F R I E N D S !! |
This is my good friend Turtle. I have know her for all of my life and we have made some pretty crazy memories but I won't share them with you right now. She is married to Dustin and expecting a baby in March 2003. |
This is Turtle's husband Dustin. They live in Sioux Falls with me. |
This is a very good friend of mine Jeremy. He in the navy and stationed in San Diego so I don't get to see him alot. He just got sent back overseas so I miss him! |
This is Jamie Kerr. He lives in Kansas now. His hobbies include women and beer. I used to work with Jamie but then he left so I don't get to see him much anymore. |
This is another friend of mine Jessi. Right now she is in Colorado. |
This is Becca. I met her at DSU. We have had some pretty crazy times but I don't get to see her either cause she's going to DSU this year. |
This is Christina Lewis. She is also from Brookings and goes to Northern now. This pic isn't the best cause of the background but I'll try to find a better one. |
This is Kristen. I met her when I went up to Brookings to party with Christina and Becca. She just graduated SDSU and majored in psychology I think. |
This is my Lexi!! I met her through Christina and Becca. She lives in Brookings now. |
This is Steph. She can always make me laugh and isn't afraid of telling people of "How it is." |
This is Dave. I met him one night with Turtle at the Fort Randall Dam. He's from Page, NE and I have NO idea where the hell he is since I haven't talked to him for a long time. |
This is my friend Janell. I haven't seen her for a long time!!! She lives in Delmont. |
more friend pics |