"We are born at
a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have
the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born.
Astrology does not lay claim to anything more."
--C.G. Jung
Table of Astrological Signs and their Significance
Astrological Conundrums.
feel free to add your own conundrum to this
list by emailing me at mid.night@mailexcite.com
Be warned, I'll do my best to come up with an
no way you can classify people into twelve categories like that.
You're absolutely right. All persons
are composed of individual and unique 'blends' of all astrological factors,
given to them at the time of birth, and mapable in a birthchart.
Contrary to popular beleif, to be born under Leo is not to be a pureblooded
Leo. It is to have one sphere, the sun, in the sign of Leo, carrying
the characteristics of Leo. Meanwhile, the person's moon could be
in Pisces. Astrology is not there to classify and entrap. It
is there to describe and lead to greater identification and understanding.
It's about seeing the pattern of the world within oneself.
My sign
doesn't describe me at all.
In your own birthchart, which you can calculate
at http://www.astro.ch/ , you
will more than likely find that there are other signs which either play
'louder' roles in your chart, or may be downplayed in your chart, both
due to aspects between spheres(eg planets) and the positioning of
the astrological houses. Either way,
the influence of your sun sign is likely to be altered to some extent.
The two most influential signs aside from the Sun sign, are the signs of
the moon and the ascendant, the sign the moon was in at your birth and
the sign on the horizon at your birth. The significance of the placement
of the spheres within the signs, as well as the significance of the placement
of the signs themselves, is further explained in the table below.
horoscopes have been shown to be just as believable as those so called
accurate horoscopes.
That's because you've been reading the newspapers
and magazines too much. Anyone can make up a lie good enough to sound
true. That doesn't make it true though. Newspaper astrology
and the like may in some cases actually be written by a professional astrologer,
however, all of these horoscopes are by necessity wide generalizations.
The astrologer is doing a reading for the audience the size of a city and
often larger. There is no birthchart for an entity that size, and
hypothetically even if there were (some classify such entities as ages)
human astrologers with their limited lifespan, knowledge, and, above all,
perspective, simply don't have the resources to interpret such a thing.
I read newspaper horoscopes for fun. Nothing more and nothing less.
As far as I'm concerned, that's not astrology. If it has contributed
anything to astrology, it's only given it a bad name.
No two
horoscopes for the same sign ever read the same in different newspapers.
See above, for starters. The term 'generalization'
cannot be overly stressed in reference to newspaper astrology. I'm tempted
to even say overgeneralization and oversimplification. If this is
how you know astrology, then read on, for there is much more to know.
have more gravitational pull than the planets.
Right again. And it's a good thing,
otherwise we'd all be nonexistant in a blackhole. Astrology isn't
based in physical science in so far as physics and gravitational pulls
are concerned. It's based on a theory similar to that expressed by
Jung in his writings on Synchronicity. Basicly, it's the idea of
fractals, and microcosms and macrocosms, and patterns reverberating throughout
the universe. It's a theory which was never given an adequate shot
at proving its own truth. Ironicly, astrology itself strives to provide
that proof via observable corelations and viable predictions/hypothesises
for outcomes.
can't even see the zodiac signs in the sky.
This is also right. And the characteristics
of the signs do at first glance seem a bit arbitrary. The signs most
people are familar with from the zodiac were designated by the ancient
founders of Astrology, dating back to Babylonian times and the Chaldeans.
(NOTE: The history of astrology is both fascinating and extensive, exceeding
the scope of this site at the moment. Please refer to my reference
list for some recommended reading in this area, which I find
to be the most interesting and compelling part of astrology). These
astrologers kept records of the movements of the stars in the sky, much
as we do today, and they also kept observation of the coinciding changes
taking place on the earth at the time. They divided the sky into
twelve sections. Over time extensive observation led to the association
of certain qualities, or characteristics, to these regions of sky.
So profound and lifegiving were the qualities (eg the flooding of the nile
and other seasonal changes), that they were attributed to gods and
goddesses who were symbolized by various creatures /signs.
The stars were paganized. It is those creatures that are pictured
in the zodiac which the astrologers of old designed. The signs were
cast upon the corresponding section of the sky as 'skymarks' for
astrolgers of the day. Phrophesies could thus be easily written and
widely understood. For example, instead of "when Jupiter reaches
the seventh degree on the seventh day of the seventh month during the seventh
hour...", they might simply say something like "when jupiter is in Cancer...".
To know the location of a sign you must be taught it. It is nothing
more than a covenience thrown onto the stars by mankind. However,
such a convience cannot be taken lightly, for as with all other conviences
mankind has thought up, it has resulted in major reprucusions on the field
of astrology, as can be seen by the confusion caused by the precession
of the equinoxes.
Precession of the Equinoxes.
Due to the slight wobble of the Earth on its
axis, the term 'precession of the equinoxes' has evolved. That is,
the signs are not where they once were two thousand years ago. In
fact, the signs, meaning the stars identified as the constellations of
the zodiac, are a full sign ahead of where they used to be. This
is relative to astrology in two ways, and causes many people to get excited
and claim astrology as a fraud. Firstly, some say, if the signs are
off and you say I'm a Gemini, then actually I'm a Taurus, therefore astrology
can't work. Not so fast my friend. Astrology is classified
into two equally important types. Sidereal Astrology follows the
movement of the constellations across the sky relative to the earth.
It is used in analysis on a larger scale (eg global evolution and pattern)
than for personal use. Tropical Astrology follows the sections
of the sky and the coresponding rythmic patterns taking place on the earth,
most noticably at the equator (hence the name tropical). It seems
to be more closely related to the small cycles taking place on the earth
everyday in minute ways. Thus, scale is just as important to
astrologers as placement. On that note, secondly, astrologers use
the precession of the equinox in classifying ages according to where Polaris,
the North Star is pointing. We are currently at the end of the age
of Pisces, about to enter the Age of Aquarius. Polaris moves backwards
through the zodiac as the earth wobbles. One sign is
transitted approximately every two thousand years, though the exact time
Polaris entered Pisces is not known for sure, and so the exact dawning
of the next age is also not known for certain. Many suppose it to
appoximate the Y2K.
Are you kidding??? Yes it's very helliocentric.
But then again, we aren't living on Mars, and we're the ones we're interested
in. In theory, an astrological system could be worked out for any
and every other planet or sphere. This was alluded to in the Hitchiker's
Guide to the Galaxy.
Alright, you say, so tropical astrology sort
of makes sense with all the rhymic stuff and all. But I don't live
on the equator. In fact I live in the Southern Hemisphere in Argentina.
Leo, my sun sign is said to encapsulate the life givingness of summer.
My birthday's in the winter. And I say, Leo, like all the other signs,
is not merely represented by a season. Though the seasons themselves
are one reincarnation of the pattern inherent in the zodiac.
Ask your mom. Really, even if
twins are born minutes apart and for all practical reasons their charts
are the same, then I'd have to say something else goes into their making.
And there's a hell of a lot of something elses out there. Especially
when you're a baby. Maybe you weren't mommy's favourite, or maybe
you got told you were the quiet one until you believed it. Nature
Nurture, remember.
Hold on a sec while I go get mine so I can
quote you on this....ok. Now before I start this, anyone anywhere
can find anything they want to find in the Bible. That, to me, nullifies
the point entirely. But let's just have a look just for the
fun of it anyway. I've got a handy dandy study bible here where
you can look things up...ahhh here we go. index to moral dilemmas.
Astrology. Deuteronomy 4:19 and 17:2-5. ...idol worship....mmhmmm...."You
did not see the form of God that day as he spoke to you from the fire...so
do not defile yourselves by trying to make a statue of God...And do not
look up into the sky to worship the sun, moon, or stars. The Lord
may permit other nations to get away with this, but not you...." (Deut.
4:15-19)....Ouch this next one's harsh..."If anyone, whether man or woman,
in any village throughout your land violates your covenant with God by
worshiping other gods, the sun, the moon, or stars, which I have strictly
forbidden, first check the rumor very carefully; if there is no doubt it
is true, then that man or woman shall be taken outside the city and shall
be stoned to death."(Deut. 17:2-5). Another thing about quoting the
Bible, it sort of nullifies all other religions. In anycase, it's
not my job to slander or make devoid the Holy Book or any of it's adherents.
Astrology in my mind is not idol worship. In the olden days maybe.
But seems to me that most people see the sun, moon, and stars as objects,
luminaries, as explainable as the rest of the world. To idolize the
spheres would mean to consider them to be gods, which I do not. It
may be handy to refer to them as such, like chess peices, to personify
and characterize them, but that doesn't change the fact that they aren't
gods any more than a chess peice is a real king or a pawn.
In relation to religion, I see astrology as a facet of truth and beauty,
a part of God's grand plan. Kind of like some drawings the architect
left on the table. It falls in the same category as transcendental
numbers for me. I don't suppose there's anything about pi or the
golden triangle in the bible....?(actually I've heard there's this code
Scientific Studies. Enter the infamous Gauquelins.
The Gauquelins are probably the most cited
source for scientific studies in support of Astrology. "French Psychologist
and Statistician Dr Michel Gauquelin(1928-91) and his demographer wife
Francoise (1929-) gathered many tens of thousands of birth certificates
of famous individuals from all over Europe. Birth certificates on
the continent include the time of birth. Using this information,
the Gauquelins were able to demonstrate statistically that eminent professionals
tended to be born when particular planets were: close to the eastern or
western horizon, close to the upper meridian, their highest point in the
sky, or close to the lower meridian, the lowest point. For example,
future champion athletes, eminent military men and entrepreneurs tend to
be born when Mars, god of the warrior is so placed. By contrast,
the Gauquelins found that future eminent scientists tend to be born when
Saturn, bestower of the saturnine cautious, methodical, intellectual temperament,
is prominent. Further corellations were seen with actors, politicians,
and Jupiter, and writers, journalists, and the Moon. Despite attempts
by several committees of sceptics to disprove these results, often
using dubious methods, the observations have replicated again and again
with fresh samples of data. An impartial survey of all the evidence
by Suibert Ertel, Professor of Psychology at Gottingen University in Germany,
has concludedin The Tenacious Mars Effect that it is time that sceptics
embraced the reality of these results and accepted the challend they present
to the prevailing world-view. Hans Eysenck, (1916-97), Professor
of Psychology at London University and a strict experimentalist, came to
the same conclusion" (Harvey, 1999).
In addition to the Gauquelins, several other well-educated and logical
people found reason to support Astrology as a justified field of study.
Among these are included: St Thomas Aquinas, Jung, Einstein, Shakespeare,
W.B. Yeats, Oscar Adler, Austrian Doctor, Thomas Ring, Austrian Philosopher,
Count Herman Keyserling, German Philospher, Dr. James S. Williamsen,
American mathematician of Cambridge and Oxford Universities, and
Dr. L CUnibert Mohlburg of the Vatican Institute. Check out my
quote page for references to these and others in support of Astrology.
a Buck.
I won't go into astrology because I'm afraid
I wouldn't make a buck and I'd be disowned by my family. Actually
it's more the buck thing that bothers me. I'd prefer to waste my
hours away typing up pages of astrological information that no one will
ever read. Some astrologers are just out there to make a buck.
Some lawyers are just out there to make a buck. How do you know the
difference. Well I guess you have to talk to them and make that decision
yourself. I support astrology not on money but on principle.
I think it's right and I don't think it's fairly represented to the world
and in some small way i hope to be able to change that somehow. Astrology
is more than just whether or not it's an art or a science or a fraud.
It's a world view. A way of looking at things that makes them appear
new and somehow more valuable.
9 planets,
12 signs.
Another one I'm working on. The way
it seems at the moment, by tradition, the ancient astrologers saw only
five planets. These five were held to have equal and opposite sides,
yin/yang type forces: a masculine and a feminine side. So you have
ten sides of five planets, plus the sun(masculine) and the moon(feminine).
Uranus changed things. And it brought with it Neptune, which went
by undected for awhile until a strange anomaly of Uranus was recognized
and attributed to another planet, that being Neptune. Pluto was discovered
much later and found to have an orbit that greatly deviated from that of
the other planets. Planets apparently are ascribed meaning due to
the qualities they exhibit. I'm looking into this part as we speak.
yes what about them. good question.
Goes with the last one. My theory is to stick with the empirical
line of thinking. Deductive reasoning. Planets in the sky now,
this happens. etc. record over time and eventually a pattern
may emerge. With these three new planets, I propose that experimental
data should be collected and evaluated regarding the placement of the new
planets and the happenings on earth. Strong corelations could be
noted and tests like the Gauquelin's run. Evidence shows this has
not been done. I have no idea why not. It never ceases to amaze
me the amount of research waiting to be done in this feild, which
has not even been prodded with a meter stick. There are so
many opportunities here...I don't see how any self-respecting scientist
could resist.
first: Highly Highly HIGHLY recommended real books by
yours truly. I've read a lot of astrology books, but I keep coming
back to these two. Found the first one in January while in Scotland
this past year. The second one has been passed down in
my family from my great grandmother. It's got some of the most detailed
and extensive collection of writings on astrological history and delineation
that I've found, including articles on Shakespeare's use of Astrology,
Astrology in Palmistry, the Game of the Spheres, Horoscope casting, and
Harvey, Charles and Suzy. 1999. The Principles of Astrology.
Thorsons, Harper Collins Publishers. London.
Lynch, John. 1967. The Coffee Table Book of Astrology.
The Viking Press, Inc. New York.
second: online texts. I'll keep this short and informed.
Brief History
of Astrology
Kepler College
Exceptional List of Astrology Links
AstroChart and
pretty good Intro to Astrology by a Professor who started the Greek Sigma