"We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born.  Astrology does not lay claim to anything more."
--C.G. Jung


Table of Astrological Signs and their Significance

Astrological Conundrums.

feel free to add your own conundrum to this list by emailing me at mid.night@mailexcite.com
Be warned, I'll do my best to come up with an explanation.

There's no way you can classify people into twelve categories like that.

My sign doesn't describe me at all. Random horoscopes have been shown to be just as believable as those so called accurate horoscopes. No two horoscopes for the same sign ever read the same in different newspapers. Midwives have more gravitational pull than the planets. You can't even see the zodiac signs in the sky. The Precession of the Equinoxes. Helliocentric. Hemispheres. Twins. The Bible. No Scientific Studies.  Enter the infamous Gauquelins. Making a Buck. 9 planets, 12 signs. the latecomers.

first:  Highly Highly HIGHLY recommended real books by yours truly.  I've read a lot of astrology books, but I keep coming back to these two.  Found the first one in January while in Scotland this  past year.  The second  one has been passed down in my family from my great grandmother.  It's got some of the most detailed and extensive collection of writings on astrological history and delineation that I've found, including articles on Shakespeare's use of Astrology, Astrology in Palmistry, the Game of the Spheres, Horoscope casting, and more.

Harvey, Charles and Suzy.  1999.  The Principles of Astrology.  Thorsons, Harper Collins Publishers.  London.

Lynch, John.  1967.  The Coffee Table Book of Astrology.  The Viking Press, Inc.  New York.

second:  online texts.  I'll keep this short and informed.

Brief History of Astrology
Kepler College
Kepler's Exceptional List of Astrology Links
AstroChart and pretty good Intro to Astrology by a Professor who started the Greek Sigma Society