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Barth Riley, Ph.D.


(Pre-print and re-prints available)

Articles Accepted for Publication

  1. Tate, DG. Riley, BB. Perna, R. Roller, S. (1997).Quality of life issues among women with physical disabilities or breast cancer.Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 78:(12 Suppl. 5): S18-S25.
  2. Riley, BB. Perna, R. Tate, DG. Forchheimer, M. Anderson, C. & Luera, G. (1998). Types of Spiritual well-being among persons with chronic illness: Their relationship to various forms of quality of life. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 79(3) 258-264
  3. Stewart, J. Sachiedanadam, S. & Riley, BB. (in press). Visual impairment and mood disorders. International Journal of Rehabilitation.
  4. Richardson, JK. Foreman, G. & Riley, BB. (in press) An electrophysiological exploration of the Double Crush hypothesis. Muscle & Nerve.

Manuscripts in Preparation

  1. Riley, BB. McNeil, CK. & Tate, DG. (submitted) The effect of age and level of injury on the functional outcomes of persons with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord.
  2. Riley, BB. Wallbom, A. & Tate, DG. (in preparation) Prediction of neuropathic pain one year post-discharge among persons with spinal cord injury.
  3. Perna, R. Riley, BB. Geisser, M. & Boozer, R. (in preparation) Gender differences in pain disability: Affective states, coping and pain ratings.

Conference Presentations and Posters
  1. Perna, R. Riley BB. Tate, DG. Forchheimer, M. Anderson, C. Luera, G.: Quality of life as measured by the FACT with a cancer and rehabilitation group. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, August 15-19, 1997.
  2. Perna, R. Riley, BB. Tate, DG. Atwater, B. Roller, S.: "The Sickness Impact Profile as an outcome measure with the rehabilitation population." Annual meeting of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, November 13-16, 1997.
  3. Ramsey, B. Perna, R. & Riley, B.: The reliability and validity of the Roberts Apperception Test for Children. Florida Psychological Association Conference, June 26-29, 1997.
  4. Riley, BB. McNeil, C.K. & Tate, DG.: Long-Term Functional Outcomes of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury as a Function of Completeness and Level of Injury. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Spinal Injury Association, April 21st, 1998.
  5. Riley, BB. Perna, R. Tate, DG. Forchheimer, M. Anderson, C. & Luera, G.: Types of spirituality among persons with chronic illness: Their relationship to various forms of quality of life. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Meeting, September 13-16 1997.
  6. Riley, BB. Perna, R. Tate, DG.: Quality of life: Clinical correlates and conceptualization. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, August 15-19, 1997.
  7. Riley, BB. Wallbom, A, & Tate, DG.: Prediction of Neuropathic Pain One Year After Discharge Among Persons with Spinal Cord Injury. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Spinal Injury Association, April 21st, 1998.
  8. Roller, S. Perna, R. Riley, BB. & Tate, DG.: Spirituality among polio survivors: Correlates and comparisons with other diagnostic groups. Annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, September 13- 16 1997.
  9. Wallbom, A. Riley, BB. Tate, DG.: Dysesthetic pain syndrome in spinal cord injured patients: Demographics, psychological distress, and functional status. American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 59th Annual Assembly, November 13-16, 1997.

  10. Merwin, M. Riley, BB. Fabrianno, R.Cognitive dysfunction and depression in patients with TBI or psychiatric diagnoses. American Congress of Rehabiliation75th Annual Conference, November, 1998.

  11. Merwin, M. Riley, BB. Gender, life satisfaction and coping in spinal cord injured persons. Presented at the American Associating of Spinal Cord Injury, Psychologists/Social Workers Division.

  12. Roler, S. Tate, DG. & Riley, BB. A weelness program for women with polio: A holistic program model. Poster presented at the Annual conference of the center for Deisease Control, October, 1998


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