TEGUH YUWONO was born in Kebumen, 29 years ago. He completed his elementary school (1982), junior school (1985) in Kebumen and his Senior High School (1988) in Purworejo. He got a graduate degree (Sarjana/S-1) in Government Studies from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University in 1993. When he was a student of Diponegoro University, he has had taken an active part in Student organization activities such as Head of Government Studies Students (1989/1990), Committee of Student's Senate (1990/1991) and Head of Research and Development of Student Representative of FISIP UNDIP (1991/1992).

In 1991, he was chosen as the best student (Mahasiswa Berprestasi) of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Diponegoro University. He also took an active part in journalistic activities by writing an articles in several magazines and newspapers such as OPINI Student's Magazines, MANUNGGAL Student's Newspaper, WAWASAN Daily Newspaper, KARTIKA Daily Newspaper, DHARMA weekly newspaper.

Since 1994, he has been a junior lecturer of Government Studies Department of FISIP UNDIP, Semarang, Indonesia. He has lectured several core subjects such as Introduction to Political Sciences, Central-Local Financial Relations in Indonesia and Public Policy. He is now taking his masters degree in Public Policy and Administration at Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia. His major interests are in local government politics, management and public policy, public sector management and civil society studies.


Updated 10/01/99