Loma Linda University If you've ever wanted to feel stupid about everything, yet fall in the top 2% of the pointy-headed academics in the country,
If you've ever wanted to do exactly what you want, whenever you wanted, just the way you wanted it done, yet be told exactly what to do, when to do it and how,
If you've ever wanted to make a good living after getting out of school, yet have to spend $125,000 just to go to school,
If you've ever wanted to enjoy retirement, yet not have a chance to start working at your own job until you were over 30,
If you've ever wanted to always do your best, yet still never be as good as you had hoped,

Well then, medical school is the place for you friend!

Actually, if I had my way, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Now, for all those MD wann'a-be's out there, here's a couple of the weekly E-mails that I send home to freinds and family to let them know what's going on in school.

This letter is the first from this my second year.
This letter is from the weekend after midterms.

Email me and let me know what you think. I've thought about spiffing all of them up and submiting them to a publisher after I graduate. Or maybe I'll just publish my own book...after all, I have a Macintosh.