Koshy Tvelil likes to pound men in the ass

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Flo-town is a group that got started a few years back with people who liked to sit around and

basically get drunk every night. We had nothing better to do so we just decided that we would

make an official group out of the whole thing and since we were all from Florissant, MO

and we all called it Flo-town anyway, we just decided to stick with that name and for some

reason we take it seriously. To the point that time was wasted to make a webpage for

it all. The first and main five people are Brian Clark, Randy Rosenberg, Dave Kraichely,

Pat Lawler, and Rick Scarfino. They make up the group that decides if people are big

enough drunks to join the club. We don't really have an official criteria or anything.

We just like people that will sit around and drink with us regardless of the day or the

occasion. We've brought in a bunch of people but we've also had to kick some people out for

basically turning into dorks who always put the significant other before their friends (and beer).

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Brian "Two-Chins" Clark is basically the founding father of Flo-town even though he hasn't

ever officially lived within the city limits. There is a crazy rumor on the street that has

all of Flo-town buzzing. Brian might actually get a job. No joke. It will probably last a week

or two, but it's a start. On the bright side, Brian has recently lost weight. The US Department

of Weights and Measures was brought in and it was confirmed that Brian lost .00001 ounces.

Flo-town's feelings are a bit hurt. Randy hasn't been giving Flo-town it's due respect. Feelings are

are a bit hurt. We understand that molesting 15 year old boys is a full time job, but a hello every so

often wouldn't hurt. The wedding plans are still going full bore for Fr. Randy. He still hasn't

let on that the wedding is just a charade to cover for his "interests" in children.

David "Fatass" Kraichely is the only of the Flo-town Five that has ever actually lived in Florissant.

Dave just celebrated his 2 1/2 year anniversary in beautiful Peoria, Illinois. If you are

still reading this, then you just missed your chance to save Dave's life. He just killed himself because

he celebrated his 2 1/2 year anniversary in Peoria.

Pat "O' Violence" Lawler is the violent Irish drunk. He has a taste for Evan Williams Whiskey and

starting fights. The word on the street is that Pat only has one year left in school. Unfortunately,

the administration at Rockhurst came up with a more severe probation because of Pat's academic inadequacy.

He will be allowed to take 1.5 hours of class per semester and he should probably get out of

school around 2005. Luckily, he has a girlfriend that will tolerate his zero income level, as well as

flaming alcholism level.

Rick "Lovehandles" Scarfino still has a job. He's keeping up the whole 'accountant' thing.

He has finally moved in with the woman, leaving one last step. Much to the dismay of his credit

card company, he also bought a lot of furniture for their apartment. Rick insisted that all of

his furniture was leather because when he gets hungry, he likes to chew on it like a rawhide bone.

Dan "Donut" Droska (a.k.a. Mr. Cara Droska) is the second south county resident to be

given honorary status. Everyone in flo-town is wondering when the avalanche of children

is going to begin in the Droska house. The over/under for total children is currently 16.

Dan has about 15 more minutes to enjoy his Flo-town status. After that, the avalanche of children

is scheduled to begin. Dan is very proud because he was able to bring entire company to the ground

by himself. His bill rate was so high, that Bridge Information Systems is no longer in business.

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May 21 - Rick hits 24

June 25 - Brian and Randy hit 25

July 22 - Pat hits 25

October 27 - Dave gets married

Countdown until Clark gets married!!!
Days Hours Minutes Seconds

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If you have any ideas, please send them to the creator.