Welcome to Campus Crusade for Christ
Hey! Check us out on MySpace!

Upcoming Events
ImpactWe're hoping to start a new movement on campus but we really need your prayers, particularly for Misse, who's goal this quarter is to really create relationships. If this sounds interesting you can refer any questions to Misse.
Complete Event Calendar


           Welcome to the UC Riverside Chapter of Campus Crusade for Christ! I am glad that you have stopped by. Here on campus we are an entirely student lead organization. Our goal is to provide the Riverside area college students with an environment where they can come have fun, meet new people, and learn more about Christ. Our group is not only for Christians but for all people. So if you are Agnostic, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islamic, Jewish, or another religion, or are just seeking answers to difficult questions, I encourage you to stop by. At the very least you will have a good time and meet some fun new people. The only thing you lose is an hour or two of your time if you go and don't like it, but if you don't go you will miss out on a world of possibilities.

           We have many different events during the week which cater to the different kinds of students. We have a general meeting on Tuesday, along with Bible Studies, and Men and Women's Times during the week. For more information on our events, look under our Upcoming Events section of our site. Our events range from times of personal growth in Christ, hanging out and evangelism.

           So in closing, I am glad that you came to check out the site. Feel free to look around and see what we are all about. Our statement of faith and our basic beliefs can all be found on the site. Also links to many, but not all, awesome churches in the Riverside area are located in the left column. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us, but to really get to know us, you really need to come join us at one of our events, so I encourage you to stop by and hang out and see how you like it.

           Again thanks for stopping by and I hope to meet you at one of our events!

In Him,
Nick Hankins
Student President
Campus Crusade for Christ
