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The Times of India The Hindustan Times The Statesman Indian Express India Abroad
India Server Homepage News India Times The Economic Times India Today The Hindu
Samachar The Pioneer Deccan Herald India Currents Online Dainik Jagran

Now its time to watch some real Indian TV,

or rather DD; it also has a link to AIR(All India Radio).

NOT satisfied, here's a link to AIIR(All India Internet Radio).

WAIT!!! Before you go any, further download 

You can't enjoy the above without realplayer 4.0 or higher .


Bollywood & The Glamour World

Here are the links to some of the magazines available on the net:

Filmfare  Cineblitz  Stardust 
Bollywood Online  Bollywood Masala 
Femina  Screen  Lehren 

Picture galleries

(yet to be added, but do check back soon)


Wanna listen to the best Hindi music of all times,

just click here
Oldies Audio Files
but before you do download , or else forget the listening.

But downloading is better, and that too in Mp3 format;

(Mp3 means CD quality)
sounds , doesn't it? click here
But before you do, download , or else forget the listening.

Best Of Web

Here are some of the best sites on the WWW:

Bawarchi (full of Indian recipe masala)
PC Gameworld (100's of downloadable games)
Microsoft (fulfils your software needs)
Disney (only for kids)
Commerceasia (free greeting cards & stuff)
Teenstation (no better site for Indian music)
Solve mysteries (for the brainy kinds)

Search Engines

Yahoo  Infoseek  AOL 
Excite  Lycos 

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