List of publications                         
Original authorship in refereed journals
Original computer program
Original conference presentations

Contributing authorship in refereed journals
Contributing authorship in conference abstracts
Original authorship in refereed journals.       Top of page
Tréjaut J, Dunckley H, Doran T, Chapman J. Comparison of serological class II typing with DNA-DR and DNA-DQ typing of kidney donors and recipients. Transplantation Proceedings 1990: 22 : 5: 2133.  1992
Tréjaut J, Dunckley H, Sullivan J, Kennedy C, and Crane G. Analysis of HLA class II allogenotyping in Australian Aborigines and Papua New Guinea populations. Tissue Antigens 1992: 39: 1-7.  1993
Tréjaut J, Dunckley H. HLA-DRB5 genotyping by PCR-RFLP. Tissue Antigens 1994:43:60-63.  1996
Tréjaut J,Bhatia K, Greville WD, Hu KR, Duraisamy G, Nuchprayoon C, Donald J, Aziz A, Dunckley H (1996). HLA-DR2 haplotypic diversity in populations of Southeast Asia, Northern China, Melanesia and Australian Aborigines using PCR-RFLP for DRB1, DRB5, DQB1 and DQA1. A novel DRB1 allele: DRB1*16022. European Journal of Immunogenetics 23: 437-449.
Tréjaut J, Duncan N, Greville W, Boatwright S, Kennedy C, Moses J, Dunckley H. HLA Class II DR and DQ typing in New South Wales Australian Aborigines. A novel DRB1 allele: DRB1*8Taree. In: Charron D, ed. 12th International Histocompatibility Workshop and Conference Proceedings. "Genetic diversity of HLA: Functional and Medical Implications". Sevres: EDK International Publisher Medecine and Science. 1966 (in press).  1997
Tréjaut J, Greville W, Duncan N, Dunckley H. 1997. A novel DRB1 allele (DRB1*0815) defined in an Australian Aborigine. Tissue Antigens. 49: In Press.
Original computer program                            Top of page
Tréjaut J. DOPERMUT: A program to generate all possible pairwise permutations from discrete data in a polymorphic system. ASEATTA Newsletter 1996: 21: 1: 26-27.
Top of page
Original conference presentations.               
Tréjaut J, McKenzie K, Dunckley H, Farrell C, Chapman J, and Sullivan J. HLA class II typing of human CLL cells: A comparison of cellular, serological and DNA based Methods. The Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 8th Scientific meeting (28-30 March), 1990.  1993
Tréjaut J, Dunckley H. HLA-DRB5 genotyping by PCR-RFLP. ASEATTA general scientific meeting. 29-30 November 1993.  1994
Tréjaut J, Kennedy C, Taverniti A, Dunckley H. Diversity of HLA DRB1*02-DRB5-DQB1-DQA1 haplotypes in seven Asian populations by PCR-RFLP. Detection of a novel allele: HLA-DRB1*16Madang. The Major Histocompatibility complex in medicine. Adelaide, Australian and South East Asian Tissue Typing Association 1994: abstract 9.  1995
Tréjaut J, Duncan N., Boatwright S, Yuam LN, Dunckley H. Present day Thai, Northern Chinese (Tianjim) and Malaysian populations. The Malaysians population may be under selective pressure. The 5th Asia-Oceania Histocompatibility Workshop and Conference, and Australian and South East Asian Tissue Typing Association in Bangkok, Thailand. September 1995.  1996
Tréjaut J, Duncan N, Greville W, Boatwright S, Kennedy C, Moses J, Dunckley H. HLA Class II DR and DQ typing in New South Wales Australian Aborigines. A novel DRB1 allele: DRB1*8Taree. 12th International Histocompatibility Conference. "Genetic diversity of HLA: Functional and Medical Implications". Human Immunology 1996: 47: 141.
Tréjaut J, Greville W, Dunckley H (1966). DQA1 subtyping in Australian Aborigines. Additional evidence for heterogeneity. Melbourne, Australian and South East Asian Tissue Typing Association. 1996 annual scientific meeting. Beyond 12th IW: MHC Molecular medecine into the 21th century.
Contributing authorship in refereed journals.   Top of page
Honeyman M, Messel N, Tréjaut J, and Penny R. The HLA System in the Sydney Jewish Population. Tissue Antigens 1980: 15: 94-100.  1981
Doran T.J, Bashir H.V, Tréjaut J, Basset M.L, Halliday J.W, Powell L. Idiopathic heamochromatosis in the Australian population: HLA linkage and recessivity. Human Immunology 1981: 2: 191-200.  1989
Ando A, Paik Y.K, Mitsuishi Y, Tréjaut J, and Tsuji K. RFLP standardization Report for 21OH/EcoRV. In Dupont B ed. Immunobiology of HLA, Vol. I, Histocompatibility Testing 1987. New York: Springer Verlag 1989: 775.
Ando A, Paik Y.K, Mitsuishi Y, Tréjaut J, and Tsuji K. RFLP standardization Report for C2/EcoRV. In Dupont B ed. Immunobiology of HLA, Vol. I, Histocompatibility Testing 1987. New York: Springer Verlag 1989: 743.
Ando A, Paik Y.K, Tréjaut J, and Tsuji K. RFLP standardization Report for BF/EcoRV. In Dupont B ed. Immunobiology of HLA, Vol. I, Histocompatibility Testing 1987. New York: Springer Verlag: 1989: 735.
Ando A, Takenouchi T, Paik Y, Dwyer E, Mitsuishi Y, Tréjaut J, and Tsuji K. RFLP standardization Report for DQ Alpha/EcoRV. In Dupont B ed. Immunobiology of HLA, Vol. I, Histocompatibility Testing 1987. New York: Springer Verlag 1989: 812.
Ando A, Takenouchi T, Paik Y.K, Dwyer E, Mitsuishi Y, Tréjaut J, and Tsuji K. RFLP Standardization Report for Class I/EcoRV. In Dupont B ed. Immunobiology of HLA, Vol. I, Histocompatibility Testing 1987. New York: Springer Verlag 1989: 702.
Sullivan J.S, Tréjaut J, Guinan J, McKenzie K, Doran T, Honeyman M, and Chapman J. Class II DNA Polymorphism and Renal allograft outcome. Transplantation Proceedings, 1989: 21: 667.  1991
Opelz G, Mytilineos J, Scherer S, Dunckley H, Tréjaut J, Chapman J, Middleton D, Savage D, Fischer G, Bignon J.D, Bensa J.C, Albert E, Noreen H. Survival of DNA HLA-DR typed and matched cadaver kidney transplants. Lancet vol 338 No 8765,461-63, 1991.  1992
Mytilineos J, Scherer S, Dunckley H, Tréjaut J, Chapman J, Fischer G, Fae I, Middleton D, Savage D, Bignon J.D, Bensa J.C, Noreen H, Albert E, and Opelz G. DNA HLA-DR typing results of 4000 kidney transplants. Transplantation 1992: 55: 778-781.
Mytilineos J, Scherer S, Tréjaut J, Dunckley H, Chapman J, Fischer G, Fae I, Middleton D, Savage D, Bignon J.D, Bensa J.C, Noreen H, Albretch G,Schwarz V, and Opelz G. Analysis of discrepancies between serological and DNA-RFLP typing for HLA-DR in kidney graft recipients. Transplantation Proceedings, 1992: 244: 2478-2479.
Opelz G, Mytilineos J, Scherer S, Dunckley H, Tréjaut J, Chapman J, Middleton D, Savage D, Fischer G, Bignon J.D, Bensa J.C, Albert E, Noreen H, for the Collaborative Transplant Study. "DNA typing, an important step forward". Transplant International. 1992 5[ Suppl 1]: S 580-S 582.
Opelz G, Scherer S,Mytilineos J, Dunckley H, Tréjaut J, Chapman J, Middleton D, Savage D, Fischer G, Bignon J.D, Bensa J.C, Albert E, Noreen H. Analysis of HLA matching in renal transplantation based on DNA class II typing. In: HLA 1991. Proceedings of the Eleventh Internanional Histocompatibility Workshop and Conference. Eds: Tsuji K, Aizawa M, Sasazuki T. Oxford University Press, New York. Vol. 2, p.456-458.
Sullivan J, Kennedy C, Tréjaut J, Dunckley H. Polymorphisms of the major histocompatibility complex in new and old world primates. In: Molecular Evolution of the Major Histocompatibility complex. Eds J. Klein & D. Klein, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. Series H,1992: 59: 193-200.  1993
Mytilineos J, Scherer S, Dunckley H, Tréjaut J, Chapman J, Savage D, Middleton D, Fae I, Bignon J.D, Bensa J.C, Albrecht G, Schwarz V, and Opelz G. DNA Typing of 3500 cadaver kidney transplants does not confirm the "DR6 effect". Transplantation Proceedings 1993: 25: 207-209.  1995
Scherer S, Mytilineos J, Forssmann U, Dunckley H, Tréjaut J, Chapman J, Middleton D. Analysis of Rare HLA-DRB1-DQB1 haplotypes in Kidney Donors and Recipients. Transplantation Proceedings 1995: vol. 27: 1: 684-685.
Contributing authorship in conference abstracts.  Top of page
Doran T, Honeyman M, Tréjaut J, Wright J, Melick G. DQ alpha in the serological definition of RFLP defined DQw1 splits. Human Immunology 1989: 26: 8.
Farrell C, Dunckley H, Tréjaut J, Honeyman M, Chapman J. Cellular recognition of HLA DPB1-1001. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 15th Annual Meeting (Sept.17-21), 1989.
Farrell C, Honeyman M, Tréjaut J, Hoadley C, Fussell S. A Monocyte specific Antigen linked to HLA DX recognised by a T cell clone. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics: Sept. 17-21, 1989.
Hoadley C, Tréjaut J, Doran T, Ziegler J, and Honeyman M. In vivo clonal selection on T cells following haploidentical Bone Marrow Transplantation for combined immunodeficiency. American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 15th Annual Meeting: Sept. 17-21, 1989.
Farrell C, Dunckley H, Tréjaut J, Honeyman M, and Chapman J. Cellular recognition of HLA DPB1-1001. 5th Australasian and South-East Asian Tissue Typing Association. Annual scientific meeting (29 Sept.-1 Oct.), 1990.  1991
Dunckley H, Tréjaut J, Kennedy C, Sullivan J.S, Chapman J.R, Disney A. DNA Matching of HLA-DR and -DQ and renal transplant survival. In the Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 9th (ninth) scientific meeting. The Australian Academy of Science. Camberra, ACT 10-12 April 1991.
Mytilineos J, Scherer S, Dunckley H, Tréjaut J, Chapman J, Middleton D, Savage D, Fischer G, Bignon J.D, Bensa J.C, Albert E, Noreen H. Analysis of HLA Matching in renal transplantation based on DNA Class II Typing. 11th International Histocompatibility Workshop and Conference Yokohama 1991. p 147 (PS-H2-2 (MS-C1-1)).
Opelz G, Mytilineos J, Scherer S, Dunckley H, Tréjaut J, Chapman J, Middleton D, Savage D, Fischer G, Bignon J.D, Bensa J.C, Albert E, Noreen H. Antigen Frequencies of RFLP-DRB,-DQB, and DQA allotypes in 2045 unrelated individuals. 11th International Histocompatibility Workshop and Conference Yokohama 1991. p 94 (PS-E4-12).
Scherer S, Mytilineos S, Dunckley H, Tréjaut J, Chapman J, Middleton D, Savage D, Bignon J.D, Fischer G, Bensa J.C, Albert E, Noreen H, and Opelz G. Antigen frequencies of RFLP-DRB, -DQB, and DQA allotypes in 2045 unrelated individuals. XI th International Workshop 1991, Yokohama, PS-E4-11: 94.  1992
Dunckley H, Neary C, Tréjaut J, Fussel S, Kennedy C, Sullivan J.S, Farrell C. Comparison of HLA-DR, -DQ matching by RFLPs with MLC reactivity in bone marrow transplant patients and their potential unrelated donors. In the TSANZ. 10th (tenth) Scientific meeting. The Australian Academy of Science. Canberra, ACT. April 1992.  1994
Dunckley H, van Eijck A, Tréjaut J., Yuan G.H, Li Z.G, Manolios N, Shi G. HLA-DRB1, -DRB3, -DRB5, -DQB1, and -DQA1 DNA typing in Chinese with Rheumatoid arthratis. The Major Histocompatibility complex in medicine. Adelaide, Australian and South East Asian Tissue Typing Association 1994, abstract 9.  1995
Scherer S., Mytilineos J., Forssmann U., Dunckley H., Tréjaut J., Chapman J., Middleton D. and Opelz G. Analysis of rare HLA-DRB1-DQB1 haplotypes in kidney donors and recipients. Transplantation Proceedings, Vol 27, No 1 (February), 1995: p. 684-5.
Panigoro R, Tréjaut J, Sullivan J, Dunckley H. HLA and ABO gene polymorphisms in the Indonesian people. Second Asia Pacific Conference on medical genetics and Eijkman symposium on the molecular biology of disease. Jakarta September 1995: 134.
Kennedy CT, Doran T, Farrell C, Tréjaut J, Dunckley H. HLA-DP, Mixed lymphocyte culture and acute graft versus host disease. 21 annual American society of histocompatibility and immunogenetics meeting. Human Immunology 1995: vol. 44:sup. 1.  1996
Kennedy CT, Tréjaut J, Sadler N, Moses J, Dunckley H. HLA-A -B and -C Typing with sequence specific oligonucleotides. Melbourne, Australian and South East Asian Tissue Typing Association 1996.
Moses JH, McClenahan W, Tréjaut J, Dunckley H. HLA Class I SSP typing, experience with 12th worshop kits, new variants and routine typing in a clinical situation. Melbourne, Australian and South East Asian Tissue Typing Association. 1996 annual scientific meeting. Beyond 12th IW: MHC Molecular medecine into the 21th century.
Greville WD, Tréjaut J, Duncan N, Bowman S, Dunckley H. 1996. New alleles confirmed by sequencing. Melbourne, Australian and South East Asian Tissue Typing Association. 1996 annual scientific meeting. Beyond 12th IW: MHC Molecular medecine into the 21th century.
Boatwright S, Morris D, Moses J, Tréjaut J, Watson N, Huang Q, Dunckley H (1966). HLA studies of SLE in twinns and families. Melbourne, Australian and South East Asian Tissue Typing Association. 1996 annual scientific meeting. Beyond 12th IW: MHC Molecular medecine into the 21th century.
Panigoro R, Tréjaut J, Sullivan J, Dunckley H (1996). HLA and ABO gene polymorphisms in the Indonesian people. Melbourne, Australian and South East Asian Tissue Typing Association. 1996 annual scientific meeting. Beyond 12th IW: MHC Molecular medecine into the 21th century.