Seniors 1984
Seniors 1984<p> <p> <body bgcolor="9DA6AA"Link="4F1454"text="F1BAFF"> <center><img src="piper2.gif"></center><p> <body> <b><center><font size="6">Class Colors, Flower and Motto</font></center></b><br> <text="F1BAFF"font size=5>During the annual Color Day Assembly, the senior class presented their class colors, flower and motto.</text></font><br> <i><center><u><img src="whiterose.gif"><br> White Rose</u></center></i><br> <i><center><u>Lavendar and Grey</i></center></u><p> <i><center><u>The moment is now, but the memories are forever</u></center></i><p> <p> <b><center><font size="6"> Senior Class Officers</font></center><b><p> <center>President--Craig Errington<br> Vice President--Stephanie Hurt<br> Secretary--Suny Kong<br> Treasurer--Kathy Nelson<br></center> <p> <br> <br> <center><b><font size="6">Alma Mater</font></b></center><p> <center><i>Mid the hills and flowing waters,<br> Made by God's own hand:<br> Stands our noble Alma Mater<br> Best in all the land.<br> Come the triumphs and the heartaches<br> Great our love will be;<br> Huntington East our Alma Mater<br> Praise we sing to thee</i><p> <p> <a href="index.html">Home Page</a><p> <img src="mailbird.gif"><br> You can e-mail me @ ''<p> </center> <center> This page sponsored by GEOCITIES!--Thanks<br> Click here for your own free page!<br> <a href="">Geocities</a></center><br> Revised 8/22/98