My Links

Links to pages I like

Leslie's Page (my lis sis)

2pac Interviews. This is one of my favorite pages..Realplayer is needed to upload videos. This Page (Keep IT Real) Tells all about the East-West beef. This page also includes various hip-hop songs. Check it out.

Lyrics page (Lyrics and full real audio samples of your favorite songs!!)

Kappa Alpha Psi site (nupe pictures cool site check it out!)

Videos of the top picks in the NBA draft (this is so cool!)

Donovan Baileys page (even though I can't stand him this page is kinda dope)

Chyna Twinz Page. ( This page is also tight! I like they're style and way of keeping it real. Girls may get a kick out of the guys' pictures, while guyz may get a kick out of the Chyna twinz' cute pics. (make sure your monitor is big enough to view all options.)

Maurice Greene of HSI Ato Bolden of HSI & UCLA alumni Jon Drummond of HSI

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