Second Grade Curriculum
for North Carolina

Computer/Technology Skills Curriculum

Grade Level: 2


STRANDS: SI = Societal Issues; KU/WP/DTP = Keyboard Utilization/Word Processing/Desk Top Publishing; DB = Database; SS = Spreadsheet; T = Telecommunications; M/P = Multimedia/Presentation

Competency Goal 1 The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical behavior in the use of computer and other technologies.

1.1 Identify uses of technology in the community. (SI)

1.2 Recognize an individual's rights of ownership to computer-generated work. (SI)

1.3 Identify how electronic databases are used in the school, neighborhood, and community. (DB)

1.4 Identify print and electronic databases as ways to collect, organize, and display data. (DB)

1.5 Identify how telecommunications has changed the ways people work and play. (T)

Competency Goal 2 The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies.

2.1 Identify essential computer terms. (SI)

2.2 Identify the function of physical components of a computer system. (SI)

2.3 Use correct finger placement for home row keys. (KU/WP/DTP)

2.4 Use word processing to enter, save, print, and retrieve text. (KU/WP/DTP)

2.5 Use electronic databases to locate information. (DB)

2.6 Use a graphing program to enter data and graph the results. (SS)

2.7 Identify and use electronic drawing tools to combine graphics and text. (M/P)

2.8 Participate in the planning and creation of a class multimedia story which includes student narration. (M/P)

Competency Goal 3 The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information.

3.1 Collect, sort, and organize information to display as a graph or chart. (SS)

3.2 Interpret data on charts/graphs and make predictions. (SS)

Grade Level Focus Areas
  • Using technology in the community
  • Using electronic database to locate information
  • Building word processing skills
  • Collecting, sorting, and displaying data
  • Exploring multimedia (graphics, sound, text)
  • Using drawing tools

English Language Arts Curriculum

Approved: 1999

Second Grade

Second grade students use the listening, speaking, and reading foundational skills they have developed to extend their understanding of written language and their skills in using written language. They need to read a wider variety of texts that require strategies and skills with more complex vocabulary and ideas. These students need to be able to write sentences to express multiple ideas about a topic. Second grade students will:
  • Use acquired concepts and metacognitive skills to read and write more independently.
  • Comprehend and respond to texts using multiple skills and strategies.
  • Extend vocabulary skills to use oral and written communication effectively.
  • Use reading and listening, speaking and writing, and media and technology resources to accomplish a purpose.

Strands: Oral Language, Written Language, and Other Media/Technology

Competency Goal 1 The learner will develop and apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write.

1.01 Use phonics knowledge and structural analysis (e.g., knowledge of syllables, suffixes, prefixes, root words) to decode regular multi-syllable words when reading text.

1.02 Read most high frequency and many irregularly spelled words accurately in text.

1.03 Self-monitor decoding by using letter-sound knowledge of all consonants and vowels.

1.04 Apply knowledge of all sources of information (meaning, language, graphophonics) to read a new text silently and independently.

1.05 Use a variety of strategies and skills to read self-selected texts independently for 20 minutes daily. Self-selected texts should be consistent with the student’s independent reading level.

Competency Goal 2 The learner will develop and apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.

2.01 Read and comprehend both narrative and expository text appropriate for grade two.

2.02 Use text for a variety of functions, including literary, informational, and practical.

2.03 Read expository materials for answers to specific questions.

2.04 Pose possible how, why, and what if questions to understand and/or interpret text.

2.05 Self-monitor own difficulties in comprehending independently using several strategies.

2.06 Recall facts and details from a text.

2.07 Discuss similarities and differences in events and characters across stories.

2.08 Interpret information from diagrams, charts, and maps.

Competency Goal 3 The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology.

3.01 Use personal experiences and knowledge to interpret written and oral messages.

3.02 Connect and compare information across expository selections to experience and knowledge.

3.03 Explain and describe new concepts and information in own words.

3.04 Increase oral and written vocabulary by listening, discussing, and composing texts when responding to literature that is read and heard. (e.g., Read aloud by teacher, literature circles, interest groups, book clubs).

3.05 Locate and discuss examples of an author’s use of:

  • kinds of sentences (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory).
  • capitalization (titles, dates and days, names of countries).
  • punctuation (exclamation marks, commas in dates, and to introduce dialogue and quotations).
  • use of paragraphs in texts and their effects on the reader.

3.06 Discuss the effect of an author’s choices for nouns, verbs, and modifiers which help the reader comprehend a narrative or expository text.

Competency Goal 4 The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.

4.01 Begin to use formal language and/or literary language in place of oral language patterns, as appropriate.

4.02 Use expanded vocabulary to generate synonyms for commonly over used words to increase clarity of written and oral communication.

4.03 Read aloud with fluency and expression any text appropriate for early independent readers.

4.04 Use oral communication to identify, organize, and analyze information.

4.05 Respond appropriately when participating in group discourse by adapting language and communication behaviors to the situation to accomplish a specific purpose.

4.06 Plan and make judgments about what to include in written products (e.g., narratives of personal experiences, creative stories, skits based on familiar stories and/or experiences).

4.07 Compose first drafts using an appropriate writing process:

  • planning and drafting.
  • rereading for meaning.
  • revising to clarify and refine writing with guided discussion.

4.08 Write structured, informative presentations and narratives when given help with organization.

4.09 Use media and technology to enhance the presentation of information to an audience for a specific purpose.

Competency Goal 5 The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively.

5.01 Spell correctly using:
  • previously studied words.
  • spelling patterns.
  • analysis of sounds to represent all the sounds in a word in one’s own writing.

5.02 Attend to spelling, mechanics, and format for final products in one’s own writing.

5.03 Use capitalization, punctuation, and paragraphs in own writing.

5.04 Use the following parts of the sentence:

  • subject.
  • predicate.
  • modifier.

5.05 Use editing to check and confirm correct use of conventions:

  • complete sentences.
  • correct word order in sentences.

5.06 Use correctly in written products:

  • letter formation, lines, and spaces to create readable documents.
  • plural forms of commonly used nouns.
  • common, age - appropriate contractions.

Healthful Living Curriculum
Grade 2

Focus Areas

  • Identification of feelings and ways of coping
  • Dental hygiene
  • Serving sizes for food groups
  • Identification of harmful substances
  • Participation in daily physical activity
  • Mature movement patterns
  • Working cooperatively
  • Use of concepts in movement control

Preparatory, Stress Management, Protecting Self/Others, Relationships, Nutrition/Weight Management, Substance Abuse, Personal Fitness, Healthful Lifestyles, Appreciation for Diversity, Social Wellness, Movement Forms, Fitness and Sport Literacy

Grade Level: 2

Competency Goal 1 - The learner will direct personal health behaviors in accordance with own health status and susceptibility to major health risks.

1.01 Summarize health risks for age group.

1.02 Identify behaviors that promote personal health.

1.03 Interpret benefits of health to oneself.

Competency Goal 2 - The learner will apply the skills of stress management to the prevention of serious health risks for self and others.

2.01 Discuss expected standards of behavior.

2.02 Identify feelings of happiness, sadness, fear, anger and situations that trigger them.

2.03 Demonstrate healthy behaviors that express happiness, sadness, fear and anger.

2.04 Distinguish between evaluations of performance and personal worth..

2.05 Demonstrate pride in personal qualities and accomplishments

Competency Goal 3 - The learner will interpret health risks for self and others and corresponding protection measures.

3.01 Describe benefits of toothbrushing, flossing, and dental sealant.

3.02 Demonstrate tooth brushing and flossing.

3.03 Demonstrate the prevention of germ spread through food, water, air, and touch.

3.04 Practice measures to prevent contact with the body fluids of others.

3.05 Demonstrate the stop, drop, and roll response to burning clothing.

3.06 Handle flammable liquids safely.

3.07 Get help in an emergency.

Competency Goal 4 - The learner will apply relationship skills to the promotion of health and the prevention of risk.

4.01 Recognize and respond to the feelings of others.

4.02 Judge behaviors as promoting or hindering friendships.

4.03 Give and receive compliments and apologies appropriately.

4.04 Respond appropriately to teasing and bullying.

Competency Goal 5 - The learner will apply behavior management skills to nutrition-related health concerns.

5.01 Conclude that foods provide nutrients, which maintain and promote health.

5.02 Identify the serving sizes and number of daily servings needed from each food group of the Food Guide Pyramid.

5.03 Describe how microorganisms can cause foodborne illnesses.

5.04 Provide examples of how the media uses persuasive techniques to influence food-related purchasing decisions.

5.05 Accept and respect the uniqueness of differing physical characteristics.

5.06 Recognize the social significance of food in the United States.

Competency Goal 6 - The learner will choose not to participate in substance abuse.

6.01 Analyze potential impact of smoking on self.

6.02 Describe effects of alcohol use on behavior.

6.03 Identify risks of harmful products including inhalants.

6.04 Affirm choice not to use inhalants.

Competency Goal 7 - The learner will achieve and maintain an acceptable level of health-related fitness.

7.01 Examine 2 or 3 components of health-related physical fitness assessment.

7.02 Recognize the physiology indicators that accompany moderate to vigorous physical activity.

7.03 Recognize the relationship between nutrition and physical fitness.

Competency Goal 8 - The learner will exhibit a physically active lifestyle.

8.01 Engage in physical activity in your community.

8.02 Demonstrate good sportsmanship and other positive behaviors related to physical activity.

8.03 Investigate that physical activity is a conscious choice.

Competency Goal 9 - The learner will demonstrate an understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings.

9.01 Play and cooperate with others regardless of personal differences.

9.02 Treat others with respect during play.

9.03 Explore positive conflict resolution strategies while in play situations.

Competency Goal 10 - The learner will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.

10.01 Apply rules, procedures and safe practices requiring little or no reinforcement.

10.02 Work cooperatively with others to complete an assigned task.

10.03 Honestly report results of work.

Competency Goal 11 - The learner will participate successfully in a variety of movement forms and gain competences towards lifetime physical activities.

11.01 Demonstrate mature motor patterns in simple combinations.

11.02 Demonstrate smooth transitions between sequential motor skills.

11.03 Demonstrate mature form in skipping, hopping, galloping and sliding.

11.04 Demonstrate control in traveling activities and weight bearing and balance activities on a variety of body parts.

Competency Goal 12 -The learner will demonstrate a competent level of physical activity, sport, and fitness literacy.

12.01 Identify a few of the critical elements of basic movement patterns.

12.02 Use concepts of space awareness and movement controls to run, hop, and skip in different ways in a large group without bumping into others or falling.

12.03 Identify and demonstrate the major characteristics of mature walking, running, hopping, and skipping.

12.04 Use feedback to improve performance.

Mathematics Curriculum

Grade 2

Number Sense, Numeration, and Numerical Operations

Competency Goal 1 The learner will read, write, and model numbers through 1000, and compute with numbers less than 1000.

1.01 Rote count up to 1000.

1.02 Identify and use 10 more and 10 less.

1.03 Compare and order numbers; identify missing numbers in a sequence to 100.

1.04 Read word names for numbers to 100.

1.05 Use counting strategies such as skip counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's and grouping objects by 3's and 4's.

1.06 Identify odd and even numbers using objects.

1.07 Group objects into ones, tens, and hundreds and record in standard form.

1.08 Model 3-digit numbers; identify, read, and write correct numerals.

1.09 Indicate the value of each digit in any 2 or 3-digit number.

1.10 Use problem-solving strategies such as diagrams, organized lists, manipulatives, act out, guess and check, pictures; use calculators when appropriate.

1.11 Explain solutions to problems using words, pictures, and numbers.

1.12 Make reasonable estimates up to 100 objects.

1.13 Identify missing addends for addition facts to 18.

1.14 Add 3 single-digit numbers.

1.15 Model 2-digit addition and subtraction using manipulatives and alternative strategies; record, and explain.

1.16 Memorize addition/subtraction facts up to 18.

1.17 Add 2- and 3- digit numbers with and without regrouping.

1.18 Use addition/subtraction strategies to solve problems.

1.19 Divide regions/sets into halves, thirds, and fourths. Record in fractional form.

1.20 Model repeated addition (multiplication) and sharing equally (division); record solutions.

Spatial Sense, Measurement, and Geometry

Competency Goal 2 The learner will recognize, understand, and use basic geometric properties, and standard units of metric and customary measurement.

2.01 Describe and make plane figures: squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, hexagons, trapezoids, and parallelograms.

2.02 Describe and make solid figures: cubes, rectangular prisms, spheres, cylinders, cones, and pyramids.

2.03 Identify and make figures with line symmetry.

2.04 Identify and make congruent figures.

2.05 Use spatial visualization to solve problems; demonstrate visual memory.

2.06 Measure lengths in inches/centimeters; record results.

2.07 Measure capacity to the nearest cup/liter; record results.

2.08 Weigh objects to the nearest pound/kilogram; record results.

2.09 Read Fahrenheit thermometers in increments of 1's, 2's, and 5's; record results.

2.10 Sequence months; use the calendar to solve problems.

2.11 Tell time to the nearest half-hour using digital and analog clocks; record. Solve problems related to time.

2.12 Determine the value of sets of coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters); record using appropriate notation.

2.13 Make different sets of coins with equivalent values.

2.14 Identify coins needed to buy items priced at $1.00 or less.

2.15 Solve problems using money. Estimate costs and make change using coins up to $1.00.

Patterns, Relationships, and Functions

Competency Goal 3 The learner will demonstrate an understanding of classification, patterning, and seriation.

3.01 Sort by one or more attributes; describe rules used.

3.02 Identify classification and patterning in the environment.

3.03 Define, continue, and describe rules for geometric patterns.

3.04 Use patterns to continue numerical sequences; identify the rule.

3.05 Identify and correct errors in numerical and geometric patterns.

3.06 Solve simple logic problems.

3.07 Define and continue pattern units; translate into other forms.

Data, Probability, and Statistics

Competency Goal 4 The learner will demonstrate an understanding of data collection, display, and interpretation.

4.01 Collect, sort, organize, and display information in charts, graphs, and tables with correct labeling.

4.02 Summarize and interpret information in charts, graphs, and tables; make predictions.

4.03 Collect and display data over a period of time.

4.04 Locate points on the number line and positions on a grid.

4.05 Complete simple probability experiments; describe results and make predictions.

Science - Grade 2


The focus for second grade center on students analyzing collected data over a period of time to make predictions and understand change. Students are to look at heat as a way of changing properties of objects and motion as being related to position and time. The strands provide a context for teaching the content goals. Students will actively be involved in:

  • Conducting long term investigations to define changes.
  • Using tools to collect data.
  • Looking at change in properties.


Strands: Nature of Science, Science as Inquiry, Science and Technology, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives


Competency Goal 1 The learner will build an understanding of plant and animal life cycles.


1.01 Analyze the life cycle of plants:

  • Reproducing.
  • Developing into an adult.
  • Eventually dying.

1.02 Compare and contrast life cycles of different plants.

1.03 Analyze the life cycle of animals

  • Being born.
  • Developing into an adult.
  • Reproducing.
  • Eventually dying.

1.04 Compare and contrast life cycles of different animals.

Competency Goal 2 The learner will build an understanding of the changes in weather.


2.01 Describe weather by measurable quantities:

  • Temperature.
  • Wind direction.
  • Wind speed.
  • Precipitation.

2.02 Assess weather changes from day to day and over the seasons.

Competency Goal 3 The learner will build an understanding of changes in properties.


3.01 Determine three states of matter:

  • Solid.
  • Liquid.
  • Gas.

3.02 Observe changes in state due to heating and cooling in common materials.

3.03 Determine what can be done to materials to change some of their properties. (buoyancy-float and sink)

3.04 Observe the change in position and motion of objects relative to the strength of the push or pull (force).

Competency Goal 4 The learner will build an understanding of theconcepts of sound.


4.01 Discover how sounds are made by using a variety of instruments and "sound makers".

4.02 Discover that sound is produced by vibrating objects.

4.03 Determine the pitch of the sound by changing the rate of the vibration (how fast).

4.04 Analyze the pitch produced by changing the size and shape of a variety of instruments.

Social Studies Curriculum

Grade Level: 2

Competency Goal 1 The learner will exhibit attributes of good citizenship in the classroom, school, neighborhood, and community.

1.1 Identify and describe attributes of good citizenship.

1.2 Demonstrate good citizenship in classroom and school actions.

1.3 Compare good citizenship in the classroom and school to neighborhood and community citizenship.

Anthropology/ Psychology/ Sociology
Competency Goal 2 The learner will infer that individuals, families, and institutions in neighborhoods and communities are and have been alike and different.

2.1 Distinguish similarities and differences between one's self and other family members.

2.2 Describe similarities and differences among families in different neighborhoods and communities.

2.3 Distinguish similarities and differences among institutions in different neighborhoods and communities.

Competency Goal 3 The learner will analyze multiple roles in families, work places, neighborhoods, and communities.

3.1 Identify multiple roles performed by children in their families, schools, and neighborhoods.

3.2 Describe multiple roles performed by children in other neighborhoods and communities.

3.3 Describe multiple roles performed by adults in neighborhoods and communities.

Political Science
Competency Goal 4 The learner will apply the concepts of authority, responsibility, and justice to democratic societies.

4.1 Suggest and justify rules and laws for neighborhoods and communities.

4.2 Suggest the consequences of not obeying rules and laws.

4.3 Describe the basic authority given to local elected officials.

4.4 Identify examples of responsible participation in neighborhoods and communities.

4.5 Evaluate fair and unfair procedures for dealing with neighborhood and community problems.

4.6 Distinguish aspects of the justice system evident in neighborhoods and communities.

Competency Goal 5 The learner will evaluate relationships between people and their governments.

5.1 Identify government bodies and explain their functions in neighborhoods.

5.2 Cite examples of the elective process in the community.

5.3 Analyze how individuals and families depend on government services and how local governments depend on the support of citizens.

5.4 Identify examples of tax money being used in neighborhoods and communities.

Competency Goal 6 The learner will identify change in neighborhoods and communities.

6.1 Identify examples of change in neighborhoods.

6.2 Analyze the effects of change in a given neighborhood or community.

6.3 Predict logical future changes.

Competency Goal 7 The learner will analyze religious and other cultural traditions.

7.1 Identify religious and secular holidays observed in neighborhoods and communities.

7.2 Interpret religious and secular symbols used in neighborhoods and communities.

7.3 Elaborate on patriotic symbols and observances.

7.4 Identify selected famous people in history.

Competency Goal 8 The learner will apply basic geographic concepts and terminology.

8.1 Describe uses of maps and globes.

8.2 Use geographic terms to describe landforms, bodies of water, weather, and climate.

8.3 Identify indigenous vegetation and animal life in neighborhoods.

Competency Goal 9 The learner will apply geographic themes to neighborhoods.

9.1 Identify the absolute and relative location of neighborhoods.

9.2 Compare physical and human characteristics of neighborhoods.

9.3 Analyze human-environment interaction in the local and other neighborhoods.

9.4 Identify means and methods of human movement in the local and other neighborhoods.

9.5 Identify the extended regions of the local neighborhood and compare to regions of other neighborhoods.

9.6 Identify some uses of money by individuals and families.

Competency Goal 10 The learner will apply basic economic concepts to neighborhoods.

10.1 Identify examples of scarcity in neighborhoods.

10.2 Distinguish between wants and needs.

10.3 Define income and identify different sources of income in neighborhoods.

10.4 Explain the use of money as a means of exchange.

10.5 Distinguish between goods produced and services provided in neighborhoods.

Competency Goal 11 The learner will evaluate the uses of economic resources in different neighborhoods.

11.1 Identify economic resources in neighborhoods.

11.2 Describe the use of economic resources in neighborhoods.

11.3 Analyze the changing uses of a neighborhood¹s economic resources and predict logical future changes.