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wisdom |
No secrets to life here. Just observations. Maybe something like a Seinfeld episode, but then again, what part of life isn't like a Seinfeld episode now that we have "Seinfeld" in it's entirety. I wasn't a fan of the show but I'm amused by it, like "Friends" or "the Simpsons" and all of the other shows on television that remind us of "real-life" while we sit and watch TV instead of living real-life. But before I lay into television, I'll set about the point of this portion of the site. |
First, Murphy's Laws are correct |
I'll probably spend a whole bunch of time here talking about time (sounds funny, but it's true). I spend a whole bunch of time thinking about time, which on reflection seems like a waste of time, but time is one of the few very precious things. It'll probably end up with it's own page, possibly own website... If anyone actually stumbles onto this website and would like to spend some time on time then drop an email, I'm curious, I want to know what you think. |
The world changes too much and too fast in all the ways that don't matter and too slowly in the ways that do... it's the things that don't matter that drive the world though; technology, science, politics... the things that do matter don't change enough; social structres, beliefs, the people that we are on the whole. Small changes in any of these aspects could change the world. Maybe bringing about other changes that will help everyone. |
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