These first four sites are my picks of the decade:
phenomenological philosophy, psychology, and literature(I hurt myself),
if you don't visit anything else here, VISIT THIS SITE! It
Galaxy Room --an excellent site with galaxy photos, metaphysical
essays, poetry, and links. This is the best mythopoetical/scientific
site I've found so far!
Myths and Legends
--a truly well-packed page of myth and legend links.
Joseph Campbell Foundation --the
site of the Master of mythological comparativism and mythopoesis (bow
deeply, please). There is nobody better in the realm of myth.
Please feel free to sort these suckers
into distinct categories,
organize them as such,
and then send a well drafted page
to me so I can use
your hours of work.
Hey, it may be the one little karma-thing
gets you into heaven!
The Encyclopedia Mythica
--a growing database of myth.
Myth and Legend from
Ancient Times to the Space Age --just what it says.
Gurdjieff Home Page --a good
Gurdjieff resource, and now publishing new articles about the 4th
Page at USC --Nietzche will always be 'the Man'.
Latest Hubble
Telescope images --It is always good to stand on the pollen path
and look up.
--Quite the eclectic site! Seriously!!
Taoism Information
Page --Way!
Planetary Matters
Global Network --Gonzo-Gaia links.
C. G. Jung, Analytical Psychology,
and Culture --a Must!
The Left Hemisphere
--all the skeptic information you'll ever need (and there's never
The Straight Dope --Cecil
Adams knows it all.
Jonathan Young's Mythic
Realm --Jonathan's realm has much to myth to offer.
The Ken Wilber
Website --Wilber's site (he's sometimes right on the money).
--An excellent linkage site.
Urban Legends Reference
Pages --Americans actually believe in this stuff!
The New Mythology --watching
the present.
Committee for the Scientific
Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal --'nuff said.
mythical site.
The Internet Classics Archive
--a growing site of classic texts.
Folklore, and a little bit of Religion --many, interesting links.
James Hillman
site --the archetypical psychologist.
Ares Press --a little of everything,
not much, but good quality.
Pseudoscience in Psychology
--criticism of the state of psychology.
Manufacturing Victims
Website --the site of Dr. Tana Dineen, the pioneer of psychological
responsibility in today's world-- she is kicking psychobabble-butt
as we speak.
James Randi's site --The
Amazing Randi debunks all!
to Philosophy on the Internet --Huge site. (even bigger than
what you're thinking)
Colin Wilson Page --a good site for Colin Wilson fans, also see John's
Colin Wilson Homepage. --find any book in the
world (my favorite site).
Skeptic magazine --the homepage
of the brilliant magazine, and links too!
Philosophy of
Psych bibliography --you want sources? here's your sources, pal!
of Existentialism --here is exitentialism all over the place.
Academic Info
on Religion --a good place to start on a religious search.
Serendipity --gets scientific
about stuff! Good neurobiology links, too.
James page --a wonderful site of W. James!
Jean Houston's page --she
is the woman of myth, and that's why she's ahead in the game.
Towards an Ecology of Mind
--great thoughts from several great people (including Bateson).
R.D. Laing page --unofficial but still the best source on Laing.
Aaron Rester's Mythology
Home Page --good links and mythology writings; he knows what he's doin'.
Ancient World Web --go back
to where it all began.
Refuge --you want ammo? you got ammo!
Human Trinity --an essay with threeness in mind.
Dream Symbols (Links) --everything you need to figure out what you
dreamed last night.
Booklist --super myth sources!
Mythology on the Web --wonderfull
source site from UNM!! (yay!)
The World Tree --Yggdrasil
and Ouroboros, together again. Good site!
Folklore and Mythology Page --another person who's got linkatude.
Mythic Realm --the right
idea in the right hands...
Knowledge of Reality
quirky little college-run journal, but interesting.
Ring of Fairy
Tales, Folk Tales, and Mythology --you WILL find something eventually.
Harvard Folklore and
Mythology Home Page --ahem!
Psychology, Culture,
and Evolution --seriously on top of the order! Whew!
Wow! Woo!
Egyptian Book of the
Dead --an old translation, budge good.....get it?.......budge?.....hey!
Online Papers
in Philosophy --those grads pump 'em out like grumpies! (Palkovician
Association for
Humanistic Psychology rag --Maslow would be proud.
APA Monitor --ok, we have
to give equal time here, I guess.
Facets of Eastern
Religions --good summaries of the Eastern stuff.
G.K. Chesterson website
wonderful writer, dead, but a wonderful writer.
Society --interested in JRR Tolkien or C.S. Lewis?
MIND --as in 'Journal of'.
Web Links --links up the ying/yang!!
Haitian Vodoun
Culture --zombies are good afterall!
Dr Strangelove's
Dissertation --you can't resist checking out a name like that, can
SETI site --where they are
for aliens. God bless Carl Sagan.
Institute Homepage --carrying on the mythic torch.
--presents a choice cast of characters.
Vic Mansfield's Home
Page --this cosmologist/psychologist is figuring it all out!
Quantonics --an astonishing
site on the Metaphysics of Quality (did you read your Pirsig?)
Human Behavior and Evolution
Society --what are we doing and where are we going?
Library Net --good selection of folklore, customs, etc.
Mythology on
the Web --another wonderful site of Mythological links.
Bulfinch's Mythology
--the classic source, what would you do without it?
--breaks down the beautiful myth of Genesis.
Tolkien Information page --info on the master of fantasy.
Hopi Way --wonderful site
on the Hopi way.
Center for Integral Studies
--bringing it all together for us, what will we do after that though?
Journal of Consciousness
Studies --another cool journal to subscribe to if you've got the cash.
David Chalmer's Home Page
--you can't find enough cool with-it physicists.
Bardo News and Views
--TibetianBuddhist news.
On-Line Books Page --See,
I thought the web was useful for something!!
Mythosphere Journal
--Hey, apply for a sample issue and you'll get one free!
Dzogchen Foundation --Spreading
the peace.
Wisdom's Goldenrod
--Teaching the peace.
of Skeptical Info --And a lot of 'em, too!
Links to Psychological
Journals --Read these on a night when you're bored.
John G. Cramer's
Home Page --His columns in Analog are great!
& Enaction --The last great theory of this century.
Cognitive Science --Mind and Body are one, Rene!!!!
Deify Yourself --If
only the Christian right had a sense of humor.
Last updated: 10/27/98
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