Welcome to the Land of the Lost!

The Incredible Cpt.Dialtone - 12/21/00 21:21:20
My Email:captdialtone@cs.com
Word of the Day: breasts
Hiya Tondi...gorgeous face...cute feet :o) Huggas

Brandon - 10/24/00 05:43:50
Word of the Day: Beautiful
Sorry, I got caught up in the poems and forgot to sign. Nice website you got here, keep thinkin of more "Beautiful" poems. ;) - Brandon

steve...Dr.Dread - 10/04/00 09:36:15
My Email:madhtter30@mindspring.com
very very nice site..love the drawings and poems..you are also a very pretty woman...hope to see you more on vz...talk to you later and keep on doing what you do best..:-)

DallasStarsGal - 10/04/00 08:10:42
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~reneetx
My Email:reneetx@mindspring.com
Word of the Day: muhahahahaha
Great Page and really nice to meet you in vzones *HUGS*

Rowan - 08/01/00 22:34:35
My URL:http://www.lecretia.demon.co.uk/rowan
My Email:rowan.raw@virgin.net
Word of the Day: Hiya
Hiya Your poerty is truly moving, I look forward to reading some more. I'll see you in VZ soon. Be happy & good Rowan

brian - 07/31/00 06:04:14
My URL:http://www.ecstasyunlimited.home.icq.com
My Email:kent@duo-county.com
Word of the Day: peace
great page, we need to know how to put pics on our page

Russ - 10/23/99 04:35:52
My URL:http://members.home.net/surferrus
nice navel ring I love it, you are also a babe. Enjoyed your web page

Joan - 08/23/99 22:03:47
My Email:JoanYingst@mail.com
Word of the Day: jimsac
See? I came back to sign your page like you order....I mean asked...me to do! Just teasing!!! This is really great, Lisa! I wish I could do this kind of stuff! Well, see ya in the Jewel chatroom...Joan

rndesigner - 08/23/99 22:03:07
My Email:garysue44@aol.com
Word of the Day: Pax
Great page!! Greetings from your "Birthday Buddy"...sue

~Goddess~ - 06/24/99 22:01:42
My Email:goddess04@sprynet.com
Word of the Day: Dogs and cats,living together! MASS HYSTERIA!!
I love your drawings! You are very talented, keep up the good work!

Tony Roman - 06/07/99 09:48:59
My URL:http://www.thegrid.net/toeknee
My Email:toeknee@writeme.com
Word of the Day: mmmmmm
hi......long time.......

Tony Roman - 06/07/99 09:48:44
My URL:http://www.thegrid.net/toeknee
My Email:toeknee@writeme.com
Word of the Day: mmmmmm
hi......long time.......

Sister J - 11/19/98 19:02:55
Word of the Day: "summers eve"
Am loving you totally! am now going to look at all your goodies! ciao babette!

10/13/98 23:22:12
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Daren Gunn - 09/30/98 01:07:53
My Email:daren.gunn@pn.nettuno.it
Word of the Day: Yeow!!!!!!!
Damn i like your web site that pic of your face has me jsut a going CrAzY..............hahahah Hey gal really nice site got this bad boy booked marked now!! Bama

Mike Egle (Mikey) - 09/12/98 20:26:12
My Email:egles@dhol.com
Word of the Day: Amazing Talent
Today I was fortunate enough to be chatting with you online, while taking the opportunity to view your web pages. Lucky for me, since I was able to tell you in person how much I admire your incredible talents, and learn more about what a good person you s em to be. My lucky day ! Thanks for sharing your wonderful pages with me ! And I'm looking forward to both meeting you again online, and to seeing your future drawings, poems, and crafts displayed here in a very enjoyable web-page.

Tatiana - 09/09/98 00:18:31
My URL:http://members.delphi.com/tatiana18/index.html
My Email:Tatiana18@webtv.net
Nice page...though the background is a bit hard on the eyes...

Kara's Dynamic Sex - 08/13/98 22:38:11
My URL:http://www.dynamicsex.com/

Interesting site - be sure to check mine out! I am sure you will be surprised:)

YUM!! - 08/11/98 20:51:16
Word of the Day: YUM!!
Hiya there!!! I needed a road map to find this book thingy!! How goes it? Nice pics in here...wish I had made it to the Vegas party...looks like it was a lot of fun!!

Jim - 07/08/98 04:01:37
My Email:Jhansen@wstf.nasa.gov
Word of the Day: Peachy!!
What a great page!!! You're tallents never cease to amaze me... Neither do you. Forever yours Jim

mike sparks - 05/08/98 03:59:07
My URL:/SoHo/7630/ccsp.htm
My Email:mdsparks@ix.netcom.com

charlie mccoy - 04/28/98 07:46:26
My URL:http://www.concentric.net/~mccoyc
My Email:mccoyc@concentric.net
Word of the Day: nudity
I loved your page. I hope all who see mine will love it too although I have a generic page for now. Seeya soon...................

Merf* - 04/24/98 15:18:46
My URL:http://www.syix.com/bevans/merf
My Email:Merfy@Aol.con
Word of the Day: SeXy
Great page! Links were cool, I think you have done a wonderful job! I will be sure to come back and check it out again! Stop by and say Hello at my site sometime! Take Care!

Satty-hon - 04/23/98 04:10:29
My Email:Satty1@juno.com
Word of the Day: Sherbert
Hiya hon. Nice page! Love the eyes best, but then I always did. Keep up the good work and all that rot. Pip, pip! Cheerios! Fruit Loops! Seriously, very nice page, my dear. Will have to cruise the poetry very soon. Kisses to the hand and gazes to the windows of your soul

Doug Thornburg - 04/22/98 21:25:32
My Email:thornburg@linkport.com
Word of the Day: smile it's worth it
Cool site. I work with your sister at Advanced Navigation, she says hi.

Peter - 04/21/98 16:08:29
My URL:/TimesSquare/Castle/8820
My Email:toivo.nappa@gislaved.mail.telia.com
Word of the Day: guano

Helloooo there! you have talent, no doubt about it, keep drawing. Nice page by the way, thanks for visiting mine. Take care.

sasquatch/ Jay - 04/21/98 13:56:06
Nice job Tondi. I liked it. I'll talk to u later if I see you on irc. Sasquatch

SheilaBeila - 04/20/98 18:07:25
My Email:okiedoki@flash.net
Word of the Day: PIG
Great Job, Lisa Bisa.....now get the dang thing finished so I can grade it!!!! : ) Love ya liddle, love ya big, love ya like a liddle PIG!!!!!! snort snort snort Sheila

Reneé Wang - 04/15/98 21:14:24
My Email:misha@linkport.com
Word of the Day: What happened to your new shoes?
Sister, love the work you have done. Those er some great Vegas photos.

Deryn - 04/15/98 07:26:41
My Email:deryn@rocketmail.com
Love your page, Lisa..you're so clever..love you too!

John - 04/15/98 06:16:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/3774
My Email:gorsha@geocities.com
Word of the Day: My heart Just stopped
Oh, there it goes.... grin I like the page, can't wait until it's all up and running!

you know me - 04/14/98 07:50:38
ahhhh, computers are lovely

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