The Dirties

This section of the Flo-town page is dedicated to the lovely woman involved in Florissant

It's a little barebones right now, but give it time

Angela Behlman

Angie has the honorable distinction to be Brian Clark's dirty.Over the years, Angie has

found a quite inexpensive way to get drunk. Whenever she goes out, she simply opens her mouth under

Brian's face. She is able to get extremely wasted by gathering whatever runs off Brian's chin.

Angie also is somewhat of a legend for having the loudest, most annoying laugh in human history

One night recently at Kenrod's, Angie received a call from non other than the queen of England herself.

It seems that Angie laughed particularly hard at a joke and had broken out $3.7 million dollars

worth of glass at Westminster Abbey.

Dara Cruse

Dara was formerly the dirty of Compton, but they recently have taken their separate paths.

Dara is about the closest thing to a black person that we have in Flo-town. The girl is able

to tan by candlelight. For a dirty, Dara is able to put down quite a few brews, and unfortunately,

the volume of her voice goes up with each one. If you want to punish someone, get Angie and Dara

drunk and lock them in a room with the person. If that person does not come out insane, they will

at least be deaf.

More will come later