(Pre-print and re-prints available)
Articles Accepted for Publication
- Tate, DG. Riley, BB. Perna, R. Roller, S. (1997).Quality of life issues among women with physical disabilities or breast cancer.Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 78:(12 Suppl. 5): S18-S25.
- Riley, BB. Perna, R. Tate, DG. Forchheimer, M. Anderson, C. & Luera, G. (1998). Types of Spiritual well-being among persons with chronic illness: Their relationship to various forms of quality of life. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 79(3) 258-264
- Stewart, J. Sachiedanadam, S. & Riley, BB. (in press). Visual impairment and mood disorders. International Journal of Rehabilitation.
- Richardson, JK. Foreman, G. & Riley, BB. (in press) An electrophysiological exploration of the Double Crush hypothesis. Muscle & Nerve.
Manuscripts in Preparation
- Riley, BB. McNeil, CK. & Tate, DG. (submitted) The effect of age and level of injury on the functional outcomes of persons with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord.
- Riley, BB. Wallbom, A. & Tate, DG. (in preparation) Prediction of neuropathic pain one year post-discharge among persons with spinal cord injury.
- Perna, R. Riley, BB. Geisser, M. & Boozer, R. (in preparation) Gender differences in pain disability: Affective states, coping and pain ratings.
Conference Presentations and Posters
- Perna, R. Riley BB. Tate, DG. Forchheimer, M. Anderson, C. Luera, G.: Quality of life as measured by the FACT with a cancer and rehabilitation group. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, August 15-19, 1997.
- Perna, R. Riley, BB. Tate, DG. Atwater, B. Roller, S.: "The Sickness Impact Profile as an outcome measure with the rehabilitation population." Annual meeting of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, November 13-16, 1997.
- Ramsey, B. Perna, R. & Riley, B.: The reliability and validity of the Roberts Apperception Test for Children. Florida Psychological Association Conference, June 26-29, 1997.
- Riley, BB. McNeil, C.K. & Tate, DG.: Long-Term Functional Outcomes of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury as a Function of Completeness and Level of Injury. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Spinal Injury Association, April 21st, 1998.
- Riley, BB. Perna, R. Tate, DG. Forchheimer, M. Anderson, C. & Luera, G.: Types of spirituality among persons with chronic illness: Their relationship to various forms of quality of life. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Meeting, September 13-16 1997.
- Riley, BB. Perna, R. Tate, DG.: Quality of life: Clinical correlates and conceptualization. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, August 15-19, 1997.
- Riley, BB. Wallbom, A, & Tate, DG.: Prediction of Neuropathic Pain One Year After Discharge Among Persons with Spinal Cord Injury. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Spinal Injury Association, April 21st, 1998.
- Roller, S. Perna, R. Riley, BB. & Tate, DG.: Spirituality among polio survivors: Correlates and comparisons with other diagnostic groups. Annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, September 13- 16 1997.
- Wallbom, A. Riley, BB. Tate, DG.: Dysesthetic pain syndrome in spinal cord injured patients: Demographics, psychological distress, and functional status. American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 59th Annual Assembly, November 13-16, 1997.
- Merwin, M. Riley, BB. Fabrianno, R.Cognitive dysfunction and depression in patients with TBI or psychiatric diagnoses. American Congress of Rehabiliation75th Annual Conference, November, 1998.
- Merwin, M. Riley, BB. Gender, life satisfaction and coping in spinal cord injured persons. Presented at the American Associating of Spinal Cord Injury, Psychologists/Social Workers Division.
- Roler, S. Tate, DG. & Riley, BB. A weelness program for women with polio: A holistic program model. Poster presented at the Annual conference of the center for Deisease Control, October, 1998