This page is dedicated to my closest, most trusted friends. They have seen me through good and bad times...mostly bad in the past....yet these few have always stuck with me no matter what, offering me words of wisdom, a sympathetic ear, and/or a shoulder to cry on--and they never criticize me for the way I choose to live my life, but offer me constant reinforcement and validate me as a special individual instead. I have no idea what you guys found in me that made you care, but I thank god for each and every one of you. I owe you more than I can ever repay. Though a small 'gift', I offer this page as a token of my gratitude.

Where does one begin when life is all downhill, one's health is failing and getting worse, and one has just been diagnosed with another illness that threatens to strike her down and make her an invalid?

I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, or CFIDS, in 1991. Debilitating as that disease often is, I felt very fortunate to be able to function and work....until finally I was taking vacation days as sick days and ran out of all paid days off altogether. So I took time off to care for my mother who was dying....sounds silly for someone already ill and barely able to care for herself, possibly, but it was something I felt compelled to do, for my mother had always been there for me throughout my life and I loved her very dearly. When mom died on February 16, 1993, I took an educational leave of absence and went back to school to work on my BA degree, thinking I could handle school even when I was ill....and I was right--at least for the first 2 years. Then I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, or FMS, in early 1995....I had *severe* muscle pain and cramps all over my body constantly--and insomnia so bad that I rarely ever slept, often staying up 3-5 days at a time without any sleep (which exacerbated my illness, but I had no CLUE what to do--especially since I was one of the poor who had no decent medical coverage and couldn't afford a doctor, much less a specialist for my problems.) My home-life was the cause of my insomnia, but I won't go into that here...those closest to me know the story, and those who don't wouldn't really want to know. I had learned of IRC and the chat channels in November, 1995....and when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I turned to them in desperation--they became my 'social life' because I could, in fact, no longer go much of anywhere due to illness and memory lapses. I found quite a few not-so-desirable leeches on the chat channels, but in February 1996 I stumbled upon a channel called #wildchat, and my adventure into chatland began. At first my nick was SexiLadi...but you can *imagine* what kind of scum found me with THAT nickname. However, one of the best things in my life came out of that channel....I met one the dearest, sweetest, kindest, funniest, most intelligent & *wonderful* people I have ever known:

Meet arthur- (his nick on IRC), one of my very best and closest friends and soulmates. This man has seen me through more than anyone could believe and more than most people even know about me! He accepts me and loves me unconditionally, no matter what. He is the epitome of what a best friend should be. We've been through a lot, he and I. Through it all, we're STILL best friends...through it all, we helped each other find our way, survive--and now we both thrive!!! :) *HUGGGGGGS* sweetie!

I began to 'outgrow' #wildchat, and I found a home on #30plus--where I've been ever since February, 1996. There I met TV-KING (known fondly as Mikey)....who lived close enough that we met for lunch and cookouts from time to time. Mikey always offered me a retreat from the horrors of RL (real life) when I needed one. Many times, Mike was my salvation, and for that I will ALWAYS be grateful. (see Mike's pic on my IRC page)

I also met HiHoSlvr (known then as SlvrSpur), and he I and began to discuss my research. He was the first person I'd met on IRC (other than my best friend, arthur-) that I gave a hint I might have some intelligence.... I was actually hiding out from my 'old self' on IRC, but Don (SlvrSpur) helped me to see that couldn't be all there was to me no matter where I went or what I did. Thanks to Don, I soon met one of my soulmates, and he and I became close, wonderful friends....of course, I'm talking about the love of my life, SlvrSplsh--he's HiHoSlvr/SlvrSpur's twin brother. Splsh and I flirted and cut up, but until we met in person in May, 1996, we never talked about anything of 'intellectual' substance so he thought I was an airhead--a notion I DID finally put to rest when he & I met! (Yes, honey, I HAD to remind you of that!) *G* (Find out more about SlvrSplsh on his page here and on *his* homepage!) See Don and his beautiful daughters on my IRC page.

On #30plus, I also met my sis....better known on IRC as poorlori...

Sis has been there for me through hard times and happy times for 2 years now, and she always loves me no matter what. Though we have never met face-to-face, she is the sister I've never had (and the ONLY person I call sis on IRC!) Whether we ever meet or not, my feelings towards sis won't change....but I *HOPE* someday we get to meet so I can give her a REAL *HUGGGG*! Sis met her hubby on #30plus too....visit her page and check it out! :)

Another of my best and closest friends was Scott,

better known on IRC as safe.

His nickname is rather ironic....Scott is no longer with us among the living: he ended his own life in September, 1997. His nickname is a hint to us that *NO one* is truly safe from unhappiness, despair, or death. May you find in death the peace and tranquility you searched so hard but could never find in life, my friend. I miss you and love you.

Last (but in NO way least) of my best friends from IRC is shar...better known on IRC as sharina...

Shar has been there for me for well over a year, and when nobody else is there, I can always find her....caring, interested, supportive. I share my deepest, innermost thoughts, doubts, fears, and dreams with her....she is one of my soulmates, and I thank God he led me to find shar. Though we haven't met face-to-face yet, we talk often on the phone and hope to meet one day soon!

Another of my soulmates whom I have shared everything in life from broken nails to broken marriages with is Julie. Julie doesn't chat on IRC....I met her when she was 16 (I was 27) and living in the same apartments as me, and we became and remained closest, best friends (and were roommates for 3 years--until she moved back to Indiana in 1987). Julie and I keep in touch by phone, and she comes to visit me every few years....and we're STILL as wild and crazy as ever when you get us together! As soon as I can get a recent pic of Julie and get it scanned, you'll see it here.


Thanks to my best friends, I have survived the unmentionable--everything from illness to depression to sexual abuse to separation to parental death....but most of all, thanks to them I not only survived it, I LIVE, not merely survive.


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