Assault Rigs Enemies

Assault Rigs Enemies

There are numerous enemies in Assault Rigs. Throughout the three different styles in the game the same enemies are used but their appearances change. All of the enemies start out by only taking one shot of Standard Ammo to destroy, but eventually will take multiple Laser and Homing Missile shots. It is important to know how close you can get to an enemy without letting them know you are there so that you can destroy them from a distance. Most enemies can see five to six blocks away and sometimes can not see to the sides of where they are looking. Once you get into their field of vision, close enough to them, or start shooting at them, they will start attacking you. Use this to your advantage by shooting them from far away, and then circling around them to hit them from a different angle.

Most enemies have a poor rate of fire meaning that you can get in a few hits in between each of their shots. It is also important that you learn to strafe properly around the enemies. You should avoid driving straight up to an enemy and standing still while shooting them. Press L1 + Left or Right or R1 + Left or Right to circle around an enemy while shooting at it to miss it's shots while depleting it's shields.

Wakka The Wakka is the enemy that is basically like your rig. It moves around and shoots Standard Ammo at a rather slow rate. Usually they can be strafed around and shot at continually without too much trouble. When more than one is present, try to get them next to each other as you circle them rather than singling out one of them to try and destroy since the other Wakka or Wakkas will shoot at you easily. A Wakka can be identified by the "Wakka-Wakka" sound it makes.
Shatter Wakka Shatter Wakkas make the same "Wakka-Wakka" sound as regular Wakkas. Instead of shooting Standard Ammo, they shoot Shatter Ammo. They can also control when the Shatter Ammo shatters the same way that you can. Their shields are a little stronger than regular Wakkas, so it will take a little longer to destroy them. They turn and shoot faster than regular Wakkas, but if you encounter them in an open space you should have no trouble strafing around them and shooting them. A good idea is to try and shoot them on the sides or in the back, since their strongest shield is in the front.
Gun Turret Gun Turrets are placed everywhere throughout Assault Rigs. They stay in one spot and swivel back and forth shooting double Standard Ammo shots. They are usually found in groups and around corners that are normally taken at high speeds so that they catch you off guard. They make no sound except for their shooting, so it is hard to tell when you are about to come around a corner and find one. You can sometimes sneak around corners slowly until you see them and shoot the side of them, destroying them before they even see you. Gun Turrets can also be destroyed from a distance since they won't return fire unless you are close enough for them to recognize you. Gun Turrets can be identified by they way they rotate back and forth, giving the illusion that they are searching for you.
Small Gun Turret Small Gun Turrets are nearly the same size as Gun Turrets, but shoot single Standard Ammo shots instead of double Standard Ammo shots. Other than this one difference, they are the same. They look different, but they can still be shot from a distance to be destroyed.
Missile Turret Missile Turrets are nearly the same size as Gun Turrets, but shoot Homing Missiles. The same rules apply to Missile Turrets as Gun Turrets; destroy them from a distance and sneak around corners to destroy them before they see you. If you get shot at with their Homing Missiles try to make a quick turn around a corner and hide out until the missile passes you or crashes into a wall. A Missile Turret can't shoot a second missile while one is already in the air so dodge the first missile by strafing to the left or right, then quickly destroy it before it can shoot another one at you. Missile Turrets can be identified by the missile they shoot, and the way they rotate back and forth.
Large Missile Turret Large Missile Turrets are nearly the same size as Missile Turrets, but shoot larger Homing Missiles. Their missiles do not turn corners sharper or move faster than the Missile Turrets missiles, but they do almost twice as much damage. Destroy them the same way as the Missile Turrets; by either shooting them from a distance or strafing past their missiles and shooting them before they can shoot a second one since they can only have one in the air at a time. Large Missile Turrets can be identified by the missiles that they shoot. They are almost half the size of your rig.
Spinner Spinners can be a really pain to destroy. It's easiest to understand why when you encounter them in the VR Zones. You can see that their shields have holes in them, that is where you want to concentrate your fire. The Spinners spin around while shooting Regular Ammo out of four opposing guns. When they take damage they flip over and start spinning in the opposite direction. While they are shooting and spinning they are also moving side to side and forward. This makes it very difficult to destroy a Spinner from a distance. It is best to use the Laser against Spinners so that they can be destroyed quickly.
Bomber Bombers are sometimes put in positions that can not be reached. They sit in one spot like turrets and fire shells up into the air to try and destroy you with a hit from above. When their shells hit you or the ground they break into four pieces of shrapnel like Mines. A Bomber will aim for where your rig is currently positioned when the shell leaves it's gun. This means that when you see the shell being shot, you should move diagonally slightly so that not only the shell, but also the shrapnel will miss your rig when it lands. Bombers can be identified by the shells that they shoot and by the fact that they only shoot upwards.
Floater Floaters are small enemies that can fly around and shoot at you with a Minigun. They will fly side to side when they see you so that it is harder to hit them. Even though they are sometimes just above your turret, your shots will still hit them. They can be shot from a distance, but they will float away when they are shot, so don't let them float too far away or into a blue box, or you might destroy the weapon or item inside as you are trying to destroy the Floater. Floaters can be identified by the minigun that they use, the way that they can fly around the arenas, and by the face that seems to be on them.
Laser Floater Laser Floaters look exactly like Floaters except they they have a Laser instead of a Minigun. Their shields are also stronger, but they fly at about the same speed. They can still be destroyed from a distance which is the preferred way to handle them.
Mobile Launcher Mobile Launchers are a lot like Missile Turrets, except that they move around like Wakkas. They will charge at you while firing small Homing Missiles. Their missiles do about as much damage as the missiles from a Missile Turret. If you shoot at them from a distance, they will start pursuing you. Either shoot them while staring back and forth around a corner so their missile hits a wall, or strafe around their missile and shoot them before they can reload. They can only have one missile in the air at a time.
Mines Mines lie on the ground and don't move. When your rig runs over them they explode, causing damage to the side of your rig that ran over them. They can be shot from a distance, which is the preferred way to destroy them. Simply shoot your weapon over the top of them. They also shatter into four pieces of shrapnel when they are destroyed. The shrapnel is weaker than the Mine itself, but will still cause damage to your rig's shield. The shrapnel from a mine can also destroy other Mines that it passes over so try to shoot over a few of them with each shot to cause a chain reaction that will destroy the rest of them when they are in a group. Mines can be identified by the yellow and black markings on the top of them. They are split it four sections, two yellow and two black, and they will split into those sections when they are destroyed.
Miner Miners move slower than Wakkas, so they are easier targets to shoot at. They have heavy shields on all four sides which means that they can take a lot of damage before being destroyed. As a Miner drives around it will lay a Mine behind it. Miners can run over Mines without destroying them. It is not uncommon to find a Miner surrounded by its Mines. Either use a Shield to get close enough to a Miner to destroy it or shoot at it from a distance with a Laser or some other strong weapon. It is usually best to leave Miners alone unless they are in your way. Miners can be identified by their slow speed and the Mines that they lay.
Pusher Pushers can be a big pain when you are trying to move across a narrow ledge or are on the edge of a platform. They are simply small enemies with no real weapon, but can force you around the arena by pushing on your rig. They have the best shields in the game in the front and can take a lot of damage on their sides and rear also. They will usually take at least eight laser shots in the front, and a little less on the sides and rear to destroy. They don't move very fast which seems to be their only weakness. Use this to your advantage by simply maneuvering around them and leaving them behind. They don't give many points for being destroyed, so it's best to just avoid them. Pushers can be identified by their slow movement, their lack of a projectile weapon, and their short stature.
Bouncer Bouncers are usually found in groups down corridors. They can also be found in hallways that are not wide enough to strafe back and forth in. Bouncers will bounce up and down while shooting Standard Ammo. Sometimes your rig does not need to be close to it for a Bouncer to be shooting, which is actually a good thing because it is easier to find them by following where they are shooting from. You can sneek-up behind Bouncers easily becuase they only shoot in one direction. Their firing rate and respawn rate is pretty high, so once you destroy them it's best to move quickly before they respawn. Bouncers are one square wide and attach to two opposing. Bouncers can be identified by their conctant up and down movement.

All enemies will regenerate after a short while. So just because you cleared all of them on your way to retrieve a gem, it is not necessarily true that they will still be gone if you return the same way. You can sometimes use this to your advantage if you are trying to get a high score by picking off the enemies as soon as they respawn.

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