Lalbhai Dalpathbhai College of Engineering, Ahmedabad is a premier engineering institute in Gujarat State which was set up with the objective of imparting higher education, research and training in various fields of engineering and technology. The institute is affiliated to Gujarat University, Ahmedabad.
This institute was established in June 1948 with a donation of Rs.25 lacs and 31.2 hectares of land by the textile magnate Mr. Kasturbhai Lalbhai. The institute made a modest start with 75 students for undergraduate programs in 1948. Since then the institute has undergone continuos growth in magnitude, diversity and accomplishments. At present the institute runs 11 undergraduate, 6 postgraduate and 4 part time post diploma degree programs.
The institute has total student strength of about 2300 full time and 500 part time. Student not only come from all over India but also from different parts of world. Faculty members in the institute represent a broad body of expertise in various fields. The faculty consists of about 180 teaching staff members. The institute comprises of various departments such as civil engg., mechanical engg., electrical engg., applied mechanics., chemical engg., textile technology and general (mathematics and humanities). All the departments of the institute have well equipped laboratories to cater to UG and PG programmes. In addition, central facilities such as library, computer center, gym and workshop are also available.
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L.D.College of Engineering - Official Site