Welcome to my Guestbook!

Missy - 12/30/99 06:45:13
My Email:missymartn@aol.com
Male / Female?: Female
Age: 40
Location: Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Visitor / Geocitizen?: Visitor from Anthill!
How do you like geocities?: Have only been to your page, Monika!
How do you like my page?: I LOVE it!

You have alot of important items on your page. I am really impressed! Of course, after reading your posts in the anthill, it doesn't surprise me! I wanted to sign your book, and let you know that I think you are one in a million. You are extremely bright, and you keep up with what is going on in the world. Pretty impressive for someone your age! I will have to send you an email, soon. Thanks again for the Xmas card! My daughter had me download the music for her!

Mike Mowry - 12/29/99 04:49:49
My Email:Rbot2@aol.com
Age: 42
Location: Ashland, OH ---USA
Visitor / Geocitizen?: Visitor
How do you like my page?: Nice Job!

Thank you for the Christmas Card. (The one you sent to me and the one you compiled for the group.)

Darrell Stec - 10/21/99 07:15:39
My URL:http://webpagesorcery.com
My Email:darstec@aol.com
Male / Female?: male
Location: Ohio, USA
Visitor / Geocitizen?: visitor
How do you like geocities?: seems to be a little faster with Yahoo running it.
How do you like my page?: Good for your first one.

I see you put a little of your personality into your webpage. Now you need to get it as expressive as your newgroup posts which are both entertaining and thought provoking.

Super Nova - 04/16/99 01:42:42
My URL:http://freewww.org/members/jscript/mirror.html
My Email:novatech@deskmail.com

heheh nice page but mine better hehhe

Monika Krug - 02/26/99 19:09:10
My URL:/collegepark/lounge/3869
My Email:monika_krug@yahoo.com
Male / Female?: Female
Age: 18
Location: USA / Germany
Visitor / Geocitizen?: Geocitizen
How do you like geocities?: Great
How do you like my page?: Well

I am the owner of this homepage. Please write something nice into my guest book, revisit my page, and join geocities, if you haven't yet. (It's free and easy!)

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