.lël×A yßh Ù±DÆ Ý× õe¿¤ éF .DèÛDFq ívoD¾ DØz õØç pF ÖÔv
whatever happens to the world around show me your purpose show me your source even if the world is Godless and in chaos show me your anchor show me your love if there is hunger if there is famine show me your harvest show me your resource if life is bitter everywhere snakes everywhere poison show me your garden show me your meadow if the sun and the moon fall if darkness rules the world show me your light show me your flame if i have no mouth or tongue to utter words of your secrets show me your fountain i` keep silence how can i express your life when mine still is untold Rumi
lz éZ Co ÚCoDë ÙÜìGìØÛ xÆ olÛC êoDë lz éZCo ÚCoDOvÞk ,l×A phA íÆ íOvÞk PvDWÆíJ gp¾p¿h lz ÚßÊæpìN ÚCßìd EA lz éZCo ÚCoDèF kDF ,ÐÊ gDz qC lKÇZ Úßh íOvÞk Äd PzCk êoDë lëßÊíØÛ íwÆ lz éZ Co ÚCoDë ,kDO¾C ÍDd éZ Co ÚDvDÜz Äd
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