Merriam-Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus
Multilex On-line English--Russian Dictionary МультиЛекс™ 1.0 включает в себя знаменитый трёхтомный словарь НБАРС под редакцией проф. Э.М.Медниковой и акад. Ю.Д.Апресяна (250000 словарных входов, 2300000 английских и русских слов)
Dave's ESL Cafe on the Web For ESL/EFL Students and Teachers from Around the World
Grammar On-line English Grammar by Anthony Hughes
Digital Education Network Online English Grammar, English Grammar Clinic,English Practice Pages, Education Event Finder,ELT / TEFL Job Centre, ELT / TEFL Centre
Goskomstat RF Госкомстат России
Central Bank of Russia Карта сервера Центрального банка России
MinFin Economic Expert Group, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
RET Russian Economic Trends (RET) is the leading publication of statistics and analysis on the Russian economy. RET plays an important role in monitoring macroeconomic trends in Russia, describing conditions in, for example, the monetary and fiscal systems, the banking sector, and the labor market. The quarterly edition offers a comprehensive overview of developments in the economy, in-depth analytical pieces focusing on longer-term policy issues based largely on the research findings of core RECEP and SITE projects, and statistical appendices. RET monthly issues update key economic indicators and comment on the current situation of the Russian economy.
RBC РосБизнесКонсалтинг - самый большой объем финансовой информации по России и СНГ
CEEERC The Central and East European Economic Research Center at the Warsaw University Department of Economics
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Exchange Rate The Interactive Currency Table
English Books on-line
Inomics Search Job Openings for Economists
Job Openings for Economists is provided jointly by the American Economic Association and the Economics Department of the University of Texas at Austin.
INTAS is helping to create a new era of mutually beneficial cooperation between scientists from INTAS (EU,...) member states and the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (NIS).
Погода по информации Гидрометцентра РФ или Погода в 15 городах РФ
Телефонные справочники Санкт-Петербурга, Москвы, Киева и др.
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