
This is a powerfull tool, most people toss it aside, but i
have done a few nice things to save me a lot of time.

The best thing is it can call a program, so if it cant do
what you want it to do, you can make a program in VB, QB, C,
C++ etc. to do what you want.

This section is recommended for people with a CD writer or
who is making a Custom CD.

Mpeg Audio Layer 3
You may think this CAN be illegal so I intend this to be used
in REFERENCE to LEGAL MP3s (Their are no songs on this site
or any of it afilates) Now that the Legal stuff is overwith.

I made a nice little Autorun to put on MP3 CDS, so that it
starts up Winamp And plays a Playlist, and the best thing is,
it will start on ANY windows computer, even if they DONT have
winamp installed, which takes the hastles out.


Prety simple, well it took a few hours to get it figured out.
Winamp is in a folder called AUTORUN and the Playlist is in
the ROOT of the CD.
To make, install winamp and then put it in with the songs
before you make the CD.Make sure the colume is on 3/4 before
you write the CD, I had it on real LOW, so i HAVE to turn the
volume up everytime, i use that CD.