Welcome to my Guestbook!

Tester1 - 02/11/00 08:52:45

Tristan Jenkinson - 02/03/00 14:47:16
My Email:mat8tjbj@leeds.ac.uk
Favourite Bands: Feeder, Stumble, Crashland (currently)
Favourite Cheese: Pineapple cheese with crushed nuts on the outside... it exists I promise!!
Person You Want Dead: Anyone who steals my pineapple falavoured cheese with crushed nuts on the outside.
Favourite Smurf: Smurfette (ooooh the sex appeal!!)
Hmmm, either I sign the guestbook, or die... Ooooh the choice!!!

Ali - 01/29/00 12:14:36
My Email:alison.mccullough@spc.ox.ac.uk
See David, I took the hint to visit your site! All I can say is: I'm an English student - I hate maths. And your lecturers look like convicts. But so do mine! Seeya, Ali

Pikachu - 01/28/00 09:47:53
My Email:pika?
Favourite Bands: pi?
Favourite Cheese: chu!!!!
Person You Want Dead: pi-ka
Favourite Smurf: pikachu.

Tristan Jenkinson - 01/26/00 18:07:48
Favourite Bands: Spice Girls, Take That, Boyzone, Bros
Stop deleting my signature from your guestbook!!!!

Stacey Berriman - 01/24/00 21:26:21
My Email:staceyb@uk.packardbell.org
Favourite Bands: Brian Adams (does he count?), Dire Straits
Favourite Cheese: Cheddar?!!!!
Person You Want Dead: Can't really answer that!
Favourite Smurf: Smurfette (who else!!)
Cool website, David! At least now you know I've been here. I'm sure Bri's revision note are handy, although I haven't looked at them, and I'm pleased that my MD made it to the definitive derbrookster listings!!! Love Stacey xxx

Emma C - 01/08/00 10:51:32
My Email:mat9ejc
thanks for the revision notes brian!

Emily Grief - 12/21/99 18:50:56
My Email:mat9eeg@leeds.ac.uk
Favourite Bands: The Corrs
Favourite Cheese: Cathedral Chedder
Person You Want Dead: Sadam Hussain
Favourite Smurf: ???????!!!!!!!
Arggggggg!!! Spam!!!!!!!

Thor! - 12/12/99 22:24:32
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/gypsy/215/
My Email:mr_xaniwoop@hotmail.com
Favourite Bands: Dragon Ash ; Paul Simon, Dire Straits , Blue Banana BAnd
Favourite Cheese: Anything that goes with brown sauce
Person You Want Dead: the nasty part of me
Favourite Smurf: the blue one!!!
Interesting site.! more to follow!.............

Kylie Minogue - 12/10/99 15:03:11
Favourite Bands: ME!!
Favourite Cheese: ME!!
Person You Want Dead: ME!!
Favourite Smurf: ME!!

Davros - 12/10/99 14:58:36
Favourite Bands: Exterminate!
Favourite Cheese: Exterminate!
Person You Want Dead: Exterminate!
Favourite Smurf: Exterminate!

Rob - 12/10/99 14:55:04
My Email:mat8rwjt@leeds.ac.uk
Favourite Bands: Queen
Favourite Cheese: Mozzarella (with a pizza)
Person You Want Dead: You KNOW who you are!!!
Favourite Smurf: The blue one
It is not a question of who, how, or why, just of when!

Rob - B5 CCG player - 12/10/99 14:52:30
My Email:burn_the_sheep@yahoo.com
Favourite Bands: Rubber
Favourite Cheese: Narn Vorlon
Person You Want Dead: Lord Mollari and the Shadow mark deck

Rory the Tiger - 12/10/99 14:51:03
Holiday with Haven!!

Emporer Mollari - 12/10/99 14:50:06
Favourite Bands: Bands??
Favourite Cheese: Spoo
Person You Want Dead: Sheridan & Delenn
Favourite Smurf: Smurfs?
The mighty Centauri Republic stand alone against the evil alliance.

- 12/10/99 08:58:54

With a little ingeneous phrasing

The proofs detail is no longer dazing

Now we can dream

of a finite flat scheme

and say....wow, that proof is amazing!

Shaun!! - 11/24/99 08:59:09
My Email:lots_of_sheep@yahoo.com
Favourite Bands: umm....okay I'm still thinking.....blur?
Favourite Cheese: wensleydale
Person You Want Dead: The smurfs, tweedledee, tweedledum etc...............
Favourite Smurf: none, they all should die!!!!
Put the revision notes for Linear Algebra 2. And preferably the exam paper for this time. Please?

haj - 11/05/99 11:13:40
Favourite Cheese: Brie
Person You Want Dead: you
Favourite Smurf: Angry
This is v. stupid!!!

Brain - 11/04/99 10:35:01
My Email:mat9bac
Favourite Bands: LTRSND, Garbage, etc.
Favourite Cheese: queens gambit...(Oh, cheese!)...cheddar
Person You Want Dead: Guess
Favourite Smurf: dont have one
I like that guys linear algebra notes, they rock..OH, they're mine!!! Cool site.

Luc-ey Boy - 10/20/99 16:04:06
My Email:9905328@email.westherts.ac.uk
Favourite Bands: Dire Straits/Terrorvision
Favourite Cheese: Ghouda
Person You Want Dead: Any member of STEPS will do fine
Favourite Smurf: Orinoco

David Brook - 10/20/99 09:17:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/derbrookster
My Email:mat8drb@yahoo.com
Favourite Bands: A Lot
Favourite Cheese: Mature Cheedar
Person You Want Dead: ...........
Favourite Smurf: Papa Smurf
Bit shit really. Not much here yet.

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