F R I E N D S !!
This is my good friend Turtle.  I have know her for all of my life and we have made some pretty crazy memories but I won't share them with you right now. She is  married to Dustin and expecting a baby in March 2003.
This is Turtle's husband Dustin.  They live in Sioux Falls with me.
This is a very good friend of mine Jeremy.  He in the navy and stationed in San Diego so I don't get to see him alot.  He just got sent back overseas so I miss him!
This is Jamie Kerr.   He lives in Kansas now.  His hobbies include women and beer.  I used to work with Jamie but then he left so I don't get to see him much anymore.
This is another friend of mine Jessi.  Right now she is in Colorado. 
This is Becca.  I met her at DSU.  We have had some pretty crazy times but I don't get to see her either cause she's going to DSU this year.
This is Christina Lewis.  She is also from Brookings and goes to Northern now. This pic isn't the best cause of the background but I'll try to find a better one.
This is Kristen.  I met her when I went up to Brookings to party with Christina and Becca.  She just graduated SDSU and majored in psychology I think.
This is my Lexi!!  I met her through Christina and Becca.  She lives in Brookings now.
This is Steph.  She can always make me laugh and isn't afraid of telling people of "How it is." 
This is Dave. I met him one night with Turtle at the Fort Randall Dam.  He's from Page, NE and I have NO idea where the hell he is since I haven't talked to him for a long time.
This is my friend Janell.  I haven't seen her for a long time!!! She lives in Delmont.
more friend pics