THE CONTENTS PAGE - Talking Technology

1. The Indian Networking Market - A Survey (12/95)
2. In defense of RISC/UNIX against Wintel (04/98)


THE CONTENTS PAGE - Management Speak

1. Teachers of Tomorrow - redefining the role of teachers in the Internet age
2. Whither goes loyalty? The age of the transient organization
3. The Hidden Costs of Attrition - when project costing goes haywire
4. The More We Learn, The Less We Know - taming the information monster


THE CONTENTS PAGE - Prosaic & Poetic

A Few Trains of Thought...

1. The Mystic Smile - In defense of all kinds, starting with the enigmatic lady herself!
2. Mumbaikars have souls too - A late evening train catching adventure

And a Few Verses of Irony...
1. Sleep - the greatest leveller
2. Slavingly mental - when mind runs riot....
3. The unlikely twins - my time and my self
4. Monday morning - legendarily used and abused
5. Fate, my tow-truck driver - towing our aspirations away
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