January, 2000
Mary Jo Keenan
  I am embarrassed by how boring my life is but here goes.

After attending schools and working in Washington, D.C., for 14 years, I moved to Durham, North Carolina, in 1981.   It's a wonderful coincidence that Danny, Linda and Debbie all live within an hour of me.  Linda and I celebrated my 50th in December with a trip to a day spa where we were pampered and wrapped like mummies in seaweed - a first for both of us and we look years younger!

I am doing well and am pleased to say I am happy and fairly satisfied with where I am in life.   I married in 1982 but divorced in 1996.  I date off and on, depending on mood and availability of suitable partners.  If anyone knows an emotionally and finanacial stable PSWM N-S ISO PSWF in my neck of the woods, please give him my number.  Must have a sense of humor.

I work as a programmer at Tivoli which is a subsidiary of IBM.  We provide systems management software.  Not something you would need in your home and unless you have a fairly sizable business with lots of computer resources, you wouldn't need us in the office.  It's very interesting work; although it doesn't provide much juicy chit chat at parties.  I love the people I'm working with and the field is always changing which makes for constant challenge and opportunities.

I have two children. Patrick is 14 and a freshman in high school.  After going K-8 to the same school with the same 60 kids and no grades (A, B, C), he was ready for a school of 1600,  with grades that can be recalculated on a daily basis.   Patrick is talented in math and science and creative writing.  Of course, all his writing sounds like a script for a nintendo game--people or mice, they all end up dead.  My daughter Kelsey is 11 and in 6th grade.  She is outgoing, confident, talented, smart,  enthusiastic, athletic, and usually very agreeable - totally amazing.  I understand this positive personality will disappear soon as the hormones kick in but I am loving it now.  She is an antidote for my  negative, moody teen.

Come visit!


Mary-Jo Keenan
2407 Tryon Rd.
Durham, NC 27705
(H) 919-490-2973 (W) 919-543-2497
email: mjkeenan@us.ibm.com


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