IIMA Class of 1995
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PGP 95 ka Tempo High hai !!!!

Welcome to the LKP

This is the official site of the Class of 1995 from IIM, Ahmedabad.

You might find most of the details you are looking for in the Alumni Database. An Attempt is made to reflect the latest information but it may not be accurate. Ofcourse since you are getting it for free you have no business cribbing about it.

It also includes write ups which reflect the editor's memories of PGP 95. All the members should feel free to suggest any changes to the editor as they won't be included any way.


Any changes to your particulars (however embarassing they might be) should be promptly mailed to me by clicking below. Needless to add if there are no changes no need to click below.


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Rahul Phondke

You are visitor number

to this site who managed to visit this site during office hours and on office expense.


This page was last updated on Saturday, January 19, 2002