Welcome to my Guestbook!

Guang - 07/02/00 19:50:15
I am very impressed by the class list! Its sarcastic remarks did give me a few good laughs! Thanks mok. U did a great job. Hope to see ya guys again (yes, u did not hear wrong and sorry for disappointing some of u with my presence) in coming August. :)

CL - 06/29/00 02:33:10
Can't see the class list. That's spoiling my day, not to say it has been a very good one either. Started off with a rather bumpy morning. So how's everyone? I'm now in Japan...met Clarence and Huijing last Sat. They're both mugging in Todai! And wel , there are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but they are thankfully too far away to be felt here.

Mok - 04/17/00 15:11:17
First Entry! More to come

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