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Guidance Counsellor
Responsible to: The G.S. Principal
Specific Responsibilities:
  1. Plans and coordinates the administration of the standardized testing program of the Grade School Department
  2. Takes charge of screening student applicants and conducts the necessary admission tests for all newcomers
  3. Coordinates the development, maintenance and use of the use student's cumulative record program
  4. Attends to cases referred to her office and confers with the parents
  5. Administers the battery of tests for teacher applicants and interprets results for the guidance of the Principal and the head teachers in accepting them
  6. Acts as coordinator of GMRC as a subject area and as such
    - Observers GMRC classes; supervises GMRC teachers and rates them on their performance
    -monitors and checks the grading sheets and test questions in GMRC
    - participates in the deliberation of honor pupils and awardees and issues recommendations of good moral character to requesting Students
Responsible to: The H.S. Principal
Specific Responsibilities:
  1. Plans and implements a scheme for the effective use of the Homeroom period to maximize the potentials of the youth
  2. Undertakes a career development program for students
  3. Conducts group guidance sessions
  4. Initiates activities which will help resolve student problems in cooperation with the advisers
  5. Counsels students who have special needs and problems
  6. Attends to cases referred to his office and confers with their teachers and parents regarding these cases
  7. Administers psychological tests to students and interprets the results to them and helps them evaluate their characteristics, potentialities, attitudes and outlook
  8. Issues recommendations of good moral character of Students
  9. Plans and coordinates the administration of the standardized testing program
  10. Coordinates the development, maintenance, and use of the cumulative record program
  11. Plans and initiatives in cooperation with the Principal's staff the in-service activities designed to maintain and improve the effectiveness of the guidance service
  12. Solicits assistance and support of persons utilized to further pupil development 13. Implements the school's admission policy after due consultation with the administration
  13. Implements the sc hool's admission policy after due consultation with the administration
  14. Administers a battery of tests required of faculty and non-teaching personnel applicants
  15. Recommends the effective use of test results, studies and researches conducted. 16. Assists in the development and improvement of evaluation of instruction of school employees.
  16.  Assits in the development and improvement of evaluation of instruction of school employees.
Responsible to: Head Teacher (GS)
Principal (HS)
A. General Responsibility
      The class adviser is the student's immediate parent-surrogate in the school. As such he/she should be the premier inspiration, guide, and supervisor of his/her advisory class. He/she makes it a point to keep the students faithful to the rules and regulations of the school in as much as these are effective means of education.
B. Specific Responsibilities
  B. 1 On School Records
  1. Accomplishes the official forms required of the adviser and submits them on time
  2. Prepares the report cards (F- 1 38) and distributes these to the class on the date and time designated
  3. Checks and keeps record of student's deficiency
  4. Updates each student's permanent record (F-137) immediately after report card (F- 1 38) is released
  5. Checks and tallies the grades with the other class advisers for final entry in F- 138 and F- 18
  6. Submits promotions report (F- I 8/18C) to the registrar at the end of the year.
  7. Prepares the computation sheet for honor students as early as the first grading period to facilitate correct computation.
  B. 2. On Class Management
  1. Sees to it that the classroom of his advisory class is clean, presentable, trimmed with relevant and meaningful posters
  2. Assigns weekly group cleaners and supervises classroom cleaning to avoid disorderliness, vandalism, and other disciplinary problems. He takes this as an opportunity for guidance and counselling and developing rapport with the students.
  3. Sees to it that all electrical switches are off and the windows and doors are closed at the end of classes in the morning and in the afternoon, especially after a brownout and shortened period
  4. Takes initiative to help supervise the neighboring classroom in case the class adviser is absent
  5. Is responsible for the implementation of the school's rules and regulations as stipulated in the Students' Handbook and other memoranda from the Principal
  6. Follows up on students' problems relative to attendance, tardiness, academic performance including his behavioral
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