired executives, it's pretty intimidating at first to fit in such a high class of neighborhood. Coming from Sterling Heights, this is a new experience:) Getting to know my way around here wasn't as bad as I thought it was. The roads here are pretty simple to learn, and I've been downtown a couple of times to goto the mall. I'm also enjoying the wonders of cable modem and now can play my games without much lag at all! Also, it allows me to update my pictures much faster. Speaking of pictures, the only ones I've put up at the time of this update are 2-3 shots of our old house with my friend Mike, Hugh, and my sister's bf Ron. They're under the Indianapolis Section. Enjoy! 

- Added Pictures to Indianapolis Section


    I just came back from a week trip to Indiana. It was fun to stay at my dad's apartment and go around town (especially to our new house). I really liked the mall there, which is 4 stories tall. To make it even better, they had a GameWorks on the top floor!! I also walked around downtown and I have to say, Indianapolis is a very nice place indeed. I'm not much of a downtown person, so I was very amazed at what was there. The sheer size of the buildings had me looking up for most of the time. It was clear to everyone one there that I was a tourist, but not for long. hehehe.... Anyways, I checked out our new sub division and house, took lots of pictures for you to see, so enjoy!! I'm thinking of making a new layout for the page, so keep coming back to see if I actually do! 


-Added pictures to my Indianapolis Section


    As some of you may or may not know, I will be moving to Indiana at the end of June. So this past weekend, I decided to take a little trip down there to take a look at the progress of the new house. Yes, it's getting built, and yes, it's very nice. The area is still under development, but there are already allot of houses around. All of them are huge!! I was completely amazed of the size of our house. Location is great as well, as we are about 15 mins away from downtown Indianapolis. Everyone there is nuts about racing! This past weekend was the running of the Indy 500, and everything around town had it's racing theme going. I can go on and on about this, but I want to keep it short. Next time I head down there, I'll bring along the digital camera and get some shots of the house and attractions around here. Check back later and maybe the update will be done:) 


I decided to keep note of what has been done since the update, for the convenience of everyone.
-Alphabetized Menu
-Added Indy Section


    What is it with me and feeling to update every 3 months?! I'm guessing it's the lack of motivation. So what's up with Carlo? For the last 3 months, it's just been school. I've taken up a new hobby though, it's called Dance Dance Revolution. My brother Kurt and I are always trying to out do each other every Friday when we go to GameWorks in Auburn Hills. They don't allow video cameras or still cameras in there, but that won't mean I'll get pictures of it sometime! So stay tuned for them. 


    What's up people? I just got back a few hours ago from New York. You ask "Why did you go to New York Carlo?" Well, the reason why is because that's where my family and I always celebrate Christmas. It's been a tradition for us since 1985, and my relatives who live there have been doing that ever since they moved there.  I'd have to say that it was a good Christmas (like every year.) I got some really nice gifts, including a digital camera! Yay, no more long waits for photos to develop and then wait the scanning process. It's now point, click and upload. There're some pictures from the trip that I posted. It's under Christmas on the menu to the left, but you can just get to it by clicking here. So, after being here a few hours, it was all rest and relaxation. Today was also the end of the Cell Games (for all you Dragonball fans). What an ending it was!!! Well, that's it for now, check out my Christmas section! 


    Another Update. A Blizzard just passed through here a couple days ago and my friend Matt and I were dumb enough to go out on Monday night to return my car. There was lightning, 55 mph speeds, and snow that felt like daggers going into your face. Also, since we went when the storm was just picking up, there were no paved walkways anywhere. I got so much snow in my shoes that I should've went bare-footed and not have been able to tell the difference. Parking the car was alot of fun to, if you like getting stuck in snow. We got stuck 3 times trying to get into a spot. I can't wait till I have to go back and try to find my car under the 30 ft of snow it's going to be in. There'll be pictures of my buried car soon. Just last night, I was involved in a little game called King of the Hill. I was thrown into ice balls on the very hard ground. My back still hurts from it. That hill is not very stable for I went through the hill at one point and found myself in a little cave. Good thing the cave didn't collapse on me, that's not a good thing. For if I die, I cannot spread the love of The Carlo anymore, and I know you guys wouldn't want that either.
    Exams are finally over with. I hope all my college peoples passed their desired classes. As for me, I sure hope I passed them all. My math final was rough, Economics was simple, pretty decent on the Physics, and hopefully done well on my computer class. Well, enough updates. 


My god, it's been over 3 months since I've last updated. But since the christmas season is here, I thought I'd finally tidy up the place. What have I been up to these last 3 months you ask? Mostly school. Nothing has really changed. There's a 6 ft Christmas tree that's fully decorated in our room now (sweet....). I'm determined to be the most festive room in Shaw!! Christmas is almost here!!! I say forget Thanksgiving and go right into Christmas!!! Happy Holidays!!