My classes 1996-1999

Fall - Freshman year 1996:

Math 125 - Introductory, watered down calculus
Engl 150 - Expository writing centered around the King Arthur legend
Chem 105 - General chemistry
Chem 113 - General chemistry lab
Pscl 101 - General psycology
Phed ??? - Personal fitness

Spring - Freshman year 1997:

Math 126 - More introductory, watered down calculus
Clsc 112 - Major Roman writers
Chem 106 - More general chemistry
Cmps 131 - Basic computer programming in C++
Cosi 220 - Introduction to Sign Language
Phed ??? - Self defense (1st half)
Phed ??? - Jogging (2nd half)

Fall - Sophomore year 1997:

Math 122 - Real calculus
Phys 121 - Introducory physics
Biol 110 - Biology
Chem 223 - Organic chemistry
Chem 233 - Organic chemistry lab

Spring - Sophomore year 1998:

Math 223 - Vector calculus
Phys 122 - Electricity and magnetism
Chem 224 - More Organic chemistry
Chem 234 - More Organic chemistry lab
Cosi 109 - Communications disorders
Ampu 385 - University Circle chaimber orchestra

Summer (blech!) - Before Junior year 1998:

MUSC 221 - Introduction to music: listening experience I
MUSC 222 - Introduction to music: listening experience II

Fall - Junior year 1998:

Bioc 307 - General biochemistry
Biol 210 - Molecular cell biology
Econ 102 - Principles of Microeconomics
Chem 301 - Introduction to physical chemistry
Biol 211 - Molecular cell biology lab
Ampu 385 - University Circle chaimber orchestra

Spring - Junior year 1999: Bioc 308 - Molecular Biology: Genes & Genetic engineering
Biol 326 - Genetics
Math 224 - Elementary Differential Equations
Chem 302 - Introduction to physical chemistry II
Phys 221 - General Physics III. modern
Ampu 385 - University Circle chaimber orchestra

Fall- Senior year 1999: Hsty 113 - Intro to Modern World History
Chem 304 - Chemical Measurements Lab
Stat 312 - Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
Bioc 334 - Proteins & Enzymes
Bioc 371 - Undergraduate Biochemistry - Seminar

Spring- Senior year 2000: Hsty 209 - Women in Industrial America
Pscl 390 - Psychology Seminar
Pscl 230 - Child Psychology
Engl 290 - Masterpieces of Contenential Fiction
Chem 325 - Physical Methods for the Determination of Physical Structure
Bioc 312 - Intro to Physical Biochemistry
Bioc 372 - Undergraduate Biochemistry - Seminar

And that's it....... wow!

Check out:

Background courtesy of Beth Collins.

Last updated: 9/2/99.