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INAPE Policy

INAPE Editorial Policy

The main goal of the International Network for Advanced Political Economy is to develop and disseminate scholarly research on topics that are relevant to advanced issues in political economy. We especially want to include works that proceed from several different theoretical stances and disciplines. These include, but are not limited to, civilizationists, evolutionary and coevolutionary approaches, international political economy, comparative, historical and cultural analysis. We seek the work of philosophers, political scientists, historians, sociologists, ethnographers, economists, as well as systems theorists.

We especially encourage works that take theory and metatheory seriously by confronting problems of conceptualization and making definitions of concepts procedurally explicit, constructing theories and metatheories and models. Theoretical research programs that combine theory construction with comparative research are badly needed to take political economy beyond the present stage.

We also want to encourage the application of comparative, quantitatave, qualitative, and systems-analytic methods and procedures to political economic research, though we will certainly also publish pieces that do not use these methods. Any study that is deemed relevant to advanced issues in polical economic analysis may be published even if it uses a very different conceptual framework. In this connection we are pleased to announce that our first hypermultimedia CD-ROM publication A Metatheoretical Discourse is available.

And finally we also want to publish discussions of future trajectories and options for the modern/postmodern world system and considerations of what can be done to create a more humane, peaceful and just world society.

The purposes of INAPE are:


INAPE publishes under the control of the Editor and the Editorial Board. The Associate Editors are consultants who help to procure and evaluate articles and book manuscripts for publication.

Copyright Policy

The INAPE publications are for use by scholars and researchers and cannot be copied for commercial purposes. Authors retain the full copyrights to their works. Permissions to reprint must be obtained from the authors. Authors are asked to cite the INAPE versions of their works if related versions are published elsewhere. The Editor of INAPE reserves the right to reproduce articles in future hard copy, ascii file or html editions of INAPE publications.

For more information contact the Postmaster of the International Network for Advanced Political Economy.

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