Jennifer "mickey" Millard
I'll tell you a little about
myself: I'm 18, and attending University at the U of S, and so
far am enjoying it very much. Except the homework of course.
- I have taken ballet and jazz for 14 years! I started when I was three, and have been hooked on it since. Sadly I had to stop for now to concentrate on school. But everything I have learned will be useful in my life in one way or another.
- My latest activity is playing Rugby with a team called the U or S Kats. I just started a couple weeks ago, but so far I'm loving it. It's tough and really easy to injure yourself, but it's definitely a sport that will get you in shape. All that tackling and falling and bruising and pulled muscles.. definitely worth it! :)
- I enjoy just about all kinds of movies, with a few exceptions like really gross horror movies. I love comedies, dramas,and have a new found interest in action flicks. I hope to get all my favorites on my movie page, so stay tuned.
- Music falls into the same sort of thing as movies. I like lots of different kinds (with some exceptions of really bad country, and really heavy metal), but my favorite is something with a beat that's lots of fun to dance to! I like some classical tunes, especially piano, and Canon in D by Pachabel. And any other genre of music I most likely will enjoy at least a song or two out of it.
- Well, obviously this is a major interest of mine, otherwise I wouldn't be making this homepage. I'm afraid what started as a general interest this summer (thanks to my wonderful bro and late nights on his computer)is steadily growing, but not quite reaching the point of addiction. I love emailing all my friends (who are spread out all over the place attending university) and just general surfing, and of course chatting on ICQ!
And just as a final note, (for now, there will be more info here soon) I am quite partial to quotes, both from music and movies, or wherever else they come from! So incorporated with my pages, I'll put up my favorites. Well, that's it for now, check out my other pages, and come back soon!