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By Ben DuPree; Rotted_Zombie@hotmail.com
Sections of Resident Evil Guide:
1.Version Notes
2.Legal Info
3.History of Resident Evil
4.Characters in Code: Veronica
5.Weaponry\Ammo(description too) in Code: Veronica
6.Enemies in Code: Veronica
7.Herb Mixing Guide
8. Controls
9.Walkthrough, Disc 1
10.Walkthough, Disc 2
11.FAQ for Resident Evil Code: Veronica: Disc 1
12.FAQ for Resident Evil Code: Veronica: Disc 2
13.All Files for Resident Evil Code:Veronica
14.Battle Game Mini-FAQ
15.Full Walkthrough for Battle Game: Albert Wesker
Section I: Version Notes
Version 1.0: The current version that will be released to GameFAQS. It
contains all of the guide except the walkthrough for Disc 2 and the FAQ for
Disc 2, which will come soon in update 1.1.
Version 1.1: This version includes the finished Battle game walkthrough for
Albert Wesker. It also fixed some minor errors. Update 1.2 will include more of
the second disc walkthrough.
Version 1.2: This version includes a large portion of the start of the disc two
walkthrough ( where Claire is in the arctic umbrella complex ). Update 1.3 will
include the walkthrough until the start of Chris' game.
Version 1.3: OK, I know I goofed and forgot to put the assault rifle in
Claire's arctic base walkthrough bit, but I simply forgot to get it, a mental
error. I didn't really need it though… Beyond that, this update includes the
rest of Claire's Walkthrough up to the start of Chris' Walkthrough.
Version 1.4: This version made me feel good, as I was able to write a lot.
This update include a good portion of Chris' game at the Ashford Island. Also,
I included the new section of "FILES in Code:Veronica" to this version. In
update 1.5, I will try to get as much of Chris' game done as I can.
Version Final: This is the final version, it has everything about the game, I
might add more eventually, but not now. This includes everything, all of the
game, fin.
Section II: Legal Info
This guide was created for my own personal use on my web site. THIS GUIDE MAY
asking my permission, I will consider allowing you to post my guide on your
page, but please, email me for permission first. Please do not steal this
guide, I worked hard on it, you didn't.
Section III: A Brief History of Resident Evil
Resident Evil occurs in two places, Raccoon City, Oregon in Resident Evils one
through three and on Umbrella's Ashford Island Prison\Artic Base in Code:
Resident Evil 1: Umbrella is conducting experiments in a remote mansion in the
Arklay Mountains in the outskirts of Raccoon City. When strange disappearances
occur in these
mountains, STARS, the special tactics and rescue squad of Raccoon City is sent
to investigate. Bravo team is sent in first and their chopper crashes. Alpha
team follows them that night with the objectives to find Bravo team and secure
the mansion. Alpha team is stranded at the mansion when dogs attack and Brad
takes off in the chopper. Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine with the help of
Barry Burton and Rebecca Chambers succeed in destroying a Tyrant created by
Albert Wesker, while Wesker escapes, and destroying the mansion.
Resident Evil 2: Umbrella will not be deterred by their losses at the mansion.
While Chris, Jill, and Barry campaign on Umbrella's wrongdoing, they are
condemned by Chief Irons. Irons says, since there is no evidence, there is no
case. Chris goes off to Europe to investigate while Barry, Jill, and Brad stay
behind. All the while Umbrella researchers in the city, under the control of
William Birkin, head Umbrella researcher, are developing a "G-Virus" which will
make the T-Virus which was released at the mansion like a baby. During this
period, two new brave souls, Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield ( Chris'
Sister ), will get caught up in the Umbrella situation. Leon and Claire both
come to Raccoon city for their reasons, Leon to join the RPD and Claire to find
her brother Chris whom she fears is in trouble. They both arrive at the same
time and Leon saves Claire before their police car crashes and both are forced
to flee into the police station. While there, they uncover a conspiracy in
which Chief Brian Irons of the RPD had sold out to Umbrella to allow them to
make dangerous chemicals below the RPD and throughout the city. William Birkin
and his wife Annette try to deter Leon and Claire, with William having to
inject experimental G-Virus into his system after he is shot up by Umbrella
soldiers. William transforms and kills his wife, kills chief Irons, kills Ben
Bartalucci ( a reporter who broke the story about Chief Irons), and is
eventually killed by Leon and Claire as they escape.
Resident Evil 3: Now Umbrella is really upset. After their efforts to evacuate
the G-Virus from the city fail they send multiple UBCS units to the city to
catalog and study the
monsters they created from the leak and spread of the T-Virus. Meanwhile, the
city is now starting to be overrun with the undead ( it is completely so in RE:
2 ). Jill Valentine
, stuck in the city after trying to escape, must manage somehow to escape the
city. Brad, who is also still in the city, is infected at this point with a
special T-Virus and appears in RE: 2 as a super zombie. Umbrella, wanting to
completely destroy the STARS unit now and sends in a special killing machine,
Nemesis, to do the job. Jill runs throughout the city, trying to escape and
dodge Nemesis at the same time. Meanwhile, one Umbrella UBCS unit, under the
command of Mikhail, gets completely wiped out except for three people,
Commander Mikhail, Lieutenant Nicolai, and Sgt. Carlos Oliveira. Jill meets up
with these three survivors and tries to reach the clock tower, which is the
landing point of the Umbrella UBCS evacuation helicopter. However during this
period, Mikhail sacrifices himself to damage Nemesis and Nemesis proceeds to
shoot down the UBCS chopper. Also it is learned how Nicolai is one of
Umbrella's supervisors who helped destroy the unit to obtain information on how
the monsters behave and their numbers. Jill also learns how the US is going to
destroy Raccoon City to destroy the monsters. Eventually Nicolai is killed and
Jill and Carlos escape in a chopper flown by Barry Burton.
Section IV: Characters in Resident Evil Code: Veronica
Claire Redfield- The sister of Chris Redfield, Claire gets deeply involved in
the politics and problems of Umbrella in Resident Evil Code: Veronica. After
Resident Evil 2, after she escapes from Raccoon City, Oregon, with Leon S.
Kennedy, she goes to Europe to search for her brother, Chris Redfield, who went
to Europe to do battle with Umbrella. As she is searching for her brother in
Umbrella's Paris facility, she is captured and sent to the Ashford Prison where
she stars in Resident Evil Code: Veronica.
Chris Redfield- The brother of Claire Redfield, Chris goes to Europe to
investigate Umbrella after Resident Evil 1 and the incident in the Arklay
Mansion. After receiving an Email from Claire, he is informed of her situation
in the Ashford Prison and goes to investigate. Being the STARS member that he
is, Chris is deeply involved with Umbrella and his involvement in Resident Evil
Code: Veronica only escalates the situation.
Steve Burnside- Steve is the son of a former Umbrella official. He was put in
prison on the island after his father, who sold Umbrella's secrets for money,
is caught and shipped off to the Ashford Prison. After Wesker's force
infiltrates the island and all hell breaks loose, Steve and Claire work
together to escape the island. However he will not survive the arctic.
Alfred Ashford- The male heir of the Ashford Family, Alfred is left in charge
of the family after his sister, Alexia, puts herself into a test tube at the
arctic base to undergo tests. Alfred's plans for the T-Virus and
experimentation are ruined when Wesker attacks the island and the T-Virus gets
released. He is also suffering somewhat of an identity crisis, as he pretends
to be his sister as he cannot run the operations without her.
Alexia Ashford-Alexia is the sister of Alfred and is in "cold storage" for many
years after she puts herself into a test tube to perform experiments on
herself. Being a genius, she is the brains behind the Ashford Family and it is
she who is really running the family, not Alfred. She holds an experimental
virus in her body, and that is why Wesker is after her.
Albert Wesker-A former captain of the STARS teams and umbrella researcher,
Wesker escapes the mansion during Resident Evil 1 and leaves Umbrella's
services for good. He is hired by an outside company during Code: Veronica, his
mission being to capture and subdue Alexia for his superiors.
Rodrigo Juan Rival-The leader of the Third Security Unit at Umbrella's Paris
office, Rodrigo escorts Jill to the Ashford Prison. After Wesker attacks, he is
heavily wounded and lets Claire go free. He meets Chris before he is killed by
a giant worm.
Section V: Weaponry and Ammunition in Resident Evil Code:
Veronica(with description from game)
Combat Knife(This weapon is a veteran survivor's first choice)- The combat
knife is the weapon you start the game with. It is the hardest weapon to use,
as one cannot use it at range. However, compared to prior Resident Evil games,
the combat knife is considerably more powerful and is extremely useful, as you
can conserve ammo if you use it. A standard technique is to aim at the legs of
zombies and enemies, which will knock them down if you hit enough. This weapon
should only be used by veteran Resident Evil players.
M93R Italian Handgun(An Italian Handgun which uses 9mm x 19 rounds)- The
handgun is the weapon which you will use the most in the first half of disk
one, until you get the bowgun. Ammo is always in short supply for the handgun
as there isn't much ammo to begin with and enemies are harder to kill with it
in this game. You will always have the handgun with you until you get both the
bowgun and the grenade launcher. You will hardly use it in disc 2, except with
Chris before you get the shotgun. This weapon will always fire the same 9mm
bullets. You can get custom automatic parts for this weapon, which transforms
it into a weapon which can fire three shots per burst.
M-100P Hand Pistols(A semi-automatic pistol which as a large sized special
magazine. This handgun enables precise rapid fire with little recoil)- These
hand pistols are a gun which you will rely on during the majority of disc one
when you are short on handgun rounds. You find this weapon towards the start of
the game and you use it in short bursts of semi-automatic fire. This weapon
carries a percent magazine (100%=Full) and can never be reloaded.
Cross Bow Handgun(A powerful bow gun which is mainly used for hunting)- The bow
gun will be your savior, as it was mine. During disc one, you will run out of
handgun bullets and your M-100P will be almost out. At this point you will find
the bowgun and use it for the majority of disc one and disc two with Claire.
The bow gun uses small bow gun bolts, which you fire one at a time. Compared to
previous Resident Evil games, the Bow Gun is less powerful, however you also
have more round for it. Unlike the handgun, when firing at dogs and the such,
you must aim down. This weapon uses either the traditional bolts or special
powder rounds which act as explosive arrows.
M79 Grenade Launcher( This uses 40 mm rounds)- The grenade launcher is another
weapon that will save your behind during the majority of disc two, both with
Chris and Claire. This weapon is incredibly useful, as it is powerful and comes
in many different flavors. You can either use traditional grenade rounds(which
fire short but are powerful), flame rounds (which fire a flame burst at the
enemy), Acid rounds(which fires an acid shot at the enemy), and new special BOW
gas rounds (which fires anti-BOW gas rounds, however there are only 3 shots of
this in the entire game). When you get it, save this weapon as you will need it
more later on, trust me.
AK47 Assault Rifle(It uses 7.62mm bullets)- This weapon you will pick up with
Claire in disc two. Although the rounds are used quickly and it is rather weak,
there is a lot of this weapon as it is a percent weapon(100%=Full). This weapon
is incredibly useful and you will rely on it as Claire when you want to save
your grenade rounds(which I recommend you do). You start this weapon with a
full clip and later you will find a clip that is half filled(50%) to replenish
Glock 17 Handgun(A large size handgun that uses 9mm x 19 rounds)- This handgun
is used by Chris in his scenario. It is the same as the M93R except it holds
fewer rounds per clip. You can never upgrade it.
SPAS 12 Shotgun(A combat shotgun developed for military use. It uses 12 gauge
shells)- The shotgun is the most versatile weapon in Resident Evil Code:
Veronica. You can acquire many rounds for it and it is extremely powerful as if
aimed right, it can decapitate a zombie in one shot, plus it can also hit
multiple targets with one round. You find the shotgun with Chris and he will
use it throughout the majority of his scenario.
Colt Python(An American gun. It uses 357 magnum rounds)- The magnum is the most
powerful weapon in all Resident Evil games. You will use this weapon
exclusively with Chris. Overall, you will find very few magnum rounds for your
magnum, you will only use it twice in the game, to fight Alexia both times.
This gun kills all non-boss creatures in one shot.
Section VI: Enemies in Resident Evil Code: Veronica.
Zombie- The traditional enemy of the Resident Evil series, the zombie in Code:
Veronica comes in many different flavors, or appears as many different types of
zombies such as soldiers, workers, guards, etc.. The zombie in Code: Veronica
has gained some might, as it is much more difficult to kill then it was in
previous Resident Evil games. I recommend using either a handgun or bow gun.
Zombie Dogs- Another traditional enemy of the Resident Evil series, zombie dogs
make yet another appearance in Code: Veronica. Appearing in their usual groups
of two or three dogs, these enemies are not hard to kill, they are only
annoying as they are very fast and jump at you. Use the handgun to kill them,
one shot at a time, any other weapon is a waste of ammo.
Mutated Bats- A new enemy to the Resident Evil series, the bats replace the
crow. Bats will be your nightmare in Code: Veronica, as the simply wont get
shot. They move quickly, fly high in rooms, and are very hard to shoot. One
shot of the handgun will kill them, but usually they are not worth the effort
as they are hard to hit, dont waste the ammo.
Bandersnatches- Yet another new enemy to the Resident Evil series,
bandersnatches are a cool new enemy which are very annoying. Bandersnatches are
large, mutated enemies which only have one arm which can reach a very long
distance. These enemies either will hit you long range with their arm, hit you
short range, or use their arm to pull themselves closer to your character. Use
either bow gun rounds or grenade rounds to kill them, as they simply dont die
with the handgun.
Hunters- Yes, hunters are also in Code: Veronica. These famous creatures make
an appearance in this game as pawns to Wesker, who controls them. They are very
powerful as their swipes do a lot of damage and they can decapitate you(instant
kill), if you are in caution or worse. They can jump swipe at you if you are at
range. Hunters are very fast so be prepared when you see one. Use only shotgun
rounds or grenade rounds, as anything else is virtually suicide.
Sweepers- These enemies are the deadliest non-boss enemies in any Resident Evil
game. Sweepers are poison hunters who have a good chance to poison you if they
hit. Use the same tactics to kill them and be sure to have many blue herbs
Moths- Making their second appearance in a Resident Evil game, or their first
since Resident Evil 2, moths return as an annoying, yet easy to kill enemy.
Moths will do two things, they either fly above you and spread poison,
poisoning you, or they attach to your back and implant a larvae on you which,
when it awakens, will do slight damage to you and will poison you. Moths have
about a 50 percent chance of the larvae awakening. Use the handgun to kill
them, as one or two shots will do it.
Spiders- Spiders are back in Code: Veronica and are more annoying and more
powerful then in previous Resident Evil games. Spiders will attack you by
gathering you in close and biting you or spraying you with poison, either way
you will need a blue herb as they will poison you if they hurt you. Avoid
spiders at all costs and only fight them if you
must. Use no less then a shotgun when you fight them. When spiders die, they
release little spiders, which attack you.
Wasps- New to Resident Evil, wasps appear in the arctic base in Code: Veronica.
Wasps are more annoying then they are harmful, as they do very little damage
but they do attack you. Simply ignore them or squash them.
Tentacle- A giant tentacle which attacks you in the arctic base is an annoying
enemy in Code: Veronica. You cannot pass the tentacle until it dies, so either
use the bow gun or an automatic weapon to kill it.
All Bosses will be talked about in the walkthrough.
Section VII: Herb Mixing Guide
Resident Evil has a unique health replenishing system, herbs. Using three
different types of herbs, separated by their color, the player can heal
themselves and cure themselves of different conditions. The color of these
herbs are red, green, and blue. Now onto the mixing guide:
Green Herb- The basic herb for any Resident Evil series, it can be combined
with any other herb. Used alone it heals 25% of your health.
Red Herb- This is the additive herb, as it enhances the green herb. It cannot
be used alone, however it can be combined with other herbs. Red herbs cannot be
combined with each other.
Blue Herb- This herb is the most useful herb in the game, and thus is in short
supply. The blue herb, as in all other Resident Evil games, cures poison. It
can be combined with other herbs but cannot be directly mixed with another blue
herb or a red herb.
Two Green Herbs- When you mix two green herbs, you get a product that heals 50%
of your health.
One Green and One Blue Herb- When you mix a green and blue herb, you get a mix
that heals 25% of your health and cures poison.
One Green and One Red Herb- When you mix a green and the enhancing red herb,
you get a mix that heals you fully (100%)
Two Green and One Blue Herbs- When you mix two green herbs and one blue herb,
the resulting mix heals 50% of your health and cures poison.
Three Green Herbs- When you mix three of the green herbs, you get a mix that
heals you fully(100%)
One Green, One Blue, and One Red Herb- When you mix all three basic herbs you
get the ultimate mix. This herb mix heals you fully(100%) and cures your
Section VIII: Controls
Start- Go to the options screen
Analog Control Stick- Move character
Directional pad- Move character
Yellow X-Button- Fire Weapon/Search Area
Red A-Button- Run/Cancel
Blue B-Button- Access inventory/Cancel
Green Y-Button- Access map
Back Right Button- Aim
Back Left Button- Switch Target
Section IX: Walkthrough, Disc One
Resident Evil Code: Veronica takes place in two locations, on the Ashford
Family Island/Umbrella Prison and an Umbrella arctic base of operations. The
game starts with Claire Redfield, who originally went to Raccoon city to find
her brother, who she believed was in trouble, searching in Europe for him. We
join her as she is searching the Paris bureau for her lost brother. She runs
through the bureau and is caught by Rodrigo Rival, who escorts her to the
Ashford family island/Umbrella prison. She is sitting in her cell when an
explosion rocks the island and her cell is shaken up. At this point Rodrigo
enters, badly wounded and approaches Claire. This is where our story
I will format this walkthrough in a location, objects in area, enemies in area,
and what you do, example:
Location: Place
Enemies: 2 Zombies
Items: 3 Items
Files: Any files
Utilities: Typewriter or Item box
To do: Go left, right, up down and exit the room
Note: I will only to tell you to save at certain special places, you can
choose to save more or less then I suggest, for starters.
Now onto the walkthrough.......
-Location: Jail Cell
Enemies: None
Items: Green Herb, Handgun Bullets, Combat Knife, lighter
To do: After the cinema, you take contorl of Claire. You are in the Jail cell.
Turn around and run to the back of the cell and grab the green herb. Proceed to
equip the lighter, talk to Rodrigo, and exit the cell. Grab the bullets on the
chair at the back of the room and grab the knife from on the table. Equip the
knife and exit the room.
----Location: Hallway with Typewriter---
Enemies: None
Items: Ink Ribbon(1), Handgun Bullets
Utilities: Typewriter
To Do: Grab the Ink Ribbon and save if you wish. Then grab the handgun bullets
and follow the path to the exit.
----Location: Graveyard: 5 zombies---
Items: None accessible yet(we will come back later for the briefcase)
To do: As you enter the room, you notice a truck swimming in its own oil. Run
around the graves and watch the cinema. Now run to the end of the room by
hooking around the graves and avoiding the zombies if you can, you dont need to
fight them now. The exit is past the fence and through the door.
----Location: Central Yard W/Truck---
Enemies: None Yet
Items: Handgun
To Do: Run into the room and you go through a scene where you meet Steve after
he fires on you. After the scene, leave through the door directly to your
left(the unlocked one you haven't been in yet!)
----Location: Outside the prisoner bunk hhouse----
Enemies: None yet
Items: Green Herb on the porch
To Do: Grab the green herb on the porch after you climb the stairs. Proceed to
enter the house through the door.
----Location: Kitchen/Area inside the priisoner bunk house----
Enemies: 3 zombies
Items: Prison area map, Green herb, Handgun Bullets
To Do: Run into the room and kill the zombie behind you. Kill the oncoming one
or two if you wish ( you can run by them if you want) and run around the table.
Grab the handgun bullets on the shelf and the prison map in the kitchen alcove.
Then go up the stairs in the room and grab the green herb on the table. Go
through the door in this room that you haven't been in yet.
----Location: Prisoner Bunk Room and Showwers----
Enemies: 2 walking zombies, one crawling zombie
Items: M-100P Hand Pistols(100%), Handgun Bullets(x2)
Files: Prisoner's Diary
To Do: Enter the room and grab the file, read it. Proceed to the end of the
area and grab the handgun bullets on the shelf. Be ready to fight. As you grab
the bullets, the window zombie breaks through and two more zombies emerge. Kill
them all with your handgun. After the fight, grab the Hand Pistols that the
window zombie left behind and run into the shower area. Grab the handgun
bullets from in the final stall. Leave the room
----Location: Bunk House Kitchen/Area-----
Enemies: A few new zombies
Items: None
To do: Leave the room as fast as possible, exiting the bunk house.
----Location: Outside Bunk House----
Enemies: None Yet
Items: None
To Do: Go around the bunk house and watch the scene. After the scene involving
the dragged body, leave through the door around the other side of the bunk
house, dont worry, we will unlock that fence that links the circuit around the
bunk house later.
----Location: Prison Area Outside Jail Ceell----
Enemies: 3 accessible zombies, 4 non-accessible ones
Items: None yet( later there will be one)
To do: Enter the room. As you turn the corner, you will see a few zombies
behind a fence, dont worry about them. Kill the three accessible zombies,
ignore the others, walk past the trash bin, and leave the area through a new
door at the end of this area( the shutter is locked so dont try to open it)
----Location: Metal Detection Hall/Dupliccator Room----
Enemies: None Yet
Items: First Aid Spray, Flame Rounds, BOW Gas Rounds
Files: User's Manual
To Do: As you enter, you will go through a metal detection station. You must
drop all your metal items or the shutters will close and you must press the
button before the detector to re-open them. Drop everything except the herbs in
the box, we will get them back soon, and proceed through the hallway. At the
end is a small room that has a duplicator, which we will eventually use. Pick
up the first aid spray, BOW rounds, Flame rounds, and the User's Manual for the
duplicator. Put the spray and two types of rounds in the security box on this
side of the hallway(we will pick them up again later). Leave the area through
the available door in the duplicator room.
----Location: Security Operation HQ/Commaand Center for Prison----
Enemies: None
Items: Hawk Emblem, Ink Ribbon
Files: Fax on the Facility Access Application
Utilities: Typewriter
To Do: Enter the room and grab the fax. As you round the corner, there is
Steve again, you and he talk for a minute and then you send an email to Leon,
describing the situation. After that, grab the hawk emblem which is in a drawer
next to the CPU and grab the ink ribbon. Be sure to raise the level near the
new door and exit the room the way you entered.
----Location: Metal Detection Hall/Dupliccator Room----
Items: No new ones
Enemies: None Yet
To Do: Drop the emblem and the new ink ribbons in the security box on the
duplicator's side of the hall and proceed through the hall. Grab your items
once you reach the other security box and leave the hall altogether, we will be
back shortly.
----Location: Prison Area Outside Jail Ceell----
Enemies: 4 zombies
Items: Fire Extinguisher, Padlock Key
To Do: Enter the room and go to the previously locked shutter, the lever has
unlocked it. Open the shutter and you will see two zombies behind it, at which
point the zombies in the cell break free and come at you. Kill them with either
the gun or hand pistols and grab the Fire Extinguisher. Enter the previously
closed cell and grab the padlock key from on the guillotine. Leave the area
through the door which leads to the area outside the Prisoner Bunk.
----Location: Outside the Prisoner Bunk-----
Enemies: 2 zombie dogs
Items: None
To Do: As you enter the room, you do have the key to the padlock on the gate,
but it must be opened from the other side. Proceed around the bunk house and
you will meet up with two dogs. Try to get both on one side of use and use the
pistol to kill them(remember, they are not able to be hurt while getting up,
only while running at you). Unlock the gate from the other side and leave this
area to go to the Central Courtyard that has a truck in it.
----Location: Central Yard W/Truck----
Enemies: Three zombies
Items: none
To Do: Run towards the door that leads to the graveyard( the one behind the
head of the truck and not near where Steve was firing at you from). Ignore the
zombies(run by them for now) and enter the graveyard.
----Location: Graveyard----
Enemies: 4 zombies
Items: Briefcase, TG-O1 Alloy
Files: "TG-01" Product Description
To Do: Enter the Graveyard and kill all the zombies inside of it. Proceed to
the flaming truck and put out the fire with the extinguisher. Grab the
briefcase and open it by cheking it and saying "yes" to pushing the button on
the case. You will receive the alloy along with a file about the alloy. Now we
will be going back to the duplicator. Leave the graveyard the way you entered.
----Location: Central Yard W/Truck----
Enemies: Three zombies
Items: None
To Do: Avoid the zombies and exit through the left door towards the Bunk area.
----Location: Prisoner Outside Jail Cell-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run through this area and exit through the door to the Metal Detection
Hall/Duplicator Room.
----Location: Metal Detection Hall/Duplicaator Room----
Enemies: A few window crashing zombies
Items: Duplicated Hawk Emblem
To Do: Enter the hall and deposit your metal weaponry and items into the first
security box. Proceed down the hallway towards the duplicator room, being sure
to grab the Hawk Emblem from in the second duplicator box( the one closest to
the duplicator). Approach the duplicator and press the activation switch on
it(action button press on duplicator). Deposit the Hawk Emblem by using it in
the duplicator. Go to the other side of the duplicator, away from the table,
and put the alloy under the copier to copy to emblem into the alloy. After you
create the Duplicated Hawk Emblem, grab it and the zombies will break through
the windows. Run past them to the first security box and grab your stuff. Exit
to the Outside Jail Cell.
----Location: Outside Jail Cell----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Go back through this room to the area outside the prison bunk.
----Location: Outside the Prison bunk----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Exit past the fence through the central yard with a truck in it(Where
you met Steve).
----Location: Central Yard W/Truck----
Enemies: 3 zombies
Items: None
To Do: As you enter the room, zombies will be near. Kill them if you wish or
simply run past them to the large gate to your right( as you enter). Put the
duplicated hawk emblem in the gate and open it. Exit through the gate.
----Location: Bridge----
Enemies: None
Items: Green Herb(x2), Handgun Bullets
To Do: Enter and run down the area. You will see that the bride has been cut
in half so you must proceed by climbing down the mini-stairs and running along
the side of the bridge. On the bridge's opposite side, grab the herbs and the
bullets in the Jeep. Push the block over the patch of fire where you need to
walk and proceed up the new stairs.
----Location: Link Between Mansion and Millitary Complex----
Enemies: 4 zombies
Items: None
To Do: Run past all the zombies straight ahead when you enter this room. Run
straight away, between the fence and railing, and you will come to some stairs,
climb them to leave the area.
----Location: Outside Mansion----
Enemies: 3 zombie dogs
Items: Navy Proof, Green Herb
To Do: Enter this room and prepare for dogs. Kill all three and grab the navy
proof in the area directly in front of the stairs( its in a little area jetting
out). Climb the stairs, grab the green herb, and enter the mansion.
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: None yet
Items: Handgun Bullets
To Do: You will enter the mansion lobby and see a picture of Alfred Ashford in
a short scene. Proceed down the stairs and grab the handgun bullets from on the
desk in the center of the room, near the CPU. Climb the long flight of stairs
to go near where the painting is. Make a right and climb a shorter set of
stairs. Finally go follow the short path up the 2nd flight of stairs and enter
the door.
----Location: Mansion Safe Room----
Enemies : None, ever
Items: Ink Ribbon(3), Handgun Bullets, ID Card
Files: Secretary's Note
Utilities: Item Box and Typewriter
To Do: Finally, a safe haven. Grab the ink ribbon, handgun bullets, secretary's
note, green herb, and push the cart to reveal an ID Card. Save the game. Exit
the room the way you came in.
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: None yet
Items: No new ones
To Do: Take the ID card, examine it, and read the identification code. Take
this code and input in the computer, you have now the door behind and to the
left of the console. Go into the bathroom, which is the area in the front left
hand corner of this area.
----Location: Bathroom----
Enemies: A few bats
Items: First Aid Spray, Duralum Case, Handgun Bullets
To Do: Enter the room and dispatch the bats by aiming up and firing mostly.
Then pick up the Duralum case in the area opposite which you entered, pick up
the first aid spray in the sink, and get the bullets from in the bathroom
stall. Exit, go up to the safe room, drop off the case and whatever else,
return to the lobby, and exit into the unlocked door which you just opened.
----Location: Hallway off lobby----
Enemies: Four Zombies
Items: Handgun Bullets
To Do: As you enter, two zombies were converge on you, with one shortly
trailing. Kill all three and then turn to grab the bullets. Advance slowly, as
beyond your view ( off to the right, behind the wall ) is another zombie. Kill
it and enter the unlocked room straight ahead
----Location: Display Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Handgun Bullets, Steering Wheel, Twin Golden Lugers ( you cant get them
yet )
To Do: Enter and pick up the bullets. Then proceed to push the switch below
the ant on the wall to see a picture film. After watching the film, go next the
secret area. Go into it, pick up the wheel, and leave. Then proceed to go to
the front door. As you attempt to leave, you hear Steve's scream. Run back to
the display room and you will figure out he is trapped in the room where the
wheels and lugers were. Solve the puzzle on the area where the film was by
correctly pressing the buttons on both guns. After this, Steve will emerge with
his prize. Talk with him and leave the area. As you try to leave again, a scene
with Alfred Ashford ensues in the lobby. After this, leave the mansion through
the main doors.
----Location: Outside Mansion----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Go down the stairs, go to your right, and exit though the gate which
you haven't been in before.
----Location: Semi-Dock----
Enemies: None
Items: Palace Map, Handgun Bullets
To Do: After you emerge from the stairs, take the small path to the area
behind the stairs. Pick up the map and bullets. Then go to the area right of
the stairs and use the steering wheel on the octagonal hollow. Turn the wheel
and go into the submarine
----Location: Submarine----
Enemies: None
Items: Sidepack
To Do: Enter the submarine. Pick up the Sidepack behind you and then proceed
to activate the submarine at the control area in front of the stairs. After
doing this, exit the submarine. You will now be in the airport.
----Location: Outside of submarine----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After exiting the submarine, proceed down the stairs and enter the door
after walking down the long path of this room
----Location: Junction\Security Room----
Enemies: Three Zombies
Items: Handgun Bullets, Ink Ribbon(3)
To Do: Enter the room and you will hear the moaning of these zombies. Proceed
to the left hand area and kill the two zombies residing there. Pick up the
bullets from on the sofa while you are at it also. Next to back around to the
right and kill the zombie there. Proceed to continue down the right hand side,
picking up an ink ribbon and exiting through the steel door.
----Location: Lower bridge----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Proceed across the bridge and exit through the door.
----Location: Cargo room----
Enemies: Four Walking Zombies, One Crawling Zombie
Items: Bow Gun Arrow Pack(30), Biohazard Card
To Do: Enter the room and proceed to go to your left and up the service
elevator. Once at the top, go to your right and activate the control panel.
Using the claw like device, grab the crate that is clearly visible by moving
the claw up enough and then left enough. Once that is done, go down again and
press the now reachable switch behind where the crate used to be. Once this is
done, the lift in the center of the room will come up. On this lift are the
five zombies I mentioned. Kill them all and then grab the bow gun arrows and
biohazard card which are on the lift that just had the zombies on it.
----Location: Various----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Leave the airport by leaving the cargo room, crossing the bridge,
exiting back through the room that had a junction, and going back into the
submarine. Re-activate the submarine and go back to the semi-dock.
----Location: Semi-Dock----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Leave the dock by going up the stairs after using the wheel to reach the
dock from the submarine.
----Location: Outside Mansion----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Either go back into the mansion and save or continue on. If you
continue, go all the way down the path and exit through the gate on the left of
the mansion stairs.
----Location: Link between mansion and miilitary complex-----
Enemies: Whatever zombies ( up to 4 ) that you didn't kill
Items: None
To do: Run down the path and when you reach the open area, turn to your right
and proceed through the door. Watch out for any zombies you did not kill
----Location: Outside Military Complex-----
Enemies: Giant Worm
Items: Various Munitions
To Do: Dont take the time to grab any of the munitions ( shotgun shells, etc..
) as the worm will have you for lunch if you do. Instead, enter through the
large door in the middle of the complex ( center of the area ). The far door
and near elevator cannot be opened yet.
----Location: Entrance Area of military ccomplex----
Enemies: None
Items: Red Herb, Bow Gun Bolts
To Do: Enter this area and pick up the red herb off the bench right in front
of you. Next, proceed to go to the phone stalls and pick up the bow gun bolts
in the first booth. When you have collected both items, proceed to enter the
wooden door opposite the phones.
----Location: Laboratory with lockers-----
Enemies: Two standing zombies, One Zombie on the ground
Items: Green Herb, Bow Gun Bolts, Map of Complex
To do: As you enter, knife to death the zombie lying on the ground, its not
too hard to do. Then get your gun out and kill the approaching zombie from
off-screen right. In this room, grab the green herb from where the zombie was
on the ground, go to the blue switch and print the map off, and grab the bow
gun bolts from off the lab table next to the glass window. If you wish, enter
the locker area and kill the zombie. You will return to this area later.
----Location: Entrance of complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Enter the far wooden door. Being sure to have your weapons ready.
----Location: Locker Room----
Enemies: Four Zombies
Items: Bow Gun Bolts ( x3 )
To Do: Enter the room and shoot to kill the zombie near you. Proceed through
the lockers till to reach a right turn. Either wait for the zombies or go to
them, either way, be careful as there are three of them bunched together. Once
all three zombies are dead, proceed to go through the locker area, being sure
to get the bolts from the middle locker of the right side lockers, the bolts
off the dead body near the exit, and the bolts from the set of lockers on the
left wall of the spot where you fought the zombies. Proceed through the door
after you have done everything in this room
----Location: Bath----
Enemies: Two Zombies
Items: Key with Tag
To Do: Enter the room and kill the zombie in the sauna, which is near the
entrance of the room. Then proceed down the stairs and kill the zombie which
you will see upon going down the stairs. Next, go into the large water-filled
space and find the turntable valve. Turn the valve to shut the water off and
then go to the thing that sparkles in the water and pick it up, it is a key.
Leave the room and proceed to go back to the laboratory where you got the map
and found some lockers.
----Location: Laboratory with lockers-----
Enemies: Any zombies that you didn't kill ( up to 3 )
Items: Bow Gun Powder
To Do: After you enter the room, go into the back room, kill any zombies that
you did not kill, and open the locker with the key you just got. In the locker
is the bow gun powder, which lets you fire explosive shells from your bow gun.
Exit the room.
----Location: Entrance of Complex and beyyond the first open shutter----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Go from the door you just came out of and proceed up the stairs near
the entrance of the complex. Go in the far door in the new floor.
----Location: Laboratory----
Enemies: None ( but a freaky cinema! )
Items: Bow Gun
Files: Memo on the Pass Number
To Do: Enter the room and proceed around the corner. Pick up the bow gun (
which will be a staple of yours for a long time ) off the desk. Get the
accompanying the bow gun. Watch the cinema of the scientist and then leave the
room. A biohazard alert will sound and the game will automatically escape for
----Location: Entrance to Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Go to the far closed shutters after the cinema ends and open them with
your key card. Proceed down the hallway and watch the shutters close. Go
through the far door.
----Location: Outside area inside complexx----
Enemies: Alfred Ashford with a sniper rifle
Items: None
To Do: As you enter, a cinema will show you that Alfred is trying to kill you
with his sniper rifle. When you regain control, run up the stairs and he will
flee. Follow him and leave the area through the door on the right.
----Location: Long Hallway with Junction-----
Enemies: None
Items: Handgun Bullets ( x2 )
To Do: Proceed down the long hallway and grab the twin handgun bullets from on
the crates. Proceed through the SILVER DOOR and only the SILVER DOOR.
----Location: Complex Safe Room----
Enemies: None, ever
Items: Hemostat Medicine, Green Herb ( x2 ), Ink Ribbon
Utilities: Typewriter, Item Box
To Do: I suggest saving your game, this next stretch will be somewhat
difficult for anyone other then a seasoned player of code veronica. Grab the
green herb which is hidden, its location is in front of the desk just as you
enter. Also grab the medicine from on the couch, the herb in front of the
couch, and the ink ribbon which is next to the typewriter. Before you leave,
make sure you have: Your twin guns, a handgun, handgun bullets, your bow gun,
bow gun bolts, something to heal with ( full healing necessary ), and the
hemostat medicine. Leave the room and proceed to enter the other door in the
hallway junction room. You will be treated to Alfred Ashford's voice on the
speaker system as he tells you his "game." Proceed through the door and get
ready to rumble.
----Location: First room of Alfred's "Gamme"----
Enemies: One Bandersnatch
Items: Machine Guns which turn to Gold Lugers
To Do: Enter the room and go to your right, grab the machine guns from the end
of the platform. Proceed to go towards the door, upon which the door will lock.
After the door locks, out comes a gruesome Bandersnatch. Kill it with your
machine guns and proceed down the stairs and towards the freshly opened door.
However, the bandersnatch will awaken again and attempt to kill you. Steve will
crash through the window and kill it. Afterwards you and Steve talk and you
trade the machine gun for the lugers ( what you need to open the door in the
mansion safe room! ). You both will be forced down the lift and you will take
over as Steve for a short time.
----Location: Long Stretch of Hallway as Steve
Enemies: Seven Zombies over two rooms
Items: None you can get
To Do: Proceed through both rooms and kill all the zombies ( you can waste as
much ammo as you like ). Once you get through two rooms, you will resume
control of Claire.
----Location: Hallway then Garage----
Enemies: One Zombie
Items: Handgun Bullets
To Do: Go through the room where you regain control of Claire and leave
through the far door down the hall. Then you will emerge on a catwalk of the
garage, go to Steve and you will both fall through the catwalk. A scene then
happens where Steve's father ( the one zombie ) advances on you and he kills it
after a dramatic scene. You will then learn of Steve's past. Once you are done,
grab the bullets from off the crate ( you will have to climb one crate to do it
), and proceed through the main doors.
----Location: Tank Area----
Enemies: Two Dogs
Items: None yet
To Do: Kill the dogs and proceed out the door on the top of the screen as you
----Location: Outside Complex---
Enemies: Giant Worm
Items: Bow Gun Bolts
To Do: As you enter, run quickly to the crates and grab the bow gun bolts.
Exit out using the door on the far left.
----Location: Various----
Enemies: However many there are left between your location and the start (
zombies, dogs, etc. ).
Items: Lockpick
To Do: After exiting the complex area that has the worm, proceed to go back to
where you started the game and give the hemostat medicine to Rodrigo. In
return, he will give you the lockpick. After getting the lockpick, proceed back
to the link between the complex and the mansion.
Note: Be sure to unlock any cases you couldn't unlock ( i.e. Duralum ) with
the lockpick.
----Location: Link between complex and maansion----
Enemies: Two Bandersnatches
Items: None
To Do: Run up towards the stairs, avoiding the bandersnatches. Go up the
----Location: Outside Mansion----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Go into the mansion using the front door.
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: Four Zombies
Items: None
To Do: There are now zombies in this area, so you must be careful. As you
enter, run for the stairs, you will have to avoid or kill one zombie in the
process, so be careful. After ascending the stairs, make a right and go up the
other stairs and towards the safe room. There is a zombie right in front of the
safe room door, so kill it to be safe and then enter the safe room using the
door on the second floor ( the one you are near ).
----Location: Mansion Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
Utilities: Typewriter and an Item Box
To Do: Put away anything you dont want to carry, arm yourself well ( guns and
bowgun ( you might want to bring along the powder )), and pack some healing.
Once you are ready, place the lugers in the other door in this room and proceed
through it.
----Location: Alfred's Study----
Enemies: One Bandersnatch ( not there at the start )
Items: Handgun Bullets
To Do: This is a creepy room which you will spend some time in. First, go to
the handgun bullets on the middle table once you enter the room. Next, you will
have to solve a puzzle using the computer on Alfred's desk and the clock device
on the right hand wall ( your right ). To solve the puzzle, first you will turn
on the computer, but not enter anything. Next, you will read the glimmering
note on Alfred's desk giving you these instructions:
First Digit: Left, Right
Second Digit: Left
Third Digit: Right
Fourth Digit: Right, Right, Right
>From this, you will go to the clock device and enter the code ( you must not
reset the process while maneuvering, you must complete it through ) by entering
either left or right on the button switch on the clock device. To get the first
digit, input left, then right, and record that digit. To get the second digit,
push left again and record that digit. To get the third digit, push right again
and record that digit. To get the fourth digit, push right three times and
record that digit. You will, in essence, do this: Left, Right ( record ), left
( record ), right ( record ), right, right, right ( record ). Remember, you
must not stop or reset at all during the entire process, simply continue on.
Once you have all four digits, enter it into the computer and the clock will
move. You will then be visited by a bandersnatch ( from an eerie place ). Kill
it and move through the door behind the clock.
----Location: Passage between Ashford houuse and Mansion----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Proceed through the passage to the back stairs, which you will go up.
----Location: Outside the Ashford home-----
Enemies: Two Bandersnatches
Items: None
To Do: You will have to kill one bandersnatch to be safe. When you get up the
stairs, run forward at the screen and avoid the small area with the first
bandersnatch ( which will be behind Claire ) and go forward to where you see a
turn in the path ( a path divided by obstructions ). A bandersnatch is right
there, kill it as fast as possible and continue down the path and up the new
flight of stairs. Once up the stairs, quickly go to and in the door you will
see to Claire's left.
----Location: Just inside Ashford Home-----
Enemies: Many Bats
Items: None you will grab yet
To Do: As you enter, you will become well aware of the bats. Quickly run (
dont go up the stairs yet ) to the screen's right and past the staircase. You
will see a door as the view changes, go in it.
----Location: Room off ground floor of hoome----
Enemies: One Bandersnatch
Items: Handgun Bullets, Ink Ribbon, and a mystery
To Do: First, as you enter, you will see the handgun bullets on the ground,
grab them. Next you have two choices, you can either leave the room quickly, or
you can proceed around the mess ( table ) where you must kill a bandersnatch to
either light the firewood ( I always forget! ) or go all the way around the
mess to a stand where an ink ribbon rests. Either way, be careful. Leave the
way you came in upon completion.
----Location: Just inside Ashford Home-----
Enemies: Many Bats
Items: First Aid Spray, Handgun Bullets
To Do: You must try to navigate this room while avoiding the bats, or you may
shoot them and waste ammo. I leave the choice to you, either way you take a
risk. After you enter the room, run quickly to the stairs and proceed to go up
them. Once you reach the top, run around the second level ( you will find the
path quite clear ) till you reach another set of stairs. Climb those and
proceed on till the view changes to see a gruesome thing hanging. Once you see
this view, you will also see a small table and chair next to the railing. Grab
the first aid spray from on the table and the handgun bullets from next to the
chair. Proceed on and enter the door when you come to it.
----Location: U-Hallway----
Enemies: None yet
Items: Handgun Bullets, Green Herb ( you will grab in a minute )
To Do: As you enter, you will see a scene with Alfred and Alexia Ashford ( she
is his sister ). Watch and then, when its over, go back the way you came (
towards the door ) and continue down the hallway. On a stand near the door are
the handgun bullets, grab them. Proceed down the hallway until you make a right
hand turn. Turn right and enter the door.
----Location: Blue King Music Box Room-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
Files: Message Card
To Do: Go into the room, examine the closed music box, and grab the card from
off the far stand. After reading it ( the stand is beyond the music box ) exit
the room and proceed to go back down the U-shaped hallway and enter the room
where you heard the two speaking. Before you enter the room, however, be sure
to grab the green herb that is next to the door.
----Location: Red Queen Music Box Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Silver Key
To Do: Enter the room and approach the music box. Read the inscription by
examining the box and then proceed to stop the music and close the box. It will
lock and the stairwell ( which you couldn't climb anyway ) will go up,
revealing the silver key on the bed. Grab it and leave the area the way you
came in.
----Location: U-Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Leave the hallway the way you initially came in.
----Location: Just inside Ashford House-----
Enemies: Whatever Bats remain
Items: No new
To Do: Either avoid or kill the bats that remain and proceed to go down all
sets of stairs and out of the house.
----Location: Outside Ashford house----
Enemies: However many Bandersnatches remain ( up to 2 )
Items: No new
To Do: Avoid the remaining bandersnatches and go down the initial set of
stairs, work your way around the curve in the path, and exit using the initial
path of stairs you entered this area with for the first time. Work your way
back to the Mansion Safe Room.
----Location: Mansion Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
Utilities: Typewriter and Item Box
To Do: Deposit any items you choose and proceed to go through the door, which
leads back to the mansion lobby.
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: How ever many zombies you did not kill ( up to 4 )
Items: None
To Do: After entering this area, go down the initial flight of stairs and
proceed to go forward with Claire ( dont go down the large stairs yet ). Watch
out for the zombie which will be in front of you. Kill it and proceed up the
newly seen flight of stairs and use the silver key ( the first of the two
places it can be used ) in the door. Enter the door.
----Location: Casino----
Enemies: None
Items: Handgun Bullets, Green Herb (x2), Bow Gun Powder
To Do: As you enter the room, it will become very clear that it is empty.
Firstly, grab the handgun bullets that you should see on the podium to the
front of Claire and to the right as you enter. Next, grab the Bow Gun Powder
from on the dice table. Lastly, grab both green herbs from on the bar. Leave
the room now, you will come back here later to use the piano. When you have
grabbed everything, leave the room through the door you came in.
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: As many zombies as you left alive ( up to four )
Items: None
To Do: Once you exit the casino, beware of any zombies that you did not kill.
Go down the initial set of stairs in front of you, next run along the top path
until you reach the stairs going down. Take the stairs down and go past the
computers and go through the door in the back of the bottom floor ( not to the
bathroom, the door that leads to the hallway which eventually leads to the room
where you initially found the golden lugers! Otherwise the mansion hallway off
the lobby ). Go through the door once you reach it.
----Location: Mansion Hallway off Lobby-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Go though the door right in front of Claire, using the silver key to
unlock it. Once you unlock it, discard the key. Have your bow gun powder bolts
----Location: Mansion Operations Room-----
Enemies: Two Bandersnatches
Items: Eagle Plate, Handgun Bullets
Files: Hunk's Report
To Do: Once you enter the room, be ready for a fight. With your weapon of
choice ( preferably the powder bolts ) take out both bandersnatches and then
you can go about your business. Go in the middle of the U-shaped table in front
of Claire ( where the second bandersnatch was ) when you enter to receive the
Eagle Plate ( we will use it in a minute ). When you have the plate, go to the
area behind the tables directly across from where you entered with Claire, on a
chair there, you will see handgun bullets, get them. Once you have the
bullets, go to the end of the room to where the second ( smaller ) U-table is
and get Hunk's Report off of it. Leave the room. Remember to return to the safe
room to get the Biohazard Card from in the item box, we will need it shortly.
----Location: Various----
Enemies: Possibly a few
Items: None to be concerned with
To Do: Once you get the biohazard card from in the item box, leave the mansion
through the front doors. Once out of the mansion, go to the gate on Claire's
left, which leads towards the military complex. Once you are out of the gate,
avoid the bandersnatches that are at the bottom of the stairs and run straight
down and then turn to Claire's left ( your right ) and enter the door which
leads to the area outside the military complex. Once you are in the area
outside military complex, avoid the nasty giant worm and enter the military
complex through the main front doors ( as you entered the first time! ).
----Location: Entrance of Military Compleex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once you enter, proceed forwards towards the second electronically
locked door. You notice that the first door still wont open, as the ventilation
in the lab isn't complete. Instead, use the biohazard card to unlock the second
of the two electronic doors ( the one furthest from you when you enter ) and
proceed down the hallway it reveals and exit through the door at the end of
that hallway.
----Location: Outside Area of Military Coomplex----
Enemies: Two Dogs
Items: Emblem Card
To Do: Once you enter, you will notice that there is now quite a fire in this
area and there are a couple of dogs near you as you enter. Kill them both and
proceed up the large stone stairway. Once you reach the top, use the eagle
plate in the hollow in the middle of the upper area. You will receive the
Emblem Card for your efforts. Go down the stairway again and proceed to leave
as you entered.
----Location: Entrance of Military Compleex---
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Leave the complex the way you entered it.
----Location: Area outside Military Compllex----
Enemies: Giant Worm
Items: None to worry about
To Do: Run towards the back of this area and exit through the gate ( where the
giant tank is, not the way you came in to begin with! )
----Location: Tank Area----
Enemies: None
Items: Bow Gun Bolts
To Do: As you enter, grab the bow gun bolts you will see near the crates next
to you. Once you have them, exit through the only other door which leads to the
area where you last saw Steve.
----Location: Room with Jeep----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Check your map and exit through the only other door.
----Location: Elevator Connector, 1F----
Enemies: Two Zombies
Items: Handgun Bullets
To Do: Kill both zombies and then proceed to go down the long hallway towards
the oaken door ( not the elevator ). Go through the door.
----Location: Room with Painting(s)----
Enemies: None
Items: Eagle Plate
Utilities: Typewriter
To Do: This is not really a safe room, but it does have a typewriter. The only
thing you will do in this room is that you will look at the painting against
the upper wall ( you will see it as you enter ) and then go to the slot where
there is no painting and grab the eagle plate. After you have the plate, exit
as you entered.
----Location: Elevator Connector, 1F----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Take the elevator to the second floor.
----Location: Elevator Connector, 2F and Tactics Room----
Enemies: Two Zombies ( who initially are not awake but will awaken )
Items: Army Proof, Green Herb ( x2 )
To Do: Once you get out of the elevator and use the emblem card in the door.
It will open, proceed down the area that the door opened, past the sleeping
zombies, and towards the computers. Pick up both green herbs at the end of this
passage. Once you pick up the herbs, make your way to the center of the
computers and pick up the army proof. Once you have the second of your the
three proofs needed, use the security device ( camera system ) on the same
computer. Use the controls to go right on the camera and zoom in on the
painting. You will see a pass number "1126," that is the number to access the
room where the scientist was killed earlier. You will also notice that the room
has now finished venting, meaning its open for your enjoyment. Once you have
the number, the zombies will wake up. Kill them and proceed through the
elevator and back to the Laboratory where the painting was and where you found
the bow gun. You might need to work your way back to the Military Complex Safe
Room to drop stuff off.
----Location: Various----
Enemies: Any that you didn't kill ( worm )
Items: None to worry about
To Do: Work your way back down the elevator, through the hallway towards the
room with the jeep, out the door towards the room with a tank, past the worm,
and into the entrance area of the military complex.
----Location: Entrance Area of Military CComplex
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After you enter this area, use the keycard ( biohazard silver one ) on
the door to your immediate right ( next to you ) to open it up. Discard the
biohazard card once it is open. Proceed to go up the stairs and down the
hallway at the top of the stairs, entering the far door that holds the
laboratory where you got the bowgun.
----Location: Laboratory----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After you enter, proceed to go to the door and input the code into the
security system. Once the code "1126" is in, enter the door.
----Location: Experimentation Room----
Enemies: A few electric monsters
Items: Skeleton Painting
To Do: Once you enter, proceed to grab the skeleton painting. When you grab
the painting, a little monster will break free and scurry off, setting off the
biohazard alarm. Proceed to avoid the other little monsters and leave the room
quickly ( you have 45 seconds to get down the stairs to the front door ). Once
you get to the front door, you now have an important painting. Exit through the
front door.
----Location: Area outside Military Compllex----
Enemies: Giant Worm
Items: None to worry about
To Do: Exit through the far gate which leads to the tank area.
----Location: Tank Area----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Exit though the door which leads to the area with the jeep, where you
last saw Steve.
----Location: Area with Jeep----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Exit though the only other door.
----Location: Elevator Junction, 1F----
Enemies: Two Zombies
Items: None
To Do: After you enter, kill both zombies and proceed to go down the long
hallway ( not into the elevator ) and enter the door which leads to the room
with the paintings.
----Location: Room with Paintings----
Enemies: None
Items: Gold Key, First Aid Spray
To Do: Once you enter the room, proceed to the empty painting slot ( where you
found the other eagle plate ) and proceed to put the painting in the slot. The
wall next to you will come down, revealing a model of the military complex.
Grab the gold key that sparkles on the complex model. Also, you can unlock the
stand with the lockpick for a first aid spray. Once you have both, leave the
room. Now we will get the grenade launcher.
----Location: Elevator Junction, 1F----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After exiting the room, go through the hallway and use the elevator to
go down to the basement ( B1 ).
----Location: Elevator Junction, B1----
Enemies: None
Items: None to worry about
To Do: Walk straight until you reach a door, go in it.
----Location: Basement Filter Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once you enter this area, go down the stairs and proceed to go across
the main floor, up the stairs, and in the only other door in this room.
----Location: Grenade Launcher Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Grenade Rounds, Grenade Launcher
To Do: After you enter, proceed to go to the shelf straight ahead of Claire.
On this shelf are grenade rounds, grab them. When you have the rounds, go to
the locked gate and use the blue emblem card in the card reader to open the
gate. Once the gate is open, grab the grenade launcher and enter the door
behind you.
----Location: Room off Grenade Launcher RRoom----
Enemies: Three Zombies
Items: Handgun Bullets, Acid Rounds
To Do: When you enter, kill all three zombies quickly and proceed to go to the
cabinet you will see ( it has opaque glass ). Open it with the lockpick and get
the acid rounds inside of it. When you have those, go around the corner in this
room and get the handgun bullets in this area ( where the third zombie came
from ). When you have both, proceed out of the room.
----Location: Various----
Enemies: As many as you did not kill
Items: None
To Do: Proceed to leave the room that the grenade launcher was in and take the
elevator back up to the first floor. Exit the elevator and go through the door
which leads to the garage with the jeep ( turn left ). Go through the room with
the jeep, past the tank area, past the giant worm, past the complex link with
the mansion ( being sure to avoid the bandersnatches ) and into the mansion.
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: As many zombies as you didn't kill ( up to 4 )
Items: None
To Do: After you enter, proceed to go down the stairs and go past all the
zombies, making your way to the back door on the bottom level ( not the
bathroom ! )
----Location: Hallway off lobby----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once you enter this area, proceed down ( direction is to Claire's right
) the hallway and once you reach the end, go into the previous locked door (
that the gold key can now open ). Once the door is unlocked, discard the key
and enter the door.
----Location: Ashford Family Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Earthenware Vase to Red Queen Ant
Files: Memo to the New Master
To Do: There is a complicated puzzle in this room, so follow along. When you
enter, you will notice many paintings around the room, ignore them for now.
Proceed to go up the stairway towards the picture of the young boy. Look at the
picture and examine it, when you do you will receive the file "Memo to the New
Master." Read it and proceed to solve the puzzle.
The puzzle consists of pushing the buttons of the paintings in order of when
the individual on the painting lead the Ashford family. Here is the correct
1. Veronica: Painting of a woman, the first one of the paintings left of the
stairs. She has a teacup in her picture.
2. Stanley: Painting of a man holding two babies ( twins ), the rightmost of
the paintings on the back wall. He has a teacup in his picture.
3. Thomas: The painting of a man with red hair, the closest painting to the
right of the stairs, he has a teacup in his painting.
4. Arthur: The painting of a red-haired man, the left of the two on the back
wall, his painting has an earthenware plate in it.
5. Edward: The painting of a gray-haired man, the back-most painting on the
right wall ( right of the stairs ), his painting has an earthenware vase in it.
6. Alexander: The painting of a middle aged man with a beard, the last one on
the ground level floor, his painting has a candlestick in it.
7. Alfred: The large painting above the stairs.
Once the buttons have been pushed in the correct order, Alfred's painting will
turn around ( the wall on which it rests turns ), revealing a painting of
Alexia ( his sister ) with a vase at its base. Take the vase and then use the
check command in your inventory to look in the vase to find a red queen ant.
Once you have the ant, leave the room.
----Location: Hallway off lobby----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Proceed to go back the way you came, exiting though the left hand door
( back towards the lobby of the mansion )
----Location: Mansion Lobby---
Enemies: As many zombies are still alive ( up to 4 )
Items: None
To Do: After you exit the door, go past the pillars, past the desk, up the
long set of stairs, up the shorter set of stairs, and into the mansion safe
----Location: Mansion Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
Utilities: Typewriter and an Item Box
To Do: You can save if you want and you can drop off or retrieve any items you
want, just make sure you have the red queen ant. Once you are ready, leave
through the door with the gold lugers on it.
----Location: Alfred's Study----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once you enter this room, go through the opening where the clock device
was and exit through the door which leads to the home of the Ashford's.
----Location: Hallway connecting Mansion and Home----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Simply run though this hallway and go up the stairs when you come to
----Location: Outside Ashford Home----
Enemies: As many bandersnatches you did not kill ( up to two )
Items: None
To Do: Once you enter this area, quickly run at the screen and around the
curve in the obvious path. Proceed up the stairs once you come to them and go
in the mansion.
---Location: Just inside Ashford Home-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once you enter the home of the Ashford family, proceed to go up the
stairs and follow continue going until you reach the top level. Proceed through
the door on the top level.
----Location: U-Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Proceed right on the path and enter Alexia's room ( the one with the
red music box ).
----Location: Room with Red Queen Ant Mussic Box----
Enemies: None
Items: Music Box Plate
To Do: After entering the room, proceed to place the red queen ant gem in the
slot on top of the music box. Placing the gem will open the music bow and allow
you to take the music box plate. Once you have the plate, exit the room.
----Location: U-hallway
Enemies: One zombie you will ignore
Items: None
To Do: Exit this area the way you entered it.
----Location: Various----
Enemies: Any you did not kill
Items: None
To Do: Proceed to leave the U-hallway, go down all the stairs of the area just
inside the house, exit the area outside the house ( watch out for
bandersnatches ! ), go though the hallway, exit Alfred's study, and work your
way back to the Mansion Safe Room.
----Location: Mansion Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
Utilities: Typewriter and an Item Box
To Do: Once you enter, drop off the music box plate in the item box, equip
yourself, and prepare to go back towards the area where you start the game to
find the second Blue King Ant gem. Once you are ready, leave through the door
that leads to the mansion lobby ( not the one with lugers ).
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: Any zombies you did not kill ( up to four )
Items: None
To Do: Once you exit the safe room, proceed to go down the small flight of
stairs and then go down the large set of stairs which leads to the main bottom
floor. Once you are at the bottom, avoid any zombies and go up the stairs near
the front door and out the front door.
----Location: Outside Mansion----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After leaving the mansion, go down the stairs you see in front of you
and take the left path ( Claire's left ) which leads back towards the military
complex. Go though the gate once you reach it.
----Location: Connector Between Military Complex and Mansion----
Enemies: As many bandersnatches as you left alive ( up to two )
Items: None
To Do: Once you are down the stairs, quickly run straight away, attempting to
avoid any bandersnatches that are alive ( my tip to you is to run at their long
arm side so that they miss ). When you get past them, proceed to go straight
and down the metal stairway, which leads back towards the areas at the start of
the game.
----Location: Bridge----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After emerging from the link between the complex and the mansion, go
down the stairway until you reach the boxes. Climb the closest box to you and
descend from the outer most box ( use the boxes to climb over the fire ). When
you get over the boxes, proceed to go straight and down the little stair (
three steps ) and use the catwalk to avoid the broken bridge. Once you reach
the other side of the bridge via the catwalk, proceed up the other little stair
at the end and run towards the camera and exit through the gate once you reach
the end of this area.
----Location: Central Yard with Truck-----
Enemies: As many zombies you did not kill ( up to four )
Items: None
To Do: Avoiding all the zombies, quickly run towards the camera and to
Claire's left ( your right ) to exit through the nearest exit to you ( gate ).
----Location: Outside the Prison Bunk-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Nothing special to do here, you simply need to turn to Claire's right,
run to the gate you unlocked earlier ( which is now opened ), proceed through
it, and go through the door near the gate.
----Location: Prison Area Outside Jail Ceell----
Enemies: Four Zombies
Items: None
To Do: Once you enter, you will notice that this area is now re-populated with
zombies. Walk straight forward and kill the first zombie once you round the
corner. The second zombie is in the fenced-area with the guillotine. Kill it
and proceed to go to the door behind the guillotine and insert the eagle plate
into the hole on the door. Once you do this, it will unlock and open for you.
However, you are in for a surprise. As the door opens, dramatic music starts to
play and two zombies are revealed to be behind the door. They approach you
quickly, so back off fast ( use the quick turn around ) and pump them full of
lead. Once they are door, proceed through the area the eagle door opened and
exit through the door at the other end of it.
----Location: Outside Experimentation Labb----
Enemies: Two Zombies
Items: Green Herb
To Do: Once you enter, quickly draw your gun and put one shot into the
explosive barrel you will see before you. With luck, both zombies will die, if
not, finish them off. Once you have killed both zombies, turn to Claire's left
and get the green herb by the barrels ( dont go in the door yet! ). When you
have green herb, proceed to go back to where you entered and go straight away
from there. You will see a gate at the end of this straight-away, enter it when
you come to it.
----Location: Item Box Area Outside Experrimentation Lab----
Enemies: None
Items: Hand Gun Bullets
Utilities: Item Box
To Do: Once you enter, grab the handgun bullets from off a box in the corner
opposite you. Once you have the bullets, proceed to climb over the barrel
closest to the door. Once you are on the other side of it, push it back, away
from the item box and away from the door. Once the door is now free, use the
item box at your leisure and go through the door.
----Location: Command Center for Prison-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Remember this area? Now the door is open for your use. Proceed to leave
this area by going around the metal shelf and through the second door ( the one
that was previously open ) and head towards the duplication area.
----Location: Metal Detector Hall/Duplicaator Room----
Enemies: As many zombies you did not kill ( up to four )
Items: BOW Gas Rounds, Flame Rounds, First Aid Spray, Ink Ribbon
To Do: After you enter, ignore the zombies and go to the security box you see
to Claire's right. Grab all the items from the security box that you were
forced to leave earlier and proceed to go back through the door you came in.
----Location: Prison Control Center----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Simply leave this area through the now released door and go back to the
area with the item box.
----Location: Area with Item Box Outside Experimentation Lab----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Drop off everything you got in the security box and leave this area
through the metal gate that you initially entered it with.
----Location: Outside Experimentation Labb----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Proceed to walk straight, down the path, and turn right when you can (
towards the barrels where you found the green herb ). Now you will enter the
wooden door to the experimentation lab.
----Location: Experimentation Lab----
Enemies: None yet
Items: Handgun Bullets, First Aid Spray,
Files: Anatomist's Note
To Do: There are many bodies here, ignore them for now. When you first enter,
turn to Claire's right and grab the handgun bullets off the box. Then, you will
see white cabinets above head level near the handgun bullets, in them is a
first aid spray, search for it. Once you have the first aid spray, go into the
office ( room separated off from the experimentation area ) and grab the red
Anatomist's Note file off the desk. Proceed to leave that area by going
straight from the door, and when you see the body bag, turn left, exiting this
area through the only other door ( not the one you came in ). You will be in
for fun when you return to this area again.
----Location: Torture Room----
Enemies: Four Zombies
Items: Red Herb, Duralum Case ( with Handgun Parts inside ), Handgun Bullets
To Do: Beware once you enter, as these four zombies are close and attack fast.
Dispatch them all and when you are done, proceed to turn around and grab the
red herb that you will see behind you ( where the first zombie was ). When you
have the herb, go near the torture devices and grab the handgun bullets next to
the far one and the Duralum case near the back wall ( above the torture devices
). Open the case with a lockpick and use the handgun parts with the handgun to
get the repeating handgun. Once you have them all, leave through the door you
came in.
----Location: Experimentation Lab---
Enemies: One Zombie, One Super Zombie
Items: Glass Eye
To Do: When you enter, you will be greeted with the wonderful sound of
something munching on a human body. You will also notice that the body bag that
was once there is now empty. Proceed carefully, having your new gun equipped,
and look in the small middle area where a body used to be lying on a stretcher.
Now you will see that the doctor of this experimentation lab is munching on the
corpse. This doctor is no ordinary zombie, he takes many shots to drop and he
moves quickly. Be careful and drop both the doctor and his dinner ( the corpse
gets up too ). When they are both gone, search the doctor for the glass eye.
Proceed, once you have the eye, go to back into the office where you found the
file and use the glass eye in the human model that is missing an eye. A door
near the model will open up when you put the eye in. Proceed down the stairs
that are revealed.
----Location: Link Between Basement and LLab----
Enemies: Many Bats
Items: Green Herb
To Do: This area has many bats which will chip away at your life, so move
quickly. Once down the stairs, follow the path to the end of this passage,
being sure to grab the green herb ( it is in a dark corner, opposite from the
stairway ) on the way. Go through the door once you reach it.
----Location: Basement, Room One----
Enemies: Three Zombies
Items: Bow Gun Bolts, Handgun Bullets
To Do: Once you enter, you will notice there are two zombies near you, kill
them both. Then proceed to search the room for the third zombie and dispatch it
as well. Grab the bow gun bolts from on a small wooden device on the right hand
side of the room ( from the door ) and grab the handgun bullets from on the
small table with the wine bottle. When you have both, search the room for the
stairway down. Go down the stairs and enter the door at the bottom.
----Location: Basement Torture Room----
Enemies: One Zombie
Items: Rusted Sword, Piano Roll
To Do: Once you enter this room, you will see two statues stand out, one
holding a shield and one holding a sword. First, grab the sword from the hand
of the first statue ( which releases toxic gas ), next use the lever on the
shield statue that is now at pushing height to push the shield statue so the
shield faces the statue that held the sword ( push it up, not down ). Once the
gas is gone because the shield statue is in place, the sword statue will turn
around, revealing a slot that you can stick the sword in. Stick the sword in
the slot, and the iron device that the slot is in will open, revealing a
torture device and a zombie. Kill the zombie and grab the piano roll from the
torture device. Proceed out of the room once you have the roll
----Location: Various----
Enemies: As many as you did not kill
Items: None
To Do: Once you have the piano roll, go out the door and up the stairs. Then
leave the first basement room and proceed through the connector and up the
stairs. Now you are in the experimentation lab, exit out the main door ( to the
outside of the experimentation lab ) ( watch out, there are some new zombies in
this area ( two of them, kill or avoid them and proceed )) and go through the
gate which leads to the outside jail cell area with the guillotine. Once you
are there, go out the gate, around the corner, and through the door which leads
back to the area outside the prisoner bunk house. Once out the door, go to
Claire's left, through the open gate, and out the door on your left. Now you
are in the central courtyard with a truck, avoid all the zombies still alive
here and exit through the giant gate towards the broken bridge. When you get
into the bridge area, go forward and cross the bridge via the catwalk. Once you
reach the other side of the bridge, climb over the boxes and use the stairs to
go to the connector area between the military complex and the mansion. When you
get up the stairs, run straight ( avoiding the bandersnatches ) and go up the
stairs that leads to the area outside the mansion. Once outside the mansion,
enter the mansion through the front door. When you get inside the mansion, go
down the little stairs, avoid the zombies on the bottom floor, and climb to the
upper level using the large set of stairs. When you reach the top, go to your
left and climb the little stairs, ending this trip in the casino.
----Location: Casino in Mansion----
Enemies: None
Items: King Ant Object
To Do: When you enter the room, you will now notice that you have the piano
roll for the piano here. After entering, walk to the piano and use the roll in
the piano. As the music plays, the slot machine that is lit up will open,
revealing the king ant object. Take it and leave the room.
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: As many zombies that you did not kill ( up to four )
Items: None
To Do: Simply go down the stairs after exiting, cross the path on top, go up
the stairs once you reach them , and exit into the mansion safe room.
----Location: Mansion Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
Utilities: Typewriter and an Item Box
To Do: Do anything you wish, just be sure to have the king ant object and the
music box plate when you leave. When you are ready, leave through the golden
luger doors.
----Location: Alfred's Study----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Proceed through the hole where the clock puzzle was and exit through
the only other door in this area.
----Location: Link between Mansion and Hoouse----
Enemies: Five Zombies
Items: None
To Do: This area is now ripe with zombies. Kill all five zombies or avoid as
many as you can and run to the end and exit up the stairs.
----Location: Outside Ashford House----
Enemies: Two Bandersnatches
Items: None
To Do: Avoid both bandersnatches and run the usual course: around the curve,
up the stairs, and in the mansion front door.
----Location: Just inside Ashford House-----
Enemies: Four Zombies
Items: None
To Do: As you enter, you will notice on the bottom level there are two
zombies. Either evade them or kill them and go up the stairs. Follow the path
around the stairs kill two more zombies when you come to them. Once you reach
the door at the end, go through it.
----Location: U-Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter, make a left ( Claire's left ) and head down the
hallway. When you reach the end, turn right and enter the door you will see
----Location: Blue Music Box Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter the room, you will approach the blue music box. Take the
king ant object and insert it in the blue music box ( slot on the top of it )
and after it opens up, use the music box plate in the music box. Music will
play once the plate is in and the top of the bed will drop down, revealing a
ladder. Climb the ladder.
----Location: Merry-Go Round Above House-----
Enemies: None
Items: Silver Dragonfly, Green Herb
To Do: When you enter, you will notice that you are standing on a giant
merry-go-round. Creepy, huh. Leave the merry go round and walk around it until
you see a director's chair that has a sparkling silver dragonfly in it. Take
the dragonfly and in your inventory, use the check command to detach its wings.
When the wings are no more, go up to the mural of a giant ant and use the
dragonfly to insert it in the mouth of the ant. The merry-go-round will start
moving when you do and a ladder will be put in place on the merry-go-round,
allowing you to go above it. Be sure to grab the green herb which is located
somewhere in the ring, its not very hard to see. Take the ladder up when done.
----Location: Above Merry-Go-Round----
Enemies: None
Items: Ink Ribbon, Handgun Bullets, Air Force Proof
Files: Newspaper Clip, Confession Letter
Utilities: Typewriter
To Do: When you enter, you will be in a small study above the merry-go-round.
You will learn many truths here. First, approach the desk directly in front of
you and take the ink ribbon off it if you wish. Next grab the handgun bullets
which are on the ground near the desk's chair. After this, go to the left side
of the study and read the newspaper clip off the small portable stairs. Then
take the large box on the right hand side of the room and push it to the right,
against the cabinet. Stand on it and grab the Confession Letter. After reading
Alfred's desire, grab the air force proof which is underneath it. Now you have
all three proofs! Leave the area when done.
----Location: Merry-Go-Round Above House-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Simply descend the stairs to go back into the music box rooms.
----Location: Red and Blue Music Box Roomms----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After you descend the ladder, attempt to leave the room and scene
between you and "Alexia" will develop. I wont spoil it. Once its all over,
leave the blue room through the door.
----Location: Various----
Enemies: Many enemies. Be careful
Items: Pick up any you find along the way that either you or I missed
To Do: The self destruct system has been activated by Alfred, we must escape,
now. Quickly leave the U-hallway and proceed to go down the stairs and out of
the house. Avoid the bandersnatches and go down the stairs, around the curve,
and down the stairs again to leave the area outside the house. Go through the
connecting passage and the study of Alfred to get to the mansion safe room. At
the safe room, put away the gun and bullets, pick up and healing items you
need, and get all three proofs. When you are ready, leave the mansion after
going down the stairs and out the front door. Turn right after you get outside,
so you head to the area with the submarine leading to the airport. You will get
through the submarine and emerge in the airport first room. Go down the stairs
and around the left turn and through the door. When you emerge in the next
room, there will be two zombies, so be careful. Take the left path, going by
the zombies and the sofa and go through the door.
----Location: Control Area of Airport-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After entering this room, quickly run to where Steve is and push the
button on the machine next to Steve. This will call the platform back. Get on
it and use all three proofs to activate the lift. It will take you to the
airplane. You will then board the plane.
---Location: Plane Cockpit----
Enemies: None
Items: Control Lever
Utilities: Typewriter and an Item Box
To Do: First ascend the stairs in the cockpit and talk to Steve. Once your
chat is over, grab the control lever behind you. Then save if you want and get
the grenade launcher, and any rounds you want from the item box. When ready,
leave the cockpit.
----Location: Control Area of Airport-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After riding the lift, exit through the door
----Location: Junction/Security Room----
Enemies: Up to three zombies
Items: None
To Do: As you enter, you will see one zombie, two more await. Evade all the
zombies, dont use any rounds, and make your way back to the door and then down
the right hand path, exiting the room through the giant grating on the right
hand path ( you make your way past the area behind the security desk.
----Location: Bridge in Airport ( lower ))----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run across the bridge and exit through the door on the other side.
----Location: Cargo Room---- You will nottice that you still do not have the
key for the grating here. Dont worry, you will manage. Once you enter this
room, proceed to take the small lift near the locked door and go up to where
the computers are. Exit through the door on this level.
----Location: Bridge in Airport ( upper ))----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Use the control lever in the bridge controls to raise it. When you are
done, proceed across the bridge and enter the door on the other side.
----Location: Bridge Control Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Airport Key
To Do: Ignore everything else in this room and proceed straight towards the
screen ( forward ) and grab the airport key which rests between the legs of a
dead worker. Once you have it, leave the room.
----Location: Airport Bridge ( upper )-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run across the bridge and exit through the door on the other side.
----Location: Cargo Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run around the computers and take the lift down. When you reach the
bottom, use the airport key in the locked gate. It will open. Proceed through
the door.
----Location: Airport Elevator----
Enemies: None
Items: Green Herb ( x2 ), Handgun Bullets, Grenade Rounds
Utilities: Typewriter and an Item Box ( I recommend save )
To Do: After you enter, grab all the items in the room and either hold on to
them or put them in the item box. Save if you choose. Then go to the elevator.
Push the box farthest from the door into the elevator. Then push the closer box
all the way to the end of the elevator and then push it in. The elevator will
close and you will open it. Get in. A timer will now be activated, you have
five minutes to get to the plane.
----Route to take to make it back to the pplane in five minutes----
1. Take the elevator up, the timer will activate
2. You will emerge in the area outside the military complex, leave through the
door behind you quickly.
3. Now you are in the area that used to have two bandersnatches. Now it has a
tyrant. Use the BOW gas rounds or anything potent on it to knock it out. Dont
let it reach you, you will die if it does.
4. Once the tyrant is out, proceed up the stairs and straight across the
mansion outside area, and down the stairs at the end of the path leading to the
5. Get on the submarine and push the button to go to the airport.
6. Run through the airport, taking the path left and to the proof lift. Take
the lift and you are set!
----Location: Plane Cockpit----
Enemies: None
Items: None
Utilities: Typewriter and an Item Box
To Do: I recommend you save the game. After that is done, you should grab all
your grenade gear along with anything powerful that is left. Get a bunch of
healing stuff and prepare for a fight. The cargo door is open. Gasp! That could
only mean......
----Location: Cargo Of Plane----
Enemies: One Tyrant
Items: None
To Do: This guy is HARD, so be ready. What you will be doing, is wearing him
down ( you cant drop him ) and when he has been hit many times ( all my flame,
acid, and half grenade rounds ), you will lure him to the back of the cargo
area and then activate the launcher ( button near door ). If he is damaged
enough, he will go flying out of the cargo bay. I suggest firing a few rounds,
and then running as fast as you can, as he hits hard. Bring along a bunch of
healing supplies. He will run at you and swipe. If he connects, you will fall
and he will prepare for a massive downswing. Quickly run out of the way when
this happens. Heal when you are in orange caution. May luck be on your side.
When you are done, a cinema and scene ensue. Good job, the first disc is over!
You are now in the Antarctic
----End First Disc Walkthrough----
Section X: Second Disc Walkthrough
You have left the horrors of the island of the Ashford Family behind. Now you
find yourself trapped in an arctic prison, which was formerly used as an
umbrella factory. You must survive somehow, you must escape the nightmarish
horrors that await you in this new realm. Will Claire and Steve survive? Only
time will tell…
----Location: Center of Complex with Crashhed Plane----
Enemies: None currently
Items: None Currently
To Do: Proceed forward once you regain control. You will eventually reach a
ladder, climb down it. Once down the ladder, proceed straight ahead ( ignore
the double doors to Claire's left for now ) and eventually you will see a
single door with a green light above it. Enter this door once you come to it.
----Location: Dormitory of Complex----
Enemies: Three Zombies
Items: Bow Gun Powder, Hand Gun Bullets ( x 4 ), First Aid Spray, Map of
Complex, Ink Ribbon
To Do: When you enter, you will notice it is eerily quiet in this room, do not
be afraid, you must proceed on. Walk forward, along your path ( you will pass
many dead bodies ), by the bunks, until the view changes to behind Claire. When
the view does change, you will notice something sparkle ( bow gun powder ), go
to it and get the powder. Something spooky will then happen and once it is
complete, grab the handgun bullets on the shelf to Claire's immediate left.
However, once you grab these bullets, all three zombies in the room will
awaken. Destroy them with whatever weapon you have. When they are gone, return
to where you found the bow gun powder and grab the first aid spray and the next
box of handgun bullets from in the locker. Also, be sure to grab the handgun
bullets next to where the spooky zombie which fell from the bed landed. Once
you have those bullets, go around the shelf where you found the first set of
bullets and on the other side you will notice, guess what, yes, another set of
bullets towards the end of the other side of the shelf. Grab them too! But you
are not done yet. Once you have the fourth box of bullets, go straight and make
a right ( Claire's right ) and you will see an ink ribbon and the map of the
complex straight ahead of you. Grab them both, and when you have everything in
this room of plenty, exit in happiness.
----Location: Center of Complex with Crashhed Plane----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once you exit the dormitory, go down the stairs you will see next to
----Location: Web-Filled Connection Room-----
Enemies: None yet
Items: None to worry about
To Do: When you enter this area from the stairwell, any player ( especially
yours truly ) would be instantly worried that something large and scary must
have made those webs. Fear not, at least not yet, and proceed straight ahead
and go into the door that you will see in front of you.
----Location: Complex Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Ink Ribbon, Bow Gun Bolts, Green Herb
Utilities: An Item Box and a Typewriter
Files: Alexander's Memo, Butler's Letter
To Do: Once you enter, you will be glad to see your old friend, the item box,
has made the trip to the arctic with you. Firstly, drop off anything you do not
need and pick up anything you dropped ( gun, bow gun bolts, etc. ) to fight the
tyrant. Next grab the ink ribbon off the desk and the bow gun bolts off the
coffee table. After this, grab the "Alexander's Memo" file from the area to the
immediate right of the item box. Be sure to also grab the green herb just to
the right of the symbol of the halberd. After this, proceed past the
typewriter and push the bookshelf in until a path is revealed. Once open,
proceed to open the locker, see the mouse, and grab the butler's letter from
inside. Once you are ready, leave this room.
----Location: Web-Filled Connection Room-----
Enemies: One Moth
Items: None
To Do: Once you exit the safe room, proceed to Claire's right. However, you
will notice that this path is no longer safe. A giant moth will be feasting on
the body of a worker that is entangled in the web. When it sees you, it will
come after you. Kill it with a shot or two and if you become poisoned, use the
blue herbs in the potter on the right hand path. Once the moth is dead, exit
through the door on the right hand path.
----Location: Area with Conveyor Belt in CComplex----
Enemies: Three Zombies
Items: Shotgun Shells
To Do: The first thing to is turn to Claire's immediate right and go to the big
cabinet you will see there. Use the lockpick in the cabinet and you will get
shotgun shells ( you will put these in the item box so Chris can get them later
). Next, kill the zombie steadily approaching and proceed in the direction from
whence it came. When you round the corner, you will notice two other zombies on
an intercept path with you. Kill them both and proceed straight, making a right
hand turn when you reach the end. Head straight from here, stopping to notice a
shining thing ( you will get this later ) on a box above you. Exit through the
door at the end of this direction.
----Location: Storage Area of Complex----
Enemies: Four Zombies
Items: Detonator, Mining Room Key
To Do: When you enter, you will be greeted by a zombie at your backside,
quickly turn and dispose of it. You will then notice another zombie steadily
approaching from your front, kill it too. Go forward and kill both remaining
zombies in this room. When all four are dead, return to where you killed the
latter of the zombies. You will notice something sparkling on a loading part of
the conveyor belt. Grab this mining room key and continue deeper into the room.
Follow the path to the end, where you will pass some objects that appear like
missiles and find a body. This body hold a detonator in its hands, grab it and
place it in the explosives next to the body ( you will come back later to
activate it with a heat source ). When all this is accomplished, leave the
----Location: Area with Conveyor Belt in CComplex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter, proceed to go forward and turn to Claire's left,
following the path you took earlier. When you reach the stairs which lead to a
door, go up them and use the Mining Room Key in the door ( discard it when you
are done ) and enter the room.
----Location: Complex Mining Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Simply proceed straight ahead and enter the door which is at the end of
the path when you go straight ahead.
----Location: Complex Power Room----
Enemies: Three Dogs
Items: Green Herb ( x4 ), Handgun Bullets ( x2 )
To Do: Be careful as you enter, as there are three dogs in this room. When you
enter, head straight ahead and when you get to it, make a left turn. There will
be one dog in front of you now, kill it. Proceed straight ahead until you reach
an opening in a series of gratings, proceed through it and navigate the short
path to reach the generator, turn it on when you reach it. Re-navigate the path
and when you exit it, turn to Claire's right and go straight until you reach a
junction which either leads forward towards you ( the player ) or away. Choose
the short path away and prepare to face a dog which is rather close to you now.
Once the second dog is dead, grab both Green herbs it was sleeping on. When you
have both, head back towards the player ( other path on junction ) and you will
encounter another dog guarding a machine. Kill the dog and use the machine to
restore electrical power. Now that the lights are on, return to the turn in the
path where you killed the first dog. The now illuminated area reveals two boxes
of handgun bullets and two more green herbs. Grab them all and exit the room.
----Location: Complex Mining Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Simply exit this room the way you entered it before.
----Location: Area in Complex with Conveyoor Belt----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once you enter this room again, go down the stairs and proceed into the
alcove. There you will turn on the power via the box on the wall and proceed to
activate the lever on the control panel near the box on the belt. This will
move the box you saw above you that had the shiny object into the storage room
of the complex ( you cannot go there now, as there is now a fire preventing you
from reaching the box, which had a magnum gun on top of it ). Once this is
complete, you should head back to the safe room, save and discover something
----Location: Web-Filled Connection Room-----
Enemies: Three Moths
Items: Blue Herb Potter
To Do: Avoid the moths at all costs, as they poison you. If you get caught by a
moth, it will implant a little grub into your back which will eventually burst,
cause damage, and poison you ( blue herbs are a commodity, so be wary ). As you
enter, position yourself to shoot the moth against the wall. Kill it once it is
airborne and heal with the blue herbs if needed. Avoid or kill the remaining
moths and go down the path and turn left, going into the safe room door.
----Location: Complex Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Plant Pot, Machine Room Key
To Do: As you enter, heal if needed and grab any needed items. Once this is
complete, go to the back of the safe room, where you found the locker with the
mouse. When you reach the locker, examine it and push the switch inside it.
Once the switch is pushed, the locker will move out of the way and you will
have access to another back area in this safe room. A startling image awaits
you. Once you regain control, go to the end of the moved lockers and grab the
plant pot ( when you get the pot, check it in your inventory, as on the bottom,
taped to it, is the machine room key ). Leave when this is all completed. You
will be heading back into the conveyor belt area from whence you came.
----Location: Web-Filled Connection Room-----
Enemies: Three Moths * NOTE: The moths will always regenerate their numbers.
Items: Blue Herb Potter
To Do: When you enter, you will notice that the moths are still here. This is
because they regenerate. Kill or avoid them and run forward ( taking a right at
the T-Junction ) and exiting through the double doors when you reach them.
----Location: Area in Complex with Conveyoor Belt----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After you enter this area, run around the conveyor belt, past the
stairs, and enter the double doors you will see on your left. Prepare for
----Location: Spider Room of Complex----
Enemies: Three Spiders
Items: Handgun Bullets (x2), Green Herb, Bow Gun Bolts, Blue Herb, Bar Code
To Do: This room really is not the spider room, but since it has a large amount
of them, I will call it such. Make a mental note of the following: Two of the
spiders are on your level, which you can kill, however one of the spiders is on
a level below yours which you cannot get to. Once you enter, run forward and
kill both spiders using your best weaponry ( I used the dual hand machine guns
). Once they are dead, turn to Claire's right and grab the double set of
handgun bullets off the crate. Then run forward and grab the bow gun bolts on
right hand wall ( from where you got the handgun bullets, go deeper into the
room and it is on your right ). Now go even more deep into the room and grab
the green herb and the blue herb in the far right corner of the room. Lastly,
go to the very back middle of the room and grab the bar code sticker off the
boxes. At all times watch for the spider below you, as it will spit acid up in
your direction. When you have all those items, leave the room.
----Location: Area in Complex With Conveyoor Belt----
Enemies: None
Items: Gas Mask.
To Do: When you enter, go to the crate on the conveyor belt ( in the alcove
near the stairs ) that says BOW on it. Use the bar code sticker on this box and
use the sorter to move the box to create a BOW gas outbreak. When this is
complete, quickly run back into the spider room and grab the now available gas
mask. Once this is done, all you need to do is simply run back the way you
originally came ( past the stairs, towards the player ) and exit through the
double doors which lead to the moth room.
----Location: Web-Filled Connection Room-----
Enemies: Three Moths
Items: Blue Herb Potter
To Do: Although I will not, you should take the opportunity to go back to the
safe room and drop off anything ( items, spent weaponry, etc. ) you do not need
in the item box. When you enter, kill any moths you need to and run forward and
when you get to the T-Junction, turn right and go up the stairs.
----Location: Center of Complex with Crashhed Plane----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you get up the stairs, run along the catwalk, past the door with
the green light above it, and when you come to the place with the ladder, turn
right and enter the double doors you will see.
----Location: Above Conveyor Belt----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: You have two ways to go in this catwalk, left or right. After you enter,
take the path to Claire's right and enter the door when you come to it.
----Location: Metal Shop of Complex----
Enemies: One Zombie who can't get to you.
Items: Handgun Bullets (x2), Green Herb, Blue Herb, Ink Ribbon.
To Do: After you enter, you will see the zombie who can't get to you, ignore
him. Go around this caged zombie and pick up the first set of handgun bullets
on the table directly across from him. Then go past the zombie into the back
room which also has a metal cutter. Get the handgun bullets and ink ribbon from
on the table, the blue and green herbs from on the floor, and leave the room.
----Location: Above Conveyor Belt----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter this room, go all the way around, staying on the catwalk,
and going to the other door on the opposite side. When you get the door, use
the machine room key in it, discard the key upon use, and enter the room.
----Location: Machine Room of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Steve makes a large mess. When you enter, you will notice the room is
barren of supplies. Go to the control console with the levers and examine them.
Steve will then burst into the room and attempt to use them to move the
ice-drilling machine below into position. However, he makes a mess by hitting a
pipe along the way, setting loose toxic gas into the air. You must find a mask
to go back into the room. Didn't the spider room have one of those?
----Location: Above Conveyor Belt----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Use the gas-mask and re-enter the room!
----Location: Machine Room of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Go through the gas and through the door on the other side.
----Location: Behind Machine Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Valve Handle
To Do: Enter, grab the valve handle, and leave.
----Location: Machine Room of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: You will re-equip the gas mask and go through the gas again to the door
from whence you came.
----Location: Above Conveyor Belt----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run across the catwalk and exit through the door at the top.
----Location: Center of Complex with Crashhed Plane----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once you enter the area, run along the catwalk and go down the stairs to
the moth laden area.
----Location: Web-Filled Connection Room-----
Enemies: Three Moths
Items: Blue Herb Potter
To Do: Avoid or kill the moths first. Next you have a choice, I recommend that
you save by going to the safe room and then grabbing whatever items you may
need ( and drop whatever items you want to give to Chris ). When this is
complete avoid the many moths and go left at the T-Junction and through the
double doors.
----Location: Area in Complex with Conveyoor Belt----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After you enter, simply run along the path, go up the stairs, and enter
the room that holds the ice drilling machine.
----Location: Complex Mining Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter, you will automatically equip your gas mask and continue
on. Once you have control, go around the grating to Claire's right and climb up
the large steps. Once this is complete, go forward, to the left of the machine,
up the stairs, examine the hole, and leave the room.
----Location: Area with Conveyor Belt in CComplex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter the area, simply run down the stairs and exit through the
double doors which lead to the moth infested room.
----Location: Web-Filled Connection Room-----
Enemies: Three Moths
Items: Blue Herb Potter
To Do: Avoid and/or kill the moths first. When this is complete, run to the
T-Junction, turn right, and exit up the stairs.
----Location: Center of Complex with Crashhed Plane----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once up the stairs, run past the door with the green light over it and
enter the double doors on Claire's right.
----Location: Above Conveyor Belt----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run to Claire's right and enter the door to the metal cutting machine
room when you come to it.
----Location: Metal Shop of Complex----
Enemies: One zombie who can't get to you.
Items: Octa Valve Handle
To Do: When you enter, go around the caged zombie and use the valve handle in
the machine to create the octa valve handle. When this is done, leave the room.
----Location: Above Conveyor Belt----
Enemies: None but do look down : ) .
Items: None
To Do: Before you go, see the mess that now awaits you in the room below.
Forget it for now and simply leave the room through the double door on top.
----Location: Center of Complex with Crashhed Plane----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter this room, run down, past the door with the green light,
and down the stairs.
----Location: Web-Filled Connection Room-----
Enemies: Three Moths
Items: Blue Herb Potter
To Do: Either kill or avoid the moths and make your way around the corner and
go through the double doors to the conveyor belt area.
----Location: Area in Complex with Conveyoor Belt----
Enemies: Four Zombies
Items: None
To Do: Avoid all the zombies ( run past them ) and go up the stairs into the
mining room.
----Location: Complex Mining Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After equipping the gas mask upon entry, run to Claire's right, climb up
the rock stairs, go to the left of the drilling machine, go up the second set
of metal stairs, and use the valve handle in the ventilation device. Once this
is done, a scene between Steve, Alfred, and Claire will ensue the consequence
of which is Alfred getting shot and falling down the mining shaft. When you
regain control, grab the sniper rifle he was carrying and go talk to Steve. You
will be drilled to the outside of the complex. Climb a ladder, and be on top of
a heli-pad.
----Location: Helicopter Pad Above Complexx----
Enemies: One Nosferatu
Items: First Aid Spray, Handgun Bullets
To Do: When you regain control, DON'T talk to Steve yet. Run to the four
corners of the pad and search the things you find there. You will get a first
aid spray and some handgun bullets for your trouble. Now go talk to Steve and
battle the escaped Nosferatu.
Using the Sniper Rifle: Press the normal right back button to aim and then
while aiming, press the back left button to zoom in. Same method to fire and
move the gun.
Fighting Nosferatu: Keep your distance. You can die two ways, first being hit
enough and second is him knocking you off the pad, so be careful. When you have
some distance and can see him well enough, aim the sniper rifle at his chest
and shoot the exposed heart. Enough shots to the heart will kill him. Try to be
as accurate as possible, as it only has seven rounds. He can attack you by
either hitting you with a vine attached to his body or throwing poison spray at
you. Be careful to watch your health so as you don't die of poison loss. Once
he is dead, Claire's game is over…… for now.
You thought that Claire and Steve would escape, you were wrong. On their way to
the Australian Observation Base, their snow-mobile was attacked by a giant
tentacle object and overturned, becoming a fiery wreck. What will happen to
Claire and Steve, will be told by time……………Meanwhile…
Chris Redfield, S.T.A.R.S. member and brother of Claire, has made it to the
Ashford island. After receiving a tip from Leon that he should search there to
find Claire, Chris made his way to the island via boat. He scaled some cliffs
to reach a cavern which lead into the island, except when he reached the top,
an earthquake ( caused by a familiar foe ) rocked the cavern, causing the
entrance to cave in. Will Chris survive. Only time will tell……
Chris' Initial Equip:
Glock 17 Handgun with an 18 round clip.
A Combat knife
Thirty Handgun Bullets
A First Aid Spray
----Location: Underneath Military Complex,, Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Ink Ribbon, Green Herb, Bow Gun Bolts
Utilities: Typewriter and an Item Box
To Do: After you regain control ( after the cave-in ) move forward and grab the
green herb in front of you. Next walk along the room until you come to Rodrigo.
What is Rodrigo doing here, one may ask. He tells you that he moved here and
Claire most likely got off the island. After he thanks you, a Giant Worm breaks
through the floor and gobbles him up. Ignore this for now, but be prepared to
put up a fight in a minute. Go around the corner from where Rodrigo was and
approach the item box. Grab anything you want ( especially the blue umbrella
card ) and pick up the ink ribbon from on the desk and the bow gun bolts from
on the chair. Once you are ready, go through the door.
----Location: Underneath Military Complex,, Worm Room----
Enemies: One Giant Worm
Items: Green Herb, Blue Herb, Handgun Bullets, Bow Gun Bolts.
To Do: As you enter, you will be introduced to our friend, the giant worm.
There is an elevator at the end of this area, and your objective is to call it,
and avoid the worm while waiting for it to arrive. As you dodge the worm, be
sure to pick the two herbs up ( right in front of you as you enter ) and the
munitions up ( near the elevator ). Once it arrives, go through the elevator.
----Location: Garage of Complex ( with jeeep in it )----
Enemies: Three Zombies
Items: None
To Do: When you enter, there will be a zombie in front of you, descend, move
away from it, turn, and then kill it. Then proceed to kill the remaining
zombies. Be wary, as you are short on bullets, so you may wish to shoot them to
the ground, and then knife them to death. When all three are dead, proceed out
the main doors.
----Location: Tank Area of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: Handgun Bullets
To Do: When you enter, run around the tank so you are at its back. When you are
there, press the red button that Alfred revealed at the end of the first disc.
Once it is pressed the tank will move forward, revealing a lift. Grab the
handgun bullets that were under the tank and proceed to take the lift down.
----Location: Underneath Tank, Connecting Room----
Enemies: None yet
Items: Green Herb, Blue Herb, Shotgun Shells
To Do: After you enter this area, run forward and grab all three items when you
come to them ( they are in a circle in a corner ). Then, when you have the
items, go around the corner and enter the first door you come to.
----Location: Underneath Tank Safe Room-----
Enemies: None
Items: Ink Ribbon, Green Herb, Acid Rounds, Handgun Bullets, Shotgun Shells,
Golden Luger, Blue Herb Potter ( always there )
To Do: When you enter, grab all the items first. Get the Ink ribbon off the
table next to the typewriter, the green herb from the area next to the lockers,
the acid round from in the locker, the handgun bullets from the table, and the
shotgun shells next to them. The luger is a tad more tricky. You will see
drawers to the left of the table. They are as such:
---Blue Drawer---
---Red Drawer----
---Green Drawer—-
---Brown Drawer--
You must open the drawers in this order for the luger: RED, GREEN, BLUE, BROWN.
The luger will allow Steve to have the golden lugers for use in his battle game
When you have everything you want and everything else in the item box, leave
the room. Remember to take your shotgun shells with you upon your departure.
----Location: Underneath Tank, Connecting Room----
Enemies: One Spider
Items: Battery Pack
To Do: When you exit the safe room, go towards the screen and you will see a
door with a battery pack in front of it. Grab the battery pack and then examine
the door. Once you do, a spider will burst from the grating in front of you and
charge at you. Avoid it or kill it and run quickly back to the lift and go up.
----Location: Tank Area of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you arrive at the top of the lift, exit and go back around the tank
and go through the door which leads to the garage of the complex.
----Location: Garage of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: Chemical Storage Key
Files: Report: Enhanced Anti-Decay Alloy
To Do: After you have entered the garage, run around the jeep and use the
battery pack in the lift device. Then proceed to get on the lift and activate
it. You will be raised up to the second level of this room. When you get up
there, proceed left to grab the chemical storage key and then read the
accompanying file. When you are done, go right and exit the room.
----Location: Control Room of Complex w/Ellevator Link 2F----
Enemies: None
Items: Grenade Rounds
To Do: After you go through the door, proceed towards the screen. What will
follow shows Chris who Alexia is and re-introduces an old friend to the player
( WESKER ). When the scene is over ( be afraid, that was a hunter ) go up the
stairs to the small platform above the main control area and grab the grenade
rounds from the area next to the chair. Then, proceed down the stairs and back
to the elevator, which you will take to the basement floor ( BF )
----Location: Basement Floor BF----
Enemies: One Zombie
Items: SPAS 12 Shotgun, Handgun Bullets, Red Herb (x2), Ink Ribbon.
To Do: When you enter, proceed forward until you come to a stairwell. Go down
the stairwell and proceed forward, grabbing the shotgun ( which raises the
stairwell ) and the handgun bullets. Grab the ink ribbon if you wish. Now
proceed to where the stairwell used to be and go through the water ( after you
enter, go around the corner and go up on the other side via a break in the
railing on your left ). Kill the zombie that emerges. Grab both red herbs. The
ladder will lead to the hallway underneath the tank which leads to the safe
room ( but now has two spiders ) so go up at your own risk. When you are done
here and have all the items you need, go back to where the shotgun was and go
through the door.
----Location: Laboratory with Capsules undder Complex----
Enemies: None Yet
Items: Green Herb, Automatic Rifle Bullets ( 50% )
To Do: After you enter, proceed slowly forward until you reach a stairway. Go
up the stairs AFTER you have grabbed the green herb which is next to the bottom
of them. When on top, proceed forward until you reach a console. Activate a
button on the console to lower the final tube so you may grab the AR bullets
off of it. When you have those, exit the room through the door on the second
level and prepare for trouble.
----Location: Storage Room of Complex----
Enemies: Two Hunters
Items: Bow Gun Bolts, Door Knob
To Do: After you enter ( IF YOU WISH ) proceed forward then turn left at the
junction right near you as you enter to grab some bow gun bolts. Then proceed
forward and grab the shiny thing you will see ( a door knob ). When you have
grabbed it, the camera Wesker sent out will see you and two hunters will attack
you. Keep your health up, as these things do a lot of damage. When you have
dispatched the hunters, exit the way you entered.
----Location: Laboratory with Capsules undder Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Simply run across the second level, go down the stairs, and run across
the first level and through the door you originally came in.
----Location: Basement Floor BF----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter the room, proceed forward and replace the shotgun. When
you have done so, the ladder will lower. Re-equip your handgun. Proceed up the
ladder and take the elevator up to the second floor ( 2F ).
----Location: Command Center of Complex-----
Enemies: Many Zombies
Items: None
To Do: After you enter, be prepared for trouble. There are only two zombies to
worry about however, so don't worry THAT much. Once you emerge from the
elevator, there will be a zombie charging headstrong at you, knock it down or
kill it and proceed forward, turning right when you come to the T-Junction.
When you turn the corner, another zombie will greet you, kill it or avoid it
and go through the door that was right behind it.
----Location: Outside Area of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter, you will see the beloved Eagle Plate fall through the
floor and be washed away. No worries, we will get it back soon enough. Now,
proceed straight ahead and enter the door in front of you.
----Location: Fiery Laboratory----
Enemies: One Hunter Camera.
Items: Side Pack
To Do: Once you enter, DO NOT MOVE, as there is a hunter camera scanning the
area in front of you. Watch the pattern and wait for the opportunity to avoid
it, or else you will be forced to fight a hunter with a handgun ( not a good
thing to do ). Once you have avoided the camera beam, avoid anything else in
the area and run through the remains of the laboratory and pick up the side
back from the area where the window used to be. When you have the side pack,
check your map for the other available door ( you wont need to cross the path
of the hunter camera to do so, as it was the original entrance to the
laboratory ) and enter it.
----Location: Connector Hall, Complex 2F-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After you enter this area, go forward and approach the formerly
un-accessible door. It has a simple problem, it is without the knob. Use the
door knob on the door and enter it.
----Location: Garage of Complex, Catwalk AAbove----
Enemies: None
Items: Handgun Bullets, Tank Object
To Do: After you enter, proceed to Chris' left and grab the tank object from
off the stand at the end of the catwalk. Now double back and go past the door,
grabbing the handgun bullets you will find there. Now exit this area.
----Location: Connector Hall, Complex 2F-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Simply exit this area the way you initially entered it.
----Location: Fiery Laboratory----
Enemies: One Hunter Camera
Items: None
To Do: Run back through the laboratory, avoiding the camera ( BE CAREFUL ) and
exit the way you entered it initially (past the camera).
----Location: Outside Area of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run across the top and exit through the door on the other side.
----Location: Command Center of Complex-----
Enemies: Many Zombies
Items: None
To Do: Avoid as many zombies as you can and run back to the elevator and take
it down to the first floor.
----Location: Connector Junction, 1F----
Enemies: One Hunter Camera
Items: None
To Do: When you enter this area, you will have to worry about ANOTHER hunter
camera, so be careful. After exiting from the elevator, turn right when you
reach the corner and continue down the hallway. You will notice that at the end
of the hallway, there is a hunter camera, so be careful. When the camera isn't
looking, run past it and through the door.
----Location: Painting Room With Model of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: Turntable Key.
Files: Secret Passage Note
Utilities: A typewriter
To Do: When you enter, approach the model of the complex and use the tank
replica in it. This will slide open the compartment behind you. From inside it,
grab the secret passage note and the turntable key. Read the note and before
you leave the room, read the plaque next to the model of the complex and
remember the date December 8.
----Location: Connector Junction, 1F----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: The camera is gone for some strange reason. Oh well. Move along the
hallway and enter the elevator once you exit the room, taking the elevator down
to the basement (BF).
----Location: Basement Floor, BF----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once you enter this area, proceed forward and down the stairs when you
come to them. Once off the stairs, run forward, grab the shotgun, and exit the
room through the door in front of you.
----Location: Laboratory with Capsules in Complex----
Enemies: One Bandersnatch
Items: None
To Do: After you enter, proceed forward and go up the stairs. When you reach
the top, go forward and a scene between Wesker and Chris will ensue ( Wesker
finds you ). He will tell you of his plans and almost kills you, until he is
interrupted by Alexia on the video screen. He will then toss you into one of
the capsules, breaking it and releasing a bandersnatch. Use the shotgun to kill
it and proceed forward, out of this area.
----Location: Storage Area of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run forward once you enter this room and go through the first door you
see on Chris' left.
----Location: Chemical Storage Room----
Enemies: One Sweeper
Items: Shotgun Shells, Handgun Bullets, Red Herb, Blue Herb, Clement Epsilon.
To Do: When you enter, run through both sliding doors until you get into the
main laboratory. When you get into the laboratory, grab the handgun bullets and
the shotgun shells from off the table. Next grab the blue herb and the red herb
from the L-shaped stand next to the chemical storage locker. Then, once you
have all of those, use the chemical storage key in the chemical storage locker
( discard it when you are done ). Now, adjust the temperature to the date I
told you to remember ( 12/8 so 128 degrees ). The substance will change color
and you will grab Clement Epsilon. When you have the clement, a sweeper (
poison hunter ) will smash through the grating in the room and come at you.
Four strong shots with the shotgun should do it in. Once it is dead, leave this
room the way you came in.
----Location: Storage Area of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter, proceed to the control panel of the turntable. Proceed
to use the turntable key in it and activate the turntable.
----Location: Just Inside Military Complexx----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once the turntable has arrived at its destination, go forward and climb
over the boxes. When over them, go left and into the door towards the end of
the area.
----Location: Locker and Communications Rooom of Complex----
Enemies: Three Zombies
Items: Shotgun Shells, Acid Rounds
To Do: When you enter, dispatch of the two zombies in this immediate room and
pick up the shotgun shells which were next to the door as you entered. Then
proceed into the back room and kill the zombie there, grabbing the acid rounds
from in the locker. When you have everything from this room, proceed ( from the
back portion of the room with the lockers ) through the opening in the wall and
out the door past the opening in the wall.
----Location: Outside Area of Complex----
Enemies: One Zombie
Items: None
To Do: ( PLEASE NOTE THAT: you will need the blue umbrella card for the next
room, so if you don't have it in your inventory, go back and get it silly! )
When you enter this area, you will notice that it is part of that large outside
area in the Complex which has now been split off from the main area. Proceed
forward, killing the crawling zombie in front of you, around the grating and
down the ladder.
----Location: Ventilation Room with Machinnery Below Complex----
Enemies: Four Zombies
Items: None
To Do: Once you climb down the ladder, pull the level on the panel to ventilate
the room. Proceed forward and use the blue emblem card in the card reader. Once
the gate is up, discard the emblem card. Proceed into the room and kill off the
four zombies with your handgun. Once done, proceed up the stone stairs and out
the upper-most door.
---Location: Connector Room, BF----
Enemies: One Hunter
Items: None
To Do: Have the shotgun equipped when you enter the room. Once you enter, the
hunter will charge at you quickly, so blow it away with three or four blasts of
the shotgun. When it is dead, enter the door on the back wall.
----Location: Back-Room next to Connector Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Clement Alpha, Glock 17 Parts
To Do: When you enter, go through the room and around the corner until you see
a desk with shelves. Grab the Clement A from off the shelf ( proceed to mix it
with Clement Epsilon to get Clement Mixture ) and use the handgun parts from
off the desk to make the modified handgun. When you are done, exit the room the
way you entered it.
----Location: Connector Room, BF----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Simply exit the room the way you initially came into it.
----Location: Ventilation Room with Machinnery Below Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once you re-enter this room, proceed down the stone stairs and exit this
room ( past where the grating used to be ) by going up the ladder.
----Location: Outside Area in Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once up the ladder, go around the grating and in the complex through the
door at the end of the pathway.
----Location: Locker and Communications Rooom of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run through this room and exit through the other available door.
----Location: Just Inside Military Complexx----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once in this area, run to the front door and exit.
----Location: Just Outside Military Compleex----
Enemies: Two Hunters
Items: None to worry about now
To Do: When you enter, you will be mobbed by two hunters, run AS FAST AS YOU
CAN to Chris' right ( left for you ) and enter the elevator which has a green
light over it.
----Location: Airport Safe Room and Elevattor----
Enemies: None
Items: None
Utilities: A typewriter and an Item Box
To Do: Once you enter, heal if needed, save if wanted, and exit through the
remaining door of this room.
----Location: Airport Cargo Room----
Enemies: One Hunter
Items: None
To Do: When you enter this room, you will be greeted by a charging hunter. Kill
it with your shotgun right away. When it is dead, turn to Chris' left and go up
the lift to the upper level. Then proceed to walk across the upper level and
exit through the door you will find there.
----Location: Bridge in Airport ( Upper )-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Simply run across the bridge once you enter the area, exiting through
the door on the other side.
----Location: Bridge Control Room----
Enemies: Three Zombies
Items: Shotgun Shells
To Do: The bridge is on the upper level, your job is to lower it. To do so, you
will need to operate the oil hydraulic device you will see when you enter the
room. Using the three and five oil amounts, you must fill the compartment below
to exactly ten oil. There is not one specific way to do this, so keep trying at
it until you get ONE OIL in the three oil slot. When you get that, empty the
compartment which holds ten oil and fill it as such: One Oil ( from Three
compartment ), three oil ( from three ), three oil ( from three ), three oil (
from three ) to get ten.
When you have done this, the zombies in the back of the room awake to the sound
of the bridge's controls being active again. Kill them and get the shotgun
shells from where they were before they got up. Once you have done all of this,
leave the room.
----Location: Bridge in Airport ( Upper )-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run back across the bridge, and when you get to the other side, go to
the control panel and lower the lever to lower the bridge. When this is done,
exit though the door.
----Location: Airport Cargo Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After re-entering this room, run back across the top area, take the lift
down, and proceed ( once on the bottom floor ) to make a turn to Chris' right
and go deeper into the airport through the door you will see there (to the
lower area of the bridge).
----Location: Airport Bridge ( lower )-----
Enemies: One Hunter
Items: None
To Do: When you enter, proceed carefully, as there is one hunter wandering
towards you on the bridge. Kill it and proceed to the end of the bridge and
through the double doors.
----Location: Junction/Security Room of Aiirport----
Enemies: Three Zombies
Items: None
To Do: When you enter this room, you will notice that the zombie in front of
you has an explosive pack strapped to his back. Whip out a gun and blow it up,
killing that zombie for good. Proceed then to go straight and round the table,
killing two other zombies and going through the door which leads to the control
area ( with the lift and the proofs! )
----Location: Control Area of Airport----
Enemies: One Hunter
Items: Army Proof, Navy Proof, Air Force Proof
To Do: When you enter, kill the hunter walking away from you and proceed
towards the lift. You will notice that it still has power and the electricity
is spurting from it. Go to the control panel and shut off the electricity,
proceeding afterwards to grab all three proofs. Leave the room when this is
----Location: Junction/Security Room of Aiirport----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you re-enter this area, go back around the table and exit the way
you initially came in.
----Location: Bridge of Airport ( lower )-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run across the bridge and exit through the door on the other side.
----Location: Cargo Room of Airport----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After entering this room again, run straight forward and exit towards
the airport elevator, through the door in front of you.
----Location: Elevator of Airport----
Enemies: None
Items: None
Utilities: Typewriter and an Item Box
To Do: You might want to save, as this next stretch is hard. When you are
ready, proceed up the elevator.
----Location: Just Outside Military Compleex----
Enemies: Two Sweepers
Items: None to worry about
To Do: When you enter, ignore all items and avoid the sweepers at all costs.
Avoid them and enter the military complex through the main doors.
----Location: Just Inside Military Complexx----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter, run straight forward and enter the door on your right.
----Location: Communications room of Compllex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After entering, run forward, through the door, past the lockers, through
the large crack in the wall, take a right turn, and exit though the door.
----Location: Outside Area of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run forward and when you come to the break in the fencing, turn left and
descend through the hole with a ladder.
----Location: Ventilation Room of Complex-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When down, run forward, descending the path when you come to the step
down. When down the step, go up the STEEL stairs and out the door.
----Location: Basement Floor, BF----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Run forward and enter the elevator, taking it up to the first floor.
----Location: Connecting Room, 1F----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter the room, go forward and then quickly turn right, going
down the path and entering the door----
----Location: Room with Paintings and Modeel of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: Green Herb, Shotgun Shells 9 (x2)
To Do: After entering this room, go to the laser display and put all three
proofs in the display. When this is done, the lever will be able to be lowered,
lower it. When the lever descends, the model of the complex will move back,
revealing a ladder down. Before you go down, grab the shotgun shells and the
green herb that are also now revealed. Descend the ladder.
----Location: Below Model Room----
Enemies: Two Spiders
Items: None
To Do: When in this room, promptly run forward and around the bend, avoiding
the spiders. When you come to another ladder, descend down it.
----Location: Albinoid Room----
Enemies: One Giant Albinoid
Items: Green Herb (x2), Blue Herb, Handgun Bullets, Eagle Plate
To Do: Grab all the items in the room besides the plate before going for the
plate. When you have everything, prepare healing items and go to the area
against the left wall ( your perspective ). When there, quickly descend into
the water and rush to the plate, grabbing it and quickly rushing out of the
water. If you get to orange caution, heal. When you have the plate, leave the
room the way you entered it.
----Location: Below Model Room----
Enemies: As many spiders are left alive ( up to 2 )
Items: None
To Do: Avoid the spiders and run back to the ladder going up. Go up it.
----Location: Room with Paintings and Modeel of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: Halberd
To Do: After clearing the dangerous area, look into your inventory. You will
see you have the Clement and the plate now. Combine the clement with the plate
to get the halberd, which will do marvelous things for you. Leave the room when
----Location: Connecting Room, 1F----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter this area, proceed forward and turn left, entering the
elevator and taking it to the second floor.
----Location: Command Center of Complex—----
Enemies: None to worry about
Items: None
To Do: When you enter this area, proceed forward and then quickly turn left and
enter the door you will find.
----Location: Garage of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After entering this area, take the lift down and exit though the main
doors, towards the giant tank.
----Location: Tank Area of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After exiting from the garage, proceed around the tank and take the lift
----Location: Underneath Tank Area----
Enemies: Spiders
Items: None
To Do: Once down the lift, go forward, turn left when you come to the bend, and
go all the way down the path. You will come to a door, use the halberd in the
door to enter.
---Chris now enters the hanger bay of the Ashford Island. Utilizing a plane
that he finds there, Chris flies to the Arctic Complex, where he will attempt
to find Claire---
PLEASE NOTE: You are now in the arctic complex
----Location: Complex Hanger Bay----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After exiting the plane, proceed forward and around the bend in the
path, exiting through the double steel doors ( note, one is the emergency
elevator and is not open at this time )
----Location: Central Area of Complex----
Enemies: Two Tentacles
Items: None
To Do: When you enter, you will be greeted by a green tentacle………how odd. Kill
it and then you will meet another, kill it as well ( by firing until it
retracts ). Proceed forward and down the ladder, going on until you reach the
stairs. Go down the stairs.
----Location: Web-Filled Connection Room-----
Enemies: Moths
Items: None
To Do: When you reach the bottom level, proceed straight away until you reach
the door to the safe room, enter it.
----Location: Complex Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Paper Weight, Ink Ribbon
Files: Alfred's Diary
To Do: When you enter this room, it might be a good idea to save, as you have
tough times ahead. First, walk forward and approach the cabinet with the
halberd indentation beside it ( like the one before the jet fighter room on the
previous island ). Use the halberd in the indentation to open the lower
cabinet. Inside, grab the paper weight, the ink ribbon, and the file. Once
done, get whatever items you need and leave the area. Note: Please be sure to
take the Empty Extinguisher out of your item box BEFORE you leave.
----Location: Web-Filled Connection Room-----
Enemies: None to worry about
Items: None to worry about
To Do: Simply run forward and when you reach them, ascend the stairs.
----Location: Central Area of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After you have ascended the stairs, continue along the path and enter
the first door you come to.
----Location: Dormitory of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: Grenade Rounds and anything you missed with Claire.
To Do: Run through this room and pick up anything ( Grenade Rounds ) that you
missed before. Leave the room when done.
----Location: Central Area of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Continue down the path and when you reach them, go through the double
----Location: Ice Filled Connection Area-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Remember this place, this used to be above the conveyor belt. When you
enter the area, run along the catwalk to Chris' left and enter the door when
you come to it.
----Location: Mining Room of Complex----
Enemies: Five Zombies
Item: Octa Valve Handle
To Do: When you enter, walk around the catwalk and onto the open ice. Proceed
though the sleeping zombies to the familiar turn off switch for the gas leak (
with Claire ). Grab the octa valve handle. After you grab the handle, bring out
the heavy guns, as the zombies are back! The zombies come alive in the room.
Kill or avoid all five and exit the room the way you came in.
----Location: Ice Filled Connection Room-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: You see that giant spider under the ice. Scary, huh? After entering this
area, run around the catwalk, past the way you initially came into this place,
and go through the door before the break in the catwalk.
----Location: Metal Shop of Complex----
Enemies: Three Zombies
Items: Shotgun Shells, Duralum Case.
To Do: After entering, kill all zombies and proceed to enter the now open cage.
Get the shells and the case from inside the cage and leave the room.
----Location: Ice Filled Connection Room-----
----Location: Connection Hallway off Ice RRoom----
Enemies: One Hunter Camera
Items: None
To Do: Wesker is here? Yes he is, and this camera is proof. Beware as most
likely it will see you at the start and unleash a hunter. Kill the hunter with
whatever you have and enter the first door you come to.
----Location: Secondary Control Room of Coomplex----
Enemies: None yet
Items: Extinguishant.
To Do: When you enter, proceed forward and push the flashing blue switch. Upon
activation, the switch will release the extinguishant. Use it to refill your
extinguisher. When done, descend the lift.
----Location: Storage Area of Complex----
Enemies: None to worry about
Items: Magnum, Handgun Bullets (x3)
To Do: Upon arriving in this area, use the extinguisher on the fire to put it
out. Proceed forward and grab the magnum, the most powerful weapon in the game.
After this, run through the area until you once again reach the cabinet with
the detonator on it. Use the lighter to detonate it and you will receive the
handgun bullets from inside. Once done, leave the area by going up the lift.
----Location: Secondary Control Room of Coomplex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you re-enter this room, exit the way you initially entered it.
----Location: Connection Hallway off Ice RRoom----
Enemies: Two Hunter Cameras.
Items: None
To Do: Avoid both hunter cameras and proceed down the hallway until you reach
an elevator guarded by the second camera. Carefully proceed past the camera and
down the elevator.
----Location: Large Area Outside House-----
Enemies: None to worry about
Items: None to worry about
To Do: Quickly proceed forward and enter the door opposite of you when you
----Location: Ice Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Simply enter the door to Chris' left once you enter this icy hallway.
----Location: Generator Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Blue Herb, Green Herb (x2), Handgun Bullets (x2), Shotgun Shells, Ink
Utilities: Typewriter and an Item Box
To Do: When you enter, promptly go past the table and generator and use the
octa-valve handle in the far machine. Once used, go to the machine opposite the
door and throw the lever. The lights will come on after this. Proceed to grab
all the items I described and do whatever else. When ready, leave the room.
----Location: Ice Hallway---
Enemies: Six Zombies
Items: Blue Herb, Green Herb (x2)
To Do: Once entering this hallway, you will notice that there are six zombies
spread well over the course of it. Kill them all and grab the herbs on the way.
Once done, proceed around the curves and through the door at the end of the
----Location: Statue and Tiger Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Antarctic Lab Map, Handgun Bullets, Shotgun Shells, Magnum Bullets,
To Do: When you enter, proceed immediately to the statue and start pushing it.
Push it up the room and to the left, pushing it eventually over a large crack
in the floor. The floor will give way, the statue will fall, and you will grab
the map. Proceed then to grab the handgun bullets from off the table and the
shotgun shells from next to the handgun bullets. Then proceed out of the statue
room and down the narrow hallway, make a right and then left turn, ending up at
the tiger. Remove the jewels and get the magnum bullets and the socket. Once
done, leave the area through the door opposite the tiger.
Please note: At one point you have to go back to the save room to drop some
stuff of, so be wary.
----Location: Wasp Catwalk----
Enemies: Many wasps
Items: Wing Object, Green Herb (X2).
To Do: When you enter this room, proceed along the pathway until you see the
wasp hive. Proceed forward and grab the wing object. After you have it, quickly
turn around and go left, following the path, until you reach the door, making
sure to grab the green herb in front of it before you go in.
----Location: Freezing Chamber----
Enemies: None
Items: Alfred's Jewel
To Do: When you enter, proceed forward and go up the steel stairs. Once up, go
to the right and access the machine there. Input the following code ( from
looking at your paper weight )
AA Symbol, Crown, Heart, Spade.
Once input, the machine will open a hatch, put the paper weight in it. Once
that is accomplished, the freezing chamber will open and Alfred's remains will
drop out. Grab the ring, examine it to get the jewel, and leave the room.
----Location: Wasp Catwalk----
Enemies: Wasps
Items: Green Herb
To Do: Once you exit, proceed down and along the catwalk, passing by the way
you initially entered this area. When you get to the end, turn left, grab the
green herb, and enter the other door of this area.
----Location: Experimentation Room----
Enemies: Five Zombies
Items: Handgun Bullets, Green Herb (x2), Blue Herb
Files: Research Report on the Queen Ant
To Do: When you enter, kill the two zombies that are there to greet you. Once
this is done, grab the file and the herbs from this room. When finished, go
into the secondary room, kill the zombies, and grab the bullets. When you are
done, leave the room.
----Location: Wasp Catwalk----
Enemies: Wasps
Items: None
To Do: Try to avoid the wasps, go down, go right, and follow the path. When you
get to a break, where you can turn right ( the first right ), take it and go
through the door at the end of the path ( to the tiger and statue room ).
----Location: Statue and Tiger Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter this room, simply proceed back the way you initially came
and exit into the arctic hallway.
----Location: Ice Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Simply proceed along the hallway and enter the safe room when you come
to it.
----Location: Generator Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
Utilities: Typewriter and an Item Box
To Do: When you enter, you will need to go to the machine directly in front of
you. Proceed to flip the lever again, to turn off the power. When this is
accomplished, leave the room. Be sure to take a knife with you when you are
----Location: Ice Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter this area, promptly turn to your right and exit through
the door you see next to you.
----Location: Large Area Outside House-----
Enemies: One Sweeper.
Items: Wing Object (x2)
To Do: When you enter, prepare to fight a sweeper, who will run to you after a
minute. Kill it and proceed along to the path, eventually reaching a
merry-go-round. When you come to it, descend into the water and grab the wing
object that you find there. There is also one more wing object on the ground
near the merry-go-round. Once done, proceed back along the path and enter the
door to the house.
----Location: Mansion, Lobby----
Enemies: None
Items: A Combat Knife
To Do: When you enter, proceed around the stairs to the back of the first
level. Use the combat knife to free Claire ( its Claire!! ) and she will talk
to you. Once you are done, you will need to get her an antidote. Proceed out
the way you entered.
----Location: Large Area Outside House-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you re-enter this area, proceed back to your left, the way you
initially came, and go down the hallway where you faced the sweeper. Exit
through the door on your RIGHT.
Note: Be sure to get the octa-valve handle from in the item box and combine it
with the socket to create the square valve handle, you will need it shortly.
----Location: Connection Hallway off Ice RRoom----
Enemies: Two Hunter Cameras
Items: None
To Do: Avoid the first camera when you enter and proceed along the path. When
you come to it, enter the first door on your right.
----Location: Secondary Control Center of Complex---
Enemies: One Sweeper
Items: Crane Key
To Do: When you enter, proceed forward, past the extinguishant, and use the
lift. When you reach the top, proceed to move along the path until you come to
the water and a four sided hole. Use the valve with socket attached in the hole
and the water will drain. Proceed down the ladder and when you hit bottom, pick
up the crane key. Once done, a sweeper will ambush you. Kill it and leave the
room the way you entered.
----Location: Connection Hallway off Ice RRoom----
Enemies: One hunter camera
Items: None
To Do: When you Enter, quickly turn to your right and exit the area through the
door you will see there.
----Location: Ice Filled Room----
Enemies: One really large spider
Items: Alexander Piece
To Do: When you enter, proceed quickly to Chris' right and then hang a left.
You will then come to a control panel for the crane. Use the key in it and
activate the crane. Once activated, the crane will pull Nosferatu out of the
water, dropping his green piece. This will release the spider also. Chris and
Alexia will then exchange words ( she shows up for some reason ). When this is
over, the spider will attack. When you regain control, grab the piece from off
the ice and leave the room the way you entered it.
----Location: Connection Hallway off Ice RRoom----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter, proceed to enter the door next to you.
----Location: Secondary Control Center of Complex----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After entering, proceed immediately to the lift DOWN and take it down.
----Location: Storage Room of Complex----
Enemies: Three Zombies
Items: Serum
To Do: Remember, Claire has been poisoned, if you follow the map, the serum
should be in here. Once you descend the lift, there will be three zombies
waiting to greet you. Kill them all and proceed forward and grab the serum off
the nearest shelf. Once done, retreat up the lift
----Location: Various----
Enemies: As many as you didn't kill
Items: None to worry about, but make sure the shotgun is in the item box.
To Do: Once up the lift, leave the room you are in. Then proceed down the
hallway and descend through the elevator. Once down to the large area outside
the house, proceed down the path and enter the house.
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: None to worry about
Items: None
To Do: When you enter, you will tend to Claire's wounds and a scene develops. I
will not spoil it, but you will regain control of Claire.
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Now that the lobby has been ruined, you will proceed straight forward
and enter the door.
----Location: Mansion Oasis----
Enemies: None
Items: Green Herb, Red Herb, Shotgun Shells, Handgun Bullets, Magnum Bullets,
Flame Rounds, Grenade Rounds.
Utilities: An Item Box
To Do: This is a haven. You will gather all the items that I have said and here
are some instructions: Use the lockpick on the Duralum case to get some magnum
rounds, hang the shotgun on the hooks to get the flame and grenade rounds, and
PLEASE have at least three items to heal you full in your inventory before you
leave. When you are ready, exit through the door beyond the book shelf.
----Location: Long Hallway----
Enemies: Two tentacles.
Items: Bow Gun Bolts, Grenade Rounds
To Do: When you enter, proceed forward until you meet a tentacle. Kill it and
continue on until you kill another. Notice the carts, you can push two of them
( remember resident evil one ) to get the items I described. When ready,
proceed to the end of the hallway and exit through the door.
----Location: Prison----
Enemies: One Zombie
Items: Bow Gun Arrows (x2), Security Card
Files: Security File
To Do: When you enter, proceed forward. You will eventually come to a zombie,
who is coming out of an open jail cell. Kill it and proceed on. When you reach
the stairs, go up them. Be careful here. Go past the dark spot on the floor to
the security file next to the cannon. Then use the handle on the cannon to
lower the mouth of it. Out will drop a crystal ball. Then, the crusher will
drop and start to raise, run under it and to the left ( your left ) to grab the
crystal ball. Now be careful, as one hit will kill you. Run under the crusher
and up, just letting it miss you. Then, as it is rising, place the crystal ball
under it ( go under it and use the crustal ball ). Let it drop, grab the card,
and it will lock ( its safe now ). Go into the jail cell next to the crusher
and grab the two bow gun bolt sets. When you are done with that, go down the
stairs again and find the door next to the door you came in. Go through it. Be
ready for a large battle.
----Location: Steve's Chamber----
Enemies: Steve
Items: None
To Do: When you enter, approach the security console and use the security card
in it. Once that is accomplished, go forward and talk to Steve. He will
transform. Once you regain control, quickly do an about face and run your rear
off, healing every time you get hit ( FULL HEAL ). If you make it far enough,
you will loose control and a scene develops. Steve dies ( I will not give
details ), and you leave Claire for good.
Note: Now you regain control of Chris
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: Alexia, First Form
Items: Alexia's Jewel ( pendant )
To Do: When you again see Chris, you will notice he is hiding behind a pillar.
The camera will zoom then to a shot of, yes, that is he, Wesker, talking to
Alexia. He demands that she come with him, she refuses and beats the holy heck
out of him ( not before she transforms into a fiery creature ). Wesker escapes
and when you regain control, you are staring at Alexia. Use grenade rounds and
run around, keeping her under fire. Four bursts should do it. When she
collapses, grab her red jewel that she dropped and exit through the front
double doors.
----Location: Large Area Outside House-----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you get outside the house, simply proceed to Chris' left and when
you get to the two doors, take the one to the left.
----Location: Ice Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: When you enter this hallway, all you need to do is go into the safe room
via the door next to you.
----Location: Generator Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
Utilities: Typewriter and an Item box
To Do: I recommend you save here. All you need to do is use the item box. Get
the shotgun and anything you had Claire drop into the box, along with all three
jewels and the wing objects. When you have all of that, leave the room. Leave
the power off.
----Location: Various----
Enemies: None to worry about
Items: None to worry about
To Do: Leave the save room. Proceed to turn right and exit through the door
there. Then go down and take a right and go into the mansion.
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After entering, proceed to go forward and up the stairs. When you get
up, use the three jewels in the painting. When that is done, the painting will
lower and you will have access to a door. Go in it.
----Location: Mansion Hallway----
Enemies: Three Zombies
Items: None to worry about
To Do: Upon entering, proceed forward and kill all the zombies. When they are
all dead, enter the door that is forward and on the ( Chris' right ) of the way
you came in.
----Location: Mansion Control Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Green Herb (x2), Handgun Bullets, Shotgun Shells, Wing Object
Files: Code: Veronica Report
To Do: After entering, proceed forward and grab the green herbs that are in
front of you. Then proceed down the lift. When at the bottom, push the flashing
blue button to open the small bed. Grab the wing object off of it. Also search
the bottom level for the handgun bullets and the shotgun shells. When you are
done down there, go up the lift. Be sure to grab the code veronica report from
off the right hand console ( from when you enter ). When done, go up the small
stairs and out of the room.
----Location: Long Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: Security File, Security Card
To Do: When you enter, Chris will go to Claire's door. They will talk and
Claire will instruct Chris to find a self-destruct system. She will then slide
the file under the door. Examine the file to get the security card. Leave the
area from whence you came.
----Location: Long Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Simply run forward and enter the door straight across from you.
----Location: Control Room of Mansion----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After entering, proceed forward, down the stairs, and out the way you
initially entered the room.
----Location: Mansion Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: None to worry about
To Do: After entering the hallway, proceed to go to Chris' right and when you
reach the T-Junction, turn left and go into the first door.
----Location: Mansion Safe Room----
Enemies: None
Items: Ink Ribbon, First Aid Spray, Sterile Room Key
To Do: After entering, proceed to the back desk and open the right hand top
drawer. Inside is the sterile room key, take it. When you are ready, and have
everything you want from this room, leave the way you came in.
----Location: Mansion Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Go to Chris' right upon exiting the safe room and when you get to the
T-Junction, go up ( right ) and all the way to the end, exiting through the
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Upon entering the lobby, descend the stairs and turn left. Approach the
left hand set of double doors. When you reach them, use the sterile room key in
them and discard it when you have done so. Go through the doors.
----Location: Statue And Tiger Room ( Sterrile Room )----
Enemies: None
Items: Red Jewel, Blue Jewel
To Do: Upon entering, run forward past the statue, run down the hallway with
the suits, turn left, turn left again, and approach the tiger. Once at the
tiger, grab both jewels and leave the room the way you entered it.
----Location: Mansion Lobby----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After re-entering the room, go up the stairs and through the door at the
----Location: Mansion Hallway----
Enemies: Five Zombies
Items: None to worry about currently
To Do: When you enter, you will be greeted by numerous zombies, kill them all (
there are three right away and two more lurking around ). Once they are all
dead, from the entrance door, go forward, turn left, turn right at the corner,
ignore the herbs ( we will get these later ), and go in the door on your right.
----Location: Blue Chamber----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: In this chamber, which is very familiar ( remember the Ashford mansion
on the island? ), you will approach the music box and insert the blue jewel.
Once done, go to the relief portrait and go through it.
----Location: Red Chamber----
Enemies: None
Items: Music Box Plate
To Do: Enter this room, close the music box, use the red jewel on the box. When
the box opens again, grab the plate and retreat to the blue chamber.
----Location: Blue Chamber----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After entering the chamber, approach the music box and insert the plate.
It will start playing and the ladder above the bed will again drop. Climb the
----Location: Above Blue Chamber----
Enemies: None
Items: Handgun Bullets, Green herb (x2), Ink Ribbon, Dragonfly.
To Do: Grab anything you need in this room, but you must get the dragonfly from
in the beaker. Once you have it combine the dragonfly with the wings to make a
dragonfly key. Once you have that and are ready, leave the room.
----Location: Blue Chamber----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Leave the room through the wooden door.
----Location: Mansion Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: Green Herbs
To Do: Get any herbs that you need ( you will see them in front of you ). When
you are ready, proceed forward, turn left, when you come to the T-Junction,
Turn left again, and then go into the first door on the left.
Note: You might want to save at this point and use an item box to prepare for
the final boss.
----Location: Mansion Control Room----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After entering this room, proceed forward, up the stairs, and out the
----Location: Long Hallway----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: Once you enter this hallway, go forward and enter the door that you come
----Location: Mansion Prison----
Enemies: None
Items: None
To Do: After entering this prison area, go forward all the way and then go up
the steel stairs at the end of the passage.
----Location: Platform Above Wasp Nest-----
Enemies: None yet
Items: None
To Do: After emerging here, go forward and use the dragonfly key in the
dragonfly hole near the door. Then proceed through the door.
----Location: Power Room of Complex----
Enemies: Three Zombies ( one is almost impossible to hit )
Items: Green Herb
To Do: Enter the room, kill all enemies, and grab the herb ( look for it ).
Once you are ready, go along the path ( farthest one ) and up the mini-ladder.
Approach the console and after following its instructions, enter the passcode:
"Veronica." Read the name of the game, heh. Once that is done, leave the room
Magnum, Fully Loaded
Magnum Rounds, As many as you have
First Aid Sprays, any that you can find
Full Herbs, Blue, Red and Green.
Any secondary weapon ( grenade Launcher with flame, acid, and regular rounds ).
Prepare yourself. You have Five Minutes to live.
----Location: Platform Above Wasp Nest-----
Enemies: Alexia, Second Form, Final Boss
Items: Linear Launcher
To Do: When you enter, Alexia and Claire will greet you. Claire and Chris will
then release the Linear Launcher. As Claire tries to escape, Alexia gets in her
way, shoot her quickly ( alexia ) with Chris. Upon that, Claire Escapes and
Alexia attacks in a second form. Throw everything you have at her. Go near the
dragonfly door for the safest spot ( from her tentacle attack ). When you have
hit her enough with the magnum, she will start flying and the linear launcher
will be released. Grab it quickly, and equip it. Fire the launcher into her
three times and she will be toast. Upon her death, Chris goes for the elevator
and makes it just in time. They escape and fly off as the complex explodes.
Section XI: FAQ, Disc 1
1. Who is Rodrigo?
A: Rodrigo is an umbrella security agent who escorted Claire to the island. He
is not your enemy.
2. How the heck do I get that case that fell out of the truck!
A: First, you must go to the control room of the prison, which is just beyond
the area with the security boxes and duplicator. There, if you toggle a switch,
a grating on the area outside the duplicator and security box hall ( Outside
Prison Area with a guillotine ) will go up, revealing a fire extinguisher. Use
this extinguisher on the fire, and then you can grab the case!
3. Who is Steve?
A: Steve is a prisoner who was imprisoned when his father, who worked for
umbrella, was caught. He is your friend.
4. How do I open the doors in the Mansion Hallway, that require two separate
A: This is complicated. One of the doors requires a silver key ( found in the
House of the Ashfords ) and one requires a gold key ( found in the military
complex ). Refer to the guide above for the locations.
5. I give up! Where can I find the air force proof!
A: The air force proof is the last thing you will acquire in the first disc (
last major thing ). It is located above the Merry-Go-Round, which in turn is
located above the room with the King Ant Object's music box. Please see that
section for details, but it is located on top of a shelf.
6. Can you tell me how to get the lugers? I'm stuck.
A: The lugers, which you will initially find in the Display room in the
mansion, cannot be taken, as a trap will activate. Eventually Steve will take
them, solving the problem of the room. Much later on, you will find some
machine guns in the military complex. Trade them with Steve, and you will get
the golden lugers.
7. How do I defeat the tyrant?
A: Look above, its right above in the end of the walkthrough. My advice, move
quickly, shoot often, and have lots of healing devices.
1. Q: How do I get rid of those pesky moths?
A: You can't, they regenerate every time you re-enter the room. And if they lay
something on you, it will hatch and poison you.
2.Q: How do I beat Nosferatu?
A: Simply aim the sniper rifle at his chest and fire until he dies ( aim for
the heart ). If he doesn't die, pump him full of explosive bow gun rounds.
3.Q: What does the sniper rifle do?
A: Getting the sniper rifle allows you to play the battle mode outside the
4.Q: How can I kill that worm?
A: Don't try, its difficult, simply avoid it. But if you do load it full of
rounds, eventually it WILL die.
5.Q: Hey, wasn't there an automatic rifle?
A: Yes. I skipped it in the FAQ as I thought it was not that useful. However,
you may need it. If you wish to find it, it is in the Storage Room of the
Complex ( where the magnum was ).
6.Q: How the heck do I defeat that spider!?
A: Same answer as the worm.
7.Q: Where are the four wing objects?
A: 1. Near the Wasp Nest, 2&3. Area outside mansion ( in the water and on the
stone respectively ), 4.In the Mansion Control Room ( lower level ).
Section XIII: All Files for Resident Evil Code:Veronica
First: A special thanks to Brett Franklin for letting me borrow some of his, as
I missed a few during the game!
Thanks Brett!! You are the proverbial man!
----RED FILES----
----Alexander's Memo----
My father, Edward, discovered the mother virus in cooperation with Lord
Spencer, who was also a nobleman. They studied it for the purpose of military
use. Eventually their study took shape. They named a variation of the mother
virus, the "T-virus". To camouflage their research, they established Umbrella
Chemical, Inc. I majored in bio-genetics and have been involved with a top
secret project, supporting my father's research. However, my research went
through a difficult phase, and my father died in the middle of the project. We
are now at a major disadvantage against the other researchers, as there is
great competition in the field of T-virus research. I have disgraced the
honorable name of the Ashford family that out great ancestor Veronica
established. If nothing is done, Umbrella will be taken over by Spencer. I must
expedite the project to its fullest, without being detected by Spencer. After
much thought, I decided to establish a large-scale advanced research facility.
It will be located in the transport terminal that I created by using the
abandoned mine in the Antarctic. Within the facility, I'll have a room built.
It will be similar to the design of my mansion, the legacy of the late Trevor.
I will be able to cherish my sweet memories there... For security purposes,
this confidential project will be given a code-name. It is the same name if the
beautiful ancestor of the Ashford family, "Veronica" whom I wish to receive so
badly. I am confident that the result of my research will be as glorious as her
name, and that honor will be restored to the Ashford family again.
----Butler's Letter----
Sir Alfred, Please forgive me, as I must tell you of my abrupt departure by
leaving this letter. I first served your father, Lord Alexander, and have for
so long shared in the joys and sorrows of the Ashford family. Lord Alexander
disappeared unexpectedly 15 years ago, then an accident during an experiment
took the life of our dear Alexia. You were forced to become the master of the
family at a very young age, and nearly lost your sanity from the sorrow of
having lost all of your family members at once. There was nothing I could do,
and I felt powerless. I first though that I should kill myself to apologize. I
then realized that it would be an insult to our dear Lord Alexander and Alexia,
in the other world...
Scott Harman Butler, Ashford family
----Confession Letter----
Alexia, my sister, is a genius and possesses unmatched beauty. She is
everything to me. I would overcome any obstacle and be willing to risk my life
for her. For Alexia, I must revive the glorious Ashford family which fell
during the era of my father, Alexander. Together, we will restore our family
name. Once that has been achieved, I'll build a palace where only nobles may
gather. I cannot allow the unwashed to see my dear Alexia, to whom my life is
devoted to. She reigns the world as queen, with I as her servant. That is my
dream, and how sweet it will be. Those accomplishments will be proof of my love
toward Alexia. It is the purpose of my existence. All other people are
meaningless, and they shall prostrate themselves before Alexia and I.
Devoted to my beloved Alexia, Alfred Ashford
----Secret Passage Note----
The underground passage which leads to the mansion where Alexia and I live, has
been badly damaged. Although I can never allow the unwashed to see Alexia, I
cannot go on using the underground waterway that those local people made,
either. Oh yes...I think I'll have those prisoners build a bridge. It must be a
gorgeous bridge that benefits the perfection that is Alexia. Of course, I must
kill everyone who's involved in the construction of the bridge after it is
done, so that no one will know about the existence of our mansion. But that is
okay, as I have no problems executing such matters. Once the bridge is
completed, I'll seal the mansion entrance door at the end of the underground
waterway. The entrance of the waterway is locked by the diorama trick, ensuring
the secrecy of our mansion.
Alfred Ashford
----Code:Veronica Report----
After many long years of research, I finally identified the inheritance element
that administers the intelligence of man. I even succeeded in manipulating the
absolute value of intelligence artificially, by recomposing the base alignment
of the element. I then sampled the gene of out great ancestor, manipulated its
element, then implanted it into the unfertilized egg of a surrogate mother.
What I didn't expect was that twins, a boy and a girl, were born. The boy had
higher intelligence than normal, but not high enough for him to be considered a
genius. However, the girl had unmatched intelligence that easily allowed her to
be classified as a genius. She was exactly what I had been looking for, the
revival of out great ancestor. I already determined their names: the girl's
name, Alexia, and the boy's name, Alfred. I'm certain that Alexia will elevate
the name of the Ashford family to extreme glory.
Alexander Ashford
----Alfred's Diary----
January 30th -There's a sealed room in the hallway located inside of the
Antarctic facility. I don't know what is hidden there, but I do not know how to
get in. I can use the three jewels that each one of our three members wear as
proof of being legitimate descendant of the Ashford family. The only problem
is, I do not know how I can gain possession of my father's proof.
February 17th -I finally succeeded in entering that sealed room. I never could
have imagined that such an insane secret existed regarding the birth of both
Alexia and myself... I hate my father. That fool, Alexander...Now it is obvious
that we were merely created in an attempt to cover my father's blunder. I can
never trust him again. I must regain the glory of the Ashford family with my
sister. I have nothing to be afraid of, as long as Alexia is with me.
March 3rd -Alexia carried out the experiment on the human body that we've been
talking about. Our useless father must be happy now, since he can finally
contribute to the Ashford family. The only thing we should be careful about is
that the butler, Harman, does not become wise to our activities.
April 22nd -The experiment resulted in failure. Our father was useless after
all. Even worse, he turned into a dangerous monster that is completely out of
control. We tied him down and locked him up in an underground prison cell.
However, Alexia seems to be close to a solution. Beyond all my expectations,
she now says that she wishes to conduct the experiment on her own body. On top
of that, she feels she must be kept asleep for 15 years in order to accomplish
the experiment. Thanks to that idiot, I can't see my dear Alexia for as long as
15 years. Alexia is going to sleep, with all of her trust relying upon me. Now,
I am the only one who can protect Alexia.
----Queen Ant Report----
After discovering the remains of an ancient virus within the genes of a queen
ant, I have been concentrating on the research of ants. The ecosystem of the
ants seems truly ideal to me. There is one queen ant in each anthill, and the
soldier and worker ants are the queen's slaves. They dedicate their lives to
the queen. The death of the queen ant means the doom of the entire anthill.
However, the soldier and worker ants can be easily replaced as long as the
queen ant is alive. This is exactly the same relationship between myself and
other ignorant masses. I have succeeded in creating an ideal virus by
implanting the queen ant's gene into the mother virus that Spencer found. I
used my otherwise useless father as a test subject. However, as I expected, the
virus caused a rapid change in his cells, triggering the complete destruction
of his brain cells and body flesh. Furthermore, a special type of poison gas
was generated inside his body, that the blue herb had no effect against.
Because of this, I created an antidote in case of an emergency, and stored it
inside of the weapon/chemical warehouse on the B2 floor. I have decided to name
this virus with unimaginable potential, the "T- Veronica" virus. When I find
out how I can fully utilize the power of wonderful virus, my great research
will finally be complete.
Alexia Ashford
----Virus Research Report----
Work continues on the "T-Veronica" virus which I extracted from the queen ant.
The more research I conduct on it, the more I am impressed by how much
potential it has. I have finally implanted the virus into my own body, and
discovered how to fully utilize its power. I will avoid making the mistake that
I made on my father. I will suppress the activity of the virus at an ultra-low
temperature, so that my cells will change slowly. My calculations indicate that
it will take 15 years before my body will gain immunity, and become able to
coexist with the virus. Until then, I have no choice but to trust the capsule
that I will be in, to that inept but loyal soldier ant who is my brother. For
me to obtain unlimited power, some risks need to be taken. When I awaken, I
will be the queen... And the "T-Veronica" virus will be unleashed upon the
entire world by my children. Every last creature on earth will exist to serve
me. At that time, the world will achieve the perfect ecosystem, just like an
anthill, but on a much grander scale.
Alexia Ashford
----BLUE FILES----
----Playing Manual----
CHECK ALL ITEMS When you obtain a new item, always remember to look at it with
the "Check" command on the status screen. Remember, it's always best to rotate
the item so you can check it from different angles.
TRY TO PUSH OBJECTS If you face an object and press and hold up on the
directional button, sometimes you will be able to push it. You may find hidden
rooms and items this way.
USE THE QUICK TURN You can turn 180 degrees instantly by pressing the Cancel
button while holding the directional button down. This is a very effective move
when you attack an enemy and then want to turn around and run.
USE THE MAP SCREEN When you are lost or are unsure of what to do, check the map
screen. You can easily tell where you've been and can see which doors you have
CLIMB/DESCEND You can climb/descend some objects. To do this, face the object
and then push the Action button.
SECURITY BOXES The items you store in a Security Box in the prison cannot be
accessed through an Item Box. Make sure you remove all important items from a
Security Box before exiting a room.
trap by yourself. After certain events occur, you will be able to release the
trap and obtain the Gold Lugers.
I CAN'T ENTER THE BIO-EXPERIMENT ROOM Once the shutter near the bio-experiment
room shuts, you can't open it until the ventilation process completes due to
the in-room air pollution problems.
I CAN'T CLIMB THE LADDER IN THE BEDROOM You will need to place a pair of items
onto the two music boxes. Then you will have to...
I CAN'T SEND LOADS PROPERLY WITH THE SORTER The sorter judges which room each
load will be sent to by an item that is posted on the load. You should check an
already sorted load in the room you would like to send your load to and then...
CHARACTER SWITCHING When your player character changes, make sure to leave
enough weapons and ammo for the others.
----Fax on the facility access applicationn----
Be sure to verify the content of the following facility access application
form, and add the applicant's name to the expected visitor's list. Chief,
Prison guard room Paul Steiner I hereby apply for access permission for Prison
Area D. Details follow, Visitor's name: Carl Grisham Purpose of Entry:
Carrying in the following materials;
1. New product sample from Metal Industries Co: "TG-01".
2. Various daily commodities ordered by the prison. Note: 1. Will use a
transportation truck. 2. "TG-01" sample will be stored in a designated
----"TG-01" Product Description----
Thank you for your continued support and for our products. This time we have
gathered our most advanced technologies, and have succeeded in creating the
unique anti-metal deception alloy "TG-01". -TG-01 features?- 1. Cannot be
detected by any metal detectors. 2. Cannot be pictured by photography at the
immigration check. 3. Lightweight, yet durable. We plan to develop various
weapons utilizing this innovative new alloy. We enclosed a sample for you to
review. We look forward to hearing from you regarding possible business
Metal Industries Co. Chief,
Development Planning
Carl Redhill
----User's Manual----
3-D Duplicator User's Manual Our new product, the "3-D Duplicator" consists of
two parts. _3-D Scanner Portion_ This portion scans the 3D object. Simply place
the material that you want to have scanned onto the tray of the scanner. The
scanned object will be processed into 3D data, which will be transferred to the
duplicator portion. _Duplicator Portion_ If you place the material you wish to
have converted on the machine, you can begin conversion based on the 3-D data
that was scanned portion. The conversion will be executed with complete data
accuracy. the result will be an object precisely true to the original.
----Memo on the Pass Number----
The emergency lock system in the biology experiment room can be released with
the four digit pass number. I hope you haven't forgotten about it already. I
have just revived an order from the system administrator requesting us to
change the pass number periodically. What bothers me is that you often lose
important memos, pass numbers, or even chemicals... So, in an attempt to solve
that problem, I came up with an idea. You know the red human skeleton picture
at the back of the biology experiment room? I have decided to use the number
signed on the picture as the pass number. If you happen to lose the memo just
use the picture. Well, I don't think you would ever need to use the emergency
pass number anyway. But just in case, now you know. Take it easy Mr. Careless!
----Message to the Family Master----
Sir Alfred, Congratulations on your succession as master as the Ashford family.
I hereby present you with an earthenware vase, according to the Ashford family
tradition. As you may know, this tradition first began when a butler presented
a golden teacup as a commemorative to Veronica. As founder of the Ashford
family, her intelligence and beauty are legendary. The second and third,
masters, Stanley and his son Thomas were also presented with similar teacups.
It was their hope to achieve glory as Veronica did before them. The position as
family master then shifted to Sir Thomas to his twin brother Sir Arthur. It
then went to Sir Edward, your grandfather. That was when the Ashford family
enjoyed it's golden age. It was also Sir Edwards achievement that established
the large chemical enterprise, Umbrella Inc. However, when Sir Edward passed
away, and your father Sir Alexander succeeded the position, the glorious
Ashford family gradually began to sink... I sincerely hope that the Ashford
family regains it's glory with your guidance, just as this vase continues to
shine eternally.
Scott Harman
Butler, Ashford Family
----Report: Enhanced Anti-Decay Alloy----
Although we planned to utilize the enhanced anti-decay alloy called "Deploid"
to create the storage capsule of the new B.O.W., we have had to cancel the
plan. This is primarily based upon the fact that despite it's excellent
resistance to all kinds of liquid including strong acid, it easily dissolves
when soaked with a mixture of the two chemicals, "Clement a" and "Clement E".
Due to the lethal nature of the new B.O.W., we cannot be too careful in
choosing the material for their storage capsule. We have instead decided to use
Deploid to create the plate portion of the "Eagle Plate", which shines in
CLEMENT INFORMATION The a type is used for gun maintenance and possesses no
conspicuous characteristics. However, the E type will change it's color to blue
at a certain temperature. (It is an odd coincidence that the temperature is
exactly the same as the date of completion of this training facility.) Based
upon our analysis of the E type, we believe that Clement possesses more
features. As new information is learned, we will update this file.
----Prisoner's Diary----
May 13th This room stinks of death. Based upon the information I've found, I
believe that I'm far south of the equator. Lucky for me that Bob in the bunk
below me, is one of those interesting types of guys...
May 16th Today Bob told some crazy story of why he was put this place with me.
Bob said that he used to be an attendant of the head of this place. This "boss"
named Alfred supposedly placed him in here because of a tiny little mistake.
What does that mean? What's going to happen to me?
May 20th Without warning, a group of military men took Bob to the building
behind the guillotine stand. At midnight, I'll sneak out of here to see him.
I've been hearing that anyone taken to that building never comes back. On top
of that, there are these REALLY large plastic bags being constantly being
removed from that place. I'd better pray for Bob...
May 21st I was wrong. I shouldn't have gone there. What is going on it there?!
All I could here was some insanely creepy laughter and the sound of Bob
screaming. I don't know what to do. I can't stop thinking about it... Is that
going to happen to me?! I can't let it... I just can't...
May 27th Since my last entry, all of my fellow inmates have been taken to that
building! I know that I am next...It's obvious that we are all here to be used
as Alfred's guinea pigs. There's no way out! What am I going to do?!...
----Anatomist's Note----
There is a demon in my mind. I can't control the fierce impulses that the demon
sometimes drives me to act upon. It is a brutal ceremony. With the demon next
to me, I enjoy watching agonize in pain, screaming and convulsing repeatedly as
they die... But, Sir Alfred was kind enough to acknowledge me, and has given me
the facilities, the chemicals, and the "equipment" necessary to study
everything. I must never betray Sir Alfred's kindness. It is especially
critical that no one discovers the sacred place that only he and I know about.
I swear, the basement of this medical building will be kept secret. Of course,
I keep the key to the sacred place with me at all times. Even if an outsider
sees it, they will never be able to tell that it is the key. I must remember
that my life ends when I lose Sir Alfred's trust.
----Secretary's Note----
Four years have passed since I began serving Sir Alfred. He doesn't trust
anyone! Even though I am his attendant, I am still strictly prohibited from
entering his private house! What is his problem anyway?! They say he lives with
his twin sister, Alexia in his private house on the hill. Occasionally, I've
seen someone standing by the window of the house. It might have been Alexia,
whose extreme beauty is often talked about. I once asked Sir Alfred about this,
but it only enraged him. Even though I am his attendant. He will not show me
any lenience. If I ask about her again, I could put my life at risk. After all,
it is a mystery why he so desperately tries to keep his private life with
Alexia a secret.
Robert Dorson
----D.I.J's Diary----
December 27th
Today, a woman in red was taken to my home on Rockfort Island. I wonder what
she did to deserve such a fate? I've lived here for so long and have seen so
many people taken to the prison, but rarely have I seen someone released
alive... Out of nowhere, these strange soldiers appeared with weapons in their
hands. I suppose that the master of the island is being attacked by an opposing
organization. Since I was worried about the woman in red, I ran to her prison
but she was not there. I wonder if she is related to the attack on the
island... When I reached the military training facility, the master of Rockfort
Island was chasing the woman in red. I got careless and was almost killed under
a shutter. However, thanks to my natural agility, I managed to escape from the
danger and went outside. I guess I should be thankful for my nature skills...
When I heard the self-destruct announcement and saw the emergency signal, I
know that I had to get off the island. Was this all HER doing? I didn't have
time to think about it because I had to hurry to the hanger of the
transportation plane to escape... On my way to the transportation plane, a huge
monster appeared in front of the woman in red. It broke through the fences like
they were made of paper! Although I wanted to see what happened to the woman in
red, I decided to run to my destination... Even with all the explosions and
fires, the transportation plane took off with us on it. I thought that I was
safe. But somehow, that huge monster got onto our plane. With help from me, the
woman in red was able to drive the monster out of our plane. She is indeed a
woman to be respected... I can't believe it! Our transportation plane landed at
an Antarctic transportation base. Worse yet, the crews who took off with
another transportation plane before us, have scattered the T-Virus here. Now
this base is just like the island, where zombies and monsters wander around...
I won't be able to survive long in a place like this! I must find a way to
escape from here as soon as possible!! I will give up on that woman in red and
will start searching for another way... As I was resting in the darkness, I
sensed someone approaching. They're right next to me! The door was closed and I
couldn't escape so I just kept banging on the door like a maniac. Suddenly the
door opened, so I ran for it! But then I realized that I should not be afraid,
so I looked back. I found myself looking at the woman in red... Finally, I
found a blond hared man in sun glasses. It seemed he was going to escape in a
submarine. I felt that it was my last chance to escape from this crazy place of
white terror. So just before the submarine hatch closed, I successfully sneaked
into the submarine. That is my story of how I survived from that insane world
of horror.
----Newspaper Clip----
A 10 year old girl genius graduated at the top of her class, from a prestigious
university. The international corporation, Umbrella Chemical Inc., offered the
position of head researcher.
----Message Card----
My dear brother,
I firmly believe that the glory of the Ashford family will be revived through
your courage and strength as an honored soldier. Yours faithfully,
Alexia Ashford
----Hunk's Report----
Attn: Mr. Alfred Ashford, head of the facility
Today at 16:32, I arrived successfully from the Umbrella transport base with
the large-scale B.O.W. capsule. Extreme care was taken during transport, and
all 108 check points were confirmed condition "green" in accordance with
standard procedures. It is currently being stored in a freezer. There's one
thing that I don't understand. We are normally assigned to special missions.
Why were we ordered to transport a frozen capsule this time? I understand that
this may be classified as top-secret, but without knowledge of the contents,
our safety could be at risk during this transport. This is especially important
if the contents are potentially harmful. We would like to ask you provide us
with more information, should we be assigned similar missions in the future? I
still remember the good old days in the military training center. Nothing has
changed since then. We will gear up for the next mission today at 23:00.
Umbrella Special Forces Unit
----Worker's Diary----
October 30th When I joined Umbrella Inc., I thought that I would be able to
live care-free for the rest of my life, being employed by this huge
corporation. It's a joke that I ended up being a driver at a place like this. I
asked for a position change, but they completely ignored me. It feels more like
a prison! Work is extremely demanding, and there's nothing fun about it. I'd
rather be dead!
November 3rd My hard-earned vacation was canceled suddenly. I heard they failed
to secure enough manpower due to a mistake made by the facility head, Alfred.
That fool doesn't deserved forgiveness. He doesn't even treat us like human
November 5th I heard an interesting story from a guy who's been working here
for 8 years. He must be awfully patient... He says that there is a man who has
been confined for over 10 years, locked deep below here. People call him
"Nosferatu" and are deathly afraid of him. What an absurd story!
November 10th At midnight I woke up to an ominous growling sound that seemed to
be coming from deep under ground...I'm so pathetic to have been frightened by
such a foolish story. Then again, I suppose anyone would have a hard time
maintaining their sanity if they were confined in a place like this!
Section XIV: Battle Game Mini-FAQ
1. How do I get Wesker's Battle Game scenario?
A: Simply beat it once with one person.
2. Which scenario is the easiest to win, and why?
A: That would be Chris' scenario. It is very easy, even though his boss is the
most difficult, because he has the magnum at his disposal. The magnum ( which
you can use as much as you like ), will kill any regular monster in one hit.
3. Same question, except hard with easy.
A: The hardest is Wesker's scenario. I have a full walkthrough of it in the
next section.
4. I see so many herbs! Can I get em all?
A: No. Your score will go down if you pick up many herbs, so try to limit the
amount to pick up.
5. How is the final rating determined?
A: It is based on many things in all scenarios, except Wesker's. These things
include: how fast you are, how many herbs and/or healing devices you use, and
how many items you pick up. In Wesker's scenario, all you have to do is finish
in less then an hour and you will get an "A."
6. How do you use the knife well in Wesker's scenario?
A: This is discussed below, in section XII
Section XV: Walkthrough for Battle Game: Albert Wesker
Why am I writing a FAQ for Albert Wesker, one of the secret characters in the
battle game? The answer is simple, actually, in that Wesker is the hardest
character to beat the battle mode with. If you can beat the battle mode with
Wesker, like I and others have, then you are a god(dess). However, for many
people, it is difficult to win the battle mode with Wesker, and that is why I
am here.
Enemy Count:
74 Total Enemies
62 Zombies
Four Hunters
Two Sweepers
Six Bandersnatches
One Alexia First Form
Item Count:
Green Herbs: 7
Blue Herbs: 2
Weaponry: One Magnum
First Aid Sprays: 3
Starting Materials:
1 Combat Knife
3 Mixed Herbs
Requirements To Get An "A":
Beat the scenario in any time
Knifing Tactics:
Your primary weapon, except when you fight Alexia's first form as the final
boss of the scenario, will be the combat knife. It is very difficult to work
the knife, so you probably will run through the first two rooms a few times to
get a handle on the combat knife and its abilities and shortcomings. The best
tactic for using the combat knife against enemies is the simple wait and slash.
For zombies, the tactic is as follows; what you will do for this is stand and
wait for the zombie to come to you, and right as it gets near you, slash down,
towards its legs. If you time this well, you will hit the zombie's legs and it
will fall to the ground, where you can finish the job.
For hunters and bandersnatches, the technique is as follows; simply run to
avoid their attacks, especially the hunters, and slash at them, in a downward
motion. If you are successful at this, then the enemy will either die after a
few hits, or if you are lucky with a hunter, fall to the ground. This is
difficult, so practice makes perfect. You will probably want to do this in
third person mode, as it is easier to spot zombies and dispatch them with your
knife this way.
Walkthrough: (NOTE: The locations are random, and do not connect to actual
game locations)
Room 1: Four Zombies, No Items: You start as Albert Wesker, of course, in a
long sewer hallway. Equip the knife immediately. Slowly walk forward until you
see the first zombie stumbling towards you. Hold your position and as it gets
near you, start knifing at its legs. With luck it should drop and proceed to
kill it. Remember, if a zombie doesn't drop, keep trying and getting bit isn't
the end of the world. After the first zombie is dispatched, walk forward until
the view changes to behind you and wait there. After a period, three more
zombies will eventually reach your waiting area, dispatch them in the same
fashion, always chopping at their legs until they fall and then nailing them
when they are down. After all the zombies are dead, continue up the stairs.
Room 2: Six Zombies, One Green Herb: As you emerge, you will be afraid. There
are five zombies off to a distance, advancing towards you. Watch out when you
aim, as you automatically aim at the weapon explosive, so you must compensate.
Stand near the explosive, aim, correct your aim to face the zombies advancing
at you, and wait. When the first zombies arrive, chop them in the legs and
continue chopping down. Do not stop until all the zombies have been taken down
that were standing. You may get bitten a few times, so be careful. Advance past
the explosive and on the ground is a sleeper zombie that crawls, take him out
by chopping down. Do not advance through the door yet, go right and on top of
the barrel, there is a green herb, take it.
Enter the door at the end of the long pathway, its a fence.
Room 3: Three Bandersnatches, One First Aid Spray: As you enter, run
immediately at the first bandersnatch, moving right next to it. Slash down at
it so you can avoid some of its hits. You WILL GET HURT, so keep chopping. As
you fight, you might need to use health. Use it if you must but try hard not to
get hit. After you dispatch the first one, there is a second right near it, so
run at it and slash downward at it. After you dispatch the second one, a third
emerges from a distant hallway that you can now clearly see. Run at it after it
peeks out and slash it to death. After it is gone, grab the first aid spray
from in the telephone stalls on the left hand side of the room. Proceed down
the third bandersnatches hallway and exit through the door.
Room 4: Five Zombies, No Items: As you enter, the room is very dark, but you
will see one zombie immediately, carefully approach and slash it, trying not to
get hit by it. Take it down in the traditional method and turn Wesker to his
right, as there is a fast approaching zombie from that direction. Take him down
by knifing the legs and finishing the job. Now walk slowly into the open
hallway that you can see, there are three zombies hiding in there. Enter the
area and secure a small area to position yourself at, near the entrance to the
hallway. Make sure there is enough room so when you slash, you do not hit a
wall. Wait for all the zombies(3) to come to you and when each one approaches,
slash at its legs and take that sucker down. Once all three are dead, proceed
through the door in the hallway.
Room 5: Six Zombies, No Items: This room is easier then it appears. As you
enter, immediately slash downward as there is a zombie right next to you. After
it is dead position yourself on top of the stairs and wait, do not go down
them. As you wait, zombies will start to eventually climb the stairs, proceed
to take them down one by one as the climb by slicing downward in their
stair-climbing direction. After a couple die like this, go down the stairs and
finish off the remaining two or three by positioning yourself in a good place
and slashing downward at their legs and finishing the job when they hit the
ground. Leave the room once you are done.
Room 6: Two Hunters, One Green Herb: This is the hardest room of all, in the
entire scenario. As you enter, run back and to your right because those hunters
come fast. Avoid their leaps and slash down at their legs to kill them and/or
knock them down. Try not to sustain too much damage, even though it is not
possible to truly leave healthy. Grab the green herb from upon the barrel
towards the exit door and proceed through the exit, healing if needed, as there
are two more hunters in the next room.
Room 7: One Hunter, One Sweeper, One Green Herb, One Blue Herb: This room is
also semi-difficult, as there are two hunters, one being a poison one. After
you enter, immediately aim and wait one second to slash down, as the hunter
will emerge from the off screen to your right. This is the poison one. Slash
down and try to knock it down. After it is dead, deal with the fast approaching
hunter from straight ahead of you. Kill it in the same way and turn to where
the poison hunter came from, grabbing a green herb. Run around the machinery
and grab the blue herb on the conveyor belt. Climb the stairs and exit.
Room 8: Four Zombies, No Items: Enter and aim down and to your left
immediately, slash, as there is a zombie right there. Then position yourself,
after it dies, in a position far behind the explosive and wait for the three
remaining zombies to come at you. As each approaches, take the conventional
approach to killing it. After they all die, exit through the back.
Room 9: Five Zombies, No Items: As you enter, turn around, aim down, and
attack the zombie right behind you. After it is dead, slowly proceed forward
until you see the next zombie. Kill it in the traditional manner and advance
some more, killing two more zombies like this. After four are dead, advance to
the back of the room and kill the live zombie on the floor. Exit through the
side door.
Room 10: Eight Zombies, No Items: The hardest zombie room in the scenario.
Simply aim down, slash, and try to live. Kill the zombies in an orderly fashion
and heal when needed. Good luck. When done advance through the end door
Room 11: Five Zombies, One First Aid Spray: As you enter, brace yourself by
walking slowly forward and taking a good position to kill the two close
zombies. Dispatch them each by slashing at the legs and killing them on the
ground. Try to hit both at the same time, although its difficult. After that,
there are three more. Walk slowly forward and view the fat zombie or skinny
one, or both, coming at you. Back up, take a position, and dispatch them.
Advance by turning right and dispatching the fifth zombie that is coming at
you. Pick up the first aid spray by rounding the final left bend, right before
the exit. After picking it up, exit the room.
Room 12: Four Zombies, One Green Herb, One Blue Herb: Start by walking
forward and simply taking a position. Wait for the first three zombies to come
to you and slash them down as they do. Then walk beyond the explosive and
dispatch the fourth zombie beyond the wall, you cannot see him yet and he is
off to your right. Pick up the green and blue herbs from on the box. Enter the
first gray door, which the oasis.
Room 13: No Enemies, Two Green Herbs, One Blue Herb, One Magnum ( six rounds ):
As you enter, you will notice that there are no enemies in this room ( thank
the maker! ). Grab the green herbs from off the counter at the bar, grab the
blue herbs from the same place, and get the magnum from in the slot machine
that is illuminated. Exit the room when you have everything, you will not use
the magnum for awhile.
Room 14: One Hunter, One Sweeper, One First Aid Spray: Once you enter, walk
along the path until you meet a hunter, slash at its legs until it is dead or
it falls. Be sure to maintain high health so you are not decapitated. Round the
corner and kill the quickly approaching sweeper. Once it is dead, heal and cure
poison if needed and grab the first aid spray from in the slightly open locker.
Exit when you are done.
Room 15: Six Zombies: Once you enter this cold area, you will be engaged by
many zombies. Simply take up one position and stay there, continuously slashing
at the legs until they all are fallen. Once you have gotten them all, leave
into the next room.
Room 16: Four Zombies: Once again, simply kill all the zombies in this area by
finding a good position and killing off the zombies. Once you are done, exit
through the other door.
Room 17: Five Zombies: This area is large and has many zombies centralized in
the middle of it. Simply take a position and stand pat, letting them come to
you and slashing at their legs when they arrive. If too many get too close,
simply run to another area of the room and set up operations again. Once all
are dead, leave the area.
Room 18: Three Bandersnatches, One First Aid Spray: Once you enter, run quickly
towards the two bandersnatches on the left side of the desk and dispatch them,
healing when needed. Once they are gone, quickly run back around the desk and
down-slash the remaining bandersnatch into death. Once they are all dead, grab
the first aid spray off the area behind the desk and exit the area.
Room 19: Alexia, First Form: As you enter, you will notice this room is devoid.
Start to climb the stairs and you will be greeted by Alexia. When you have
control again, run to an area far from her and equip the magnum. Unload all six
rounds into her, healing when needed, to destroy here.
There! You have done it! Wesker's battle game is now over! You won, good work.
Section XVI: Information
This section is to relate any email I receive. If you happen to find an error
in my guide or something you might have to add ( that I may have missed ), or
simply any commentary on how the guide is, this is where I will post it. I
accept all criticisms:
Current on display: 1
Shameless Self Plug here:
>From Brett "Nemesis" Franklin: Brett states that my FAQ is great, a tribute to
the series with its original style and good body.
Well Brett, thank you. This FAQ would not be what it is without you. You are my
inspiration. Thanks a million. PS: Come to Los Angeles, Darnit!
Section XVII: Credits
I would like to thank the following for making this guide possible:
Brett "Nemesis" Franklin- He is a genius at the art of the FAQ. He has given me
much support and opinion, I couldn't have done it without him.
Jeff "CjayC" Veasay- The owner/creator of GameFAQS has inspired me to write
faqs for the series I love, Resident Evil. I thank him for such a great site.
Capcom- For making the best series ever possible.
The entire Resident Evil crew- You guys are the best!
All of my friends at GameFAQS- You people support me an enormous amount. Thanks
for the memories!
This work is Copyrighted by Wroth ( Copyright Wroth 2000 ). If you steal it, I
will press legal action.