- Go see There's Something About Mary
- If you make strawberry dacquiris with a food processor, be sure to hold the top down
- Go to Camp Dartmouth Hitchcock
- Never get a paper route if you like to sleep
- Check your gauges often
- Name the trouble, identify the consequences,suggest an alternative,move it, sell it, or leave the door open
- Don't put wool in the dryer
- Eat lots of Crunch and Munch
- Drink lots of Pepto Bismal
- Don't take Women's Studies if you are a Promise Keeper
- Never buy turtles from a sketchy man in Soho
- Don't tend to worry about the things that other people say
- If your english teacher tells you that you have a hip, humorous style, get very offended
- B's are very good
- Strive for B's
- Take day trips to Syracuse
- Stop being a vegetarian. Animals are delicious and you know it
- Too much cole slaw is a good thing
- Make blue your favorite color
- Realize that you will never be able to fulfill your dream of bearing Chris Farley's children
- Search for beads in your rug
- Don't name your dog Shamus
- Try your hand at sarcasm
- Don't run over cats- they get stuck in your wheel well
- Watch Jerry Springer faithfully
- Borrow money from Chadwick if you get desperate
- "What in the hell, Peg?"
- If all else fails, move in with Eva
- If you have a private joke with someone, keep it private
- Dont throw chapstick at your best friend on a cold winter day
- Be warned: 3D Doritos are gross...
- If you don't understand the joke of the day, don't bother trying to have it explained to you
- Never eat warm Mayo
- Try not to fall down while square dancing when trying to impress someone
- Talk to Aubry about it
- Stop after eight reps if your arms get too tired
- Try not to fall asleep while working out- it shows your not trying very hard
- Avoid Bacardi 151 like the plague
- Become comfortably numb
- Never tell someone that you think they are shaped wierd. It just may be true
- Tell everybody how awesome Emily Watson is!
- When doing laundry, don't break the dryer in your dorm
- Make everbody your best friend
- Use the word 'doopie' as many times as possible when you are playing Scrabble
- Play pass, not catch
- If someone gives you an engagement ring, don't lose it
- Have Summer reveal your secrets- she's good at it
- Become that 12-year-old beauty queen that you've always wanted to be!
- Dance with John Travolta every chance you get
- Run
- Blame your celibacy on the Vassar Greens
- Only eat canolis from a bakery
- Never never doubt what nobody is sure about
- If someone orders a BLT, don't ask them if they want lettuce and tomato with that
- Don't kiss strange bums in New York City
- Eat when you are hungry
- Eat as many fifty cent hot dogs as you can afford
- Barter with the salesmen
- Hold on tight when Pete is driving!
- Play pretzel games
- Stick strings up your nose
- Join the circus
- Try not to insult people you do not know
- Assume an alias
- Don't play cruel tricks on your best friend
- Dip Rold Gold pretzels in a variety of condiments such as mustard
- Go to statistics class already!
- Stick your foot in your mouth, but only bite off the red part
- Use incense to cover up all funks
- Don't judge
- Read your horoscope everyday
- While your roommate is singing, don't tell her she's flat....
- Listen to cheesy songs on the radio at night
- When someone offers you an eggroll, take it
- Be a fireball
- Use the porta potty on the side of the highway if you need to
- Don't be afraid of escalators
- Call Psychic Talk USA but don't talk over your three free minutes
- If you ask your waiter out, be sure you know what you're getting in to
- Don't spill bong water
- Trust people
- Watch Jerry Springer's Too Hot For Television
- Have a fetish for making candles
- Ask your roommate how to spell 'fetish'
- Ask your roommate how to spell 'roommate'
- Wash your hands often
- Try not to eat salt because it makes you retain water
- Wear two barettes
- Play short.
- Skip the drama
- Dont hit the moose
- Audition for the allegories
- Make dinner for everyone
- Front to back, girls, front to back
- The 'man hand' signifies something very sinister
- 'Fake dildo' is a bit redundant
- Use another bathroom
- Do anything for money. ok, almost anything.
- If you must have sex with interns, do it with the ones who arent starved for attention
- Be two degrees from your crush
- Seduce visiting students
- Don't get too many hickeys
- Remember your own man hands joke
- Be worshipped by somebody
- Cut your hair
- Follow up
- Don't hook up with anyone from your own dorm. You'll have to see them around.
- Keep your promises
- Accept help
- If she goes over it all in class anyway, don't do the required reading.
- Have good mix tapes
- Have a digicam
- Don't be too mysterious
- Drink on thursdays
- Eat the goldengrahms treats
- Drive to the far away piercing place to see the beautiful girl
- Don't be drunk when your girlfriend isn't
- Buy everyone dinner. Then buy everyone dessert
- if I havent mentioned it, dont put wool in the dryer
- Sleep with your roommate
- Buy a new wardrobe every so often
- Dont wait for the other person to make the first move
- Dont assume your alone in the bathroom unless you check under the
stall for feet first
- Take advantage of good weather
- Careful- they might be straight
- Be fat and get free dinner
- Ask your teacher about the copulation habits of snails
- Its all about the summaries
- Slow dance in the Sears parking lot late at night with a
good friend
- Go in drag
- Trade identities with your hallmate
- Remember that night? Me neither.......
- Stop trying so hard
- No, don't comb it
- NO! You are NOT dying
- Stop before shot eighteen
- Plan a party for when your roommate is scheduled to return
- Self control, its all about self control
- Go see Joe B
- Read your horoscope on my webpage
- Let Dave cook for you- surprisingly he's good at it
- Dance, dance, dance......
- Save all your work for the weekend, then when the weekend
comes say, "I'm not going to do my work, its the weekend for
christ's sake!"
- Don't overdo the BNL
- One can never get enough BNL
- Resist
- Just say no
- Don't do it
- Act on impulse
- Drink some more pepto bismal
- If you have a bad New Year's eve, remember there's always
- Don't fall off the roof
- Inject yourself
- Don't let your friend stab you with a needle
- Paint your boxes
- Don't be friends with people who kill people
- Put off going to your gastroenterologist for as long as possible
- Put off going to your orthopedist for as long as possible
- Avoid anything with moth balls
- Bring your dictionary to the retreat
- Drop bio like the plague
- Kneed those suckers
- Closet?door?closet?door?...
- Say totes
- Go visit James Van der Beek's house (sp?)
- Put disturbing photos up on your walls
- Make Lisa scratch your bug bites til they are raw
- Dont put cuticle polish on your lips
- Cover your mouth when you huck up mucus
- Careful when wiping
- Use a tissue
- Show love to the teletubby on the side of the road
- Avoid Joe B
- Long cut
- Bring toilet paper on long walks, just in case
- Have them sign your butt, its much more personal
- Check the door for rainbow flags before entering
- Say goodbye
- Don't dwell on things
- Get gas BEFORE it's too late
- Laxatives, if need be......
- Do BETTER on your make- up exams
- Go blond...or red
- Sleep, go the bathroom, sleep, go the bathroom, sleep, go the bathroom.
Ah, what the heck...do them together
- Tell him you have the experience necessary
- Then practice and get good
- Walk the dog
- Take a bite out of crime
- Say 'Green for a bi' when you are playing trivial pursuit
- Open your window wide enough to fit the food through
- Feed JC Rocker the dirty fries that landed on the ground
- Don't start freaking out when you walk the dog. We don't need a repeat of last winter
- Lose Bruce
- Sleep all day if you have no classes
- Name your private parts. But not Susan. Or Chloe.
- Don't kill roosters.
- Shout. Shout. Let it all out
- Be fastidious like Jen is
- Wash your sheets RIGHT AWAY after you pee your bed. Otherwise they
will stink up your closet for weeks.
- Shalek4@hotmail.com goes at the top of a mass email list
- Write a poem about Chloe. Read it in front of a large group of people.
Watch them stare at you blankly
- You should really, really like whomever you marry
- Smoking cornsilk can have a very desirable (sp?) effect, if you like
that sort of thing
- Take a coffee break every morning
- Celestial Seasonings is made in Boulder, Colorado
- According to Shakespeare, I can't be horny. Only boys can. I am not a boy.
I don't have a horn, see. (Direct quote currently being searched for)
- Be VERY CARING, then try to change your reputation by having your
students start false rumors about you. Is 'false rumors' redundant?
- If someone tells you that you are the bomb, its a GOOD thing
- If you have a lot of internal integrity, do not attempt to bullshit because you
won't do a good job anyway
- Don't give nude presentations
- For an enjoyable afternoon, cut and paste do loops!
- Use your free will, cause you KNOW you have it!
- Randomly email strange but wonderfully charming men and make them presents
- Don't believe your wife if she comes home and tells you that
her student was abducted by aliens
- Even if you win the coin toss, its not too late to do the right thing
- But if you lose the coin toss, my sympathies are with you
- Great female comediennes often dissimulate that they are dizzy. I, for one, am not
- Its no picnic when your spouse dies
- Turn your mythological life into a sitcom
- Be careful when you steal around other people, kleptomania is contagious
- Theory, not experimentation
- Dont steal plants from bakeries
- Write thank you notes to your donors (does this include organ donors too? What if you got an organ from a dead person? Then what??)
- Cook the bread if you're going to call it toast
- Save the ostrich! Open your window!
- I tried putting in my retainers after four years of not having worn them.
One word: PAIN.
- Come the see Rev. Miss Katie Elizabeth for confession
- If you're bored, start an away message war with Boutros Boutros Ercolano
- Save the lettuce for salad, it is not meant to be used as a blanket
- Take down the quote wall before your relatives see it!
- Order a pizza when you're working in the reserve room. Watch while people
give you strange looks as you eat it when you're really suppose to be getting them files
- If Lauren Kelly dares you to pee in the stacks, DONT DO IT!
- However, if Lauren Kelly asks you to go to the library with her, GO!
- Go buy the book Bad Toast, you'll love it!