Welcome to Campus Crusade for Christ

Meet the people who work day and night to make Campus Crusade for Christ happen.



Name: Jesus Christ

Job: God

E-mail: Jesus accepts knee-mail.

Nick Hankins

Name: Nick Hankins

Job: President

Favorite Verse: Colossians 3:23

E-mail: nicholas_hankins@hotmail.com

Eileen Hammond

Name: Eileen Hammond

Job: Socials

Favorite Verse: ???

E-mail: ldybgeil@joehammond.net


Name: Kelsey

Job: Public Relations

Favorite Verse: Isaiah 65:24

E-mail: Klooksgoode@hotmail.com


Name: Sean

Job: Bible Study

Favorite Verse: ???

E-mail: Sdenn001@student.ucr.edu

Elisha Barraza

Name: Elisha Barraza

Job: Weekly Meeting

Favorite Verse:


Misse Mbongo

Name: Misse Mbongo

Job: Outreach

Favorite Verse:

E-mail: Mizzartiste@aol.com

Tamra Green

Name: Tamra Green

Job: Technical Team

Favorite Verse: Acts 2:25, 'I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right besied me.

E-mail: Chocochip52001@yahoo.com

Leadership Team

Where's Nathan?

Name: Nathan

Job: Bible Study Leader

E-mail: Unknown
